Ultimate Venting Thread

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OMG, have had the worst crampy, heavy periods since my tubal cannulation. Three cycles now, will the madness never end?! I miss my one regular tampon every 6-8 hours. :cry:

Soooo dry in Alberta, my skin is paying the price. My face looks like a chocolate chip cookie. :dohh:

My coworker has been trying for 2 cycles to get pregnant and I'm hearing complaints. :growlmad:
Two cycles...are you frickin kidding me? I hate it when I hear someone complain about either being pregnant or giving up after about three months. Ugh...
"We have sex soo much, its funny we haven't, we have no health problems".

Seriously hard not to roll my eyes and say shut the f* up.
Oh no your poor co-worker...HA! :growlmad: I certainly would not be able to refrain from telling her to STFU.

My Rant(s):

-So I'm pretty certain I'm not pregnant after my lap, AF just needs to get hear already. I need to face the cynical music.

-I can't stop thinking about my ex friend, who took her 4 year old from the rest of her family to move up to Canada to chase her douchebag boyfriend and play house. This guy has no job, doesn't plan on going to school, and hasn't given her a ring.

What does she do? Since she's not getting a ring out of him (they've been together for about 4-5 years), she gets knocked up with his child trapping him. The twat took well advantage of his morals in marrying a woman that has his child. I lost all respect for her after I found that out thru another friend. A baby should NEVER be used as a means to get what you want. Bitch. :growlmad:

-Also, I'm sick and fecking tired of cleaning and packing. DH hasn't lifted a finger to help. In return, I'm not helping move this garb. :growlmad:

That's all, for today.
Ugh, I remember the same thing when we moved. I did all the packing. His excuse? I'm lifting all the heavy boxes once they're packed. Well crap, how do you think that stuff gets in those boxes.

Snow storm here. We've got about 15cm so far in the past 24 hours and it's still coming down. Oi vay.
Well a couple of days ago a friend of mine posted the "Oh my god, Im pregnant, but we're just friends and it was only one time" notification on FB and tonight I another one posted "oops, were pregnant again"....seriously....WTF!! Im surrounded!! One of my step-sisters just had her baby a few weeks ago, the other last week and my sis in law is preg too as well as 4 of my other friends. Its crazy sometimes and can be overwhelming. 3 years of trying, a couple of losses and its still not my time. Grrr!!
Well a couple of days ago a friend of mine posted the "Oh my god, Im pregnant, but we're just friends and it was only one time" notification on FB and tonight I another one posted "oops, were pregnant again"....seriously....WTF!! Im surrounded!! One of my step-sisters just had her baby a few weeks ago, the other last week and my sis in law is preg too as well as 4 of my other friends. Its crazy sometimes and can be overwhelming. 3 years of trying, a couple of losses and its still not my time. Grrr!!

Pregnant women need to stop coming out of the woodworks. It's like pregnancy is some kind of common cold in which every woman seems to catch. :growlmad:
^The other day I had just left my counseling appt (I started seeing one to help with my feelings about LTTTC) I checked my facebook, and my ex-boyfriend and his wife announced their pregnancy! I could only laugh
Well.. DH and I were in the waiting room the other day waiting for my HSG with tubal cannulation and one of the nurses was pregnant. Its so bad now even DH is rolling his eyes. Also when I went in for my lap the anesthetist was pregnant, bitch, ha ha.
While out at dinner tonight, I saw a newborn and a 6 month old all at one table. I wasn't the only one wistfully watching the newborn, DH's work mate's wife kept ogling the baby as well. Then she started to talk about what she's going to name her future daughter. :nope: I can't have the conversation turn towards children otherwise I'll have word vomit and my IF struggles will come out. :cry: Thankfully our food arrived and the conversation ceased.

Then after dinner DH wanted ice cream, so we went to Wal-Mart and there was a pregnant woman every corner I turned. :growlmad:
Here's me again with an update about SIL

I got (yet another) text message last monday just saying 'had scan, no heartbeat' but when I tried to question her, she really didn't make any sense and even said she went to a hospital that I know damn well doesn't have an EPU or maternity clinic! hmmmmmmm!! Strange!!

I have woken up in a really bad mood, I fell out with a friend yesterday over something really stupid, I don't know if its me upping my dose of clomid thats making me feel like this, but I am really really pissed off today.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I think I might go back to bed and sleep all day.
Here's me again with an update about SIL

I got (yet another) text message last monday just saying 'had scan, no heartbeat' but when I tried to question her, she really didn't make any sense and even said she went to a hospital that I know damn well doesn't have an EPU or maternity clinic! hmmmmmmm!! Strange!!

I have woken up in a really bad mood, I fell out with a friend yesterday over something really stupid, I don't know if its me upping my dose of clomid thats making me feel like this, but I am really really pissed off today.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I think I might go back to bed and sleep all day.

That's horrible! What was the 'stupid' thing? I'm sure it wasn't that stupid! Maybe it just feels that way because she was a good friend.
Here's me again with an update about SIL

I got (yet another) text message last monday just saying 'had scan, no heartbeat' but when I tried to question her, she really didn't make any sense and even said she went to a hospital that I know damn well doesn't have an EPU or maternity clinic! hmmmmmmm!! Strange!!

I have woken up in a really bad mood, I fell out with a friend yesterday over something really stupid, I don't know if its me upping my dose of clomid thats making me feel like this, but I am really really pissed off today.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I think I might go back to bed and sleep all day.

Your SIL is just dodgy...it may be a ploy to get attention on her. :shrug:

Don't be so hard on yourself, it's most likely the Clomid. I hear women go crazy while on it. :hugs:

My (only) Rant:

Yesterday, I had a small melt down about our struggles. I felt bloated, bad acne from AF coming, and just down right ugly...on top of that I'm upset that I've failed to get pregnant after my lap. The naive part of me was hoping it would miraculously happen. :cry:
Here's me again with an update about SIL

I got (yet another) text message last monday just saying 'had scan, no heartbeat' but when I tried to question her, she really didn't make any sense and even said she went to a hospital that I know damn well doesn't have an EPU or maternity clinic! hmmmmmmm!! Strange!!

I have woken up in a really bad mood, I fell out with a friend yesterday over something really stupid, I don't know if its me upping my dose of clomid thats making me feel like this, but I am really really pissed off today.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I think I might go back to bed and sleep all day.

Your SIL is seeking attention, what a pain in the arse! If things were the way she described she'd be seeking further medical assistance and possibly in hospital.

As for the friendship thing, sometimes its just hard, that's all!
WTF, Snooki (from Jersey Shore, trainwreck American show) is pregnant? How is it that ignorant people are always the most fertile! :growlmad:
WTF, Snooki (from Jersey Shore, trainwreck American show) is pregnant? How is it that ignorant people are always the most fertile! :growlmad:

I saw that on twitter earlier...someone replied,"I speak not only for myself but for the several million infertile women everywhere...WTF?!?!?!"

Snookie is the last person that needs to have a kid...
Feck, AF has not shown up. She has to come today. Come on already!

I hate this. Now, I want to test but I know it will be negative. There's no way I'm one of those women who get lucky after their lap. I have shitty luck! :cry:
Feck, AF has not shown up. She has to come today. Come on already!

I hate this. Now, I want to test but I know it will be negative. There's no way I'm one of those women who get lucky after their lap. I have shitty luck! :cry:

2 words- fingers crossed x
Feck, AF has not shown up. She has to come today. Come on already!

I hate this. Now, I want to test but I know it will be negative. There's no way I'm one of those women who get lucky after their lap. I have shitty luck! :cry:

BFP? Oh I so hope you got one. :dust:

Aargh, I know I chose to take the month off before starting Clomid but there's been two baby announcements and I am just dying inside. Ugh.:growlmad:

And I was supposed to be working out but then I got sick so I didn't even get to carry out my plan for my month off. :dohh:
Feck, AF has not shown up. She has to come today. Come on already!

I hate this. Now, I want to test but I know it will be negative. There's no way I'm one of those women who get lucky after their lap. I have shitty luck! :cry:

Any news, Army? I've been thinking about you a lot...I so hope this is it for you.

My rants:
Another fb post about how a woman who is barely out of her first trimester is so huge and her belly "doubled in size over night" followed by a big UGH. Really, ugh?! You should be so friggin happy that you have that belly. What the hell did you think was going to happen to your belly when you got pregnant? Are you that ignorant that you thought nothing would happen (and yes...this is the same girl that said she wants her "skinny b*tch body back") Stop complaining and be thankful for your wonderful blessing!!!!!

We had a breakfast this morning for a woman who found out the sex of her baby yesterday. I walked into work today hearing her yelling out to everyone that she saw, "its a girl!" I know she is excited and has every right to be, but this has been a really hard week for me and it isn't how I needed my Friday to be.

My best friend, who was a leap year baby, committed suicide 2 years ago. His birthday really hit me hard this year, I guess because of the hype of leap year and knowing he would have "actually" had a birthday this year. I was able to stop him from committing suicide when he was 16 and still have so much guilt for not being able to help him 10ish years later. I know it's not my fault, but I have really bad phone anxiety and am really bad about keeping up with my friends. If only I wasn't so afraid to pick up the phone and call someone everyone once in a while, it might make a world of difference.

My students have been awful lately and I have been so snappy and short with them...they are only 6! I feel like a crappy teacher. Not to mention I am having one of those funks where I feel like a crappy wife, sister, daughter, friend, person, etc... Get me out of this funk!!!

Going to my parents' house this weekend to help them renovate their kitchen. I really don't want to be surrounded by family right now. I love my nephews and neice, but just don't have the emotional stability to be around them right now. Not to mention my family is going to be asking me all about my IUI and how I feel, etc. (I had it last Tuesday, so I won't know anything for a few more days but I doubt I am preggo. I don't have any symptoms except for crazy acne, which I know is just stress:growlmad:)

Sorry...like I said, it has been a really rough week:cry:
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