Ultimate Venting Thread

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Here's my venting contribution:

My gf on facebook messaged me on Jan 30 to say that she went off of her birth control and asked me if we were trying. I had told her - yes, we have been since Feb. 2011, so don't get dissapointed if it doesn't happen right away..yady yada. Either way, today she posted her 'I'm now pregnant enough to announce it on fb offically' post today. I completely lost it. I think it was bc I got af today and was sitting in my office (also my future nursery room) making my appointment for pre-isci/ivf testing and then decided to check my fb. Officially - everyone I know now has kids without trying - while trying not to - or is pregnant. Ugh
My SIL came upstairs for a visit the other day and thought it would be awesome to ask me how my never ending TTC is going....after I told her that I've given up on IUI's and am planning to go straight to IVF in September, she thought she'd offer me some advice...again..

I sat and watched her for 10 minutes as she told me how she visualized the sperm swimming blah blah blah reached the egg blah blah blah blah blah implanted blah blah blah BFP YAY! After she finished her little "OMG THIS IS SO HELPFUL" routine I literally laughed at her for a good couple of minutes and told her that "erm yeah...I've pretty much done that and everything else you can possibly think off in the TWO YEARS I've been trying to get pregnant...I'm glad it helped you get pregnant in your FIRST MONTH trying" :dohh:

seriously? she goes on and on about how difficult it is having two kids when her mother is raising them since she's at work all the time...and all I get is stupid advice from people who have no idea what TTC for two years is like :cry:
My SIL came upstairs for a visit the other day and thought it would be awesome to ask me how my never ending TTC is going....after I told her that I've given up on IUI's and am planning to go straight to IVF in September, she thought she'd offer me some advice...again..

I sat and watched her for 10 minutes as she told me how she visualized the sperm swimming blah blah blah reached the egg blah blah blah blah blah implanted blah blah blah BFP YAY! After she finished her little "OMG THIS IS SO HELPFUL" routine I literally laughed at her for a good couple of minutes and told her that "erm yeah...I've pretty much done that and everything else you can possibly think off in the TWO YEARS I've been trying to get pregnant...I'm glad it helped you get pregnant in your FIRST MONTH trying" :dohh:

seriously? she goes on and on about how difficult it is having two kids when her mother is raising them since she's at work all the time...and all I get is stupid advice from people who have no idea what TTC for two years is like :cry:

:dohh: Boy, she sounds like a real doozey. At least I don't have any of those - in my immediate family anyways...
You have no idea lol besides the numerous times she's told me that she saw a dream telling her I was pregnant....she also found it appropriate to tell me that she thinks I have a "pregnant glow" and her friend asked if I was expecting :dohh: I haven't decided if she does it on purpose or if she's just stupid :shrug:

I also want to vent about a previously enjoyable and fun part of the forum that appears to have transformed itself into a new baby club. It was fun while it lasted :nope:
Bear's Mummy, I do hope you're ok!!! :shock::shock: Also hope your nephew was properly disciplined, and I'm not talking just a slap on the hand.

Army: Nope, she laughed, told me I was a pussy and I was to smack him! It's not my place to punish HER child, she was there, she saw< if you want the privilage of being a mother, you have to take the good with he bad, and do the job properly!!

I'm still sore, but don't want to go to the docs. Hopefully it will go off in a few days.
You have no idea lol besides the numerous times she's told me that she saw a dream telling her I was pregnant....she also found it appropriate to tell me that she thinks I have a "pregnant glow" and her friend asked if I was expecting :dohh: I haven't decided if she does it on purpose or if she's just stupid :shrug:

I also want to vent about a previously enjoyable and fun part of the forum that appears to have transformed itself into a new baby club. It was fun while it lasted :nope:

I agree. It seems to have gotten more baby-ish with everyone posting look at their LO, or LO names list. Even GC has gotten a ton of pregnancy related posts. I mean a little bit if fine, I usually avoid those threads anyway. But when I log on I don't want to see half the posts about women discussing their pregnancy or how their LO mooned a child on the playground. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Bear: Well I must say you handled the situation with the upmost class. If it were me, I might have to refrain from backhanding that child across the face. It's evident were he gets his unruly, rude behavior from.

Good to hear you're doing better.
A few more vents:

Yesterday and since we've moved here, I've been noticing an abundance of pregnant women. And it's the South so there's a bunch of teenage pregnancies too. :growlmad::growlmad: My DH made the comment that a certain brigade just came back home from Afghanistan, so that's why we're seeing a TON of pregnant women. They get their husbands, boyfriends back and screw like :bunny: . Must be nice to have sex and get pregnant. :cry:

I also have this massive migraine that has confined to my bed. Poor me.:dohh:
:hugs: Armywife, zan , Bearsmummy and MissAnnabelle. Boy, it's been a doozy of a week ladies!

Nothing worth venting about today. Same old, preggo preggo everywhere. :cry:
Army...I know how you feel about everyone around you being preggo. Isometimes I think it is worse on the base. I avoid the base and military housing like the plague, so much so that dh picks up my perscriiptions so I don't have to go there.

Three vents for me:
Dh and I planned to run some errands, get my insurance info sorted, and then go to a baseball game yesterday. Well, that all went to sh*t because he got called into work and had to work 7-630. To add insult to injury, the reason he had to go in was because the other guy's wife went into labor. I could have done without that bit of info :(

I have my annual laryngitis so I can't talk or sleep due to so much coughing ans my throat hurting.

I'm really dreading mothers day, so on fb I posted "I think its time for me to take another fb hiatus especially with mothers day just around the corner." A girl commented, does that mean you are knocked up?" No dumba$$. Why would I need to take a break from fb around mothers day if I were preggo? I would be excited to celebrate it with the rest of the world (or at least the us). I replied, "nope, it means that I've been trying for two years and for my own mental health don't want to see all the mothers day posts." That'll shut her up! Furthermore, I have been married for 4 years...I wouldn't call it knocked up if I happened to conceived! I probably shouldn't have said what I did on such a public place like fb but I just don't care anymore.
Hope it's OK to post here. I'm new to the forum, have been trying since 2009.

NavyWife, I am thisclose to cracking and telling people off, too. Maybe enough facebook rants will convince people to stop asking.

My rant is mostly toward myself though. I'm pissed I waited a year and half to get married from the time I was engaged. I'm extra-pissed I put on so much weight, making getting pregnant difficult. I wish I hadn't pretended to be casual about it for 2 and a half years now, while everyone around me got pregnant. I threw the stupid baby showers, listened to all the crowing about "superegg and wondersperm have done it again!", even babysat on occasion.

In some cases, friends and family have actually lapped us. We got married the same time, or even before them, and they've not only conceived but *have* 2 gorgeous kids now. I've been with my husband since 2007. I was 28 then, and now I'm 33, still trying for #1. I wish I could go back and tell that girl to get healthy and pregnant while it was easier to do.
Don't we all wish we could go back and do things differently!? I wish I hadn't have taken bc for the first two years of my marriage. Maybe we would be parents by now. But you can't change the past...I guess this is one of those learn from mistakes...no regrets type of moments...its so hard though!
I would so love to be a no-regrets person! This month put me over the edge though. I have a 33-35 day cycle, so it already takes forever to find out the results of a month of trying. This time, I'm at Day 39, still no AF, still BFN. I was grateful for my cycles regulating after 2 years of being a mess. Now, it feels like I'm back to square 1.
Don't we all wish we could go back and do things differently!? I wish I hadn't have taken bc for the first two years of my marriage. Maybe we would be parents by now. But you can't change the past...I guess this is one of those learn from mistakes...no regrets type of moments...its so hard though!

Agree. I went on bc pill for 3 months before my wedding because af was due to hit during my honeymoon and some months I'm housebound with it so took bc to take to delay it, big mistake. Wish I'd just risked it now x
Military base=breeding grounds. I swear military wives have nothing better to do than get pregnant. :haha::haha: I'm definitely not the quintessential military wife :dohh:.

My Rants as of Today:

I started this new job for the summer until I can go back to school this fall. Nothing special, just extra $$ for stuff we need and eventually $$ being put towards IVF. OF COURSE, I get asked the age old question, "Do you have children?". I answer no, and my loose lips launch into me getting on my infertility soapbox. :dohh: Feck :dohh:.

Why must I educate fertile people on IF? It's not like they care or will ever understand :nope: :dohh::dohh:.

Note to Self: Learn how to shut mouth, keep it professional and not let IF woes slip.
Armywife I found myself rambling on about IF to strangers for the first time last week :dohh: I have no idea why since I usually never talk about it IRL!

I guess sometimes we need to get the thoughts out :shrug:

Vent of the day:

On saturday we brought over a security guy to install a new alarm system in the house...he was making a lot of noise so at some point I texted my SIL saying that I hope the noise isn't bothering her LO's too much and interfering with their naps, since I know that her eldest has serious issues with loud noises and gets extremely scared, I was worried that we'd be causing him stress...especially since we're generally very quiet people in comparison to them with the kids running around pulling furniture and making noise all day.

She says it's ok and not to worry...and "OHH!! I have something to tell you!! I'll be right up!"

:dohh: dammit

she comes upstairs with my goddaughter and tells me that the lady she was telling me about the other day (some therapist with energy blah blah blah) came to do a session with her and told her that a baby will be arriving soon in the house. She was so excited...just like she was aaaaalll the other times she was sure I'd get pregnant soon....

so I just looked at her and said...what if it's you? I mean remember the dream you had that sent you running upstairs two years ago?? you're holding that dream in your arms because you're the one that got a bfp that month. She laughed and said not to be silly since she and her OH have 0 sex with two kids :dohh:

I don't know what to do with her anymore...I can't tell if her intentions are honest and she really wishes me to be pregnant and it's just my IF bitterness that pops out from time to time is warping the way I see things.....or if she just gets a kick out of reminding me that I've never ever in my life seen a second line on an hpt :shrug::shrug::shrug:

sorry for the superLong rant....I'm just confused about it all. I don't want to snap at her since she's OHs sister and we live under the same roof...on the other hand I wish she'd just shuuuuuuuuuuuuuut uppppppppp about it all!! There's a little part of me that gets its hopes up everytime she says something like that and I'm tired of my hopes getting crushed after 27 cycles of TTC :cry:
Yikes, one of those people who won't leave it alone. I'd maybe approach it as "I appreciate that you're sending me positive thoughts but I'm having a hard time discussing this topic right now so perhaps we can leave it for now. I would really like that". ? Or will it never sink in with her?

I think the longer we keep IF to ourselves, the more we want to tell people. I'm getting tired of hiding it, I've started letting things slip too, Army. I also do the same and beat myself up after, lol.
I've told her in the past that I don't want to talk about my IF because it just makes me sad....I guess she thinks that we're not actually talking about it, she's just giving me hope lol :dohh: I've even told her recently that I'm taking a break from TTC until I go for IVF in september because I need some time off from being sad...the first thing that popped out of her mouth was "oooohhhh I bet you're going to get pregnant now that you're not going to be thinking about it" :dohh: yeah thanks...that helps me get TTC out of my head lol
And so it begins...

Since DH and I have decided to stop ttc for the undetermined amount of time (see siggy below), we are now going to hear from people, "What about adoption?" Of course, that hasn't stopped people before...

I want to shout on the rooftops to "LEAVE US THE HECK ALONE!!!!!!!"

Rant over...lol :haha:
And so it begins...

Since DH and I have decided to stop ttc for the undetermined amount of time (see siggy below), we are now going to hear from people, "What about adoption?" Of course, that hasn't stopped people before...

I want to shout on the rooftops to "LEAVE US THE HECK ALONE!!!!!!!"

Rant over...lol :haha:

ugh I really wish people would know when to shut up!!! :dohh: can't they put themselves in other people's shoes for 2 seconds? I'm pretty sure that that's the amount of time needed for them to realize that they're being insensitive and stupid lol :hugs::hugs::hugs:
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