Ultimate Venting Thread

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popping in to give my favorite ladies hugs and kisses since I'm kind of all over the place at the minute and can't concentrate long enough to sit at the computer lol


Lol steph. I once locked me and the cat in the bathroom to escape a moth. My dh came home from work around midnight to find me asleep on the bath mat.

I would do that! Its not so bad in England, as I don't think I've seen any moths for a while :shrug: but a few years ago I lived in Saratoga, New York for 7 months and was once attacked my a full grown polyphemus moth (Only google it if you're feeling brave). I had a panic attack and fainted :blush: best friend had to catch it in a pizza box.

Amanda - If it helps people in Birmingham, UK can't drive either (no offence to any of you brummies ladies, my car was written off my an idiot there last year) I hope you made it back safe and sound! Then again, when I'm on the road, I think everyone is an idiot except me :haha:

Zfbaby - Your boss deserves a slap! :growlmad:
I would without a doubt advise others who are thinking of telling their boss not to. I know some people have had amazing success and support but I think those types of bosses are few. Would have told boss when I got of but now I won't I'll keep it secret as long as poss.

Bit of an odd night last night, I started hallucinating at around 9pm. My hands had echoes like from some 70s trip!!! I'm scared it's the clomid as im up to 150 and thu might take me off, now I'm so stressed there's no way I can "relax".
Anyone else had this and what was the outcome?

I had this on my last dose of 150mg clomid.

As soon as I was done taking the tablets, they stopped. Xx
No offense, but the South does have some horrid drivers. :wacko:

Meh, rants:

1. It is fecking hot here today. I'm about to strip down to my undergarments. :flasher::haha:

2. The Reed Krakoff bag I want is full price, and I can't justify spending 1000 USD on a handbag (although it is gorgeous and an investment). However, there is this striking Alexander Wang bag on offer...then again his bags can be too trendy. :wacko::wacko:

No baby related rants, I can't be bothered with IF today. :finger:
My cousin is officaily preg with her 3rd child with her 3rd husband. Yup 1 for each one. End rant

Im TTC with no meds for at least the next 3 months so not monitering anything. Taking the year off work as well to get myself healthy again.

Just wanted to wish all of you the best. LtTtc can be a real pain in the butt.
Karen any news on the letter front? Thought of you yesterday :flower:

Jackie buy it, BUY IT!!!! :haha::haha:

Sykora , sometimes life does just simply suck! :hugs:

My hugerant:

After TTC for 27 months, and DH having his SAs done 15 months ago, only today does a different doctor say to us "Looking at your semen samples of 1.2 and 1.5ml, I think you're suffering from a condition known as hypospermia" :huh:

So there you go. Possibly no longer unexplained infertility, but if its confirmed, thats 13 months after the original SAs wasted. Money on OPKs wasted, time spent wondering wasted, months on Clomid for nothing!!! I'm so so angry and frustrated and frankly fucked off at the original fertility specialist ho decided to pump me full of drugs and send me for test and test after test when my poor DH just simply isn't producing a big enough volume to get me pregnant.

Next step would be IUI, which hopefully has a high chance of being successful if the sperms get to where they need to be. But still, we could have been doing this 12 months ago and have a child by now :cry::cry:
Aaargh Stephie! Raging for you!! Don't these ppl realise the emotional & financial toll? Grrrr!
Karen any news on the letter front? Thought of you yesterday :flower:

Jackie buy it, BUY IT!!!! :haha::haha:

Sykora , sometimes life does just simply suck! :hugs:

My hugerant:

After TTC for 27 months, and DH having his SAs done 15 months ago, only today does a different doctor say to us "Looking at your semen samples of 1.2 and 1.5ml, I think you're suffering from a condition known as hypospermia" :huh:

So there you go. Possibly no longer unexplained infertility, but if its confirmed, thats 13 months after the original SAs wasted. Money on OPKs wasted, time spent wondering wasted, months on Clomid for nothing!!! I'm so so angry and frustrated and frankly fucked off at the original fertility specialist ho decided to pump me full of drugs and send me for test and test after test when my poor DH just simply isn't producing a big enough volume to get me pregnant.

Next step would be IUI, which hopefully has a high chance of being successful if the sperms get to where they need to be. But still, we could have been doing this 12 months ago and have a child by now :cry::cry:

Arghhhhhhhhh Stephie, I want to scream for you and rally feel your annoyance.

While I am grateful we have the NHS, I do feel that so many of us are being delayed by their pure inefficiency, makes me mad. And its not just IF related its all medical problems.

Keep with your softcap plan this month though as that will also help those precious swimmers get to their destination!

Big hugs
Aaargh Stephie! Raging for you!! Don't these ppl realise the emotional & financial toll? Grrrr!

A close friend of mine lives in Glasgow, and when I told her she said she was "pure raging" for me :haha: just made me chuckle that you said the same thing. We told the doctor we'd asked about this before, and he just shrugged and said "sometimes we get it wrong" :growlmad:

Snowybird - I agree. The NHS is an absolute blessing, and gives us so many more opportunities than say American couples who have to pay thousands of dollars for fertility medication and appointments, but sometimes it does make you wonder what corners their cutting so we can have our free health service.

Im on it with the soft cups, we've had our first home insemination trial run (Sure you wanted to know that) and after the giggling had subsided, we're all set for ovulation week :thumbup:

However, on the plus side, if it is hypospermia thats causes our problems, we have an answer, which means we can finally get a solution :happydance:
Sykora- I wonder what she would do if she married an infertile husband. :-k

Stephie- :hugs: for the male factor. However, on the plus side I'm glad there's a answer.


Scratch the, "not bothered by IF" part. I was lurking about on Pintrest and discovered that one of my secondary chums is 4 months along with their first. Of course she got married last July. No one else had anything better to do this winter than :sex:. Too bad when I have :sex: a :baby: isn't the end result. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::cry::cry::cry:
Armywife :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I know how you feel :(

If only it was (that easy)

MAN+WOMAN+:sex::spermy:=:bfp:=:crib:????? :dohh:

Scratch the, "not bothered by IF" part. I was lurking about on Pintrest and discovered that one of my secondary chums is 4 months along with their first. Of course she got married last July. No one else had anything better to do this winter than :sex:. Too bad when I have :sex: a :baby: isn't the end result. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::cry::cry::cry:



It may not help but go grab a glass of wine, a plate of sushi, a cappuccino and sit on the couch and watch a good movie. Shut your brain off (easier said than done, I know)

That's a nurse's prescription. ;) I give it to my patients all the time.
Steph I'd be so frustrated too!!! :hugs: But the positive thing is that you might have found your answer and can do something about it :happydance: :hugs:

Army: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Need to vent: BFP avatars. Can cope with scan ones, not those though. Over and out!
Morning ladies,

Steph - the NHS is a worthy rant, sorry to hear about the original miss diagnosis. Fingers crossed that the fact they cocked up will mean you get reffered for IUI quicker. How does your dh feel? Hope he is ok.

My rant - i've had a god awful stomache bug since tuesday......vomiting everything up, including water, yuck.the worse bit is that i should ov in the next couple of days, so ill during fertile period. Luckily feel a bit better today ;-)

Ltttc has really affected our sex life. Before trying we were quite happy with it, trying for a baby has decreased both our drives, df suffers from ov anxiety, i read through the thread and note that some of you lovely ladies havr the same with your oh. Since i told him that his confidence has returned

Karen - any news from pct?
Aaargh Stephie! Raging for you!! Don't these ppl realise the emotional & financial toll? Grrrr!

A close friend of mine lives in Glasgow, and when I told her she said she was "pure raging" for me :haha: just made me chuckle that you said the same thing.

Haha! She must have been really angry then, pure is def the best emotional adjective we use up here. I'm 10 miles from Glasgow :)

I did actually get to the 'pure raging' stage anyway. Made us both a beatufil dinner, all dh had to do was pour juice, he opened glass cupboard above our beautiful dinners and accident dropped & smashed one all over them both. I know it wasn't his fault, but I was def pure raging.

Fingers crossed with softcups! (hmmm I just got a difficult mental image of someone trying to use cups with their fingers crossed!)
Hi all, had a day off yesterday an was so busy catching up on exciting housework that I have not had a chance to get online.

Steph- I'm sorry you've had all of that worry and pressure put on you without knowing why that sucks. I had something similar a couple of years ago with nhs. It's not ttc related but I kept going back and forth to doctors with my back. I was in constant pain and it kept giving out. 2 years after my first x-ray they reviewed my case and found they missed something. I of have had treatment then and saved myself the pain. Feels like your hitting you head against a wall. :(

Bears, thanks for that. I've now finished this months clomid so hoping that sorts it. Have had a couple of them now and will be glad if that's it.

No new rants today just the usual stuck at work instead of enjoying weekend. Hope you all have a good one.
A facebook conversation...

finds that when some people tell me what I should be doing with their baby it makes me wanna kick them in the head ... Even when it's Wes giving me 'advice' ... We can just blame the left over pregnancy hormones :)

Her Friend's Comment Lol its your protective Mum knows best instinct! My fav advice is from people who have no kids and they start judging you. That's when I want to get my Jackie Chan on!

Her Friend's Comment I like what my sister says it awakens ur mama bear lol :)

WELL unfortunately there are ladies out there, that dont have the option to just "have"kids :sad2:

I dont judge mothers with their babies.... But just the part how she mentions ( people who have no kids) pppffftttt
Just a quick one ladies as I'm currently on a mattress of my new house after moving yesterday, and I have no proper internet so will respond properly later.

Evie softcups are HUGE and look awful and terrifying but are surprisingly easy and really comfortable to use! They kind of go in length ways so they're no bigger than a tampon.

We had to get them off amazon because they don't exist in the UK either! We had an insemination trial run a few nights ago and I can definitely say they did what they were supposed to.

DH can't get his head around where they go still :haha:
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