Ultimate Venting Thread

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Thanks so much, I know it's hard for us all just don't know how I'll cope if I keep getting my hopes up. My doctor called Friday an said my progesterone was 158 an she reckons I'm pregnant but af isn't due until Wednesday? Feel like I'm getting excited only to be let down. Part of me wishes she didn't ring! How are you all doing? Thanks again for the support x
Bearsmummy - I don't think anyone could fault us for becoming alcoholics, lol. But yes, I hope people realize we're full of cow crap and aren't drowning all our sorrows in EtOH (well, not all the time anyway!)

rosebud - even though we say we've lost hope, when that AF is late it's just hard not to get happy. I blame all of these "miracle" BFPs. Get our hopes up for nothing.

faithlove & wannabe - do we all have the same group of friends? Ugh, these fertile myrtles, as much as I love 'em, sometimes I despise them.

My rant:
Just found out DH's sister's friend is preggo. We know her well and she got married much later than we did. I have eaten healthy, I'm working out, I have spent 1 year getting my medications in order and yet, here I am. In the mean time, she takes no care of herself and bingo, pregnant.

I need alcohol. :dohh:
Wonderstars I think so it's amazing when you think about it I sound harsh but so many people are popping out kids when they don't deserve them, hopefully this time round we can all get our bfp! It's so true when I'm late I can't help but be excited although I'm afraid to admit it through fear I'll jinx a sticky bean.

I'll second that alcohol! Xx
I have just given birth to a baby girl, I had a wonderful homebirth, no pain releif, I was just starting to write my annoucement for facebook and I asked Bongo what we were going to call her, we agreed on her first name, but I wanted Jane as the middle name ( my dads name is Jan, so a variation on that) but Bongo wanted David which is his middle name, but I don't want that, as it's my ex husbands name, we agreed in Cora-Jane.

Then i woke up........:cry::brat::sad2::hissy:
Why was i even going to put it on FB?? I HATE FB ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!!!
:hugs: I hate pregnancy dreams Bears!! Seriously, as if don't have to be around it enough when we're awake!! ](*,)

I once had a dream I stole my husbands cousins baby....that was a strange one when I next saw her!
Urgh it's horrible!!

I havent had a dream like that for ages.

And why would we call a girl David??!! :haha:
Haha :haha: maybe you're onto a new trend there! I don't know whats stranger the fact that you dreamt it, or the fact that I didn't even think twice when I read it...:rofl:
I didn't even realise until I had written the post!!

I have finally lost the plot!
Hi all ben ttc for 14 very long years, stopped all kinds of meds ages ago and just waiting on God.... however, this last week has been my undoing.
Last sunday had to put my baby down. She was an 11yr old mix dog our little angel,then this saturday we found out my bro and sil are expecting there first together but she has one from prev marriage and him 2from his prev marriage so that brings their total to frekken 3 already... last weekend they were all set on divorce wth!!!

Im tired, angry and just faithless at the moment and no one seems to understand, people try but they all eventually had kids, me i havent even had one positive in 14 years.....

If i can offer some kind of comfort i can tell you that it does get easier as in not every month do you feel totally useless and angry and and and but you still have your moments....

oh yes and if i hear one more 'well meaning' person tell me to relax i shall scream!

I shall keep you all in my prayers and wait paitently to hear all your good news :-D
I know how hard it is an can honestly say ttc is one of the worst things to cope with

Very happy to say I got my bfp this morning! Fx'd for one sticky bean xxx
big hugs Melodystyx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

and to all the other ladies that need them! :hugs:
I had a nightmare the other night. DH's sister was expecting and my aunt who is done with children (past her prime) were both expecting. For some odd reason both women were having baby showers at the in-laws and I was forced to go. I remember they went into delivery at their shower and I ran away crying. Completely horrid nightmare!!


-I wouldn't even know what the hell a BFP looks like. :dohh:

-It's a Monday, need I say more? :coffee:
And why would we call a girl David??!! :haha:

Dude, Jessica Simpson just called her girl Maxwell! :dohh:

:hugs: Melody. I couldn't imagine trying for 14 years. You are a brave, strong lady. I hope you get your positive v. soon

Faithlovehope - congratulations on your bfp. :)

No rant today! I'm down 5 pounds in the last 5 weeks and have about 6 more to go before July 25th (big time appointment). I'm not even counting this clomid cycle as a cycle. I took it just to say I took. I had a dream about IVF...I'm thinking IVF is looming.I also dreamt about rain jackets and it's supposed to rain tonight. I'm on a roll. :thumbup:
~Congrats, Faith!

My rants:
So I spent the weekend with my family, which includes my neice (who was concieved a few months before we started trying and is now a year and a half) and two nephews. And, my brother and SIL were babysitting their neice and nephew for the weekend. I knew there were going to be 5 kids there and wasn't very excited about it, but we were celebrating my mom's birthday, so I couldn't get out of it. Luckily I had a better time than I thought I would. (And I won $40 playing poker against my dad, brother, BIL, and hubby)

We were supposed to go down there (Virginia) on Friday night, but I got a pos OPK, so we had to drive 2 hours north to have my IUI before driving 3 1/2 hours back down south. I didn't really mind, but it was kind of annoying having to turn a 3 hour drive into a 5 1/2 hour drive (and the poor puppies had to sit in the car for 7 hours (they were in the car for the 2 hours it took in the doc's office).

Well, my eye had been bothering me on and off throughout the week but I thought it was just due to my contacts. During the weekend, my eye felt like I had got punched. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I just took my contacts out for a day or two. I put my contacts back in on Sunday because we were going out on the boat and I don't have perscription sunglasses. Everything was fine (except for a little blurred vision) until I took out my contacts. As soon as I took them out, I was in severe pain. My eye wouldn't stop tearing and it hurt so bad! I told DH about it, and he said just to close my eyes and go to sleep and that it would probably be better in the morning. Soo, I cried myself to sleep because I was in that much pain! Well, I woke up at 1:30 in the morning in excruciating pain. I woke DH up and told him that he needed to take me to the emergency room because something wasn't right. It was the longest 25 minute drive to the ER ever!!! I thought I had another cornial abrasion (this would make 3). But I was wrong. After poking, prodding, flipping my eyelids inside out, they came to the conclusion that I have a really bad case of pink eye (I'm not surprised, as two of my students had it last week). I have never had pink eye and didn't realize it hurts like that...I thought it only itches. They told me not to go to work for 2 days, however today was my kid's "moving up ceremony" (graduating from kindergarten to first grade) and I really didn't want to miss it. So, after being in the ER from 2-4:00 in the morning, I got up early and I went in to work for the ceremony and celebration and ended up having to take a half a day at work (I am really trying not to use my sick days as I know IVF is in the future and I will need the time for that). I am also going to go to work tomorrow as it is the kids last full day (we have half days the rest of the week) of school and we have a lot to get done! I really hope I didn't give pink eye to any of my kiddos today or any of the 5 kids I was around this weekend.

Oh yeah, and I had to wait at the pharmacy for an hour to refill my perscription!!! I just wanted to go home, take a vicadin (which they perscribed to me for the pain) and go to sleep!!!

Now I was trying to wait up for DH, as he had to work until 11:00 tonight but he called to tell me there was a terrible accident just before the bridge that connects where we live to the county where we both work. Now he has to go the long way around to get home, which takes like 2 hours (instead of 30 min). I am really worried about him as I know he hardly had any sleep last night! He told me not to wait up, but how am I supposed to sleep while I am worried about him falling asleep while driving on the dark back roads that he has to take home?

I guess if stress really does affect fertility, I am out again this month as it has been a very stressful two days since I had my IUI!

Sorry for the long rant...I started writing and just kept going.
Geez Navy, like you needed extra stress... I hope DH made it home safe and sound and you at least got some rest.

Sending BIG HUGS to all my kick ass sisters

Hi ladies, im feeling down at the moment and feel like joining you all :)

I read a few of your stories and it made me not feel alone xox

loads and loads :dust:

ttc for 2 years

3 years ago dh and I started planning for a baby. I went and blabbed to my "bff" and she said her and her oh were "talking"about babies.. They had only been together for half a year.. Dh and I had been together for 3 years at the time... Any way 2 months later she texts me "IM 7 WEEKS PREGNANT"
Im thinking wtf?!! that was quick! 4 months later I fell pregnant unexpectedly, But I sadly mc at 11 weeks. By that time she was 7-8 months pregnant. I was so upset and she felt sorry for me of course.... But anyway she gave birth at 40 weeks... That was 2 and half years ago now.. Her little girl is 2 an half years old...
Im still soldiering on with dh. In november 2011... She texts me again.. "IM PREGNANT"
I was shocked im thinking OHHH give me a break!! How can it be so easy for everyone else and me finding so hard when im ((the oldest sibling of 5! And family of 30+ cousins and 7 aunties and uncles, ALL on my mothers side) Talk about fertile family!))
She's got "other friends"now with their young children.. And has no time for me as a friend anymore, ppfftt....

Oh and facebook... I hate that baby gaga thing, just about nearly all my friends on facebook uses it, posting +hpt and ultrasounds and week by week photos of their growing belly..

Grrrrr i feel so usless,
Doesnt man+woman+sex=pregnancy??! :(
Oh and my b*tch cousin, put on face book...
"To everyone, you dont know what love is until you have your own children" "sorry :)"

What the?? How selfish can you be??? There are people out there that are having trouble trying to have their babies so that they can feel that love... And you are putting this on facebook??! GOSH
Great thread girls!!!
I'd like to rant about the fact I'd sick to death of people at work who are falling pregnant constantly moaning about their pregnancy symptoms. What I would give for back ache, sickness, tiredness etc arghhhhh they even know I've been ttc 3 years and mc at 11 weeks and still do it. Arghh!!

Good Morning/Afternoon Ladies,

I have been a little absent from B&B. Just needed so time to myself. But then realised sadly that I miss you guys waayyyy too much.

Well yesterday was our 1 year anniversary and really wished that I will be getting a :BFP: this month. It would be the bestest bestest pressie ever. :yipee:

But I just have this gut feeling that I'm out this month. You know the whole 6th sense thing. :blush:

Melodystyx - So sorry to hear about your very LTTTC. I dont know if I will ever be able to keep trying for so long. You are a very strong woman.

Faithhopelove - CONGRATZ with your :BFP: Holding thumbs for a sticky bean.

sharnw - Welcome. Im sure everyone of us has that one person in our lives thats a real fertily murtile. :growlmad:


So this girl I know (DH friends girlfriend) announced all over FB a few weeks ago that she is pregnant they have been together for 4 months.:brat: And she is 3 month preggos.
Worst part is she said just the other day how much she doesn want kids and how she would hate to fall pregnant before she got married. :tease:

And now the biggest shock of all. They getting married. :dohh:

Honestly I hate people like that. I have been trying with no success not even a little bit of a success. And this b!tch just looks at her BF and she is pregnant.


Okay feeling better now. Sorry for the long rant. Just need to get it our my system every now and again. And here at least i know I wont get judged. Or get told to just get over it and move on. REALLY.
Off to work now :DUST: to everyone in our tread.
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