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Ultimate Venting Thread

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I don't know how I'm doing it either, on one hand, I would prefer to open it on my own, but B and I are in this together, it's his future as much as mine, so I'll just have to wait until he gets home. He should be home about 7pm. If no one hears from me for a while, you know its bad news and I am drowning my sorrows with Vodka, Brandy, Whiskey and wine!

I truly hope its the news you're wanting! :flower: Have you not even done the whole, holding it up to the light to se if you can read anything through the paper? Or trying to see past the little clear window to read the first line? Nope...just me that does that then :haha:

I tried!! No such luck!

The letter is huge!! Feels like loads and loads of pages, so I've got myself convinced that its a rejection letter, but they have sent the forms/advice on how to appeal.
Hi ladies,

I think I am going to take a break from BnB for a couple of days. Nothing against anyone...I have just had a rough couple of days and need to mentally recoup. I'll be back in a couple of days! I have been feeling down for a couple of days and feel like needing a really good cry. :cry:

See you soon!
OR it could be loads of forms to complete for the funding! Like which route you want to go down, information on each of the procedures, forms for the fertility specialists at the new place?? :amartass: If it was a rejection letter, I don't know, but I would imagine it would be fairly short with details of how to appeal at the bottom. :winkwink:
Amanda I hope a few days away from us trouble causers will help you feel more refreshed and better in yourself. We'll miss you :hugs:
Hi ladies,

I think I am going to take a break from BnB for a couple of days. Nothing against anyone...I have just had a rough couple of days and need to mentally recoup. I'll be back in a couple of days! I have been feeling down for a couple of days and feel like needing a really good cry. :cry:

See you soon!

Amanda, I hope you feel better soon. I know sometimes a break is the only thing to do. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Come back soon xxx
Amanda hope you feel better soon. Huge hugs!

My husband is in the other room, I can hear him strumming & singing a song he has just written 10 mins ago. It's called 'all good things come to those who wait'.

Praying for those good things to come soon! Meanwhile: chocolate! X
OR it could be loads of forms to complete for the funding! Like which route you want to go down, information on each of the procedures, forms for the fertility specialists at the new place?? :amartass: If it was a rejection letter, I don't know, but I would imagine it would be fairly short with details of how to appeal at the bottom. :winkwink:

SHHHH Stephie!! Don't get my hopes up!! :haha:
Amanda BIG HUGS!!!! Hope you feel mentally rejuvenated after a few days off :)

Ladies....after a rather troublesome week all round, i hope the weekend brings us ALL something, just ANYTHING to make us smile.... :)

SHHHH Stephie!! Don't get my hopes up!!

Eagerly counting down to hear from you later!

Jena - I have to start the very boring job of marking A Level exam papers tomorrow, so my weekend will not be spent smiling!:dohh: Although it seems like I have no life, as I am on here so often, I'm actually a teacher in the real world! Currently on half term and my husband is at work, hence why my days have been spent keeping myself occupied on here while its pissing it down outside :thumbup:
Cor blimey ladies, I only went away for a short while.

Amanda, I find a couple of days away helps. Collect your thoughts and ome back refreshed :hugs: i hope it helps you stabilise your head.

My rant is none ttc related, we are staying with the future in laws, my goodness can df diagree with his father!! They have no patience with each other! Would like to bang their heads together

Karen, fingers crossed for you on the letter front
This is the only thread I've started, you can't take it away! :winkwink:

What an exciting few days and I missed it. Darn you Europeans and your different time zones. Made me miss it all.

My vent for today:
Clomid is the devil's drug. Screwed up my cycle so much. Aargh. I will throw a tantrum if that's what the fertility specialist recommends. And on that note, a 6 month wait for an FS is ridiculous! :growlmad:
:hissy::hissy: I keep missing everything!! Can someone fill me in on PM? Surely that's allowed. :shrug:

I can't be bothered with watching what I say in LTTC (still staying within BNB guidelines). Our vents are valid, and this is our section, apparent safe haven. If people (not speaking about anyone in particular) come onto our turf and start attacking us, then well the gloves are off.

(not speaking or referring to anyone in particular, these are just my thoughts)

Yeah we should watch what we say because we don't know who's reading this, but the same could be said for every other section. First Tri should watch what they say about miscarriages because it could offend someone from the Loss Section. Parenting shouldn't talk about PND, because it could offend a LTTCer suffering from depression because she doesn't have a baby. 2nd Tri should watch their complaints about morning sickness because it could upset a LTTCer pr TTCer. Baby Club shouldn't complain about their brats because it could offend TTC, WTT, and LTTC. I could keep going but we all get the point. No one is going to watch what they say in their section they belong to, I wouldn't expect them to.

If I curiously peer onto First Tri...I'm expected to go over there with respect, not guns blazing because I read something that offended me. For the record, I don't go over there because I have no business being over there. What I'm trying to say is everyone should respect each other's sections. Don't like what some of the members say in there, don't go in that section. It's that simple.

Stephie- Public transport is rather grubby and can smell like wee :rofl:
I put my real name in my post the other day, but no one calls me it except Stephie!

Its Karen btw!
I don't mind if people would rather address me by my username or my real name. My best friend calls me 'bitch', I can't actually remember the last time she used my given name!

:haha::haha: my name is Evie :thumbup:

now I need to go back because everyone's name is quoted and I haven't figured out who is who :haha::blush:
Hi ladies,

I think I am going to take a break from BnB for a couple of days. Nothing against anyone...I have just had a rough couple of days and need to mentally recoup. I'll be back in a couple of days! I have been feeling down for a couple of days and feel like needing a really good cry. :cry:

See you soon!

I can't be bothered with watching what I say in LTTC (still staying within BNB guidelines). Our vents are valid, and this is our section, apparent safe haven. If people (not speaking about anyone in particular) come onto our turf and start attacking us, then well the gloves are off.

(not speaking or referring to anyone in particular, these are just my thoughts)

Yeah we should watch what we say because we don't know who's reading this, but the same could be said for every other section. First Tri should watch what they say about miscarriages because it could offend someone from the Loss Section. Parenting shouldn't talk about PND, because it could offend a LTTCer suffering from depression because she doesn't have a baby. 2nd Tri should watch their complaints about morning sickness because it could upset a LTTCer pr TTCer. Baby Club shouldn't complain about their brats because it could offend TTC, WTT, and LTTC. I could keep going but we all get the point. No one is going to watch what they say in their section they belong to, I wouldn't expect them to.

If I curiously peer onto First Tri...I'm expected to go over there with respect, not guns blazing because I read something that offended me. For the record, I don't go over there because I have no business being over there. What I'm trying to say is everyone should respect each other's sections. Don't like what some of the members say in there, don't go in that section. It's that simple.

:thumbup: Brilliant words Army!

Yep grubby and often smells of wee, funny how that can also describe a lot of LTTTC! :haha:

i LOVE the name Evie :flower:

What an exciting few days and I missed it. Darn you Europeans and your different time zones. Made me miss it all.

At least we're scattered across different time zones, always someone on look out duty :winkwink:

I started Clomid again today, and it gives me TERRIBLE nightmares! Last cycle I had nightmares every night I took it, and that was about my only side effect apart from a few hot flushes (but I was in Spain at the time) so Im really not looking forward to sleeping tonight. Im such a baby!
Another rant for the day (non baby related):

-I ordered this lovely ikat print on Nordstrom's website. Today, I looked in my email to see it was canceled!! :growlmad::growlmad: WTH? I called the helpless customer service number wondering why I was charged and my order was being canceled. Apparently, they didn't have enough mediums when it came round to my order. WTF? :grr:

-DH and I arguing about him not spending enough time with me. Don't get me wrong I'm not needy, but after he gets off work he goes straight to his laptop. Then he barely speaks a sentence to me the rest of the night. Last time I checked we weren't roommates!! :haha:

Of course this is all around ovulation, so he's not going to want to do it with the arguing. Plus I'm stressed out, so I probably won't ovulate till later if it all. I'm just exhausted from work, LTTC, and how our marriage has been going. :cry::cry:
Steph: wow that's a terrible side effect!!!! When I was on clomid I had loads of hot flashes (I went outside in a tshirt and jeans in the dead of winter :haha: ) but I've never had nightmares!! :hugs: nightmares suck!!!

Army: sometimes it's like that with us too!!! But I've gotten used to it since we sit together with our laptops or iPads and talk about random stuff at the same time :haha::haha: I tend to be needy before AF gets here and he just laughs when I whine and tells me "I love you and it will all be better in a few days" :haha::blush:

I'm sorry about your order!! I hate it when crap like that happens :growlmad:
:drunk: this is for you Army. I hate ovulation week, I hate what it turns me into and me and DH spend more time avoiding each other!

As awful as it sounds, I genuinely think that every time I get a :bfn: at the end of the month, or AF shows up, about 20% of my tears are to mourn the loss of what could have been, and the other 80% is because it means I have to go through another god forsaken ovulation week again! :haha:

Evie, oh god Clomid nightmares are EVIL. Pure evil. I have never had any nightmares that I can remember, but I had 5 in April, funnily enough on CD 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6! I thought it was just a very bizarre coincidence but upon further research I found that Clomid nightmares do actually exist! They are really awful vivid realistic nightmares as well. I remember on particular one last month was DH leaving me for another woman, because then he could have a baby, but he said he was taking my womb with him, then she came out of the bathroom with a knife and they both jumped on me :shrug:
I feel like a right dipshit!!

It was a letter from the bank offering is an upgrade on our bank account!!

Back to the waiting!

I did put the euro millions on tonight an approximate £126 million would be cool, then I could pay for not only my IVF but also any treatment you lovely ladies need!
OMG Steph that nightmare sounds horrible!!!! :wacko::wacko:

BearsMummy aawww you got worked up over nothing!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: oooooo if you win we can have an IVF party and all get preggo at the same time :rofl::rofl: that would be epic :haha:
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