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Ultimate Venting Thread

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Stupid BFN today!! :sad2: witch will be here tomorrow
On to another month of trying... Im really over it :cry: 2 and half years and still no bfp...!

When will us LTTC girls get our rainbows :dust:

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: hang in there hun! We'll get our BFPs!! It's just a matter of time :winkwink::hugs::kiss:
Stupid BFN today!! :sad2: witch will be here tomorrow
On to another month of trying... Im really over it :cry: 2 and half years and still no bfp...!

When will us LTTC girls get our rainbows :dust:

:hugs: Some days it just sucks. Something that comes so easy to others becomes a massive hurdle for us.

:coolio: Wow to the LTTC bonding going on. It's nice to have a place where everyone *understands*.

Question: Is it LTTC or LTTTC? Hehe.

:blush: Little bit annoyed at your MIL zandark? Haha, gawd they can be idiots.

Minor rant today:

Spent the morning with an 8 month pregnant friend. THEN, went to a birthday party for my best friend's 2 year old. She's 6 months pregnant. Oh, and then another friend with her 5 month old stopped by.

Oh, and I had my friends' parents and grandparents (who only speak Chinese!!!!) ask me where my baby is.


I lived. There are no tears. I don't feel sad.

I don't know if that means I'm over it or if I'm numb to it all. :wacko:
Hi ladies...I'm back! :haha:

Feeling a lot better about everything now.

I finally got caught up with everyone's rants and had an epiphany. The entire time I was on clomid, I had the same freakin' nightmares! I never put two and two together. I thought I just had one hell of an overactive imagination. I told DH every time I had a bad dream about him cheating on me, asking for a divorce, or our baby coming out with missing limbs or whatever. He probably thought I was crazy or about to go off the deep end! :wacko:

I just had hellacious headaches and horrible hot flashes. It really sucked in the summer time when it was 95-100 degrees outside and I felt like I was about to spontaneously combust! It was awful...especially during football season. My dad and I worked on the medical staff at the University of Alabama's home football games. It would be suffocatingly hot outside (really during the games in September when it's still in the 90's). I guess when you cram 115,000 people in a big bowl, it would get that way...very quickly! I can't wait until that rolls back around again! I have so much fun and forget about everything when I am there.

**I am the biggest American football nut out there...especially with college football. I will sit on the couch on Alabama away games and watch ESPN all day long on Saturdays! I confiscate the remote every Saturday morning and DH doesn't get it back until Sundays. :haha::haha:**
Sharn - i'm sorry hun. It never gets an easier. :hug:

Amanda - i'm pleased your back and feeling a little better.

Karen - i read your post about dh and the post to oh, it made us both laugh!

Steph - your post about your dad brought tears to my eyes! I am a complete daddys girl, he knows about the pcos and ir but have not discussed ltttc in detail with him
Telling family can be such a hard decision when really as family it shouldn't be I guess. We haven't told any of my dhs family.I don't have any so that wasn't a decision we had to make. My dh didn't want to say anything because he knows his dad won't understand or feel comfortable knowing about it (ex military) plus his step mum had so many problems herself that's she can be very insensitive. she has that " I went through worse than you so get over it" attitude. We haven't told his mum either as he says he doesn't want her to worry and would rather give her good news. I just always feel like we're hiding things.
Would you say it's important to tell or better not to?
I know I dont belong here (I've been TTC for almost four years but had many loses in that time), so I am not sure if I am welcome or not but wanted to offer many :hugs: to you all.

Oh and facebook... I hate that baby gaga thing, just about nearly all my friends on facebook uses it, posting +hpt and ultrasounds and week by week photos of their growing belly..

My main reason for replying in here was because I have got to this post ^^^^ and wanted to say you can block this sort of thing. When it comes up in your news feed there is an x in the right hand corner, click on it and it asks you if you want to block the gaga app. I have done it, I cant stand that flipping baby gaga thing. Sometimes you/we/I need to protect ourselves and if that makes us bitches, so be it :hugs:
I know I dont belong here (I've been TTC for almost four years but had many loses in that time), so I am not sure if I am welcome or not but wanted to offer many to you all

:hugs: I think I can speak for us all here when I say that it doesn't matter if you are TTC your first, your second of your 6th, you've had to go through the struggles of anyone else LTTTC and can relate to what we're talking about, of corse you're welcome :flower: I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. You must be an incredibly brave woman.

I agree with the baby gaga thing, I didn't realise you could block it until recently, and it was the best thing ever, no more stupid "My bump week 14" filling up my Facebook feed :winkwink:


2 day AF from hell, then poof, disappears quicker than it came! It was like my body decided it was bored of having 5-6 day periods, so instead, this month it put me through all the pain an hassle of a normal period, in 18 hours. Thanks. Just something else in my body that doesn't want to cooperate with me. Bugger you with massive stick uterus, you suck arse!!! :growlmad:
Tasha you're always welcome here!!! :hug: As are all the wonderful ladies that pop in from time to time to offer hugs and advice :hugs:
Hiya Tasha, as Steph and Evie said, LTTTC is tough regardless if how many kids you have!

Steph - two day period from hell sounds crappy! Mine are normally 10 days long, although the one before last was a lot longer (21 days). Af sux.

What sux more is that its fathers day in the uk on the 17th (next sunday :( ) df with celebrate with his son (from previous marriage) so another slap in the face for me, as i still can't give him a kid.
Hiya Tasha, as Steph and Evie said, LTTTC is tough regardless if how many kids you have!

Steph - two day period from hell sounds crappy! Mine are normally 10 days long, although the one before last was a lot longer (21 days). Af sux.

What sux more is that its fathers day in the uk on the 17th (next sunday :( ) df with celebrate with his son (from previous marriage) so another slap in the face for me, as i still can't give him a kid.

Father's Day in the US is also next Sunday. I was reminded of that by my DH last night.
I was on my phone earlier so I couldn't type out a proper response...but the other ladies said it wonderfully! :thumbup:

LTTTC is heartbreaking regardless of how many children you have!! You can be LTTTC your 8th child and it's still difficult....to have losses as well as LTTTC makes it beyond heartbreaking :cry:

I have nothing but complete respect and admiration for the beautiful angel mummies that have suffered the worst kind of pain possible :hugs:

Everyone is welcome to join us in the LTTTC section if they feel they can offer support and a warm hug when we're at our worst!! Everyone needs a hug from time to time :winkwink:

Now for my rant!

Even tho I had a lovely day with my friends and OH, this preAF bloating is killing me :growlmad: not only is it uncomfortable and a reminder that I won't be missing the witch this month....it makes me feel so fat and ugly :cry: I'm not usually insecure...but PMS always has me at my lowest :cry::cry::cry::cry:
Evie - I've seen your Facebook pictures. You have NOTHING to be insecure about, you are absolutely GORGEOUS!! :flower:

Actually, all of the ladies I've added on Facebook a down right beautiful!

As for fathers day next weekend, my DH got me a mothers day card from the cats, so I think I'll get him a fathers day card from the cats and a bottle of wine, we can enjoy it together :thumbup:
Stephie- I smiled when I read your father giving you a hug! So incredibly heart warming!

Karen- I don't know what is it and men with the pub. I know the beer is wonderful, but don't they get tired of the sausage fest? :haha:

Clomid nightmares sound absolutely horrid! :shock: I'll be glad when you ladies are done with your rounds or you get a sticky :bfp:.

Welcome, Tasha! Pleased to have you join us. This is a VERY supporting thread, you've come to the right place.


Just one small rant..one of our colleagues was talking to the pregnant cow and exclaimed rather loudly, "8 months and 2 days!". Erm, I thought I deleted my Bragbook. There's no need for vocal updates!! :growlmad::growlmad: On the other hand, at least she'll be done with the pregnancy and on leave so I don't have to be around her much longer.
Thank you for the welcomes girls. I never feel like I fit any where, so it was nice to feel like I might be welcome some where :hugs:

Stephie - I am sorry for the crappy AF. Card and wine sounds like a good idea :hugs:

wannabe - that must be very hard :hugs:

Zan - thank you. If you are half as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside then I know you are gorgeous x

Army: :( I hope maternity leave isnt too far away for her.

My rant: There is an article 'trending' on fb, it is that Kate Middleton is pregnant, if this is true the whole country will be royal baby mad, and we will never escape it.
My rant: There is an article 'trending' on fb, it is that Kate Middleton is pregnant, if this is true the whole country will be royal baby mad, and we will never escape it.

I saw that too! Canada is also obsessed with William and Kate since their visit last year. Ugh, it's going to be everywhere. Son of a b*tch.

Army - I swear you have one new pregnant woman every month at work! I don't know how you do it! :huh:

StephieB - I love that idea of a card for Father's Day. Hope you don't mind if I steal it. :blush:

zandark - :hugs: This is sooo embarassing but when I'm PMSing and super bloated, I used to feel up my belly like it was a true bump, ay yi yi. Haven't done that in a while. Now I'm embarrassed, lol. Someone tell me they've done the same!

Well, if I'm not getting preggo, I need to lose 6lbs by July 25th to be within my regular BMI range (just barely). I figure if I can do that, there's no way the FS can say anything. So far I have:

Cut down on caffeine (one cup a day)
Cut down on sugar (no Tim Horton's cookies anymore!)
Exercised regularly
Stopped hanging around my smokey friends inhaling 2nd hand smoke
Sleeping regularly.
Stopped drinking alcohol.

AND I'm still not pregnant! Isn't that what's supposed to do it? :growlmad:
I know I dont belong here (I've been TTC for almost four years but had many loses in that time), so I am not sure if I am welcome or not but wanted to offer many :hugs: to you all.

Oh and facebook... I hate that baby gaga thing, just about nearly all my friends on facebook uses it, posting +hpt and ultrasounds and week by week photos of their growing belly..

My main reason for replying in here was because I have got to this post ^^^^ and wanted to say you can block this sort of thing. When it comes up in your news feed there is an x in the right hand corner, click on it and it asks you if you want to block the gaga app. I have done it, I cant stand that flipping baby gaga thing. Sometimes you/we/I need to protect ourselves and if that makes us bitches, so be it :hugs:

My "bff" has her c section tomorrow... But for some reason, since this pregnancy... I found that I cant see her status and baby gaga posts on facebook. I think she changed her privacy so that I cant see her posts pppffttt.
I never showed any jealousy towards her, I always supported her and spoiled her 2 year old girl... Weird vibes much??
Oh no wonderstars, so you will be in for that joy too :(

sharn, she is probably trying to protect you but it needs to be a choice you make rather than feeling like a leper :hugs:
Tasha, Now that you mention- Yes in that way, I thank her for being generous to help me. I cant wait for her to have he baby, I will give her a few days before I see her an bub just to let her try settle... And not hover all over her like everyone else will...
I have such mixed feelings about Kate Middleton possibly being pregnant. Dh & I married on same day as them and for some reason I know I'll be gutted it's not me, on the other hand, they were living together before marriage and I'm sure I read that they married so they could try for a family (not acceptable for family out of wedlock for royals eh wot?). So if that is the case then they are ltttc too! So I wouldn't grudge her that in that case.
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