Ultimate Venting Thread

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Mine is more an airing of frustrations not related to LTTTC...or maybe it is...

Work has been super stressful these last two months, it's ridiculous. There have been threats of suspensions for missing the little stuff. I almost want to screw something up so I can get a day off! :haha: I know that's terrible but the stress I have endured is probably mucking up my chances (very small I may add...) of getting pregnant. I have some vacation days left but I can't take them because I have SO MUCH work to do every day...ugh!!!!! :coffee: *UNBELIEVABLE*

Oh the joys of working in transportation and logistics...:dohh:

Just think that you'll still have those vacation days available when you get pregnant. :flower: I hope that helps...
This is my first post on this thread, but here are my two rants:

1. Someone just posted in the BFP announcements section a BFP "after 16 days TTC!" WTF? I know its totally my fault for going into the forum...but 16 days?!? Are you freaking kidding me?

2. This is along the lines of "relax" advice. The other day my child-free friend who I confided in about LTTTC said, in all seriousness, that dh and I just had to have more sex. It was actually really sweet, since she didn't mean any harm by it. But really...I can assure you that is not the problem. Especially after all the meds, IUI's, etc.
16 days of TTC and she got a BFP?? Poor dear, what a struggle! :rofl::rofl:

I suppose I'm not trying hard enough either. I quit temping when we found out male factor..and tossed OPks because I hardly ever got an accurate stick. This last cycle, I didn't put my legs up over my head after BDing either. Oops. :haha:

My Rant of the Day:
1. My allergies have gone mad. I can't stop blowing my nose and scratching at my body. Not to mention, this prescription allergy medicine isn't doing garb to end my suffering. Stupid pollen blowing all over the damn place. I'm afraid to step outside.

2. I want to throw away that picture of the new baby. It's right by the television which is mounted on the wall. :growlmad: So I try to stay out of the living room as much as possible.

3. We need to have sex as ovulation is nearing, but we're still at the in-laws till Tue. It's so awkward trying to have sex under their roof and when their bedroom is next to ours. :dohh:
This is my first post on this thread, but here are my two rants:

1. Someone just posted in the BFP announcements section a BFP "after 16 days TTC!" WTF? I know its totally my fault for going into the forum...but 16 days?!? Are you freaking kidding me?

2. This is along the lines of "relax" advice. The other day my child-free friend who I confided in about LTTTC said, in all seriousness, that dh and I just had to have more sex. It was actually really sweet, since she didn't mean any harm by it. But really...I can assure you that is not the problem. Especially after all the meds, IUI's, etc.

16 long days? It's hard not to feel so cheated.

I completely understand with the friend thing. My closest friend, getting married in August. She knows we've been trying for nearly a year now & we happened to mention that we had been taking pregnacare his n hers conception..."you need to do more than take some pills though". Laughed politely and offered cup of tea so I could leave room before I launched into a rant of the pill popping, squirting lube, soy tablets, peeing on a stick for opk, legs in the air, etc etc not to mention internal scans, ten million blood tests, pee samples, hour long bus journey with a SA in my cleavage!
She also came up to my house in January as she was going to ask me to be her bridesmaid, but didn't ask because she realised I was seriously ttc and the dress wouldn't fit if I got pregnant! So I've missed out being her bm in august and I'm not even pregnant. She has given me the 'pregnant friendly' job of doing a reading at her service, so not completely missing out. But not quite the same as being bm.
16 days of TTC and she got a BFP?? Poor dear, what a struggle! :rofl::rofl:

I suppose I'm not trying hard enough either. I quit temping when we found out male factor..and tossed OPks because I hardly ever got an accurate stick. This last cycle, I didn't put my legs up over my head after BDing either. Oops. :haha:

My Rant of the Day:
1. My allergies have gone mad. I can't stop blowing my nose and scratching at my body. Not to mention, this prescription allergy medicine isn't doing garb to end my suffering. Stupid pollen blowing all over the damn place. I'm afraid to step outside.

2. I want to throw away that picture of the new baby. It's right by the television which is mounted on the wall. :growlmad: So I try to stay out of the living room as much as possible.

3. We need to have sex as ovulation is nearing, but we're still at the in-laws till Tue. It's so awkward trying to have sex under their roof and when their bedroom is next to ours. :dohh:

We have never stayed with my inlaws except one time when we stayed in the camper in the yard. I couldn't stay any closer to them than that...lol.

My mom encourages us to bd as much as possible but it is still weird even though we stay on separate floors. If we do bd though, we move down to the floor to minimize on the noise...haha
This is my first post on this thread, but here are my two rants:

1. Someone just posted in the BFP announcements section a BFP "after 16 days TTC!" WTF? I know its totally my fault for going into the forum...but 16 days?!? Are you freaking kidding me?

2. This is along the lines of "relax" advice. The other day my child-free friend who I confided in about LTTTC said, in all seriousness, that dh and I just had to have more sex. It was actually really sweet, since she didn't mean any harm by it. But really...I can assure you that is not the problem. Especially after all the meds, IUI's, etc.

16 long days? It's hard not to feel so cheated.

I completely understand with the friend thing. My closest friend, getting married in August. She knows we've been trying for nearly a year now & we happened to mention that we had been taking pregnacare his n hers conception..."you need to do more than take some pills though". Laughed politely and offered cup of tea so I could leave room before I launched into a rant of the pill popping, squirting lube, soy tablets, peeing on a stick for opk, legs in the air, etc etc not to mention internal scans, ten million blood tests, pee samples, hour long bus journey with a SA in my cleavage!
She also came up to my house in January as she was going to ask me to be her bridesmaid, but didn't ask because she realised I was seriously ttc and the dress wouldn't fit if I got pregnant! So I've missed out being her bm in august and I'm not even pregnant. She has given me the 'pregnant friendly' job of doing a reading at her service, so not completely missing out. But not quite the same as being bm.

I don't understand the whole not having a pregnant woman in the bridal party thing. My ex best friend made a big deal out of that too and made a rude comment about me possibly being "fat" in her wedding. While a wedding is mostly about the couple, it is also about another wonderful stage of life and the joining of two families...families! That means growing families too. I think there is something beautiful and symbolic about having a pregnant woman in the bridal party. I know a lot of brides want all of the attention on them but I think that is just dumb. Just my opinion though. If your friend is a good enough friend to be in your wedding, she should be included, baby bump or not. I would have lved for one of my bridesmaids to be pregnant in my wedding.
This isn't something recent but I still get pissed thinking about it. My SIL (21 yrs old) was dating a guy. He's married but lives with his mom and is "going" to get divorced. Also has 2 kids with his wife. So she came to me one day and finally admitted she was living with him and having sex with him. I had to give her "the talk" because DH and his 5 siblings were raised as super conservative Southern Baptists and were homeschooled. Therefore they only learned "abstinence". (Which did NOT work, as DH's 2 older brothers had both had kids with women they werent't married to, and DH and I have been together for 7 years and have been having sex for probably 6 of those years.) So back to my SIL - I told her she needed an OB/GYN and to get on birth control, and I gave her the number for my OB and some condoms. Two months later, I got a phone call. It was my SIL, saying she had just taken a test and she was pregnant. Hadn't told anyone yet, not even her boyfriend. Of course she called ME first. So that's my super long rant. Sorry for rambling!

Edit: She's 12 wks pregnant now.
This isn't something recent but I still get pissed thinking about it. My SIL (21 yrs old) was dating a guy. He's married but lives with his mom and is "going" to get divorced. Also has 2 kids with his wife. So she came to me one day and finally admitted she was living with him and having sex with him. I had to give her "the talk" because DH and his 5 siblings were raised as super conservative Southern Baptists and were homeschooled. Therefore they only learned "abstinence". (Which did NOT work, as DH's 2 older brothers had both had kids with women they werent't married to, and DH and I have been together for 7 years and have been having sex for probably 6 of those years.) So back to my SIL - I told her she needed an OB/GYN and to get on birth control, and I gave her the number for my OB and some condoms. Two months later, I got a phone call. It was my SIL, saying she had just taken a test and she was pregnant. Hadn't told anyone yet, not even her boyfriend. Of course she called ME first. So that's my super long rant. Sorry for rambling!

Edit: She's 12 wks pregnant now.

What a naive idiot to get pregnant with an illegitimate child!! :growlmad: That would make me angry too.
This isn't something recent but I still get pissed thinking about it. My SIL (21 yrs old) was dating a guy. He's married but lives with his mom and is "going" to get divorced. Also has 2 kids with his wife. So she came to me one day and finally admitted she was living with him and having sex with him. I had to give her "the talk" because DH and his 5 siblings were raised as super conservative Southern Baptists and were homeschooled. Therefore they only learned "abstinence". (Which did NOT work, as DH's 2 older brothers had both had kids with women they werent't married to, and DH and I have been together for 7 years and have been having sex for probably 6 of those years.) So back to my SIL - I told her she needed an OB/GYN and to get on birth control, and I gave her the number for my OB and some condoms. Two months later, I got a phone call. It was my SIL, saying she had just taken a test and she was pregnant. Hadn't told anyone yet, not even her boyfriend. Of course she called ME first. So that's my super long rant. Sorry for rambling!

Edit: She's 12 wks pregnant now.

What a naive idiot to get pregnant with an illegitimate child!! :growlmad: That would make me angry too.

Yeah, unfortunately they were all very sheltered growing up, and honestly, none of them have a lot of common sense. DH included.
Yikes, I wouldn't even know what to say if that was my SIL Jess. I've come to the point where I just can't understand the negligence of some people. :nope:

I haven't vented in a long time. I took one month off of TTC and I think it did my mental health a world of good (even though I was anxious at the time). However, I'm now kicking myself for getting my hopes up about pregnancy with my first go of clomid. I know I'm probably going to have to go the IVF route due to my f'd up body but I still cling to that glimmer of hope.

Aargh. Maybe I should kick myself literally? I wonder if the pain would help....:dohh:
Please kick me too! Lately, I've been having conflicting thoughts if I really want to have children or not. Is this stress, anxiety, and depression worth it? Some former LTTCers I've talked to say it is, but then again that's easy for them to say because they're pregnant! Argh, my brain is so scrambled!

More Rants:

1. Yet another holiday for children. Aren't there any damn holidays on the calendar that don't center around children or being a parent? :growlmad:

2. SIL (the one I hate with the new baby) called MIL whining about how her DH had to work today. Well since he's the only income, you shouldn't bitch. Oh yeah, and her parents support them as well. So excuse me, second income.

3. Got an invite to my niece's 2nd birthday party...it's rather depressing. Thank god we're not going to make it as we'll be still settling into our new place.

I don't do baby showers, baptisms, or birthday parties. I'm one of those outcasts that arrive to a child's birthday party, childless. Awkward!
I don't have anything constuctive to say!

To say depression and anxiety ave kickind in again is an understatment.

I decided to have a break from clomid, this is my last cycle before back to the FS on 19th. It was sending me into a crazy mental psychotic fruitcake and I was even starting to get violent, which is no good as an ex self harmer. Luckily, I was of sound enough mind to realise it was the clomid and stopped taking it, and decided on a months break for sanitys sake. But I am still annylising my chart, which I promised not to do, so I hardly really taken a break have I?

So I have decided I am rehoming a dog from our local dogs home, but I am so paranoid that there is something defective about me, that they wont trust me with rehoming a dog either!!!

Someone, please slap me and help me out of this depression.
Bears lets slap each other. I wanted to chill this month but I just can not switch my head off of ttc. I think about it every 10 mins, all day, every day.

Sounds like you made a good move stopping Clomid. The Dog will be a great distraction and I would be lost with out my Cats. I'm sure you can keep it together long enough for them to give you a Dog! Xxx

Edit: your chart looks good....
Thanks Lady H.

I have found the perfect little lady to rehome, she's a shih zhu, and I have to ring the dog home back for an interview and then a home inspection.

I have cat, but she's more of a mans cat and I'm a doggy person, but lately, she must have been picking up on my depression and anxiety as she keeps coming for cuddles!! She has never done that before.

There is no switching off from TTC. I took a break from here for about 2 weeks to see if that would help, but I was having withdrawel symptoms!! :haha:

I'm not so sure about my chart tbh, I'm 'almost' sure I o'd on cd15, but FF is saying cd18, my cycles have been mental since being on the clomid and this is my first cycle off the meds, so i'm not taking it too seriously, just incase its my body adjusting back to 'normal'.

My other worry is that if I do get referred to Oxford for IVF, if I was having a hard time on Clomid, how will I cope with all the meds for IVF?
Aww Dog sounds cute, fx you are successful. Somehow you will cope with the meds if you go to IVF as you want this badly I'm sure. I think you are doing the right thing taking a break from meds for a bit, then reassess. Talk to your GP about the side effects you've had before deciding. Xxx
I will, thank you so much!

I feel a bit better already, just getting all that off my chest!
Thanks Lady H.

I have found the perfect little lady to rehome, she's a shih zhu, and I have to ring the dog home back for an interview and then a home inspection.

I have cat, but she's more of a mans cat and I'm a doggy person, but lately, she must have been picking up on my depression and anxiety as she keeps coming for cuddles!! She has never done that before.

There is no switching off from TTC. I took a break from here for about 2 weeks to see if that would help, but I was having withdrawel symptoms!! :haha:

I'm not so sure about my chart tbh, I'm 'almost' sure I o'd on cd15, but FF is saying cd18, my cycles have been mental since being on the clomid and this is my first cycle off the meds, so i'm not taking it too seriously, just incase its my body adjusting back to 'normal'.

My other worry is that if I do get referred to Oxford for IVF, if I was having a hard time on Clomid, how will I cope with all the meds for IVF?

Animals do seem to know when something is not right with their owners/masters. I am a dog person and know that when I was growing up, if I felt sad, my dog would come sit next to me and put her head in my lap as if she were saying everything is going to be okay. I really want a dog now but have nowhere to put him/her until we get a bigger place.
I've got two shih tzus so I know they're therapeutic! :D

Bears, I've heard injectables don't have nearly the side effects clomid does, esp. not the mood side effects. I think a break from clomid is a great idea, seems like you really have a tap on your mood.

The only things I have from clomid, thankfully, were hot flashes while taking it and bloating and ginormous boobs in the TWW. They can't be contained, I feel like wearing a stretch bandage! :dohh:
hi ladies...
ok my rant... i have beeen soo much down lately,,two SIL (DH's brother's wives) announced their pregnancies on the same day..having tried for 1 month only...and one of them just got married in feb :(( the other SIL always make a comment that she always gets a positive at the drop of hat (2nd pregnancy) and she doesn't need any artificial medications to help concieve...
i have been so much stressed out,,finally broke into a fever yesterday... im feeling so lost that why it couldn't be my turn??? LTTC is a hell of a job,isn't it??
See, I'm lucky enough not to be depressed lately. Much too stressed out and anxious over this move. No time for depression! I'm sure it will come floating back when we settle into our new place. :dohh:

Rants of the Day:

1. Argh, today is Day 11 and we should be having sex. But we're much too tired after loading the moving truck and driving half the day. DH also took a bath and I didn't even argue, as I have no energy to put up a fight.

2. I wish MIL wouldn't show off pics of the baby on her FB. I deleted my FB for that very reason and have no desire to see the pictures. Stop fecking acting like this is show and tell!!! If anyone else in the room wished to view them, then they would make a FB or ask the bitch to picture message them.

Argh, can't wait to get out of here!! No more having to hear about babies, fertility, nieces, nephews, etc.. I can't wait!
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