Ultimate Venting Thread

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Thanks wonderstars...I just couldn't handle BnB so I took a break...almost everybody I had become friends with on here are now pregnant and it was getting me down. I have run out of clomid my IUI didn't work and the drugs were doing my head in. In 3 months it will be 3 years since we stopped using "protection" At least on this thread there isn't the same old "this is your month I know it" RRRAAAAAAAA

I was invited to another friends baby shower this week. I'm not going. I need to take care of me more than I want to support her. It only took her 2 months of trying! There is no way she appreciates her baby as much as we would ours.
Maurie: My OH done that as well, I just sat down calmly (yes, me!! Calm!!) and explained the seriousness and this isn't a drug you can just go and buy over the counter, every day counts, and I'm sorry for my moods, but it's only temporary. I think men just don't understand, they don't mean to be so ignorant about it all, they just are not the ones physically going through the changes meds bring and our maternal urges.

Mommy and Me: Sending massive :hugs: your way.

Army: Will people never learn to stop asking such personal questions? I don't understand why anyone thinks it is their right to know such personal details about my life!! My new neighbour decided to ak me the other day if I planned on adding to my family, so I was just blunt and to the point. 'I have been trying to 'add' to my family for over 10 years now, I have had every available treatment and test so far and now I have to have IVF, but whether I do or not is up to if the person at the PCT got out of bed on the wrong side the day my case notes land on his (probably) desk!' She just looked at the floor and muttered something, but I think I shut her up!!

I don't really have a rant, just a little confused.
I received a C.C from my clinic to my G.P,, where it was decided I would be referred for 'fertility treatment' and all they have said in the letter is 'the couple have decided to go to Oxford for IVF, IUI or ICSI treatment'.......................OK, so which one?? :shrug:

Thanks for all your support when AF arrived on Wednesday, I decided getting smashed probably wasn't the answer and just stomped around the house a little bit, slamming doors and generally being a bitch to anyone who came within shouting distance. I feel better!

Also the acupuncture really has made a difference to my endo, I have taken ZERO painkillers and the flow is much much lighter, i would seriously recommend doing it! I normally live on painkillers during AF. :thumbup:

My friend who annoyed me at the beggining of the week has firmly been put in her place. She had the audacity to message me on BragBook saying she feels EMPTY because all four of her children were at school. My reply? 'Try having an empty uterus, now that really is an empty feeling' :dohh:
Ah, I also meant to add, that since I stopped taking my temperature, I have been sleeping much better, I have been on medication for 3 years to help me sleep and last night was the first night in 3 years that I took no medication at all!! Im so pleased with myself!

I think the reasons I am sleeping better is because
A) I don't have the worry of making sure I have enough sleep to take my temperature!
B) Because I'm not worrying or anticipating what my temperature will be.

I bet your all sick of hearing my positivity today. I'll go find something to rant about. :haha:
My vent? Why is the bloody 'unsubscribe' button so close to the 'last page' button?! That's the second time in a week I've unsubscribed from the best thread on here.
Welcome Maurie and Mommy & me! :flower:

Maurie- It sounds like DH meant well. At least he acknowledges your pain and suffering, even though it's not the best choice of words.

Wonderstars- I'm very pleased with the outcome of my hair. I would've been rightly pissed if it came out wrong, as she was quite pricey! Hopefully, she's learned to shut her trap about the baby subject.

Bear's- :rofl::rofl: You are on a roll telling off these fertile ninnies! I must take notes! :thumbup:

No baby rants today, for once.

Other rants:

-I'm rather annoyed the grocery market didn't have the crisp dip I was looking for.

-I will strangle DH and end up on the 5 o' clock news, if he doesn't clean up the spare bedroom.

-This humidity in the South is really getting to me. I believe my deodorant has melted off onto the sidewalk.

-I will also strangle the pregnant cow's DH (next door) if he doesn't turn down his surround system. :growlmad::growlmad:
ugh! I'm starting to think that some people purposefully try to drive LTTTCers away...either that or they're too damn stupid to realize that LTTTC is painful and we don't want to hear you bitch about the fact that "OMG HELP!! MY LEFT BOOB ITCHES BECAUSE OF MY AWESOME PREGNANCY AND WE ALL NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS BECAUSE IT'S OMG SUCH A BIG THING"

Friends wedding reception, mutual friend whom I haven't seen in a year, much loved friend actually, but did she really have to ASK if we were going to have a child together like we'd planned......then compound the patronism with that old classic "you know what you need to do is stop thinking about it and it will happen".

Grrrr I love you lady but I'm still mad at you!!

I wish someone could explain how "stop thinking about it" helps to not actually think about it!!! It's like telling someone who's on a diet and is struggling "stop thinking about chocolate and you'll be fine"! of course all they're going to think about is chocolate...because YOU'RE reminding them of it :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Friends wedding reception, mutual friend whom I haven't seen in a year, much loved friend actually, but did she really have to ASK if we were going to have a child together like we'd planned......then compound the patronism with that old classic "you know what you need to do is stop thinking about it and it will happen".

Grrrr I love you lady but I'm still mad at you!!

I just can't wrap my brain around people's logic. Do they not hear themselves?

We've been told stop thinking about it and stop trying. Should we stop having sex too? It's not really working either. :haha::haha:
Friends wedding reception, mutual friend whom I haven't seen in a year, much loved friend actually, but did she really have to ASK if we were going to have a child together like we'd planned......then compound the patronism with that old classic "you know what you need to do is stop thinking about it and it will happen".

Grrrr I love you lady but I'm still mad at you!!

I just can't wrap my brain around people's logic. Do they not hear themselves?

We've been told stop thinking about it and stop trying. Should we stop having sex too? It's not really working either. :haha::haha:
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong? Lol well I've tried everything else!!
Hello again ladies,

hope you don´t mind me popping in to moan some more... I guess it´s not really a rant but when I had a pretty complete meltdown on the arrival of AF, DH attempted to talk me out of having children as ´it´s killing you´. Well, yes, it is but I am taking fertility drugs and they make me a little bit nuts. Also, if we take a break now, the 12 month countdown on fertility drugs starts again and I have no intentions to start all over again with Clomid and it´s horrid side-effects, thank you! And I can´t just switch my brain off and not want a child (if someone knows how this is done, pm me asap please!). Sigh.
:haha: Hypnotism? :haha:


-Other than wishing to murder my DH today. He's so moody, it's starting to piss me off. I was wandering in GC and noticed a thread closed about, "Gender disappointment". :saywhat: Thus discovering we have a section in BNB called that. :growlmad::growlmad:

I bet if any of those women, men were LTTC they would certainly not be unhappy with their baby's sex. Unfortunately some of us don't have that luxury of being choosey. :growlmad::growlmad:
:haha: Hypnotism? :haha:


-Other than wishing to murder my DH today. He's so moody, it's starting to piss me off. I was wandering in GC and noticed a thread closed about, "Gender disappointment". :saywhat: Thus discovering we have a section in BNB called that. :growlmad::growlmad:

I bet if any of those women, men were LTTC they would certainly not be unhappy with their baby's sex. Unfortunately some of us don't have that luxury of being choosey. :growlmad::growlmad:

I've seen that section also and it always annoys me! Right now, i would settle for any gender!

My rant: i ov'd about a week ago, and of course have "symptoms" df is convinced this is our month! I've been through this so many times but there is always that small ray of ope, that just makes me feel like an idiot! I am getting to the stage that i geuinely don't believe it will happen for us, but df is poisitive it will happen! I wish i had that ope!

I had facebook and seeing preggers women or babies whereever i go! Ffs it feels like a kick in the teeth every time!
I hate most of all. How bitter i am becoming :cry:
I have just managed to completely enrage myself by checking dates of the next hotel night dh and I have in July. Special occasion as seeing dh face musician, you've guessed it, af is due that bloody day. Last few nights we had away was in April for our 1st wedding anniversary, yep, af was due that day too, time we had away before that was in February for his birthday, yep, af was due that very day too.

So flipping annoyed.
Friends wedding reception, mutual friend whom I haven't seen in a year, much loved friend actually, but did she really have to ASK if we were going to have a child together like we'd planned......then compound the patronism with that old classic "you know what you need to do is stop thinking about it and it will happen".

Grrrr I love you lady but I'm still mad at you!!

I just can't wrap my brain around people's logic. Do they not hear themselves?

We've been told stop thinking about it and stop trying. Should we stop having sex too? It's not really working either. :haha::haha:
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong? Lol well I've tried everything else!!

We've tried it (way too exhausted from lttc and needed a break)...it doesn't work! LOL
I have just managed to completely enrage myself by checking dates of the next hotel night dh and I have in July. Special occasion as seeing dh face musician, you've guessed it, af is due that bloody day. Last few nights we had away was in April for our 1st wedding anniversary, yep, af was due that day too, time we had away before that was in February for his birthday, yep, af was due that very day too.

So flipping annoyed.

Ugh...that is annoying! Vacations are the ONLY reason I miss BCP! If I didn't want to have af due to a vaca, I didn't have to. Now after being lttc, I would NEVER dream of going back on BCP (unless it is one of those rare occasions that it is medically necessary).
I have just managed to completely enrage myself by checking dates of the next hotel night dh and I have in July. Special occasion as seeing dh face musician, you've guessed it, af is due that bloody day. Last few nights we had away was in April for our 1st wedding anniversary, yep, af was due that day too, time we had away before that was in February for his birthday, yep, af was due that very day too.

So flipping annoyed.

Ugh...that is annoying! Vacations are the ONLY reason I miss BCP! If I didn't want to have af due to a vaca, I didn't have to. Now after being lttc, I would NEVER dream of going back on BCP (unless it is one of those rare occasions that it is medically necessary).
Yeah exactly! I took bcp last year in 2 months b4 wedding as I realised af was due on wedding day & stopped right after honeymoon. Overnights away it's like one thing you tell yourself at least we can just go away for a few days as it's one of the few good points of not having a baby yet!
But it just seems that every single time we try to forget TTC and plan other things the flaming witch is right there reminding me. So every time I go away I'm reminded I'm not pregnant and have to suffer the physical side too. I think there is even a small part of me would go back on bcp just so I can say I'm not pregnant because I'm controlling that choice. You know what I mean?
Just Married: I agree. These idiots telling you "to stop thingking about it" obviously have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I've tried the whole "lets not try. Lets just have fun." And trust me it does not work.

I am terrible sorry about my extreme rant last week. I have to apologise for my terrible launuage usage. I only now relaised how bad it was.

Me and DH have to get our homework up to date this week. Becasue i am currently on CD12. And this is after I was 14 days late last moht. How on earth does that happe?!

Hopoe all you ladies have a good day.

Just Married: I agree. These idiots telling you "to stop thingking about it" obviously have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I've tried the whole "lets not try. Lets just have fun." And trust me it does not work.

I am terrible sorry about my extreme rant last week. I have to apologise for my terrible launuage usage. I only now relaised how bad it was.

Me and DH have to get our homework up to date this week. Becasue i am currently on CD12. And this is after I was 14 days late last moht. How on earth does that happe?!

Hopoe all you ladies have a good day.


You don't have to apologize for your post last week. That is the beauty of this thread! I wasn't offended by your use of terrible language...I sympathize with you. :)
Just Married: I agree. These idiots telling you "to stop thingking about it" obviously have no idea what the hell they are talking about. I've tried the whole "lets not try. Lets just have fun." And trust me it does not work.

I am terrible sorry about my extreme rant last week. I have to apologise for my terrible launuage usage. I only now relaised how bad it was.

Me and DH have to get our homework up to date this week. Becasue i am currently on CD12. And this is after I was 14 days late last moht. How on earth does that happe?!

Hopoe all you ladies have a good day.


You don't have to apologize for your post last week. That is the beauty of this thread! I wasn't offended by your use of terrible language...I sympathize with you. :)

Thanks a mill :)
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