Ultimate Venting Thread

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This cycle SUCKS. I don't want to feel crampy now, because of ovulation. Since there is no chance for a natural pregnancy I don't want to feel any part of my cycle until its an IVF Cycle.

I guess I just hate waiting!

Oh and I have wasted a TON of money on OPKs, HPTs, etc. I was such a POASA.
Just complaining about my ultrasound tomorrow..already had one over a year ago and that stupid gyno failed to fax those results to my new one. So I have to get it done tomorrow then I have a lap plus hysteroscopy Friday. So looking forward to those, not!!

The only new info I have is that my uterus tips slightly forward, but he said it doesn't affect fertility whatsoever.

I feel bad for saying this but I wish my DH didn't have crap sperm so we could've conceived in the normal year!!! :cry:
Just complaining about my ultrasound tomorrow..already had one over a year ago and that stupid gyno failed to fax those results to my new one. So I have to get it done tomorrow then I have a lap plus hysteroscopy Friday. So looking forward to those, not!!

The only new info I have is that my uterus tips slightly forward, but he said it doesn't affect fertility whatsoever.

I feel bad for saying this but I wish my DH didn't have crap sperm so we could've conceived in the normal year!!! :cry:

Good luck with your surgeries on Friday hun...:hugs::hugs:

I can relate to your feelings about your DH's :spermy: problems, since mine has a low :spermy: count..... It makes everything so much more challenging... ugghhh... Do you have your DH on a multivitamin to help increase count and motility??? If not than i have a few that I can recommend to you. My DH had improvement from the first SA to the second one from using vitamins so I think they really do help.

I decided to go ahead with both surgeries and scheduled my hysteroscopy and lap for March 6th because my DR was all booked up with surgeries for the entire month of February so she cant get me in until March. I was looking at a cycle tracker that I use though and it looks like I need to reschedule it for the end of March because the timing is totally off and i would be ovulating at that time and the surgery needs to be done at the beginning of your cycle before OV. :dohh: So tomorrow i am going to call to reschedule. I decided that I better do both procedures instead of just the hysteroscopy to get them both done and over with at the same time and to only have to go under anethesia once and also to make sure I have the best possible chance to finally get my BFP!!! :thumbup:
Good luck army! I'm sure things will go swimmingly.

I've heard some very good things from legit sources that co-enzyme q can help with sperm quality and quantity. That might be worth a shot.

Lots of hugs ladies.
:hugs: Good luck in your ultrasound Army!! :flower:
Big hug to everyone else too.. :hugs:
LTTC sucks..
Just complaining about my ultrasound tomorrow..already had one over a year ago and that stupid gyno failed to fax those results to my new one. So I have to get it done tomorrow then I have a lap plus hysteroscopy Friday. So looking forward to those, not!!

The only new info I have is that my uterus tips slightly forward, but he said it doesn't affect fertility whatsoever.

I feel bad for saying this but I wish my DH didn't have crap sperm so we could've conceived in the normal year!!! :cry:

Good luck with your surgeries on Friday hun...:hugs::hugs:

I can relate to your feelings about your DH's :spermy: problems, since mine has a low :spermy: count..... It makes everything so much more challenging... ugghhh... Do you have your DH on a multivitamin to help increase count and motility??? If not than i have a few that I can recommend to you. My DH had improvement from the first SA to the second one from using vitamins so I think they really do help.

I decided to go ahead with both surgeries and scheduled my hysteroscopy and lap for March 6th because my DR was all booked up with surgeries for the entire month of February so she cant get me in until March. I was looking at a cycle tracker that I use though and it looks like I need to reschedule it for the end of March because the timing is totally off and i would be ovulating at that time and the surgery needs to be done at the beginning of your cycle before OV. :dohh: So tomorrow i am going to call to reschedule. I decided that I better do both procedures instead of just the hysteroscopy to get them both done and over with at the same time and to only have to go under anethesia once and also to make sure I have the best possible chance to finally get my BFP!!! :thumbup:

So I talked to the DR's office and the scheduler explained to me that it is okay if I am ovulating when the surgeries take place, Me and DH will probably just abstain from sex during my fertile window so that I dont have any chance of pregnancy that cycle. I hate to put the surgery off any longer to the next cycle because I am anxious to get back on board with TTC for the next cycle which will start for me around the 19th of March based on that surgery date. Tomorrow my DR is going to call me back to answer some additional questions that I have about the surgery as well since she was out of the office today.
Been trying for almost 2 years now and 5 of my friends are pregnant?!?!?! 4 of them were unexpected!!!! It seems everyone I know is having an easy time with it except me. I found out 2 friends were pregnant on the same day and it took everything I had to not break down on the phone with them (had a good :cry: at home thought). I know it's not their fault but I can't help feeling this way!

I see the fertility doctor in March to start treatment and the hopefully it will be me next...

I feel much better that I got that off my chest
OK- not about ltttc but: DH HAS BEEN F*%)(&% SENT TO COLLECTIONS!

He got a letter in the mail today that he thought was his w2 for his taxes but when he opened it up, it was a letter from a collections agency for 482.40! Apparently he hasn't paid his bill in THREE YEARS! ARGHHHHHH! WTF! I understand if you didn't have the money before we combined checking accounts and had to go a month or two, but we have money now! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST PAY IT!? :growlmad: I am SO livid right now! We were going to try and buy a house this year, but I'm attempting to repair my own credit and his is obviously down the shitter so we'll probably have to wait another 2ish years before I would feel confident enough to even apply for a home loan :hissy: :hissy: :hissy:

GAHHHHHH! and he's normally so good with money too :dohh: I just don't understand what got into him? :growlmad:
Hey guys im new here!

Friends little sister finding out sex of baby soon, i got 2 baby shower invites in the last week, & i have 4 baby birthdays in the next month.

OK- not about ltttc but: DH HAS BEEN F*%)(&% SENT TO COLLECTIONS!

He got a letter in the mail today that he thought was his w2 for his taxes but when he opened it up, it was a letter from a collections agency for 482.40! Apparently he hasn't paid his bill in THREE YEARS! ARGHHHHHH! WTF! I understand if you didn't have the money before we combined checking accounts and had to go a month or two, but we have money now! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST PAY IT!? :growlmad: I am SO livid right now! We were going to try and buy a house this year, but I'm attempting to repair my own credit and his is obviously down the shitter so we'll probably have to wait another 2ish years before I would feel confident enough to even apply for a home loan :hissy: :hissy: :hissy:

GAHHHHHH! and he's normally so good with money too :dohh: I just don't understand what got into him? :growlmad:

I understand your frustration, I've been there. But you'd be surprised how something like that may not affect you. They care mostly about your credit score, how much money you have (your assets), and how much debt you have. We actually had someone steal my DH's identity right before we bought our house. His credit had dropped a little, but at the moment we didn't have much debt and we had money in the bank so we were fine. I say it doesn't hurt to try.
Ok, I haven't vented in a while, so here I go...

So 3 rounds of stupid clomid and bad moods and nothing. A faint line on the beta test on round 1, ended up being a value of 2 (it's suppose to pick it up at 5), so not even sure if that counts as a chemical. So now I'm onto Follistim spending 2-3 times the amount of $$$, and having to inject myself...FML!!!

On top of that...I get to my first occupational therapy appointment today (I work with kids), and this lady has 4 kids...quadruplets. She definitly understands my pain because she went through 4 failed IVF treatments and finally had success with IVF attempt #5. She's actually been great to talk to. BUT after seeing kid #1, the behavior therapist comes out from seeing one of the other kids and I'm 90% sure she's pregnant. So now I get to see a pregnant woman's growing belly every Wednesday...FML x2!!!!!
Just complaining about my ultrasound tomorrow..already had one over a year ago and that stupid gyno failed to fax those results to my new one. So I have to get it done tomorrow then I have a lap plus hysteroscopy Friday. So looking forward to those, not!!

The only new info I have is that my uterus tips slightly forward, but he said it doesn't affect fertility whatsoever.

I feel bad for saying this but I wish my DH didn't have crap sperm so we could've conceived in the normal year!!! :cry:

Good luck with your surgeries on Friday hun...:hugs::hugs:

I can relate to your feelings about your DH's :spermy: problems, since mine has a low :spermy: count..... It makes everything so much more challenging... ugghhh... Do you have your DH on a multivitamin to help increase count and motility??? If not than i have a few that I can recommend to you. My DH had improvement from the first SA to the second one from using vitamins so I think they really do help.

I decided to go ahead with both surgeries and scheduled my hysteroscopy and lap for March 6th because my DR was all booked up with surgeries for the entire month of February so she cant get me in until March. I was looking at a cycle tracker that I use though and it looks like I need to reschedule it for the end of March because the timing is totally off and i would be ovulating at that time and the surgery needs to be done at the beginning of your cycle before OV. :dohh: So tomorrow i am going to call to reschedule. I decided that I better do both procedures instead of just the hysteroscopy to get them both done and over with at the same time and to only have to go under anethesia once and also to make sure I have the best possible chance to finally get my BFP!!! :thumbup:

So I talked to the DR's office and the scheduler explained to me that it is okay if I am ovulating when the surgeries take place, Me and DH will probably just abstain from sex during my fertile window so that I dont have any chance of pregnancy that cycle. I hate to put the surgery off any longer to the next cycle because I am anxious to get back on board with TTC for the next cycle which will start for me around the 19th of March based on that surgery date. Tomorrow my DR is going to call me back to answer some additional questions that I have about the surgery as well since she was out of the office today.

DH's on that GNC wellness vitamin, I believe your DH is on. This is our fourth bottle so not sure it's making a difference :shrug:.

Luckily mine's a few days before my period, then you have to abstain from sex for 2 weeks. When we go to :sex: then it will be closing in on ovulation. I'll let you know how it goes. I would schedule it like that, even if it means waiting another couple of months. You want to increase your chance for a possible HSG baby. Which I'm naively hoping for. :blush:

Skoer- Sorry to hear about that! I'm sure he can call and settle it for half of what he owes..

Phoneix- Argh!! Isn't there another therapist you could see in the office? I wouldn't be able to deal with that...my anxiety would be thru the roof!!


There's nothing more disheartening (Ladies who have had MCs probably went through this) than seeing a screen with an empty womb.:cry::cry:
Armywife: I work in home health and as a home health therapist I'd be nuts to give up being able to see 4 in a row at one house, without having to travel in between each one...so I just have to deal. I'm trying to stay positive that this first round of follistim will work and i can join her special club :wacko:
Just complaining about my ultrasound tomorrow..already had one over a year ago and that stupid gyno failed to fax those results to my new one. So I have to get it done tomorrow then I have a lap plus hysteroscopy Friday. So looking forward to those, not!!

The only new info I have is that my uterus tips slightly forward, but he said it doesn't affect fertility whatsoever.

I feel bad for saying this but I wish my DH didn't have crap sperm so we could've conceived in the normal year!!! :cry:

Good luck with your surgeries on Friday hun...:hugs::hugs:

I can relate to your feelings about your DH's :spermy: problems, since mine has a low :spermy: count..... It makes everything so much more challenging... ugghhh... Do you have your DH on a multivitamin to help increase count and motility??? If not than i have a few that I can recommend to you. My DH had improvement from the first SA to the second one from using vitamins so I think they really do help.

I decided to go ahead with both surgeries and scheduled my hysteroscopy and lap for March 6th because my DR was all booked up with surgeries for the entire month of February so she cant get me in until March. I was looking at a cycle tracker that I use though and it looks like I need to reschedule it for the end of March because the timing is totally off and i would be ovulating at that time and the surgery needs to be done at the beginning of your cycle before OV. :dohh: So tomorrow i am going to call to reschedule. I decided that I better do both procedures instead of just the hysteroscopy to get them both done and over with at the same time and to only have to go under anethesia once and also to make sure I have the best possible chance to finally get my BFP!!! :thumbup:

So I talked to the DR's office and the scheduler explained to me that it is okay if I am ovulating when the surgeries take place, Me and DH will probably just abstain from sex during my fertile window so that I dont have any chance of pregnancy that cycle. I hate to put the surgery off any longer to the next cycle because I am anxious to get back on board with TTC for the next cycle which will start for me around the 19th of March based on that surgery date. Tomorrow my DR is going to call me back to answer some additional questions that I have about the surgery as well since she was out of the office today.

DH's on that GNC wellness vitamin, I believe your DH is on. This is our fourth bottle so not sure it's making a difference :shrug:.

Luckily mine's a few days before my period, then you have to abstain from sex for 2 weeks. When we go to :sex: then it will be closing in on ovulation. I'll let you know how it goes. I would schedule it like that, even if it means waiting another couple of months. You want to increase your chance for a possible HSG baby. Which I'm naively hoping for. :blush:

Skoer- Sorry to hear about that! I'm sure he can call and settle it for half of what he owes..

Phoneix- Argh!! Isn't there another therapist you could see in the office? I wouldn't be able to deal with that...my anxiety would be thru the roof!!


There's nothing more disheartening (Ladies who have had MCs probably went through this) than seeing a screen with an empty womb.:cry::cry:

Yeah, the ones that My DH is on are the GNC Daily Wellness Fertility Blend in the green box with the picture of the couple on the front...:thumbup:

Unfortunatly the beginning of my March cycle will be a bust because the surgery will fall right during my ovulation time frame so me and DH will have to abstain from :sex: to prevent pregnancy that cycle, but my AF should be arriving around the 19th of March and I will start a new cycle and DH and me should be able to get back on the TTC band wagon again, so I will only loose out on one cycle.

Definatly keep me updated and let me know how everything goes!!!:hugs::hugs:
Armywife: I work in home health and as a home health therapist I'd be nuts to give up being able to see 4 in a row at one house, without having to travel in between each one...so I just have to deal. I'm trying to stay positive that this first round of follistim will work and i can join her special club :wacko:

Ah, I see. So sorry that you have to deal with that. :hugs: Argh, that "elite" baby club. :wacko::wacko:
There's nothing more disheartening (Ladies who have had MCs probably went through this) than seeing a screen with an empty womb.:cry::cry:

The first time I had an ultrasound it took all I had to keep from crying. The second time, I was unprepared for it and it really choked me up to go through an ultrasound and see nothing in there. I was so sad about that for a couple of days after both ultrasounds. UGH!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm so very glad that we don't really do baby showers over here - they seem design to make those of us LTTTC feel as desolate as possible ... I just really hope the custom doesn't come over here like trick or treating did

and THAT annoys me too ... not so much the actual trick or treating (kids dressing up and having fun is cool in my book) but it's the way it happens.
Now I may be wrong (and I'm aware that my knowledge of american trick or treating comes from films and tv) but my understanding is that an adult or older sibling goes trick or treating with the little ones .... over here there are frighteningly young children knocking on doors unsupervised - it must be a pedophiles dream come true
Yes, usually someone 'older' comes with, be it a parent or older sibling to make sure that exact thing doesn't happen! That's awful they let little kids alone, in the dark, knocking on stranger's doors! I'd have a panic attack if someone let my kid do that lol
thanks for putting my mind at rest Skoer - to me it seems absolutely appallingly irresponsible to let children go knocking on strangers doors.....all someone would need to do is dress their house up good and spooky and invite them in for sweeties....just doesn't bear thinking about :(
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