Ultimate Venting Thread

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Seriously, there has been a pg announcement every flipping day this week! Am i the only infertile one of my friends!! Will it ever happen for me? :-(
I love how we can vent about other things besides IF on here. :thumbup:

The nerve of some of these ninnies!! Why must they expect everyone to jump around for joy when they announce they're expecting? Do you want a gold star, a cookie, perhaps a pat on the back? You're fertile, so what!! :growlmad::growlmad:

My Rants:

1. Me and DH are in the middle of moving and are currently shacking up with the in-laws for the next few weeks till we find our new place. MIL kindly asks me about endo and my treatment options..She's never done this, so I'm sputtering about like an idiot. It's just so hard to talk about IF with fertile people. Then......Wait for it.....after listening to my information she has the audacity to finish with, "After you move, get a new job to get your mind off it, then it will happen when you least expect it". :saywhat:

I reply back with, "If only it were that easy" and walked out of the room. Are you fucking kidding me??? :growlmad::cry:

It's nice that she said something about the IF and actually talked about it with me, most people don't do that. At the same time, I could've done without her comment. Maybe it's just best not to talk about it at all if people can't say anything remotely positive. I would've been happy with, "I hope it works out for you, or when the time comes we'll help you with money for IVF". Wishful thinking! :dohh:

So now I'm hiding from my MIL in the guest room. :shhh:
I tried to explain to df again how down i am feeling about the whole ltttc thing, i have had four friends announce their pg this week. One even did so by showing me her 3 month pregnancy bump! Anyway, he said "our time will come" really? How the hell does he know that? I love him to bits but really sometimes!
I tried to explain to df again how down i am feeling about the whole ltttc thing, i have had four friends announce their pg this week. One even did so by showing me her 3 month pregnancy bump! Anyway, he said "our time will come" really? How the hell does he know that? I love him to bits but really sometimes!

Sounds similar to my dh's response, "every one has a different path".

They can go f* themselves (well besides that fertile time, when it's all about me :winkwink:).

Hugs to all my LTTC ladies today.

I tried to explain to df again how down i am feeling about the whole ltttc thing, i have had four friends announce their pg this week. One even did so by showing me her 3 month pregnancy bump! Anyway, he said "our time will come" really? How the hell does he know that? I love him to bits but really sometimes!

Sounds similar to my dh's response, "every one has a different path".

They can go f* themselves (well besides that fertile time, when it's all about me :winkwink:).

Hugs to all my LTTC ladies today.


Glad it's not just me. Was watching a show the other day where one of the characters is not able to get preggers, she has been trying for a couple of months and thinks its the end of the world! It made me laugh. It is good though that shows deal with infertility :)

My Rants of the Day:

1. I suppose people had nothing better to do this winter because every furniture shop I went to had loads of bumps walking around.

2. Non LTTC related...Why the hell is living room furniture so hard to shop for??!!! All the media consoles are hideous and the sofa quality has come down over the years. :growlmad::growlmad:

3. In MIL's living room, she has an empty "Grandkids" collage photo frame leaning against the wall. I just want to smash it.:devil:
Why does af decide this month it is going to turn up on cd27 (normally 35 days minimum) and on mothers day! Seriously? So not only is today a huge reminder that i am still not a mummy but also that this month i am definately not preggers!

You ladies know how tough af is at any time so i know you will feel my pain :)
Argh...so sorry to hear about Mother's Day. It's only the worst day ever for LTTCers who are still struggling to get their first.

More Rants:

4. MIL felt it was necessary to announce the new baby's baptism will be the 16th of June. Don't care and I'm definitely not attending. Why can't this be discussed June 1st?

5. We didn't have enough sex this month due to staying with the in-laws till our move date. Thus, I'm most likely not pregnant this month either.:cry:
Gawk in-laws suck. I finally hinted to DH's dad about the IF and that was just because I was "lucky" that his nephew and wife were having issues too.

Screw 'em. Drink lots during your period and get at your hubby next cycle.

Wannabe: that just sucks. Stress does horrible things.

My rant tonight:

This stress is totally f'n with my body. Dry scalp(I have NEVER had this in all my 31 years). Spotting after O. No more sore boobs or yellow CM after O (aargh, I'm guessing I'm not ovulating).

Worst of all? The weekend is over and another week begins. Son of a bitch.:dohh:
Ugh...a combination of mother's day and af...that's the worst. I am seriously dreading Mother's Day this year (ours is in May). Last year, I decided to suck it up because my mom was in town celebrating with my sister (who was celebrating her first mother's day as a mommy). My dad was being an arse and wouldn't come up to be with my mom and my sister, so I would have felt like a really sh*tty daughter if I didn't spend it with my mom. Watching my sister with her new baby was killer though. I don't know how I am going to do it this year. It is so hard, but I feel so selfish if I don't celebrate with my family. Hopefully I will be preggers by then, but doubtful considering I am due for a saline sonogram in april to check out the polyps in my uterus, which will probably lead to a lap in May. Therefore, this is my last month to concieve before mother's day :(

In laws can be the worst sometimes :(

A {mostly} non-ttc related rant:
So I felt really crappy yesterday and have had strep throat once or twice a year for 10ish years, so I was pretty sure it was Strep again. Being a Sunday, I couldn't get in to my doctor, so I decided to go to an Urgent Care place. I called them several times to make an appointment, because they are by appointment only...by appointment only at an Urgent Care Center:shrug: Anyway, they wouldn't answer the phone at first. I finally got a hold of them and they made an apppointment for me within an hour. I went in to the triage nurses and they did my vitals and everything. I had the chills and was sore all over and just wanted to get my Strep test, meds, and go home. They asked me all the normal questions...allergies, symptoms, etc. Then they took a swab of my throat and sent me to another room to wait for the lab results and talk to the doctor. The doc comes in and asks me the same exact questions the triage nurses asked me...why do they always do that...can't you read my chart. At this point my throat is really hurting and I don't want to talk to anyone! So then he starts asking me questions about my work, where I work, what I do, etc...Ummm, hello...I don't want to be rude but I am in a lot of pain right now and talking is making it worse!!! :dohh: So then he says, with a chuckle, "You are the proud owner of a Strep!" I already knew that, I just want my meds and to go home!!! So then, after making me talk so much, he is leaving the room and says, "I have never had Strep, but I hear it feels like you swallowed a bunch of razor blades." Yes, that is exactly what it feels like, so why the hell did you make me talk so much?!? :grr:

Now on the TTC side...while he was asking me all the same questions the nurses had already asked me, he asked if I was pregnant...the dreaded question I knew was coming...I simply replied "no" and to that he asked if I was sure. I said yes, I am very sure (we haven't even bd once since my last af...but I didn't tell him that). So then he says, well why are you taking prenatal vitamins then? I replied, because we have been ttc for over a year and a half. I tried to make a joke of it and say, "the prenatals aren't really doing me much good, are they?" To that he said, "you know, just taking them will not get you pregnant." Ugh...you ignorant a*hole! After a year and a half I think I would know what it takes to make a baby, I am just fertilly challenged...thanks :dohh:

Now I feel so crappy and really need to bd a lot (coming up on ovulation) and I don't have the strenght...looks like dh will be doing all the work :haha:

Wow...it feels so good to rant on here!
Lol, they used to tell Med Students that they need to work on patient communication, it became quite the issue up here. Poor guy, haha. Maybe he needed a nice little break and talking to you was it. Nothing like joking about Strep, though. Thanks for the laugh (although unfortunate for you!!!). Hope you're feeling better soon.


I wish my period would decided to show. Heavy spotting this morning and then it disappeared. I need it show so I can start clomid! :brat:
hey. thanks i need to vent a little. glad i found this thread.
i'll just get to it. so this girl i know has been hassling me ever since we got married (and still does) about the baby thing. "any news yet?" my no followed by a "oh that's ok." EVERYTIME. then early 2011 (a year later) she decides she wants to start trying. she told me i am not ready to be a mom but she is and how she has done research and read articles... (like articles prepare you for motherhood) and that "it's ok to not be ready" DID I SAY I WASN'T READY??? she kept telling me that she wanted to wait till after their wedding and that everything needed to be done in order. trying to prove to herself how together she thinks she is.
she tells me that i need to call upon the universe and that i have to get in tune with it and myself and visualize it (conception) - oh, no, i never asked for her advice. she just knew we were trying and she would start up that topic everytime we would see eachother. :grr:
so may comes around and it's her birthday and since her boyfriend at the time now husband is my OH's childhood friend we were obligated to go to her party. and to see her once in a while. :growlmad:
it was so obvious she was pregnant because she kept touching her belly and looking at me. and she finally didn't bring up the baby thing. which was weird. i just knew. she had also posted a pic on facebook with her belly looking a little swollen. a month later she calls me while we've just returned from the hospital for a heart problem my OH was having to tell me that she is expecting and how she wanted to tell me privately.
???? should i laugh? is this her being nice? :shrug: of course not.
the whole summer she rubbed it our face how she got pregnant so fast and didn't expect it. she kept saying things like 'nothing is coincidental' and 'some people are destined to be parents', 'everything happens for a reason'.

so while she was in her 8th month she asked me if i had thought of IVF. she also said that she was against all the meds they put you on and how she wouldn't ever do it. what a bitch! so now they flaunt their baby and their happiness and i know i sound like a loser but i just got my period after being 5 days late so i am a little cranky.
her husband joked when we saw them sunday walking with the baby in their arms that they're going to start for a second soon and did this little giggle and jump. not like feet off the ground jump, more like a little bump brag jump.
i forget what cartoon character did that. i felt like i was being mocked.
she has been nasty to almost everyone i know in this sorta 'i am dumb and self confident' way. telling girls who are approaching 40 that they are close to menopause and that they will not likely have kids and girls in bad relationships that they have to find a man soon if they want to ever start a family and rubbing it in their face how great it is to be a mom and there is no feeling like it.
so i hope i can avoid her till about two months after my bfp and no! actually i wouldn't want to see her then either. but i know i will being that she is part of the group. she is so ditsy and airheaded and has no girlfriends i wonder how she thinks she is on some righteous path of inner greatness.
but i believe in peace....
as my friend tori says.
Such an AWFUL Day! So Dh and I decide to do an IUI after being on long break from failed treatments. I'm all excited to go in on cd3(today) and get my scan and meds. So I undress and lay on the us table and the tech inserts the probe and BLAM, what do we see...................a nice sized juicy cyst on my right ovary. SERIOUSLY! $%&$#%@#$$%^%^&&& I take a nice long break and have to come back to this. The worst part of this is DH and I only have 2 more shots at fertility treatments (April & May). I just want to cry. DH and I have been through A LOT in the past year. The loss of a pregnancy (took 2 years to conceive) and the loss of his mom to cancer 2 months ago. :cry:
:hugs: greeneyes. That sucks about the cyst. I'm not even sure how they approach that but hopefully you're able to get at least one cycle in.

greekgirl - she sounds like quite the character, don't blame you for the vent!

No vent today. Well okay, a tiny one. Why are there SO many women out there who don't take any responsibility over their health when they're pregnant?! And you're going to be taking care of a child? Scary. :dohh:
I really feel like %##$%£% right now :(

Was getting all hopeful that the doctors were finally doing tests and gonna help us after 19 months TTC. Things for the wedding were going well and it actually seemed like for once life was giving us a break. As if that would last!

Today we found out that OH is very close to developing Glaucoma and possibly losing his sight very quickly as theres no real treatment for it and is now on a watch list for the rest of his life so fingers crossed it doesn't get that far.
As well as getting a call of the Doctor asking us to repeat the blood tests we had done to be certain that the results are the same (despite this being the 4th time!!) He wants to confirm that my levels are really that low!!! Clomid is now not an option for me and the only other option I can't have due to a family history of cervical, ovarian and breast cancer, and also because of the medication i need to take for other conditions. :(

It just never stops, I have lost so much due to the damn illness i have and now I am losing my future as well?????????

How much more do I have to lose?????
Navywife- Those military doctors are the bottom feeders of med school. Complete morons!

Greekgirl- Your "friend" IS a bitch. I'd certainly steer clear of the smug cow. She hardly deserves the baby with that nasty attitude.

Greeneyes- So sorry to hear about your losses. :hugs:

My Rants:

I was stuck in the in-laws house trying to socialize with MIL, as I came under fire recently for closing myself off from them. My anxiety just kicks in and I'm afraid they're going to start going on about the new baby or SIL. While I'm sitting there chatting with her (she was talking about how she met FIL) she made the comment that god gave her her babies and how he will give me a baby too. Then made the suggestion that I should start going to church. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Yes, if I went to church and prayed (been there done that) then I'll be instantly pregnant the next month. :nope: I know LTTCers with religious faith still in tact (I applaud you women) who still can't get pregnant.

At this point I'm really getting SICK and TIRED of people with their comments, so I fire back this time. I challenged her with, "If God had something to do with it, then why is there IVF and IUIs? Why does he "bless" women who microwave their babies, shake them to death, or shoot them point blank, when there are couples who will love and protect a child who struggle for years for a baby? What about those who are completely unable to have a baby? Is it because God sees them as unfit? Why is a woman who snorts coke a fit parent? I'm sorry but in my opinion God has nothing to do with it". She didn't have anything to say about that and changed the subject. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: And they wonder why I try to spend as little time as possible with them.

Note: I completely respect those LTTCers with religious faith. I'm definitely not blaming God for IF or angry with him. My faith has just fallen by the wayside.
More Rants:

-MIL logging onto FB announcing that so and so just had their second child. I'm pretty sure FIL, DH, and I don't care. Then she commented on how big my new niece is getting. Erm, I'm pretty sure I don't need FB updates seeing as I deleted my fecking FB for this exact reason!!! :growlmad::growlmad:

-I got a card in the mail for my other niece's 2nd birthday party. Damn milestones. If I've quit baby showers, baptisms, and children's birthday parties, I'm going to find every excuse to avoid this one. Around that time we'll be living further away so hopefully I can use that as an excuse plus the rising cost of petrol.

-Found out that giant "Grandkids" collage frame was given to MIL by smug SIL. Stupid wench couldn't find anything smaller? Rather silly considering there's only 4 grandchildren atm. Other SIL will have 1 more and smug SIL certainly can't afford anymore. They can't even afford the 3 they have now without getting benefits.

Argh, I can't wait to leave the in-laws. That way I won't have to see any of them for the rest of the year. If I'm not pregnant by this Christmas, I'm definitely not spending time surrounded by LOs. It's going to be on the damn beach with an adult beverage in my hand!!
Not sure you would class this as a vent: sometimes i think the world is cruel. Df bought me two gorgeous kittens 18 months ago because of our baby struggles, ultimately they are my furr babies, my surrogate babies, because lets face it i may never naturally conceive a child, but my boy cat wasn't seen yesterday during the day, which is not unheard of, and we were out yesterday early evening - anyway, we found his body this morning having been hit by a car. Looks like he was trying to crawl home :-(

My vent? How is life fair? I then log onto fb and some stupid bint is whinging that when will life start treating her right? Ffs you have three beautiful kids and your pissed off you can't go out and have no money! All i have is the distant hope i may have a baby and even one of my furr babies is taken away!
Not sure you would class this as a vent: sometimes i think the world is cruel. Df bought me two gorgeous kittens 18 months ago because of our baby struggles, ultimately they are my furr babies, my surrogate babies, because lets face it i may never naturally conceive a child, but my boy cat wasn't seen yesterday during the day, which is not unheard of, and we were out yesterday early evening - anyway, we found his body this morning having been hit by a car. Looks like he was trying to crawl home :-(

My vent? How is life fair? I then log onto fb and some stupid bint is whinging that when will life start treating her right? Ffs you have three beautiful kids and your pissed off you can't go out and have no money! All i have is the distant hope i may have a baby and even one of my furr babies is taken away!

:hugs: So sorry about your furbaby. :hugs:

I really don't have a vent...haven't had one lately. Been trying to keep myself out of situations where I won't have to hear, see, smell, etc anything baby. It's been hard. I'll go to Walmart or Target and I'll have to find a different way just to get around the baby stuff. I hate this infertility bullsh*t. I guess I had to vent anyway...:haha:
Ooooooh just found this thread. Can I add age old rant of why is every other f*** er pregnant except me. Even the anorexic lady two doors down looks like she is knocked up again. Pi55ed off today as got another BFN at DPO 14, day late for AF and no sign. aaaaaaand breathe !
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