Ultimate Venting Thread

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Hi ladies, I'm kinda new to b&b but I hope you'll let me join in the rant.
I've been ttc for 3 years (1 yr with help) and I've had to sit and watch people I know fall pregnant at the drop of a hat time and time again. I've even had to listen to people tell me stories about unwanted pgs and terminations.
I get so sick of hearing other people's good news, it feels like a cosmic joke. When's my good news coming.
As for Facebook I recently had someone I don't really get on with announce the arrival of their honeymoon baby. When I didn't congratulate straight away she sent me a MSG saying I was jealous because she had a baby and I had nothing!!! People don't get it. I hope you guys do as I really need a place to rant.
Planning on doing a hpt tomorrow too but I already know it'll be a bfn :(

Phew that feels good.
Morning ladies
After a very LONG weekend, primarily alcohol induced! After the dreaded AF turned up just at the start of the weekend!!!
All was going well until we were invited to a friend’s new g/f's BBQ on the Monday, and I thought well why not she’s young and never in a million years thought there would be any children/babies there!!! Oh how wrong I was.... literally it was like a crèche and if you didn’t have a kid you felt like a complete leper!!! GREAT!!!! grrrrrr.....
Then our other friends turn up with their 9 week old baby who we have been trying to avoid like the plague since she gave birth and all I had from that point was when are you going to start trying? Have you come off b/c yet?! I mean really could you get any more personal?!?!? So in pretty much those exact words I told everyone exactly that ITS PRESONAL!!! SO F**K OFF!!!!!!! My other half could see that I was getting very heated and knows I am not one to hold back on how I feel...so managed to drag me away and ply me with burgers and tea (I was driving as didn’t plan on being there long! - Wish I had downed a bottle of Vodka by the end of it!)
Yesterday was a nice quiet day just the 2 of us...which made up for the mass baby overload on Monday!
Now i am back a t work and all i can think of is how sh*t i feel for not being able to get pregnant i feel like a complete failure :(

My preggo friend also text me last night asking when she can see me...I can’t even reply as I really cannot face her at the minute.

June is a REALLY bad month for us....we had lots of bad news and losses in June :( Just really want this month to hurry up and finish.....
Getting sloshed is what jubilee weekend is all about! I am a firm believed in 'drink til its pink' so every time AF rolls around I make sure theres a bottle of wine and a take away menu to hand!

I don't have any vents yet but I do have news. After keeping TTC a secret from our families for so long, we've finally composed a blog telling them our secret, and will be sending them all the link tonight. So nervous (I'm a big girl, I can't do it face to face!)

AF is due next weekend and i think I'm about 6-8dpo (threw the OPKS away this month) so i will be enjoying NOT having sex and not having to wax again for 3 weeks :haha:

StephieB - How did the blog go?! I hope you dont mind me asking its just that we have spent the past 2+years keeping the whole TTC thing a secret and just wondered how this made you feel and if its helped in any way?
Zfbaby :hugs: welcome! I haven't been a member of this thread for long, and am relatively new here, but LOVE it. I have seriously never felt more at home with any other group of lovely ladies on here

Smallstar - This bloody jubilee weekend has appeared to cause nothing but stress for us LTTTCers! Too many BBQs, parties and family get togethers to deal with, I'm glad it's over and normal life can resume!!

Oh the blog was one of the best things we have ever done! Of corse I don't mind you asking! It was one of the hardest things we have ever done, and I cried for the entire evening we sent the blog over. I was a mess! Cried wen we pressed send, cried when we hadn't heard anything after 30mins, cried when the phone rang (before answering it) and then cried afterwards!

My MIL said that her and my FIL cried when they were reading the blog, and they were sorry that we were having to go through such a difficult thing so early on in our lives/marriage (I'm 24 and DH is 26, been married 8 months) and they wanted to know when they could see us so they could give us a hug :D

We went round the following day and were SO nervous about seeing them face to face and it was the elephant in the room for a while and nobody mentioned it, then I said I had to go to the pharmacy to get my new prescription of tablets I take for stomach ulcers, and I think my MIL ceased the opportunity and said "Oh, so now you've got to take those, and your hormone tablets?" (I mentioned we were on Clomid) so that started off an actually nice conversation about the whole thing. It was really such a relief to actually be able to talk about these things openly and have them ask us questions.

Then the following day was the family thing, and we went round to their place and as my DH has the worlds most fertile family we knew there was going to be a lot of babies, pregnant woman and toddlers there, so stayed in the living room while people were outside, and normally we would be screamed at to go and be sociable, but my mother in law kept bringing us food and drinks into the living room and didn't once ask us to leave and see people.

It is still weird because we've so used to being so secretive about it, and hiding all the OPKs and HPTs when people come round, making sure theres no boxes or wrappers any where, but today we left them all on the bathroom and my FIL came down and said "It must be costing you a fortune with all those tests, I didn't even know they made tests for such things" :haha:

There was no way I could have done it face to face, so the blog was definitely the best idea for us!
Zfbaby :hugs: welcome! I haven't been a member of this thread for long, and am relatively new here, but LOVE it. I have seriously never felt more at home with any other group of lovely ladies on here

Smallstar - This bloody jubilee weekend has appeared to cause nothing but stress for us LTTTCers! Too many BBQs, parties and family get togethers to deal with, I'm glad it's over and normal life can resume!!

Oh the blog was one of the best things we have ever done! Of corse I don't mind you asking! It was one of the hardest things we have ever done, and I cried for the entire evening we sent the blog over. I was a mess! Cried wen we pressed send, cried when we hadn't heard anything after 30mins, cried when the phone rang (before answering it) and then cried afterwards!

My MIL said that her and my FIL cried when they were reading the blog, and they were sorry that we were having to go through such a difficult thing so early on in our lives/marriage (I'm 24 and DH is 26, been married 8 months) and they wanted to know when they could see us so they could give us a hug :D

We went round the following day and were SO nervous about seeing them face to face and it was the elephant in the room for a while and nobody mentioned it, then I said I had to go to the pharmacy to get my new prescription of tablets I take for stomach ulcers, and I think my MIL ceased the opportunity and said "Oh, so now you've got to take those, and your hormone tablets?" (I mentioned we were on Clomid) so that started off an actually nice conversation about the whole thing. It was really such a relief to actually be able to talk about these things openly and have them ask us questions.

Then the following day was the family thing, and we went round to their place and as my DH has the worlds most fertile family we knew there was going to be a lot of babies, pregnant woman and toddlers there, so stayed in the living room while people were outside, and normally we would be screamed at to go and be sociable, but my mother in law kept bringing us food and drinks into the living room and didn't once ask us to leave and see people.

It is still weird because we've so used to being so secretive about it, and hiding all the OPKs and HPTs when people come round, making sure theres no boxes or wrappers any where, but today we left them all on the bathroom and my FIL came down and said "It must be costing you a fortune with all those tests, I didn't even know they made tests for such things" :haha:

There was no way I could have done it face to face, so the blog was definitely the best idea for us!

It is so great that your in-laws reacted nicely to your blog. I read your blog and thought it was a very beautiful way to put what you are going through on "paper" and still sound nice about everything. :thumbup::thumbup:

My rant for the day: It's freakin' Wednesday. I'm ready for Friday. That's all!
My rant for the day: It's freakin' Wednesday. I'm ready for Friday. That's all!

I agree with this fully! After a 4 day weekend I was just getting used to relaxing!!

Vent of the day:

Buying pregnancy tests. Does anyone get those looks when you go to the till with pregnancy tests? I went to super drug to get some this morning (its like an obsession!) and the girl on the till looked at me like i had SLAG tattooed across my forehead! Sod off super drug girl, I might look like I'm 18 with my lovely baby face, but I'm actually a lot older and wiser than you and your scanning device!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way then! :sulk:

I thought I was coming across as a total bitch.

My Rant:

I have been up all night with raging toothache. :cry:
uwa_amanda - TOTALLY agree this 3 day week needs to hurry the hell up and FINISH already!!! Weekend i need you....

StephieB - So pleased to hear your blog went so well with your in laws....genuinely think you are the bravest person EVER to do that....i have only actually told my sister as i had a melt down last summer and she was just there and it all came out, but i am petrified of telling anyone else :( I just feel ashamed and a totally failure and i know that is wrong but it’s a difficult mindset to get out of!
(Again hope this isn’t too personal but do you have a link to your blog? uwa_amanda mentioned she had read it...might help me build the courage to do something like this too)

Zfbaby - i am also relatively new to this thread and wished i had stumbled across it a year ago!!! Its a great place to vent and no one judges you or makes you feel bad for being a total cow about the world and everything in it!!!
Smallstar - Of corse! I don't think anything is too personal in this place! Theres a link to my blog in my siggy, the link we sent to everyone is the one at the bottom (obviously, it starts Hello all...ignore me) the top one is just my rant from today.

I just feel ashamed and a totally failure and i know that is wrong but it’s a difficult mindset to get out of!

thats how i felt/feel too, but its honestly the best thing we have done because its like a HUGE weight has been lifted. It actually felt a little therapeutic getting it all down in writing as well. You could always write a blog, and not send it to people until you feel ready? :hugs:

Bears - :hugs: I hate toothache, actually I hate dentists so thats why every tooth twinge sends me into a spiral of depression! Hope it goes soon.

Vent number 2:

Buying said pregnancy test, and not being able to resist the temptation of using it, giving in and running to the bathroom, POAS and leaving it on the side where I can't see it (because for some reason if I look at it any positive will definitely disappear) then wiping and realising AF has arrived. :finger: well thats £10 I could have used for something more productive, like alcohol!!!
:finger: well thats £10 I could have used for something more productive, like alcohol!!!

:rofl: I am sorry but that was funny!

Sorry but have to agree this has tickled me slightly...unfortunately this has happened to me on several occasions....will we ever learn! :dohh:

I think it has probably happened to us all! I quit buying the stupid things before we took a break from TTC. If I could just have all the money back from all the stupid hpt's that I have bought in the past, I might still have a couple if hundred dollars.
Well I have to go to a family wedding this evening, so I officially plan on getting embarrassingly drunk! :happydance:

I have POAS only to find AF has arrived more times than I care to remember. My uterus has a wicked sense of humour :rolleyes:
Yep just taken my hpt : ( another bfn to add to the pile.
I'd like the cost of all mine back please.
What no booze at a BBQ? Pfft, I certainly wouldn't be attending that event. :haha: Oh dear, I do sound like a mad alcoholic. :dohh:


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Why the feck do women who are NOT LTTC, who are indeed fertile and are already a mother, wander over to LTTC having a go at us? That's like me going to First Tri and telling them off about their constant whining pertaining to morning sickness. It's unnecessary! Completely irrelevant!

Don't come over here telling me how to feel and giving your "advice" when you're a fertile myrtle!! And never had to struggle!! We aren't the same. That's fine if you have sympathy, I don't need your judgement. :growlmad:
What no booze at a BBQ? Pfft, I certainly wouldn't be attending that event. :haha: Oh dear, I do sound like a mad alcoholic. :dohh:


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Why the feck do women who are NOT LTTC, who are indeed fertile and are already a mother, wander over to LTTC having a go at us? That's like me going to First Tri and telling them off about their constant whining pertaining to morning sickness. It's unnecessary! Completely irrelevant!

Don't come over here telling me how to feel and giving your "advice" when you're a fertile myrtle!! And never had to struggle!! We aren't the same. That's fine if you have sympathy, I don't need your judgement. :growlmad:

OMG...No kidding. I edited my earlier post to keep from sounding like a :witch:. :dohh: :dohh:
What no booze at a BBQ? Pfft, I certainly wouldn't be attending that event. :haha: Oh dear, I do sound like a mad alcoholic. :dohh:


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Why the feck do women who are NOT LTTC, who are indeed fertile and are already a mother, wander over to LTTC having a go at us? That's like me going to First Tri and telling them off about their constant whining pertaining to morning sickness. It's unnecessary! Completely irrelevant!

Don't come over here telling me how to feel and giving your "advice" when you're a fertile myrtle!! And never had to struggle!! We aren't the same. That's fine if you have sympathy, I don't need your judgement. :growlmad:

OMG...No kidding. I edited my earlier post to keep from sounding like a :witch:. :dohh: :dohh:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I couldn't hold back my bitchiness. :dohh:

I'm just tired of people giving me flack and judgement for IF. As if IF isn't enough to deal with. :dohh: Trade places with me for a month and we'll see if you still call me selfish. :haha:
What no booze at a BBQ? Pfft, I certainly wouldn't be attending that event. :haha: Oh dear, I do sound like a mad alcoholic. :dohh:


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Why the feck do women who are NOT LTTC, who are indeed fertile and are already a mother, wander over to LTTC having a go at us? That's like me going to First Tri and telling them off about their constant whining pertaining to morning sickness. It's unnecessary! Completely irrelevant!

Don't come over here telling me how to feel and giving your "advice" when you're a fertile myrtle!! And never had to struggle!! We aren't the same. That's fine if you have sympathy, I don't need your judgement. :growlmad:

OMG...No kidding. I edited my earlier post to keep from sounding like a :witch:. :dohh: :dohh:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I couldn't hold back my bitchiness. :dohh:

I'm just tired of people giving me flack and judgement for IF. As if IF isn't enough to deal with. :dohh: Trade places with me for a month and we'll see if you still call me selfish. :haha:

Nuh-uh, one year if you are less than 35 years of age or six months if you are older than 35. :haha:

I think I like being a bitter :mamafy:. It's such a laugh! Much better to laugh at IF than sobbing profusely about it. :haha:
Couldnt agree with you more Army.
Im new to this thread.

Im fed up with bfn after bfn, af after af

I cant handle sadness and angriness thats building up inside of me. Im going to explode at someone near me that says pregnant.

My friend is having a c-section next week and wants me to go see her after the baby comes out.. I dont even think I will go :/

I didnt even go to her baby shower 2 weeks ago.. :dohh:
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