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Ultimate Venting Thread

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I want to vent about SIL and MIL showing up at my door or calling me only when they want something :growlmad:

MIL asked me to babysit the kids but I couldn't since I had already made plans (and I only go out like once or twice a week) and obviously didn't like that I said no! :dohh:

Seriously?! Just because your daughter decided that she wants to have two kids even tho her work schedule is insane and YOU have to stay home every single day to take care of them doesn't mean that we're all going to be locked up to take care of their every need!!! Try telling me a couple of days before you want me to babysit and not last minute!! I have a life unlike the rest of you!!

I love those kids...but I only get to see them when SIL wants something from me! She never just brings them upstairs to play...and always has an excuse when I tell her to come upstairs!!!

I'm not surprised that SIL has NO friends other than her mother...ffs she's 29 and acts like she's 45!!! They think that women should be "martyrs" and just sit around the house all day doing housework like there's no tomorrow! It's a shame my house is spotless without me doing housework 24/7! It's called being organized! Cows!
I've never had clomid but tried soya 3 cycles and had nightmares every time. Generally I dreamt my dh cheated & I battered him toll he was bloody & cried & cried woke up with tears everywhere. Also dreamt of lover ones dying & another one was I was jailed for a murder I didn't commit.

I never knew they existed either till I put 2+2 together and started asking on here.
eeeeeeeekkkkkk :wacko::wacko::wacko:

I see BFPs all over the place :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:
Ah what an awful thing for mother and sister in law to do! Do they know about your struggles with TTC? My DH has a friend who only ever contacts him when he wants something and it drives me mad but he can't see it. I hope it didn't ruin your night too much.

Just Married - Its awful, and what's quite interesting is that many of the woman who have reported nightmares during clomid etc...have always been about partners and babies and death or affairs. Like our extra hormones make our brains play out our worst nightmares. I haven't tried Soy but I'm quite interested to know more about it. How did you find it? With being unexplained I'm keen to move on to more natural solutions as im worried continued Clomid could cause more harm than good if cysts form etc... If the clomid fails and I think soy might be one I try.
I don't get nightmares on Clomid (knock on wood) but I do get terrible hot flashes every half hour or so. I also have terrible mood swings.

I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one that HATES ovulation week. Well, you ladies might not hate it, but I do. It always seems that DH and I argue the most at this time. Then I don't want to bd, but I know we have to or I will be mad at myself. So, I fake not being mad at dh anymore, I guess he thinks it's make-up sex, and then I go to bed angry...after laying with my legs up for a half hour!:haha:

My vent:
Thank goodness today was the last day I had to work with my pregnant co-worker. (I'm a teacher and today was the kids' last day before summer break. We have to work all next week, but she decided one more week would just be too much for her!) I am so sick of watching her drink loads and loads of caffine, eat like shit, and complain about stupid stuff. I have given up all of that stuff just in hopes to get pregnant!!! She acts like she can't even walk now that she is pregnant. In fact, we had a parade and she refused to walk in it. And by parade, we literally walked around the corner from the front of the school to the back. It was a quarter mile at most!!! WTF?! Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean your legs are broken! To make matters worse, she talks about working out all the time. You can work out, but you can't walk around with the kids? Every other pregnant woman in the school is still able to carry on with normal activities. I guess this is to be expected, as this is the same woman that, during her first trimester said she "couldn't sit on the floor in her condition." :dohh: I really wanted to ask her if she was carrying the baby in her ass because I don't understand why being a few months pregnant would stop you from sitting on the floor!!! God, she is pathetic!!!
Another vent:
I'm going to my friend's son's first birthday party tomorrow...we started TTC at the same time :cry: I do have to give her credit though...she contacted me shortly after the invitations went out and told me that she understands if I didn't want to go because she knew it would be hard for me. I missed her birthday for that reason, and I feel bad if I keep avoiding her because she is such a good friend!

BTW...I forgot to tell you my name, it's Jenn. Sorry if I don't refer to you ladies by your first name, as I have a terrible memory and probably won't be able to remember it! :dohh:
Steph: yeah of course they know! SIL has even offered me her "advice" on conceiving even tho she conceived both kids straight away :dohh:

Navy: I completely understand how you're feeling. I started TTC before my SIL and her daughter is now 1.5 :cry: she's my goddaughter so I made her cake for her birthday because I wanted to keep my mind from wandering! It doesn't help that her birthday is a few days after mine so I was already really down since I had just turned 34! :cry:

Your friend sounds very considerate tho!! And that's an excellent thing considering that not many women care about our LTTTC struggles :hugs: she's definitely a keeper! :thumbup:
Hi girls, Can I join in? I'm new to this section, just came in for a wee read coz im feeling a bit lost in the world of ttc and there are new BFP's all over the forum and not one of them is mine!! :cry:
My rant for the day is actually not ttc related its food related or rather the bad prep of food. I'd like to say thanks to the people at the restaurant last night who have given me an extremely rare Saturday off work. It's a shame I've had to spend it in the bathroom being sick all night. Thanks a bunch :(

Navywife- I feel the same sometimes about o week. I feel stressed out about not getting the timing right and preempting my disappointment at another bfn. I can go from optimistic to pessimistic and back again so quickly it makes my head spin.
When I'm in the ltttc forums I am blown away by the hope that those who have been going through this for so much longer than I have have. I've been doing this for 3 yrs and wonder how much longer I can hold it together.

Also, you were saying about the girl that drinks loads of caffeine, I went to a staff party for my dh not long ago and had to sit next to a heavily pregnant girl who was drunk and chain smoking and crying about why her baby was under developed. Some people just don't realised how blessed they are.
ARGHHHH :hissy: The clomid nightmare came back! Stupid stupid evil drug!

Evie its funny how everyone seems to want to offer 'advice' in TTC, whether they've done it or not, I've only been out about our infertility for about a week now, and the 'advice' i've been given has been overwhelming :rolleyes:

Jenn I do actually HATE ovulation week with a passion. I dread it as soon as AF arrives, me and my DH don't usually argue too much, but ovulation week we usually end up screaming at each other because we're both so stress about timing etc and DH sometimes suffers from anxiety to the extent that we can't even BD, then I scream and cry at him and some of our biggest fights have been down to ovulation! I would rather have 5 years of TWW than one more ovulation week! :flower:

Your friend does sound really understanding, I wonder if she knows how rare these people are!

Zfvavy - hope your feeling better :hugs:

Its not all doom and gloom:

We told DHs family about our infertility using our blog (as you know) but we didn't tell my Dad. My Mum and Dad had a terrible divorce and for various reasons I have had not spoken or seen my mother in about 6 years, so since then its just been me and my Dad. Maybe its because I'm a serious Daddys girl, but I just couldn't bring my self to tell him.

Anyway this morning I had a sudden moment of madness, and walked into my Dads bedroom at 9am and just told him there and then. :shrug: I have never, in my 24 short years of existence seen my dad cry, but he cried and hugged me and just said "Life is just so unfair sweetheart", which then made me cry :blush:

It's weird how we get one of two responses, either people give us support and cry with us, or they really just don't seem to get it.

But either way, I would like to thank all of you ladies because I really think that belonging to this venting group has made me feel more supported in my journey which has made me much more confident in sharing it with others :kiss:

TEAM LTTTC :flower:
eeeeeeeekkkkkk :wacko::wacko::wacko:

I see BFPs all over the place :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Came on here to vent on the same! Don't get me wrong, I am so happy as some of them are LTTTC but witch got me yesterday so guess I am not handling it so well right now.:nope:
Damn AF and her witchy ways :growlmad: getting round to another CD1 is always the worst :hugs:

Vent away lady H :flower:
Before I run off to do some work, I will leave you ladies with this. Made ma laugh and seemed apt...


eeeeeeeekkkkkk :wacko::wacko::wacko:

I see BFPs all over the place :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Came on here to vent on the same! Don't get me wrong, I am so happy as some of them are LTTTC but witch got me yesterday so guess I am not handling it so well right now.:nope:

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm waiting for AF to show up too...so I'm not in such an understanding place myself!!

Of course that doesn't mean that I wouldn't be ecstatic for my vent buddies to get their bfp! :flower::hugs:
Damn it, no IVF party I'm afraid! My day wasn't too good in the end!

My Rant: I don't think I O'd this cycle. Its my first cycle not taking clomid.

I also had bad nightmares on clomid, kind of the same dreams you ladies had, it always seemed to be about B cheating or leaving. Weird stuff.
I also hallucinated on my last dose, which was really creepy.

I really wanted a relaxed few cycles until I heard from the PCT, but now this cycle is over and I'm 99% sure I didn't O, I am also thinking about giving Soy a whirl.
I have a new one.

B is being an absolute arsehead today, I want to wring his bloody neck!!

The post came this morning, while I was still in bed. He decided to just put the post in a random place in the hallway and not tell me it had arrived.
He knows I am waiting for 2 important letters. CRB and PCT.

Off he goes out to the pub, I'm doing housework and come across the post, so i open it and one is my CRB letter, so I'm absolutely fuming that he didn't even mention the post had arrived and I find this when he's out at the fricking pub!!

So I ring him, screaming abuse down the phone at how inconsiderate he is, and then he pipes up with 'oh another letter arrived for you from the NHS, so i had a quick peek at it, incase it was THE letter, but it's not, its just a questionarre about your experience at A and E when you done for foot in'


When I thought the letter had arrived yesterday, I respected him enough to wait for him to come home from work so we open it together, but when I have a lay in, he just goes and opens it, with no respect for me. And then, didn't even bother to tell me when I did get up, just got his arse ready to go to the pub.

I told him to enjoy his time at the pub, because it will be his last.

I am FUMING!!!
Karen I have nothing constructive to say but that would MAJORLY piss me off as well. What is it with men and just not thinking?!!

I told him to enjoy his time at the pub, because it will be his last

Mwahahahaha :rofl:
:dohh: my MIL needs a damned brain transplant!!!
ffs can't you just be a "friend" once in a while and just chat like a normal person? Not EVERY conversation has to be a "lesson" because "we're younger and need to learn from you"! Did you ever consider the fact that I don't exactly look up to you, and don't really feel the need to learn crap from you? Especially when your opinions tend to imply that you should have access to our house 24/7 like you do with SIL...because we're too young to know better.

FFS woman we're not "playing house"! We're married and can and do live without you interfering! I'm sorry you don't like it...but tough shit!

It's not my fault you've made your daughter soooo insecure that she needs your approval for everything! I'm not insecure and couldn't care less if you approve of me or not!

Give it up already! The harder you try to convince me that you're an amazing woman...the more I think you're fake!! I've seen both sides of you...and I don't like either of them!

Karen I'd be insanely furious too!! I wonder if their brain completely shuts off at times :dohh::haha:
Stupid BFN today!! :sad2: witch will be here tomorrow
On to another month of trying... Im really over it :cry: 2 and half years and still no bfp...!

When will us LTTC girls get our rainbows :dust:
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