Ultimate Venting Thread

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Oh man, women suck inso many ways too. Blah, I totally get ya.

Vent for today

OMG this is the heaviest, clottiest and most painful period I have had in my entire life. I am going through tampons like a mad woman and swear bits of tissue are leaving my body,lol. So gross. This better mean that the selective HSG worked. I can't even get in to see my Dr. Until Feb 14 so no clomid for me. Boo. Time to get jiggy with it this cycle (yeah, I saw all of you rolling your eyes at that comment, haha).
I HATE days 1 and 2 of my cycle..those are the heaviest :boat:!

Ugh, I could've done without the pregnant nurse assisting my DH in his spinal shots today. Seriously, I saw numerous other women (who looked about the menopausal age) that could've helped us!! But nnnooooo we had to have the 4-5 month pregnant one :grr:. My anxiety was thru the roof, I couldn't wait to get the feck out of there!
Dude, I don't get the universe. It really does seem like everywhere we go pregnancy is shoved into our faces. Do you think they see the bitterness on our faces, the whites of our knuckles and our clenched jaws? Lol. Oh dear.:hugs:

Here's to hoping you see no pregnant women this weekend...need to go to manly places for all your outings. :winkwink:
Omg! The same thing happened to me last night! I wasn't having such a great day but my DH and I went out to dinner. I think I have peripheral vision radar for pregnant women because I always see them out of the corner of my eye and have to whip my head around to see...it's like road kill, you tell yourself not to look, but always at the last moment you end up looking anyway. It's like I'm glutton for punishment, do I really need that image burned in to my mind for the next hour? And to top it off, we decide to walk around the mall after dinner, just being nosey, then as we're about to go to the car we run into one of DH's friends whose wife is 22 weeks pg. So, in all fairness they didn't know we were even trying but my DH's friend then asks, "so when are you guys going to start trying? You said you'd start after we did (as he points to wife's belly." My response...well we have been trying for two years, since before you." He looked a little like a deer caught in headlights. We also told him about fertility doctors and that we're now spending around $2k for each try/month. So I think the friend felt a little bad. But to top it off the damn wife would not stop rubbing her belly, poking her belly, practically massaging her belly, and I'm not exaggerating cause I'm overly sensitive. And of course we had to run into them in the middle of a conversation about how I feel like I'm loosing hope and I feel like I'm just going through the motions with all the fertility meds and doc appointments...I almost broke down crying, like 3 times while we were standing there talking to his friend.

Ok, rant over.
Oooh that's awful, PR! I HATE, HATE when pregnant women rub their bellies! It's like we know it's there, you don't have to literally draw anymore attention to it!

I have a bumpdar too! It's kinda like a gaydar, in which you can spot the homosexual in the crowd..only you can sniff out a 3 month pregnant woman within in minutes, like some sort of bloodhound. :haha:

Hell, pregnant women are everywhere. When I was visiting family over Christmas I even saw one in a bar! That's the last place I would expect to see a pregnant :mamafy:! No where is safe. Maybe a strip club :sick:, but even then you'd have to deal with their c-section scars being flaunted in your face. :sick:
Its around everyone (being a labour and delivery nurse is hard enough) but we had some many preggo announcements over xmas and im so tired of it..I want it to be my freakign turn!
Im so glad I found this thread today. I swear Im going to flip my lid today. Both of my step sisters are pregnant, one due this month and one due next month. My sister in law just came off of birth control and promised me she wouldnt start trying until after I got pregnant....well she just had my brother call me to tell me that shes pregnant. REALLY!??!?!?!?! Thanks for kicking me while Im down!!!

End rant.

Thanks for listening :)
Glad I found this thread. I SOOOOO need to vent.

I'm beyond frustrated with ttc. I have been ttc#2 for 3 years with lean pcos. Got preg on 4th IUI in 12/2010. MMC in 2/2011. Have since done 3 more IUI's and 1 IVF. All :bfn:'s. The IVF was in 8/2011. No more funds for anymore treatments. :sad2: I have since then had 6 cycles with NO OVULATION. REALLY!!!!!! My ovaries need to wake the $%@$ up! This is the longest I have ever gone with no ovulation. I had to delete my fb cause I couldn't handle seeing all the preg. announcements and belly pics. Really can't take much more.
I think everyone needs a lot of :hugs: today! It's a good day for me, so I can actually offer some to others, lol.
Oh dear, I want to strangle someone!! 2 more close friends pregnancy announcements, in condescending first to know basis so we wont feel hurt when they yell it through the roof tops... 3rd and 2nd child.. The 2nd couple has had both their babies while we have been TTC and got married after us... so.. AF came today, and I just received an email telling me this: "I would advise you to try to take your mind off things by engaging in some activities that you like to avoid stress build-up as this may affect your fertility" FROM the people following my case at Duo Monitor!!! Well, thank you, I have plenty to do, and I have tried lots and lots of things to not think of TTC, mind you if I had a kid I wouldn´t be thinking about it.. and thank you for suggesting stress will affect my fertility, I was not stressed the first months of trying, and thank you for not being able to grasp that if I bought your very expensive thermometer is because I am full invested and absorbed in becoming pregnant and it has taken over my whole life.. AF came today so the thingy is not working miracles, and when I ask if my lutheal phase was too short all I get from them is a judgmental remark?? Aaarghhh!! Rant over.. Sorry and thanks.
Storkstalker: Wow! What the hell! That's awful! What's the length of your luteal phase? Supposedly, anything 11 and over is suppose to be fine, but personally I think 13 or more is good.
Hi Phoenix, Thank you for your reply, you are always so sweet.. My lutheal phase this cycle was only 9 days and then AF.. that´s what got me so concerned.. usually it´s 12.. sometimes has been 14 (which got my hopes up of course)... I didn´t do anything different last cycle other than using Duo, and O´d on new year´s.. The "expert" at duo said there was nothing wrong with a 9 day lutheal phase.. That goes against my common sense and educated guess.. So here I am on the waiting for Ovulation train again.. I hope you are ok!! Big hug and thanks..
Not to make you sound broken or anything...but there is absolute something wrong with a 9 day LP! If it was just one random time then whatever, but if that continues you definitely have to get that checked out. Aren't B-vitamins suppose to help with that? They can't hurt anyway. I started taking them, and even though I have no idea if they helped with spotting or LP, because I have to take progesterone suppositories, they do make me feel more energetic and help me have a better PMA.
So I like to go on other parts of BNB to take my mind off of LTTC...Well I went into the Health and Wellbeing section because I was interested in this "Depression and Anxiety" thread. As I am suffering from both, due to IF (of course).

I'm reading thru the responses and see the one who started the thread that is claiming she's depressed because of TTC. Guess how long she's been TTC??? 4 fecking months!!! Take a walk in a LTTCers shoes and you'll be admitted into the nut ward! :growlmad::growlmad:

Then there's another woman on there who is blessed with children and is talking about self harm. Seriously, you're blessed with children and want to off yourself? I just can't fathom postpartum depression. Try dealing with IF for 2 years, the possibility of never being a mother and tell me how you feel then!!

Needless to say I didn't bother replying to that thread, as I would've started a flame war. I believe I'll be staying out of that section.
SIL had her baby today. :cry::cry::cry::cry:

I have a new niece that I feel resentment towards..and I know it's not her fault. It's her stupid mother's for not using protection because the ignorant twat isn't IF!

I can't stop crying and thinking that should've been me. :cry::cry::cry:
:hugs: Have a good cry Miss, it's warranted. You'll be there one day but for now, I'm sure you want to hurl things across the room. :hugs:

My miniscule vent for the day:
I received a Christmas card late from a pregnant friend, who knows I've been struggling. Instead of just sending me a card, she just had to include her yearly "newsletter" which just went on and on about pregnancy, maternity leave and her "little one". :cry: So not what I needed. Between that and getting sick, I went on a little shopping spree. Sephora, MAC and Coach. :dohh:
I'm so sorry Army...that's so hard.

Wonder...I hate those narritive cards...your shopping spree sounds right up my ally! If only we lived near each other I would have loved to go with you!

I spent the day yesterday shopping for a gift for my neice who will be 1 next weekend. I love my neice so much but it is just so hard. We started out looking in target and general stores like that but ouldnt find what we were looking for until we went to babies r us. I swore I wouldn't go back in there when I went in may for my friends baby shower but we had no choice. To make matters worse, my mom wanted to go into the clothing section and show me the outfit my sis had picked out for my neice to wear. I don't know why, but the hardest thing for me to be around is baby clothes. This was not a very good follow up to my fs appointment the day before :(
Dear ArmyWife :hugs:... this LTTC is just not fair!! Receive a big hug... I don´t know what to say.. but that by all means it should be you.. and anyone LTTC.. I´m done with our turn being stolen...

NavyWife, I am sorry you had to go there, and I hope that your FS appointment went ok.. :hugs:

PhoenixRose, thank you for your caring advice :hugs:.. This 9 day lutheal phase has only happened this month, so I was freaking out... Normally it´s 12 days.. I was given progesterone some months, the ones I had stimulation from clomid and two more, before my then FS discarded a problem with lining or implantation with Estradiol blood test... Then they just send us to unexplained infertility again... So this time I asked Duo experts and their reply was both unhelpful and rude, so I´m waiting it out this month to see if everything goes back to normal...
Correction she had it Thursday... I found out Saturday. What made it so real was the pictures on FB of DH's brother holding his new daughter. :cry::cry: I can't shake that image out of my head.

What's worse is I turned to DH for support got 5 minutes worth then it turned into an argument because he stopped. My DH hasn't been the least bit supportive thru this whole hell. :cry::cry:

The support you ladies have shown me means a great deal to me, it's the only support I've had this whole time. Sad isn't it?? So thank you for virtually being there me last night when no one else was.
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