Ultimate Venting Thread

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PS MIndy, that's frustrating! I feel like strangling dh when he pulls things like that. But I guess you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Only thing I can suggest is talking it out. Might be an underlying issue that's getting to him? Performance anxiety as it's ov day? My dh is a weird guy who tells me not to tell him when I'm fertile! Or maybe he's still mixed up about your loss? Feels he is risking hurt again?

Big hugs! X
Yeah it might be a combo of those things and before dh always said he didn't want to know when i was fertile but recently changed his mind and I almost wished he didn't know because things seemed to happen more along the right times.
I'm going to make appt with doc in morning. Bleeding calmed down after I spoke to doc on phone and he told me I could take higher dose of tranexamic acid, but between 4:30-5:30 am I was up pacing the floor breathing through cramps which were the same as moderate labour pains I felt when I had dd 16yrs ago. Something def not right. Searched my brains for what it could be. Muscles are so week and sore too. Feel & look like a zombie. Hands & feet puffy. Scared it's going to get worse.

Moan moan moan! Sorry ladies!! Xxx

:shock: I hope it gets better!! Maybe go to the hospital, something sounds off.
Thank you ladies. I too believe that conserving my mental health is more important than rolling over for others. They have no right in telling me how to feel. If they don't like how I deal with IF, then they can feck off!

I told DH off. SIL is just trying to rub it in my face. She could care less about my struggles.

Stephie- I would've done the same and skipped the social event! Why go to a gathering when you know you're going to be miserable? Just to please other people? Pffft!!!

Welcome Fpcco08, my condolences for your losses. :hugs: I feel sorry for her unborn child. A woman who is that careless should be infertile, not us.

I agree.. I think its ironic how that always happens. So many parents out there that don't deserve what they have, but there are sooo many more that deserve what they can't have, or have to work 100 times harder than others to get. On a lighter not, I guess it's finally my turn. I got my bfp the other day at 11 dpo :) I suppose I finally drank enough of that water at work :rofl:
I'm going to make appt with doc in morning. Bleeding calmed down after I spoke to doc on phone and he told me I could take higher dose of tranexamic acid, but between 4:30-5:30 am I was up pacing the floor breathing through cramps which were the same as moderate labour pains I felt when I had dd 16yrs ago. Something def not right. Searched my brains for what it could be. Muscles are so week and sore too. Feel & look like a zombie. Hands & feet puffy. Scared it's going to get worse.

Moan moan moan! Sorry ladies!! Xxx

:shock: I hope it gets better!! Maybe go to the hospital, something sounds off.

Did as you suggested army! Had second bout of pain & bleeding and thought I've had enough of this crap. Went to hospital & explained everything to doc. Fortunately (!) tests I had in feb due to infertility helped her rule out fibroids etc. So she said basically it's just a very unlucky bad cycle hopefully a one off and prescribed me mefanamic acid painkillers. She said the spasms of pain were (as I described) contractions as sometimes the cervix needs to open to pass stuff. Ugh tmi I know but feeling much less anxious about it all. Just sore n tired & drugged up to the eyeballs lol. Can't blooming wait till this af is over baby! Bet all of you can't wait either so I'll stop bloody moaning!

Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for being there xxx
PS MIndy, that's frustrating! I feel like strangling dh when he pulls things like that. But I guess you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. Only thing I can suggest is talking it out. Might be an underlying issue that's getting to him? Performance anxiety as it's ov day? My dh is a weird guy who tells me not to tell him when I'm fertile! Or maybe he's still mixed up about your loss? Feels he is risking hurt again?

Big hugs! X
My DH and I just had a pretty serious talk about this same issue. I feel like he never wants to touch me anymore, even when it isn't during fertile time. I have been getting really upset about this for the last few months and he has been ignoring me every time we talk about it. I don't know what made him talk just recently, but he did tell me that the reason he never wants to bd is because of the pressure of ltttc. Ugh...I swear this infertility crap ruins more than anyone could ever imagine.

On a lighter note, I have not mentioned it at all (although I have not reached fertile period yet) this cycle and it has gotten better. Unfortunately he will know when that time comes because we have to go in for our 3rd IUI this weekend. Unfortunately, Friday is a big celebration for Father's Day, since we won't be in school later in june, we are supposed to be at my parent's house for my mom's birthday, and Monday is our moving up ceremony for my kindergarteners to go on to first grade...talk about bad timing!!! I hate how being ready for IUI is so stressful.

I agree.. I think its ironic how that always happens. So many parents out there that don't deserve what they have, but there are sooo many more that deserve what they can't have, or have to work 100 times harder than others to get. On a lighter not, I guess it's finally my turn. I got my bfp the other day at 11 dpo :) I suppose I finally drank enough of that water at work :rofl:[/QUOTE]


I'm going to make appt with doc in morning. Bleeding calmed down after I spoke to doc on phone and he told me I could take higher dose of tranexamic acid, but between 4:30-5:30 am I was up pacing the floor breathing through cramps which were the same as moderate labour pains I felt when I had dd 16yrs ago. Something def not right. Searched my brains for what it could be. Muscles are so week and sore too. Feel & look like a zombie. Hands & feet puffy. Scared it's going to get worse.

Moan moan moan! Sorry ladies!! Xxx

:shock: I hope it gets better!! Maybe go to the hospital, something sounds off.

Did as you suggested army! Had second bout of pain & bleeding and thought I've had enough of this crap. Went to hospital & explained everything to doc. Fortunately (!) tests I had in feb due to infertility helped her rule out fibroids etc. So she said basically it's just a very unlucky bad cycle hopefully a one off and prescribed me mefanamic acid painkillers. She said the spasms of pain were (as I described) contractions as sometimes the cervix needs to open to pass stuff. Ugh tmi I know but feeling much less anxious about it all. Just sore n tired & drugged up to the eyeballs lol. Can't blooming wait till this af is over baby! Bet all of you can't wait either so I'll stop bloody moaning!

Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for being there xxx

Although the pain sucks, I'm glad it isn't something worse than what the doctor said. Hopefully the painkillers kick in soon and you'll be feeling better in no time. I never knew that about having contractions to pass stuff. I wonder if that is what happened to me a few months ago when I woke up in horrible pain several times throughout the night. I tried everything, going to the bathroom, walking, holding my breath, laying on my left side....nothing made it better. All I could do was hold onto my stomach and cry. It only lasted that night and a little the next day though, and then it was gone.
Another bitter and extremely cynical and sarcastic LTTC-er here looking to join in if possible??

I admit I actually used to be a pretty regular contributor to BnB when I was all positive about TTC, now 2 and a bit years down the line the bitterness of LTTC has slowly turned my soul to stone, and then I avoided this place because, low and behold, it was full of people getting their BFP or pregnant (like it was a huge shock to me, I'm an idiot!) now i feel like making a come back! :gun:

My very first rant on here will mirror many of yours!

1) Facebook. Well done to you on the announcement of your fourth pregnancy with yet another man . Bravo slag face!! For my friends with children who have been lucky enough to not be deleted, I do not give two shits how often you have changed a nappy today, or how long your 'angel' let you sleep. You would't care to know how many times my cat shits in a day, and I care even less about your childs bowels!!

2) Marrying into the worlds most fertile family. I kid you not. There have been 4 (yes, 4!) babies born into this family since we were married in October, with another 3 on the way and here I am, barren bloody Betty with nada! One cousin in law got pregnant just so she could have more maternity leave because she was "bored of work". She has a 6 month old, HOW IS THAT FAIR?! Just to top it off, the latest child was born the same week our baby would have been born had we not had a miscarriage. Thanks life, you big twat!

3) LTTTC turning me into a bitter and twisted woman. Seriously, sometimes I don't even like myself! Every time I hear a pregnancy announcement, I just leave. I have left family dinners, christmas parties, meetings at work, I just walk out. Funny thing is we are LTTTC in secret, so I must just seem like a very strange woman. I physically cannot be happy for pregnant people anymore, they should tell you that will happen as soon as you TTC.

4) As I have mentioned we had a miscarriage in September. My first round of Clomid failed miserably, with AF arriving on our DUE DATE! ](*,)

5) Even now when we are supposedly taking a 'break' from TTC, I still know I'm ovulating tomorrow, I have still lured my unsuspecting DH to bed even though I am actually getting pretty bored of sex, and I will still be heartbroken when AF arrives, only this time, I will have to be heartbroken alone, because I'm supposed to be 'taking a break'.

LTTTC sucks arse. Sorry my rant got a little bit long there! Phew feel better though! :winkwink:

Oh THANKYOU FOR THIS! number 1and 3 especially!! I've been stalking lttc for a while but finally come over after a year of ttc. I've walked out of so many things when the talk turns to babies...my work is OBSESSED!! everyday i was asked when are you having a baby/everyone who's ever worked here has got pregnant/why don't you have a baby. it go so much, i had to get signed off work with stress and anxiety. anyway, first day back tomo and the thought of it all starting again kills me (esp as AF starts today!!! great timing). its so good to find people who understand...i love this thread!! xx
Oh THANKYOU FOR THIS! number 1and 3 especially!! I've been stalking lttc for a while but finally come over after a year of ttc. I've walked out of so many things when the talk turns to babies...my work is OBSESSED!! everyday i was asked when are you having a baby/everyone who's ever worked here has got pregnant/why don't you have a baby. it go so much, i had to get signed off work with stress and anxiety. anyway, first day back tomo and the thought of it all starting again kills me (esp as AF starts today!!! great timing). its so good to find people who understand...i love this thread!! xx

:hugs: I was signed off work with stress and anxiety just before christmas for 3 weeks, and I completely understand that sinking feeling you get the few days leading up to going back! :nope: If it helps I found that I had definitely built myself up far too much, and I actually enjoyed going back to work and seeing my colleagues again. I hope it all goes well :flower:

I have been away for the good old inter web this weekend ladies as England is HOT! :happydance: Currently 29c where I am (apparently 84f) I know that for some of you lucky ladies seeing a sun in the sky is an everyday thing, but for us this has been glorious! I have spent all weekend out and about with my husband, walked a grand total of 20miles and have a pretty good tan coming on! For once I am thankful my new job doesn't start til July, so today will be spent in the garden with some crappy magazines and an alcoholic beverage!! Enough to put a smile on my bitter and twisted face! :thumbup:

Sorry to here the witch turned up for so many of you! Hopefully some of the pain has died down! When I was younger (15/16) I was once hospitalised twice because of period pains, as I've gotten older they're much better, but a lot of drugs needed! Hence why I was highly surprised when they discovered nothing wrong with my uterine area during IF investigations!

my rant for the day

While enjoying a frankly, gorgeous, walk in a local park this weekend with DH and MIL, she announced that a friend of the family was expecting her third child and "She is ever so angry at herself, because she did not want another baby, not when they are building the new house. She couldn't stop crying when she found out" Oh boo fucking hoo for her!!!!! :dohh:
Am I completely surrounded by morons? Maybe it's time to move.

I live on an estate with LOADS of single mums (I'm not digging at single mums, just stating a fact) and 3 of my neighbours are downstairs smoking and gossiping while their babies/kids are left to their own devices. All my windows are wide open as like stephie pointed out, it is very bloody hot here at the moment. They are talking about the amount of time they would like between each child (oh to have that choice huh?) and they said they would not leave it too long a gap between their children, not like her upstairs.

Now, I take 'her upstairs' to mean me, seeing as the lady who lives on the same floor as me is an spinster in her 80's. How dare they presume they know anything about me? I do not associate with these people, they know nothing about my life!! Bunch of ignorant bitches!!

And how about even settling down and find a nice decent man before you start planning your next child?? Yes, they were even talking about how many men they 'had, had' UUUURGH!!!! They should be ashamed of themselves!!

Yes I am in a bad, evil, bitter bitchy mood.
Oh and fpcco08 HUGE congratulations :happydance::happydance:

Thank you hun :hugs: Keep your head up. Honestly, I think sometimes it comes when you least expect it. I know things like that can get under your skin when people tell you to relax, or don't think about it and stuff like that. Some of us don't get the privilege of being able to closely choose exactly when we become pregnant. And that really freaking sucks. For others, its just as easy as thinking about it, and its done. Others, its simply "an accident" I recently posted a loong post about 17 pregnancies occurring in a 2 year period at my work. My work does not have a lot of employees at a time. Only about 30 at a time, tops. By the time all the pregnant women would leave for maternity leave, there was a handful more to take their place. All of them occurring accidentally. Its not fair. But when I look back and think about all of the accidental pregnancies that happened, and the parents that didn't deserve them, and most of them treat their kids like crap. The one girl I mentioned is 4 months along and still smoking, drinking, and partying with a baby bump. But us, when it happens, we will be terrific mothers. Those children will be our world because of how hard it was to have them. We will never take them for granted, and they will be raised in a happy home with lots of love. Our children will not be inside being entertained by their own devices while we sit outside gossiping with friends and smoking cigarettes. These are just the things that made me feel better through my LTTC journey. I hope it might help to lighten your load a little bit too. :hugs:
Am I completely surrounded by morons? Maybe it's time to move.

I live on an estate with LOADS of single mums (I'm not digging at single mums, just stating a fact) and 3 of my neighbours are downstairs smoking and gossiping while their babies/kids are left to their own devices. All my windows are wide open as like stephie pointed out, it is very bloody hot here at the moment. They are talking about the amount of time they would like between each child (oh to have that choice huh?) and they said they would not leave it too long a gap between their children, not like her upstairs.

Now, I take 'her upstairs' to mean me, seeing as the lady who lives on the same floor as me is an spinster in her 80's. How dare they presume they know anything about me? I do not associate with these people, they know nothing about my life!! Bunch of ignorant bitches!!

And how about even settling down and find a nice decent man before you start planning your next child?? Yes, they were even talking about how many men they 'had, had' UUUURGH!!!! They should be ashamed of themselves!!

Yes I am in a bad, evil, bitter bitchy mood.

Sod them good for nothing busy bodies!! :finger:They remind me of a group of girls I went to school with who have these types of conversations on Facebook....as if I give a shit!!

Ahhh fpcco08 that post was just lovely :cry: I agree with you, I just know I am going to be one of those pregnant woman/mothers that everyone says is too overprotective, and I'm going to love it :haha:
Am I completely surrounded by morons? Maybe it's time to move.

I live on an estate with LOADS of single mums (I'm not digging at single mums, just stating a fact) and 3 of my neighbours are downstairs smoking and gossiping while their babies/kids are left to their own devices. All my windows are wide open as like stephie pointed out, it is very bloody hot here at the moment. They are talking about the amount of time they would like between each child (oh to have that choice huh?) and they said they would not leave it too long a gap between their children, not like her upstairs.

Now, I take 'her upstairs' to mean me, seeing as the lady who lives on the same floor as me is an spinster in her 80's. How dare they presume they know anything about me? I do not associate with these people, they know nothing about my life!! Bunch of ignorant bitches!!

And how about even settling down and find a nice decent man before you start planning your next child?? Yes, they were even talking about how many men they 'had, had' UUUURGH!!!! They should be ashamed of themselves!!

Yes I am in a bad, evil, bitter bitchy mood.

Jeezo, what a silly bunch! Probably just taking a break from watching Jeremy Kyle lol. I think the benefits system gears some young girls up for a career of single parenthood tbh.

I was a single parent from 8 weeks pregnant onwards. Right up until I married my dh last year. I worked the whole time, also studied part time & got a degree. Also volunteered for my local church & led a ministry which supported other single parent families & emotionally & spiritually & used to drive the families on day trips in mini bus etc. I always chose to count my blessings & I had a couple of friends in similar situations of parenthood but I could never ever imagine any of us having a conversation like that! Ugh! It makes me so angry! I know single parenthood can't be avoided sometimes, but to plan your family without Considering the father, without building a foundation with someone & preparing yourself & the kids you have for an addition. Children need to be wanted, longed for, appreciated, accommodated....

That's a right silly bunch of neighbours you have. If I was you I would have coughed loudly and shut my window ha x
Am I completely surrounded by morons? Maybe it's time to move.

I live on an estate with LOADS of single mums (I'm not digging at single mums, just stating a fact) and 3 of my neighbours are downstairs smoking and gossiping while their babies/kids are left to their own devices. All my windows are wide open as like stephie pointed out, it is very bloody hot here at the moment. They are talking about the amount of time they would like between each child (oh to have that choice huh?) and they said they would not leave it too long a gap between their children, not like her upstairs.

Now, I take 'her upstairs' to mean me, seeing as the lady who lives on the same floor as me is an spinster in her 80's. How dare they presume they know anything about me? I do not associate with these people, they know nothing about my life!! Bunch of ignorant bitches!!

And how about even settling down and find a nice decent man before you start planning your next child?? Yes, they were even talking about how many men they 'had, had' UUUURGH!!!! They should be ashamed of themselves!!

Yes I am in a bad, evil, bitter bitchy mood.

Wow...I don't know how you didn't yell out the window to b*tch them out!!! Okay, I might not have yelled out the window, but I definitely would have confronted them. I would have told them all about my struggles with LTTTC and the awful emotional and physical battle I have been going through just to make them feel like sh*t. And then I would congratulate them for moving from meaningless relationship to meaningless relationship and bringing children in this world who will have unstable lives due to irresponsible parents. (I am not bashing single mothers. I know many single mothers that do a wonderful job and are single by no fault of their own. However, the ladies you describe do not fall under the category of single mothers that get my respect.)

Just_Married: You are one of those women who does get my respect. You sound like a wonderful mother and friend :)
I'm taking mental notes about where you all live and will never visit or live there, haha. My gawd! :wacko:

StephB, those nappy updates are the WORST. Ugh. Best thing Facebook did was to create an "unfollow" button. That way your friend doesn't think you've defriended her.

I have one friend that just gave birth and she's so bad that she's even turned away my other pregnant and new mom friends! Seriously. Not just photos but the stupidest updates ever.

"oh baby needed his diaper changed, I'm even finding poop cute, I love being a mom"

"oh, time for another cute poop!".

And more on breast milk poop.

Aaaaargh!!!! :dohh:
Wonderstars, They actually drive me mad! :growlmad: Why do they think we want to know all about their childs bowel movements?! I'm sue their son or daughter will be very proud of these updates when they are turning 18, and we can still remember their first poo that wasn't white! :haha:
I was a single mother myself for a few years, but I worked hard, never took a day off sick, paid my own rent and didn't claim benefits so I could sit on my arse all day smoking and gossiping about my neighbours!
I want my child(ren?) to grow up with good work ethics, and good morals all round.I want to Charlie to respect the fact that I went out to work and earned my money and paid the bills. I don't know, maybe I was bought up different to these people, I just don't understand that kind of life.

I didn't say anything to these dumb arses, because they are beneath me and I shouldn't have let myself be upset by such low-lifes.
Ltttc for 10 yrs now. Just went through another year of clomid and Femara. My place of work was very insensitive to the way these Meds made me feel but I guess thats what I get for working with children or adults who act like children.
I was using the money to pay for fertility treatments but the Stress got to me and I quit. Im taking a break this month but its frustrating because for the first time I had good results!
The 7.5 Femara worked for me last month, I just had no egg implantation.
Without the meds I do not grow or ovulate eggs, I won't even have a cycle either.
So im sitting here trying to decide what I should do.
My stress lvl is rly high, my weight is at 160. I want to not go back to work right now and maybe try and drop the weight, deal with the Pcos, maybe if I do my diabetes will go away. And maybe this will up my chances for getting preg?
My husband is willing to work for the both of us so that I can have the opportunity..but the concept of me not working to help out is kinda killin me.
But id be a fool to pass by the chance to make myself healthy again.

Im 32 and I have the overwhelming feeling that time is running out.
Im down to 1 ovary, 1 tube and a refurbished uterus lol. How do you even take a ttc break? Especialy when I don't want to stop trying!

Thx for the vent!
Well I ranted my head off about af from hell over weekend. After a visit to hospital and being drugged to the eyeballs sun & Monday I spent the day crying after hearing a friend workmate from the island I used to live on died at age 52 from cancer. A really decent guy whom I liked to bits. Then today I log onto bragbook to see a scan pic from my teenage cousin (she's not even on my FB, I deleted her as her statuses were full of getting drunk & swearing, but it was on my feed cos my other cousin commented on it). She had over 50 comments congratating her. Grrrr!
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