Ultimate Venting Thread

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My vent isn't even ttc related, is that allowed? It's about the nhs. I know some wards are amazing etc, but my dads ill & I've been tracking how he's been dealt with and when I called hospital to see if there was any change in his condition I was ranted at by the staff nurse saying someone had already phoned about him (3 hours before). They made assumptions about a condition he has and ignored is 4 separate times when we explained his symptoms weren't normal for him which meant he has been untreated & undiagnosed. When I explained that I wasn't trying to cause bother but instead of only being allowed to see my dad one hour a day at night could my mum please come up in afternoon and spend some time with him, you'd think I asked for her right eyeball, she went off on one saying how busy they were and had no time to deal with us. When I suggested she might even be able to help THEM look after him she shouted "you want to talk to the sister?!" I said yes, on comes the calmest nurse ever saying "I don't have any problem with your mum visiting in the afternoon, come in and I will explain everything that's happening".

Staff nurse social skills FAIL
Why talk to someone like that when you know they are already stressed out their minds over their dads health. No need for it. Politeness and gentleness cost nothing

This on top of cycle 14, soy gIving me crazy mood swings, big ov pains & my 16yr old DD giving it big hormones arguing with anything and everything I say. Ttc is actually last thing on my mind.

Edit: I'm typing this whilst listening to DH playing guitar/singing in pub. Bar manager just came up and said hrs sorry to hear bout my dad. I then gave him 10 minute rant as above POOR GUY. he's sorry he asked now oops!
Any venting is allowed! :)

My vent:

Playing "guess baby's due date" on Facebook? Are you f'ing kidding me?! Really?! Do you really need to update your status every day with the majority guess?

My period came. My first round of Clomid failed. I'm just sad now. :cry:
So sorry wonderstars :(
If it helps, the clomid works better on your second round and even more so third round. All of my stats (oestrogen levels, follicle size, progesterone levels etc) got better and better as the cycles went on. Until round 5 but that is a rant for another day.
My point is try to stay positive, you will get there. :dust:

And YES, FB sucks!!
It's funny, so many of us have complained about FB but we're all still on it. We obviously love torturing ourselves, lol! :dohh:
I can't stand fb anymore. All the pregnancy announcements and all the moms posting every few minutes every stinking thing there kid did. Ugh.

And does the show 16 and pregnant irritate the crap out of anyone else?
I agree with you wonderstar, why do we do it to ourselves?! We all know pg announcements are just awful but recently i have had to be faced with two "joke" pg announcements; one was an april fools, the other was last night! Apparently the guy was "fraped" and this person had put on there "i'm going to be a dad! So excited". I can not tell you how much this pissed me off!

Slightly vent related; i have found myself getting increasingly depressed about this whole situation at the moment. It just doesn't feel like we are ever going to get pg!
I have another rant. My hubby and are are shopping, he gets a random mms of an ultrasound sent to him from unknown number. Turns out it was from a ex friend who was a complete B to him 18 mOnths ago and did everything he could to hurt him after he didn't take this guys relationship advice (ie he shouldn't be marrying me) so at that time my hubby deleted his number telling him never to contact him again.
Bear's Mummy- :rofl: Surely you made some guy's night strutting around in your nudie pants! I do hope the shits have gone, it tends to put me in a foul mood as well.

Wannabeprego- What a tacky cow boasting about winning a breast pump! I agree with trying to assure yourself that you can be happy as a childless woman. I've been trying to tell myself that on a daily basis hoping I will soon believe that.

So sorry to hear about a failed Clomid cycle Wonderstars. :hugs:

My Rants (so sorry it's going to be quite long):

1. On the first day I found roach exoskeletons in our apartment!!! :sick::sick: I cleaned them trying to refrain from gagging. The next morning a little roach was crawling up the wall in our bedroom! I immediately marched down to the office and told the manager I can't live in such filthy conditions and that she needs to get pest control in ASAP. Thank goodness he came Monday and I haven't seen one since. Keep your fingers crossed!

The pest control man also felt the need to tell me there was a heavily pregnant cow on the 2nd floor. :confused: WTF do I care?

2. DH dragged me to a day long meetings with other soldiers' wives and children. There were several women with babies of course and pregnant cows. :growlmad: Needless to say I didn't make friends with any of the women because they were huddled in groups sharing stories about their children. Seriously, do you women not have a life or career?

Also the people conducting the meetings kept going on and on about children. Come off it already, not all Army wives are toting around 2+ children.

After we left, I came home and cried. I hadn't really been exposed to babies in a while and that was overkill for me.

3. DH wants to drag me to some family oriented festival this evening. I keep telling him I don't wish to attend family events because they're for children!! It's like going to a child's birthday party when you don't have a child to socialize with the birthday boy/girl. Utterly awkward.

4. My depression has coming floating back. Wonderful.
:hugs: Armywife. First, ewww to the roachs. Eww eww eww. Second off, don't let DH drag you to anymore events, lol. He has horrible instincts! :dohh:

Hope everything improves. Make sure you're talking to someone if your depression is creeping up. You have a lot on your plate, it's so easy to get overwhelmed.

I just hate waiting!!!!

For the next appointment, to find the right course for action, waiting the the next test,,,

WAITING to get put on the Waiting list for IVF or IUI,,,


And they say patience is a virtue,,,, its s virtue i don't hold unfortunately :-(
Hehehe, I have 0 patience as well babypink2010!

While we live in a flat, and I've been hearing this music all Friday, Saturday night, and this morning. With a little recon, I finally decided it was next door's music. I went to knock on her door only to find her with a small baby bump and a 3 yr old. It ended up being her DH's surround sound. Surely, you people are deaf over there!!!! :ignore:

There's a pregnant one next to me and another below me! Fecking breeders. :growlmad::growlmad:
I just hate waiting!!!!

For the next appointment, to find the right course for action, waiting the the next test,,,

WAITING to get put on the Waiting list for IVF or IUI,,,


And they say patience is a virtue,,,, its s virtue i don't hold unfortunately :-(

I hate waiting too, we waited 4 months to see a 'specialist NURSE', handed in all samples now told to wait 3 months to actually see a doc. Even then, I'm 'too old' for any treatment on nhs (38 cut off) so I'm waiting for a big rejection, your silver lining is that you qualify. I really hope it's worth the wait for you guys & whatever treTment you ate given works perfectly. Xxx
Thanks, I mean its the whole nhs really, what do i pay my ni for?

But we all live in the hope that the wait will be worth it,,, And it will be,,,

I hate work sometimes, folk walking round the office with a bump,,, sometimes, i wonder how we cope, But it does make us stronger,

I truly believe we are better women for going through this who process,,,,,

IVF is not the only option, just the route we are taken as hubby has low sa,, theres always clomid hg etc

Thanks, I mean its the whole nhs really, what do i pay my ni for?

But we all live in the hope that the wait will be worth it,,, And it will be,,,

I hate work sometimes, folk walking round the office with a bump,,, sometimes, i wonder how we cope, But it does make us stronger,

I truly believe we are better women for going through this who process,,,,,

IVF is not the only option, just the route we are taken as hubby has low sa,, theres always clomid hg etc


Well I really hope it works! X
So why does it seem like I'm the only one who can't fall pregnant!!!
Everyone I know seems to be pregnant (Both my SIL's, cousins, friends, colleagues and the list goes on). Not only that but I've been trying for over a year (have also done 4 cycles using FSH injections and still no luck), and they just seem to look at their DH and get a :bfp:!! :cry: :cry:
I know many of you probably have bigger issues but I just really needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening.

Baby dust to you all
I forgot about this one...

As were lugging the furniture into our flat, FIL looks out the window and makes the comment, "What a nice play area, that would be great if you had children". Really???? I couldn't believe this is coming from FIL, because I've been dealing with MIL's comments for weeks. Trying not to say something snarky, I replied with.."Maybe one day" and walked out the door.

You would think after me being there for 3 weeks they would have learned by now, but noooooo!!!

I'm not looking forward to going back to visit them in June because all I'm going to hear about is the new baby's baptism that also takes place that month. Don't care, not going.
@ armywife..thats soo annoying,,all that IL's comments... this ttc is a tough job already,,why do people help to make it even more tougher...
i have a 2 month pregnant SIL at my home wid a 2yr boy,,and all she do is moaning around abt pregnancy symptoms, vommitting,,sickness etc...like i said her to get pregnant... :growlmad:
and she always make a point that childless ppl are so lucky to have a relaxing life...aaawww....i hate her :grr:
@ armywife..thats soo annoying,,all that IL's comments... this ttc is a tough job already,,why do people help to make it even more tougher...
i have a 2 month pregnant SIL at my home wid a 2yr boy,,and all she do is moaning around abt pregnancy symptoms, vommitting,,sickness etc...like i said her to get pregnant... :growlmad:
and she always make a point that childless ppl are so lucky to have a relaxing life...aaawww....i hate her :grr:

I would have probably told her that I'd swap places with her in a quick minute.
Hi ladies. I hope baby dust is falling on all of you. It's certainly not on me. Just went to the dr today for end of month check up after doing a round of clomid 150, and it turns out I didn't even ovulate. I guess the mystery drug I was on when I did the pcos pregnancy study at my dr's wasn't clomid. So I'm not sure what med my dr will try next. I wish they co
uld just tell me what med I was on during the study, cus that made me ovulate. So another month down the drain. Did my crying, now I'm just gonna curl up in bed.
@ armywife..thats soo annoying,,all that IL's comments... this ttc is a tough job already,,why do people help to make it even more tougher...
i have a 2 month pregnant SIL at my home wid a 2yr boy,,and all she do is moaning around abt pregnancy symptoms, vommitting,,sickness etc...like i said her to get pregnant... :growlmad:
and she always make a point that childless ppl are so lucky to have a relaxing life...aaawww....i hate her :grr:

No kidding!!! Idk how you're not wanting to strangle your SIL??? :shrug: Just the sight of her bump would have me in tears (on a bad day). Surely, you have her locked away in some room? :haha::haha:

So sorry eternal dream, hope the doc gets his act together soon! Time happens to be precious and something LTTCers just don't have enough of.

I don't really have a rant other than we're broke until next Monday...moving really emptied our pockets. It also doesn't help that AF is due Sat and my face is already broke out. I know this month was another bust. :cry::cry: It's just so exhausting failing month after month.
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