Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hi ladies, just wanted to say hello to you all, I have a bu I wanted to share my story with you ladies, I first relised I had a bu with my 2nd child who was in the left horn which happens to be the smaller side as you can have a smaller & a larger horn. When I first found out they thought I was having a etopic but they informed me it was a bu. I had many problems & was always in & out of hospitial with pains & bleeding, I managed to get to 31 wks before my waters broke as with a bu once their is no room it just send the baby on it's way. I was only 3cms dialated when he came weighing a mare 1lb 15, he was in NICU for 11 wks, everything was fine with him, that was in 2005 not many women had the a bu so it was bewildering, also the best advice I can give you is don't read google, it will scare the hell out of you.

I had a MC in 2006 & then again in 2007 but in 2008 I fell pregant again this time baby was on the right side the bigger side, despite having a heavy bleed & being admitted to hospitial for a wk everything turned out fine, & he was born on term by C-section planned as he was breached weighing 5lbs 6, so still quite small but well.
When he was 6 months I actually discovered that the other horn I had become pregant in, the smaller side, I only found out at 18wks, then at 20wks I had a scan & was delighted to find out I was having a girl, unfortunatly at 22 wks I fell ill & went to hospitial they kept in, ran several tests to see if I had an infection or anyting but everything came out clear, on the day of release my waters started to break, I was 23wks, they decided to keep me in, later that day they took me to labour ward as I was feeling worse & in a lot of pain, things started to ease of & they told me to rest.
Unfortuntly an hour after that I suffered to massive bleeds & the doctors had no choice but to take me for an emergancy C-section, my little girl was born weighing 15ounzes. She sadley only lived for 5 wks before she went to heaven. I felt well all the way though that one up until the last wk, the pregencies can be very different, you never know what is going to happen, you can only take one day at a time.

4 years later I am now 19+6 wks pregant, today I have the scan which will tell me if I am having a princess or prince, I am nervous, as I have been here before. Luckily I have been ok this time, no majour bleeding, pains but no bleeding, the baby is in the smaller side they have told me that it will be prem just how early they do not know. I am eratic with nerves & everytime I feel something different I worry, I have been able to see both sides of the story, so I am taking my own advice & taking it a day at a time. :-)
Princessmoo thank you so much for sharing your story...your strength is an inspiration. Have you been having regular cervical length checks? With my dd i had a preventative cerclage put in because we were afraid of ic as bu has an increased risk of ic. Anyway i m really hoping you go to term with your prince or princess and everything continues just perfect! Keep us updated if you can, i really love the success stories...evil google really scares us bu ladies!
hey christina , i am officially 1 day late for my period was due yesterday, i did a hpt on monday and was neg havent done one since, i did have 2 bits of pink blood on monday hwen wiping and nothing since so fingers crossed!! my little angel would have been due on the 28th july so maybe its bubs lttle gift to us if we are , not being to hopeful as worried i am just a few days late but excited at the same time i wanna test but dont wanna test either lol how are you and bub going?? x

Princessmoo - your story is encouraging to hear but so sorry for you loss but wihing you a H&H 9 months x
Oooowwww littlemama... I am so so excited for you... You re never late, af always comes early for you.... This is ssoooooo promising... TEST!!! Test test test! Ow i cant wait!!! If this is your bfp then bubs is really giving you a gift in his/her memory!! Keep us posted!!
according to me i would have been due on sunday but according to FF i was due yesterday i usually spot the day before but only those two pink spots nothing since, i will def keep you posted as soon as i test youll be the first to know lol x
Hey ladies!
Hope your all doing well, sorry havent been on much I was back in hospital for the hyperemesis again :(
On a brighter note found out we're team :pink: yesterday which has shocked us as its boy heavy on both sides of our families. I'm the last girl to be born on my side!!
My cervix is looking brilliant and everything is going good so far.

littlemama, fingers crossed for you hun. I hope this is your month! :flower:

chistiana, how is nat and nic doing? are you getting much sleep hun?

princessmoo, thanks for sharing your story and good luck with your pg.

Hope everyone is great.

ps. avatar is our lil girl at 18 weeks.
congrats sbl little girl woohoo!! thaankyou am testing in the morning hoping for a bfp but see what happens :) not good you have been in hospital hope you feeling better tho!! xx so glad everything looking good for you hun x
Hi ladies, just wanted to say hello to you all, I have a bu I wanted to share my story with you ladies, I first relised I had a bu with my 2nd child who was in the left horn which happens to be the smaller side as you can have a smaller & a larger horn. When I first found out they thought I was having a etopic but they informed me it was a bu. I had many problems & was always in & out of hospitial with pains & bleeding, I managed to get to 31 wks before my waters broke as with a bu once their is no room it just send the baby on it's way. I was only 3cms dialated when he came weighing a mare 1lb 15, he was in NICU for 11 wks, everything was fine with him, that was in 2005 not many women had the a bu so it was bewildering, also the best advice I can give you is don't read google, it will scare the hell out of you.

I had a MC in 2006 & then again in 2007 but in 2008 I fell pregant again this time baby was on the right side the bigger side, despite having a heavy bleed & being admitted to hospitial for a wk everything turned out fine, & he was born on term by C-section planned as he was breached weighing 5lbs 6, so still quite small but well.
When he was 6 months I actually discovered that the other horn I had become pregant in, the smaller side, I only found out at 18wks, then at 20wks I had a scan & was delighted to find out I was having a girl, unfortunatly at 22 wks I fell ill & went to hospitial they kept in, ran several tests to see if I had an infection or anyting but everything came out clear, on the day of release my waters started to break, I was 23wks, they decided to keep me in, later that day they took me to labour ward as I was feeling worse & in a lot of pain, things started to ease of & they told me to rest.
Unfortuntly an hour after that I suffered to massive bleeds & the doctors had no choice but to take me for an emergancy C-section, my little girl was born weighing 15ounzes. She sadley only lived for 5 wks before she went to heaven. I felt well all the way though that one up until the last wk, the pregencies can be very different, you never know what is going to happen, you can only take one day at a time.

4 years later I am now 19+6 wks pregant, today I have the scan which will tell me if I am having a princess or prince, I am nervous, as I have been here before. Luckily I have been ok this time, no majour bleeding, pains but no bleeding, the baby is in the smaller side they have told me that it will be prem just how early they do not know. I am eratic with nerves & everytime I feel something different I worry, I have been able to see both sides of the story, so I am taking my own advice & taking it a day at a time. :-)

Thank you so much Princessmoo, you give me hope :hugs:
congrats sbl little girl woohoo!! thaankyou am testing in the morning hoping for a bfp but see what happens :) not good you have been in hospital hope you feeling better tho!! xx so glad everything looking good for you hun x

Good Luck littlemama, really excited for you :) :) :)
Sbl yaaayyyy for baby girl!!! Our family is boy heavy both sides so nat was the first girl and everyone has gone crazy on girl clothes!!!

What s up with the hyperemesis? Are you feeling any better? I cant believe you almost half way already!!

Nic n nat are both ok.. Nat is a very demanding baby and is almost never happy but when she is she gives us the cutest smiles ever! And thank GOd she sleeps a good 5-6 hours stretch at night before waking to feed so i ve been managing some sleep at least! Anyway, keep us posted!
Well I did a test and come back BFN so I have a funny feeling I am just late for AF as should be showing positive as I'm 2 days late AF today, guess just wait for her to arrive :(
Hey you re not out till you re out littlemama... Is it common to be late? I m still keeping my fxed for you, with my 2nd pg i got my bfp around 18dpo.
before my mc i used to be a 32/33 dday cycle but afterwards i always between 28/30 day cycle and i am cd 32 now so i have no idea, doc wants me to go for blood test to check progesterone on CD 21 if i get my period, i have a doc app on monday for something unrelated if i havent got it by then i will ask about a blood test, i checked my cervix earlier and had a bit of brown blood mixed in with creamy cm so i have no idea i dont know whats worse the TWW or this lol i guess i jst have to wait for one or the other a BFP which i prefer lol or the witch, i have bad nausea last 3 days sore back and full very quickly and normally want chocolate about a week before af but dont even feel like it but im not sure if its my mind playing tricks on me..
Well your symptoms sound promising, i really hope it s just a late bfp!
Had red spotting tonight so think AF is on her way will know fr sure tomorrow kinda bummed but onto next month.. Any suggestions on increasing cm around ovulation because ever since my mc I have a little but not much doc is doing blood test on cd 21 to check my progesterone to see if that's causing the problem but wondered if any natural ways? X
Epo did help me with cm i had the same problem after my mcs too. Ow and L arginine and lots of water. I m sorry the witch seems to be on her way but onto to the next cycle and who know maybe this will be your lucky one!
Woke up to AF this morning so going to try temping opks and going to try preseed this month to so here's hoping it our month x
Evil witch... Here s to a bfp month with a super sticky bean!
yes fingers crossed gotta be soon going on 7 months ttc who knew it could be stressful and heartbreaking :/ x
It s going to happen soon and when it does you ll forget all about these 7 months. Hugs

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