Ultimate Venting Thread

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Not sure you would class this as a vent: sometimes i think the world is cruel. Df bought me two gorgeous kittens 18 months ago because of our baby struggles, ultimately they are my furr babies, my surrogate babies, because lets face it i may never naturally conceive a child, but my boy cat wasn't seen yesterday during the day, which is not unheard of, and we were out yesterday early evening - anyway, we found his body this morning having been hit by a car. Looks like he was trying to crawl home :-(

My vent? How is life fair? I then log onto fb and some stupid bint is whinging that when will life start treating her right? Ffs you have three beautiful kids and your pissed off you can't go out and have no money! All i have is the distant hope i may have a baby and even one of my furr babies is taken away!

Oh no so sorry Huni. I have two Furbaby cats and I totally feel your pain. So sad. Big hugs xxx
Not sure you would class this as a vent: sometimes i think the world is cruel. Df bought me two gorgeous kittens 18 months ago because of our baby struggles, ultimately they are my furr babies, my surrogate babies, because lets face it i may never naturally conceive a child, but my boy cat wasn't seen yesterday during the day, which is not unheard of, and we were out yesterday early evening - anyway, we found his body this morning having been hit by a car. Looks like he was trying to crawl home :-(

My vent? How is life fair? I then log onto fb and some stupid bint is whinging that when will life start treating her right? Ffs you have three beautiful kids and your pissed off you can't go out and have no money! All i have is the distant hope i may have a baby and even one of my furr babies is taken away!

Oh no so sorry Huni. I have two Furbaby cats and I totally feel your pain. So sad. Big hugs xxx

Thanks hun, and welcome to the thread!

Everywhere i go i seem to see at least one heavily pregnant women!
:hugs: wannabe. I couldn't imagine losing one of my furbabies. :cry: I need to go give my pups a hug.

Welcome to the newbies! I know we all try to be positive, but man, somedays you just gotta let it go. My DH never seems to get it. :dohh:
:hugs: wannabe. I couldn't imagine losing one of my furbabies. :cry: I need to go give my pups a hug.

Welcome to the newbies! I know we all try to be positive, but man, somedays you just gotta let it go. My DH never seems to get it. :dohh:

Its pretty devestating to be honest. We have another cat (they were sister and brother from the same litter), she doesn't understand and keeps going looking for him! It is heartbreaking :cry:
wannabemummyb, :hugs:. It just broke my heart to read he´d tried to make it home. I don´t think I could cope if my cat died, she is everything to me (don´t tell DH! :)). Hope you´re ok yourself.

Onto the vent... I told my dad over the phone that we are thinking about moving into a larger property. He then asks me if we are thinking of starting a family. Yes, as you know, dad, we have been trying hard for the past year and bit!! He then proceeds to say that we obviously just don´t have the right ´ingredients´ for a baby. Thanks dad. I really needed you to twist the knife in the wound! He felt very sorry he said anything at the end of that phone call and won´t be ringing again in a hurry. Some people, honestly.
:cry::cry::cry: So sorry to hear about your kitty. I've always had an emotional breakdown when pets pass on; they're family!!

The only rants I have are:

-I'm quite annoyed that we couldn't get into the apartment we wanted and had to settle for some place that doesn't have washer and dryer connections, but a laundry facility (you have to pay for). Ridiculous! But, it was the only place available around our move date. Even on base housing had a mile long wait list! :growlmad:

-Also wish MIL would refrain from talking about SIL(not even her daughter, I like her daughter) on a daily basis. I can't stand the bitch and she doesn't exist in my life..so stop fecking bringing her up!! MIL knows we haven't spoken in nearly a year and we're not going to anytime soon until she apologizes. Until then, she can piss off!
The only rants I have are:

-I'm quite annoyed that we couldn't get into the apartment we wanted and had to settle for some place that doesn't have washer and dryer connections, but a laundry facility (you have to pay for). Ridiculous! But, it was the only place available around our move date. Even on base housing had a mile long wait list! :growlmad:

-Also wish MIL would refrain from talking about SIL(not even her daughter, I like her daughter) on a daily basis. I can't stand the bitch and she doesn't exist in my life..so stop fecking bringing her up!! MIL knows we haven't spoken in nearly a year and we're not going to anytime soon until she apologizes. Until then, she can piss off!

I'm thinking you need:


Hope your week starts looking up!

1. AF started a day early. Beeyatch. :growlmad::growlmad:

2. I was actually having a swell day until my father called and accused me of going to his home returning an item then leaving the door unlocked. Which I did not do this, as I've only been to his home when he's there. I'm the only one who has a key so of course he accuses me. :growlmad: But he basically called me a liar. So I told him off and am not talking to him.

3. All this stress from moving has got my face broke out like a pubescent teenager. :dohh: I'm 27 for pete's sake.

4. I'm kicking myself in the arse for not packing summer tops as the weather is wacky. I don't really want to spend the $$ on more summer clothes as we still have to shell out money for deposit, rent, and moving truck, etc. on the 9th.
I have found that with it being April Fool's Day today, everyone that I am friends with on facebook has decided the best prank is to post "I'm pregnant!" to get a response out of people, not realizing how badly it can hurt.

I also was talking to my mother the other day and she made a comment about my SIL who was expecting her second to my father who walked into the room. When I asked what she was talking about she responded with "You wouldn't understand unless you had kids." It was like a knife to the heart.

Whenever I talk to my mom, when I bring up anything with regard to my having kids she responds with "You're not ready," "You're too young," or "I really think you should wait." I will be 30 years old in a month and I think I am old enough and mature enough to make my own decisions. She wants me to wait until I am married to have kids, but to be honest I have been married before and that did not go well at all, so I am in no hurry for a repeat. My fiancee and I are perfectly happy waiting to get married. Neither of us has a problem trying to get pregnant before we tie the knot.

Just a few things that have been annoying me lately.
Argh what a cruel April Fool's prank! And I thought Mother's Day was bad. Sheesh!
There's a really good picture/quote going around fb about how cruel that "joke" is. I posted it and a lot of people shared it. If you want to see it pm me and I will give you my fb name.
My Rants:

1. Such a pisser today in IL, it's fecking 90 degrees...in April!! Ridiculous!

2. When Dh and I came back from the local zoo, I passed by the birth announcement of the new baby tacked up on a board in the kitchen. Seriously? We've been here for weeks and I haven't seen a picture in sight and MIL tacks one up. Couldn't she just have waited one more week till we leave??!! Argh, it's the same (gag) birth announcement smug SIL sent me..that went straight into the garbage bin when DH wasn't looking.

3. Then the zoo was taken over by women and their infants, toddlers. I couldn't walk without stepping on a toddler! :cry:

4. Lastly, of where MIL keeps the wedding photos, the empty spot where ours is supposed to go (I've been lazy and haven't given her a wedding photo. Wish we would've hired a photographer) the pic of the new baby is in it's place. I know I'm probably being extra sensitive, but for feck's sake there's enough pics of the grandkids!

8 more days till we leave here and I can reside in our new home (a baby free zone). :thumbup:
Army, you really need to get out of there! Good thing you only have a week left.

My rant:
Why does ff play with my head? Last month when I had my iui on clomid I had an implantation dip on days 9 and 10 so I got my hopes up. The dip was just below my coverline both days. Well, this morning, day 9, I got a huge dip...all the way down to my lowest temp on cd 1. I couldn't have an iui this month because the clinic was closed and we only bd 3 times this month (around ovulation) so I know my chances are slim to none. But since I had such a huge dip my hopes are going to be way too high until af shows. I have been at this game way too long to be getting my hopes up. Until these last two months, I have never had my temps go below coverline post o except before af comes. I know af is not on her way yet because my cycles are really regular so it is too early and I don't have any symptoms of af coming yet. Could these dips be due to the clomid?

Also, ff has never given me those "crosshairs" that everyone talks about. Over a year of using and paying for the darn site and not one crosshair. What's up with that?
Navy can you post your ff link, happy to have a look for you?
Yep I see it. That does seem an unusual dip for your cycle, so fx it is a good sign. You have closed circles for all your temps so I am not sure why it only does dotted cross hairs. It's irregular temping than can cause that but it looks ok. It seems to have plotted based on your OPK results rather than temps as the bounced around a bit a ovulation time. I hope it's good news. X
My rant of the day is rather a moan... Had the worst day at work. Yet another one of my colleagues is pregnant (I work with 50 women in my unit) and that´s all anyone spoke about. Incessantly. Where ever I moved to in the department the constant talk about her new pregnancy followed. I managed 10 hours of it and then broke down and had to leave. :cry: On top of feeling like a complete failure I now also have a sickness on my record. Great. I am just so tired of TTC.
I've been really private about my LTTTC issues, so most of my family is oblivious. My sis (who had her oops pregnancy at age 17) asked me if I'm trying hard enough...like, am I putting my legs in the air after sex? You call THAT trying hard?! Of course I had to tell her right then that I'm on round #2 of IUI and clomid - is that trying hard enough for you?! I'm not mad at her because I know she is just ignorant of the situation. It was
such a stupid comment that it's almost funny.
Yikes, that's right up there with "just relax and it'll happen" :dohh:

Oh ff. I'm happy I stopped temping long ago, too much stress because I was always pulling my hair out with the lack of "crosshairs". That term was holding me hostage.
Mine is more an airing of frustrations not related to LTTTC...or maybe it is...

Work has been super stressful these last two months, it's ridiculous. There have been threats of suspensions for missing the little stuff. I almost want to screw something up so I can get a day off! :haha: I know that's terrible but the stress I have endured is probably mucking up my chances (very small I may add...) of getting pregnant. I have some vacation days left but I can't take them because I have SO MUCH work to do every day...ugh!!!!! :coffee: *UNBELIEVABLE*

Oh the joys of working in transportation and logistics...:dohh:
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