Ultimate Venting Thread

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And so it begins...

Since DH and I have decided to stop ttc for the undetermined amount of time (see siggy below), we are now going to hear from people, "What about adoption?" Of course, that hasn't stopped people before...

I want to shout on the rooftops to "LEAVE US THE HECK ALONE!!!!!!!"

Rant over...lol :haha:

The know the other annoying thing you will hear now is 'now your not actively trying, you'll be more relaxed and it will happen'

Heard that one a million times over!!


I feel like crap!! I don't know why, I had my accupuncture appointment on Tuesday and its like its opened the floodgates for everything to start hurting. My ovary still hurts, I mentioned it to the doc when I went in Tuesday but didn't make a big fuss, I didn't want it on record that I accociate with knobheads with unruly children!!
And so it begins...

Since DH and I have decided to stop ttc for the undetermined amount of time (see siggy below), we are now going to hear from people, "What about adoption?" Of course, that hasn't stopped people before...

I want to shout on the rooftops to "LEAVE US THE HECK ALONE!!!!!!!"

Rant over...lol :haha:

The know the other annoying thing you will hear now is 'now your not actively trying, you'll be more relaxed and it will happen'

Heard that one a million times over!!


I feel like crap!! I don't know why, I had my accupuncture appointment on Tuesday and its like its opened the floodgates for everything to start hurting. My ovary still hurts, I mentioned it to the doc when I went in Tuesday but didn't make a big fuss, I didn't want it on record that I accociate with knobheads with unruly children!!

Too late...was told that by a friend yesterday. She and I also have the understanding that infertility not be brought up unless I bring it up. Makes for easier conversation.
I love the, "What about adoption?".

Ironically enough it's always fertile couples with 2 or more children who make this suggestion. They're completely unaware you have to go thru endless stacks of paperwork, mental and health evaluations, most likely wait listed, and fork out $25,000 for A baby. It's not like you go to the local convenience shop, pick which one you like, then take your purchase home.:nope:


1. I haven't been into bding lately (ovulation window), just too exhausted. Yesterday I had my second migraine and my feet are continuously swollen from work. I don't want cankles!!! :brat:

2. And for some reason pregnant :mamafy: were real snooty, aside from the usual :smug:ness. I really wanted to smack a few :ninja:.
I had to sit through a convo today where I was told that 4 people were pregnant :dohh: 2 of them without even wanting a baby! They had to "think" about keeping it! :cry:

Not to mention the ex-coworker that was strutting around with her round bump looking beautiful :cry:
I love the, "What about adoption?".

Ironically enough it's always fertile couples with 2 or more children who make this suggestion. They're completely unaware you have to go thru endless stacks of paperwork, mental and health evaluations, most likely wait listed, and fork out $25,000 for A baby. It's not like you go to the local convenience shop, pick which one you like, then take your purchase home.:nope:


1. I haven't been into bding lately (ovulation window), just too exhausted. Yesterday I had my second migraine and my feet are continuously swollen from work. I don't want cankles!!! :brat:

2. And for some reason pregnant :mamafy: were real snooty, aside from the usual :smug:ness. I really wanted to smack a few :ninja:.

I'm thinking that they think it's like going to pick out a puppy at a shelter. :haha:
I had to sit through a convo today where I was told that 4 people were pregnant :dohh: 2 of them without even wanting a baby! They had to "think" about keeping it! :cry:

Not to mention the ex-coworker that was strutting around with her round bump looking beautiful :cry:

:hugs: That sucks. :(

There honestly seems to be something in the water. Everywhere I turn someone is pregnant.

Worst thing for me this week? Two women who've managed to get pregnant TWICE since I started trying. Ugh. I think I'm all cried out at this point, all I can do is be sad.
I would love to comment on all your posts, but I'm on my phone and its hard to type everything...I will get back on tomorrow to do so.

My rant: I completely lost it at work today and spent my entire lunch break locked in my classroom crying. We are having a mothers day breakfast tomorrow during which we invited all the moms to come in and spend time with their kids (I teach kindeergarten). We have been doing crafts, writing books, and making pictures to present to them tomorrow. I have been okay all week, butt today was harder for some reason. I read the kids a mothers day story right before taking them to lunch. As soon as we leave the classroom I run into one of the three pregnant women that I work with(significantly down from 11 last year!) It took everything I had to finish walking the kids to lunch and then run back to my classroom to let it all out. How the heck am I going to make it through tomorrow?

To make matters worse, dh works nights this week so he is asleep when I leave and I am asleep when he gets home. So we have only woen each other up for akiss hello or goodbye. Figures I wouldn't see him when I need him most.
I would love to comment on all your posts, but I'm on my phone and its hard to type everything...I will get back on tomorrow to do so.

My rant: I completely lost it at work today and spent my entire lunch break locked in my classroom crying. We are having a mothers day breakfast tomorrow during which we invited all the moms to come in and spend time with their kids (I teach kindeergarten). We have been doing crafts, writing books, and making pictures to present to them tomorrow. I have been okay all week, butt today was harder for some reason. I read the kids a mothers day story right before taking them to lunch. As soon as we leave the classroom I run into one of the three pregnant women that I work with(significantly down from 11 last year!) It took everything I had to finish walking the kids to lunch and then run back to my classroom to let it all out. How the heck am I going to make it through tomorrow?

To make matters worse, dh works nights this week so he is asleep when I leave and I am asleep when he gets home. So we have only woen each other up for akiss hello or goodbye. Figures I wouldn't see him when I need him most.

:hugs: Mother's Day is a tough one, esp. year after year expecting to be one yourself. You know where to vent when hubby isn't around.
Navy: Sending you loads and loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

OK, I have a couple of rants.....

Firstly, I do not like change, I am old and set in my ways, I do not like what BNB have done to the website. Its like when BragBook changes (especially to timeline) I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!! My smilies do not work either. Grrrr
Secondly, Please Please Please do not get angry with ME for mentioning this, And I BEG YOU, do not go googling the video, do not watch it, do not watch clips of it, STAY AWAY FROM IT. I actually think the video has been taken down and banned across the world now.
Its a mother beating, and I mean seriously beating her 8 month old baby.
WHAT THE FCUK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? I don't know where to start with this one.
Navy: Sending you loads and loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

OK, I have a couple of rants.....

Firstly, I do not like change, I am old and set in my ways, I do not like what BNB have done to the website. Its like when BragBook changes (especially to timeline) I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!! My smilies do not work either. Grrrr
Secondly, Please Please Please do not get angry with ME for mentioning this, And I BEG YOU, do not go googling the video, do not watch it, do not watch clips of it, STAY AWAY FROM IT. I actually think the video has been taken down and banned across the world now.
Its a mother beating, and I mean seriously beating her 8 month old baby.
WHAT THE FCUK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? I don't know where to start with this one.

I was in Walmart yesterday picking out Mother's Day cards for my mom and MIL and got overwhelmed and had to leave the card section. Father's Day next month is going to be even worse. :cry:

I have always said that the wrong people in this world are allowed to reproduce. I actually heard a woman tell her friend a long time ago that she didn't care what happened to her newborn, as long as she could get a check every month. THAT right there pissed me off. This was before DH and I had even met. I was so stunned and left speechless (a feat in itself) at this woman's comments.
Ahh, my ex husband seems to be one for churning out babies for the benefit cheque each week!

Someone made a comment that this woman could have been suffering with PND, yes, maybe she was, but who is the FECKING IDIOT standing there filming it and not calling help for her or her baby??? It's not just the mother in the wrong in this case, no matter how much 'evidence' I wanted for social services/police etc etc that she is harming her child, I could not stand there and film it!! People make me sick. I can't get my head around it.
Navy: Sending you loads and loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

OK, I have a couple of rants.....

Firstly, I do not like change, I am old and set in my ways, I do not like what BNB have done to the website. Its like when BragBook changes (especially to timeline) I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!! My smilies do not work either. Grrrr
Secondly, Please Please Please do not get angry with ME for mentioning this, And I BEG YOU, do not go googling the video, do not watch it, do not watch clips of it, STAY AWAY FROM IT. I actually think the video has been taken down and banned across the world now.
Its a mother beating, and I mean seriously beating her 8 month old baby.
WHAT THE FCUK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? I don't know where to start with this one.

Oh dear! I saw that article on the DM but didn't dare click on it!!

Navywife- Sending positive vibes your way and hoping you get thru the day.

I too was cornered by 2 pregnant women at work yesterday. They just babbled about how much they hated their OB and blah, blah. Unfortunately, they were in my work area so I couldn't run away! What is with these cows lately? Just go home and be on bed rest! They act like pregnancy is some sort of disability anyway.

BNB is ticking me off today too.
ugh Armywife!! the only thing that's worse than a pregnant woman cornering you is when she corners you to bitch about being pregnant :dohh:

THAT'S IT!!! all the pregnant people around me and my SIL saying shit managed to get my hopes up again!! I'd managed to get to a point where I didn't POAS even when I was a few days late and I was much happier just accepting that AF would come month after month after month!!! Now I got my hopes up and since I'm 1 day late I tested on the damn ICs I have stashed away...

:bfn: how fucking original :cry:

tomorrow morning I'm throwing them all out since it's quite obvious that we're never going to get pregnant on our own :cry: there's no point in trying anymore :cry: I'm just going to have to get over it and deal with it again in September when we go for IVF

damn SIL and her crap :cry: next time she tells me about some awesome omen she had I'm going to tell her to shut up and never EVER speak to me about getting pregnant again...maybe THEN she'll get the fucking hint :cry:
ugh Armywife!! the only thing that's worse than a pregnant woman cornering you is when she corners you to bitch about being pregnant :dohh:

THAT'S IT!!! all the pregnant people around me and my SIL saying shit managed to get my hopes up again!! I'd managed to get to a point where I didn't POAS even when I was a few days late and I was much happier just accepting that AF would come month after month after month!!! Now I got my hopes up and since I'm 1 day late I tested on the damn ICs I have stashed away...

:bfn: how fucking original :cry:

tomorrow morning I'm throwing them all out since it's quite obvious that we're never going to get pregnant on our own :cry: there's no point in trying anymore :cry: I'm just going to have to get over it and deal with it again in September when we go for IVF

damn SIL and her crap :cry: next time she tells me about some awesome omen she had I'm going to tell her to shut up and never EVER speak to me about getting pregnant again...maybe THEN she'll get the fucking hint :cry:

Sometimes you have to get rude with fertile people in order to get them to leave you the hell alone! :haha:

ugh Armywife!! the only thing that's worse than a pregnant woman cornering you is when she corners you to bitch about being pregnant :dohh:

THAT'S IT!!! all the pregnant people around me and my SIL saying shit managed to get my hopes up again!! I'd managed to get to a point where I didn't POAS even when I was a few days late and I was much happier just accepting that AF would come month after month after month!!! Now I got my hopes up and since I'm 1 day late I tested on the damn ICs I have stashed away...

:bfn: how fucking original :cry:

tomorrow morning I'm throwing them all out since it's quite obvious that we're never going to get pregnant on our own :cry: there's no point in trying anymore :cry: I'm just going to have to get over it and deal with it again in September when we go for IVF

damn SIL and her crap :cry: next time she tells me about some awesome omen she had I'm going to tell her to shut up and never EVER speak to me about getting pregnant again...maybe THEN she'll get the fucking hint :cry:

Sometimes you have to get rude with fertile people in order to get them to leave you the hell alone! :haha:


I have!!! I'd tell your SIL that if she ever wants you to speak to her again, pregnancy, babies, fertility (or a lack thereof), or anything regarding children is not allowed as a conversation topic. I haven't gone as far as to stop speaking to people who keep bringing it up, but I have told friends not to bring up anything about that around me. It does nothing but piss me off and get me depressed.
Just found out that my other SIL is pregnant with her 2nd. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

SIL I hate has 3, SIL (I like) now has 2. All while I'm still at 0. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Life is so cruel.
Just found out that my other SIL is pregnant with her 2nd. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

SIL I hate has 3, SIL (I like) now has 2. All while I'm still at 0. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Life is so cruel.


damn SILs!!!!

I want to vent about my own stupid self that wandered into the BFP announcement section :dohh: yay for women on pregnancy #5 and those who "finally" got pregnant after 3 months :dohh:

I hate that LTTTC has made me so bitter and cynical at times!
LTTC makes me wish I didn't want children. It's so painful and lonely to go thru this hell for who knows how long!!

Argh, I'm just so sick of being the infertile one. :cry::cry:
I know what you mean :hugs:

on my down days (like this past week) I kind of feel like I'm all alone behind a huuuuuuge glass wall...I can see all the pregnant women, mothers, and babies on the other side! But all I can do is press up against the glass and watch them without being able to find a way through to join them

I don't know if BnB is making me worse or is offering me comfort :cry:
I know exactly what you mean!!! You're just on the outside looking in, silently suffering on a daily basis. All you can think about when you see a bump or a mother and her child is, "Will I ever get to experience that? When is it my turn? I would kill for that".

For me sometimes BNB fuels it and other times it's my only support. :cry:

Just sucks that my day has gone in the shitter and tomorrow is going to be another ruined day.

It's not fair that other people get baby joy and we're saddled with depression, anxiety. :cry::cry:
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