Ultimate Venting Thread

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Army - That's the way you deal with IF, and people must respect that! It's not up to anyone else to tell you how to deal with your feelings, or to tell you that your wrong. Stay Strong :hugs:

Navy - I am so sorry about Cinny, :hugs:

Stephie - Cynical and sarcastic, us?? Never!! :haha: Welcome!!
Army - I'm sorry :hugs: I think we all share your frustrations! I agree with what BearsMummy said, nobody else can even come close to comprehending what you are going through, I think sometimes it's more important that we protect ourselves, rather than please those around us.

I would do the exact same thing. DH didn't speak to me all last night because I refused to go a family BBQ this weekend because I knew there would be two new borns and a pregnant woman there. Apparently I need to "get over it...". You can imagine my reaction to this! It was strange because usually DH and I are on the same wave length with IF, apparently not :shrug:

BearsMummy - I meant cynical and sarcastic in the best possible way of corse, :haha:
This is going to be very hard to believe, but I have been employed by my work for a little over 2 years now, and during that time, there has been 16 pregnancies, one of them being myself, (m/c) 3 of them are from the same woman, (1 m/c) and another 2 by a different woman. The rest are all by different women. So, 13 different women have gotten pregnant in 2 years, none of them trying, and all of them surprised. The famous saying at my work is, "Don't drink the water!" So, I just heard, while I'm on vacation this week, that there is yet ANOTHER friggin pregnancy, making that 14 different women, 17 pregnancies!! I flew off the handle. I think it bugs me the most, because this girl is 21, does nothing but party and drink every night, and has been on birth control since she was 14. She came off of it only because her doctor told her that it was what was causing her cysts. Then the first time she had sex with someone she met at a bar, she got pregnant. And she is sooo miserable about it, saying she doesn't know what to do, she's not ready, and she doesn't want it. It just makes me sick to my stomach!! I don't understand how someone can be soo irresponsibly stupid, and unaware of the beauty of what is growing inside of her. I just know, if she does decide to carry, she will be one of those people that very possibly will not give up drinking and partying, despite a baby being inside of her. I mean, I feel like if it weren't for her being pregnant, I would just smack her for her ignorance!! Here I am, trying so hard for a baby, then I get pregnant, and lose the baby, then I try again for what seems like forever, and nothing, but it seems like once a month there is a newly pregnant coworker. When will it be my turn??? Sorry to rant and rave, but I really needed that! Thank you, I feel better now :)
Thank you ladies. I too believe that conserving my mental health is more important than rolling over for others. They have no right in telling me how to feel. If they don't like how I deal with IF, then they can feck off!

I told DH off. SIL is just trying to rub it in my face. She could care less about my struggles.

Stephie- I would've done the same and skipped the social event! Why go to a gathering when you know you're going to be miserable? Just to please other people? Pffft!!!

Welcome Fpcco08, my condolences for your losses. :hugs: I feel sorry for her unborn child. A woman who is that careless should be infertile, not us.
Just another small rant....but at work at minute and the woman i work with has got a FULL SCREEN picture of someone we work with daughters baby scan at 20weeks!!! Now everyone is crowding round her desk oooing and ahhing at this F***ING picture!!!!
I DO NOT WANT TO LOOK AT IT!!!!! I can actalully feel my ovaries crying!!!! :(
I really am struggling at the minute, the monster inside me has well and truely surfaced again and its becoming more and more difficult to restrain!
Ive got a family BBQ tomorrow and i know whats coming the dreaded baby questions and i am worried that i will not be able to give my usual false smile and nod and say "oh soon....yes!" and that i will erupt!!! : (

Need some advice ladies on how to deal with this and also the fact the my best friend is pregnant and since she told me earlier this week i have avoided her like the bubonic plague!!!!! Really do not know how i am going to be able to deal with the next 9months!!!! I cant avoid her forever but i really hate her at the minute!!! Which i feel so bad for as it is!
smallstar- I have no advice for you, sorry, me being me would just tell them to f off and mind their own f'ing business!! As you can see by my previous posts, I am usually one to tell someone straight!
And the thing with your friend, take some time out, does she know about your struggles? If she does, maybe she will be understanding of why you are taking some time out. I know my true friends who have got pregnant while I have been trying have been fantastic and very understanding if I haven't wanted to get too involved.
BearsMummy - I know but its so hard to tell people to f off especially when they dont know what we are going through!!! They will just think i am mad and errational! :) (Which i suppose this all has made me anyway!)
Noone knows that we have been TTC for over 2 years now, we have made the decision to keep this to ourselves as didt want anyone knowing and prying into our business...so thats why its hard for me to keep my distance from her as she has no clue and will just think she has doen something wrong!!!

It really is a horrible situation to be in and just feel worse for not knowing what to do about it all!
Smallstar I really feel for you. Must be such strong feelings, and you don't want to hate her. It's not fair. If she's a true friend she'll understand, give you space to come to terms with it.

Afm back to cd1, cycle 16. A bit heavy hearted & can't even book hsg as correct cycle days won't fall on a Wednesday. Went for a walk in sunshine & bumped into my friend (best mans wife) pushing her 6 month old who she conceived & had in the time we've been trying. But I have to say to you I don't grudge her anything, she had a full term stillbirth 18months ago. And God bless her, she had no 'stop stressing/thinking about it and it will happen'. She only said she was sure it's just matter of time & she's praying it is soon for us.

Not sure what I want to do this cycle. Thinking soy, preseed & try cup....then again, feels like trying only builds my hopes up. Just in a fed up moaning face can't be a*sed why am I bothering with anything mood.
I just want to say...what the feck is people's problem today? Everyone I've encountered has been rude. I can understand if it's a Monday; I won't bat an eye...but it's Friday for feck's sake!!!

Smallstar- If you don't want people knowing your LTTC business at the BBQ, then I would say, "We're trying." and change the subject. Otherwise they'll keep on with the ignorant comments and questions.

As far as your pregnant friend goes, I echo the other ladies in confiding in her about your struggle. However, she may or may not try to understand. I've actually had that backfire on me and we're not on speaking terms. There's nothing wrong with putting your mental health first.


Uh why must the pregnant one at work come within 3 feet of me? She needs to stay in her work area and stop milling over to mine!! :growlmad::growlmad: I don't really speak to her unless I have to. I'm also not near the toilet, nor do I have any food or water in my area..so there's no reason for you to be near me!!! :hissy:
My vent: af turned up this morning! Think that says it all

Mine showed up yesterday...and I feel like shit too!!! :growlmad:

Doesn't get any easier hey? :cry: came downstairs and realised i had to take my cat to the vets, a flipping fox had bitten through her tail, she has to go back monday to get part of it amputated! Awesome day! :growlmad:

:hugs: uwa_amanda
Go figure we'd all sync up with our cycles. :dohh::rofl::rofl:

AF started for me today. :growlmad:
No way! 4 of us within 24 hrs?!
No wonder this threads been so busy with vents this week lol!
Fingers crossed for this cycle for all us cycle buddies :p
I'm so sad right now. Dh wont bd and we decided together after a year of trying naturally (never once ovulating since my MC last June -on my third round of clomid) that we would try clomid again and he would put more effort into bding. I'm just pissed and hurt because I almost feel like he lied to me and got my hopes up and wont even touch me. I haven't been continuing to go to the gym like I promised but i just feel so empty that I don't even care. Sorry if none of this makes sense I just had to vent and cry. Total we've been ttc/ntnp 2½ years! With pcos and low thyroid. So emo right now about this and now I don't even want to look at dh.
Go figure we'd all sync up with our cycles. :dohh::rofl::rofl:

AF started for me today. :growlmad:

I've heard of ladies' cycles syncing up when you are actually hanging out together, but leave it to us to figure out a way to do that online! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
My vent: af turned up this morning! Think that says it all

Mine showed up yesterday...and I feel like shit too!!! :growlmad:

Mines yesterday too, and it's horrendous. Never bled this much in my life, stressing out of my head :(

Mine is this month too. I got up twice last night in pain because I've been cramping so freakin' bad this month!!! UGH!!!!! :haha:

I'm right there with you ladies...I spotted for 2 weeks straight this past cycle with a tiny af inbetween...just stopped today. WTF?
I'm not in sync as you ladies, but I know the stressing part because of odd af...argh
I'm going to make appt with doc in morning. Bleeding calmed down after I spoke to doc on phone and he told me I could take higher dose of tranexamic acid, but between 4:30-5:30 am I was up pacing the floor breathing through cramps which were the same as moderate labour pains I felt when I had dd 16yrs ago. Something def not right. Searched my brains for what it could be. Muscles are so week and sore too. Feel & look like a zombie. Hands & feet puffy. Scared it's going to get worse.

Moan moan moan! Sorry ladies!! Xxx
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