Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

I know it is easier said than done babe but just relax, enjoy your hubby and i m sure you ll get your bfp very soon! I ll be lurking around for good news!
Lol we decided not to say anything till 3 month mark this time took a toll on everyone when we lost bub but you ladies will be the first to know :) xx how is you 2 babies going?? Is nic enjoying being a big brother?? X
Ha, i remember the not telling part, we didnt tell anyone until 12w5d this last pg because everyone was giving us shit about trying again after 2 losses. I also felt that by not telling anyone it would be easier for me to deal with it if god forbid something went wrong. Anyway, nat n nik are both just happily plodding along working out a plan to wipe me out! Nik is VERY protective with his sis which is super, i never expected he d be so happy about being a big bro.
When are you expecting af/testing?
yeah it devasted us when we lost bub but also my borthers as my eldest has 2 but my 2nd eldest cant have kids so both were really excited and then were so devasted when it happened.. i am due for af around the 3rd of july but might be a few days early as i did have alot of CM and pincing pains in my ovaries on CD 16-17 so i am guessing af will be due next saturday/sunday so about a week, i will say having the month off feels great we started to feel like we were only BDing when we needed to but this month we just had fun and BD when we wanted to which makes alot of difference so heres hoping but not getting excited just having fun and see what happens :) so glad that your bubbies are dong good and how cute that nic is proctective to his little sister :) hope they are not wearing you to thin have to have some ummy time at the spa and soe shopping lol xx
Hahaha i wish i even had time to do my hair decently!!! Taking the month off sounds a great idea hun, let some heat off, it will do you the world of good!
Hi this is my first pregnancy and I found out yesterday that I have a BU, I started bleeding 5 days ago and still going and over it, I'm trying not to stress out as we TTC for 12 months.
It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one going through this, sad that anyone has to.
After reading some post's it makes me feel a bit better......I think.

Just wanting to hear from someone going through the same thing.

A.T.L :)
Hi girls!
how is everybody doing?? :hugs:

Chistiana how is little Natalia?? :baby:
I have a question for you.
Did you have a cerclage put in?
Its not been mentioned to me at all and I'm wondering is it always necessary? :shrug: Kinda worried its been overlooked.

Everything is going good with me. Hope all of you are doing good too.

Sbl-hey hun so great to hear from you and see you re off to second tri! Yes i did have a cerclage put in this time round. They do say bu has a higher risk of incompetent cervix but i carried my son to 38w4d without a cerclage. We decided to put a cerclage in this time because i had had a vaginal birth and 2 d&c s within 2 years so the doc was worried my cervix might be weaker. He was right as i contracted and gave birth at 35weeks, i dont want ti imagine what might have been without it. However i dont think it is necessary all the times...ask your doc to closely monitor your cervix (every 2 weeks) to catch possible signs of shortening or funneling early on. A stitch is best put in between weeks 11-14 but it can be dOne later on (mine was put in at 17weeks). After week 20-21 the risks increase. Just keep an eye on it babe and push for monitoring.

ATL- welcome to the thread girl and congrats on your pregnancy. How far along are you? Have you had a scan since your bleeding started? And if so, did they determine where the blood is coming from? As you may have read i too have a bu and had bleeding at 12w with this pg and earlier on with my 2nd and 3rd pg (miscarried unfortunately). I am not sure about the 3rd pg but with my 2nd and with the last pg bleeding came from the non pregnant side. It is quite common for the non pregnant side to continue as if you re not pg and shed its lining. Even though the blood might not affect the baby it is very important to rest a lot in order to make sure it doesnt detach the placenta, especially early on in the pg. i know blood is scary (it was bright red for about 2 weeks and then brown for another 3 weeks for me this time round) but it doesnt necessarily mean something is terribly wrong. I just had my baby girl 39 days ago but stayed on strict bed rest from week 12 to the end. It was well worth it. If you have any questions shoot away, i ll be happy to answer if i can!
Thank you chistiana!

Is it possible for your gp to monitor your cervix? They dont have me down for another scan with ob for another 6 weeks.
I am gonna make an appointment with my gp for next week cause I wanna ask some question.
My last scan they barely mentioned my BU. They seemed really happy with everything and I was so happy baby was fine all my questions went out of my head.

Hi Thank you for the warm welcome :) I'm 7wks 3days my Dr explained to me that I'm bleeding from the right side and the baby is on the left, after checking my US he said the baby is in good health with a heart beat of 130bpm that US was at 6wks 3days, I have another US booked for next Friday trying to just take it easy until then. Congratulations in your little one . It's nice to know I have someone to ask ? that understand what I'm going through thank you :)
They stop even seeing the bu after a certain time...as your uterus grows the non pregnant side gets pushed to the side and can barely be seen...it kind of shrinks away! I m not sure about the gp, we dont get gps here, just our regulat gynecologist and thats it. Your cervix can be seen via an abdominal scan but it is best monitored and measured and checkef for funneling via a tvu. Anything between 3-5 cm is normal until 28weeks then it naturally starts to shorten. More than likely there is no need to worry hun but if you can i would still push for at least an extra scan in 3 weeks time to check your cervix.
ATL i m happy to help if i can hun. I know i was super scared and spend all day online when my bleeding started and the ibternet can be a scary experience. Has your doc put you on progesterone? It really helps strenthen the uterine lining and stop and empty side from shedding. Try to put your feet up as much as possible, the further along you go the stronger the placenta and the weaker the empty side.
I will have to pay for scan i'd say.
I will go to my gp and see if she can get me an appointment with ob for 3 weeks but I highly doubt it.
They dont seem concerned about my BU at all.
I'm just gonna try not to worry.
How is everything??

If they re not worried hun then just go with that, being happy and relaxed is the best thing you can do anyway! And i have to say again that with ds they never metioned incompetent cervix or a cerclage and i never had any trouble with my cervix then...i think it is the d&c s that did the damage so stop worrying and just ask at your next scan!
I m knackered here, natalia NEVER sleeps..i swear i can fall asleep while walking around!
Hi Christiana I freaked out about 2 hours ago I passed a very big clot I thought I had lost my baby, I rushed in to see my Dr and my blood test results were back he explained that everything is perfect and I'm very healthy and that I only passed a big clot from the right side. He told me to take it easy relax and wait till next week for my next US , now waiting patiently till next week, still trying not to stress and be positive for my baby :)
Hey ATL, i can remember all the worrying and how stressful it was, i can really understand how scary it must have been. But if it can reassure you even the tiny bit, i too passed clots, sometimes pretty big ones and they were always from the empty side. The lining if that side is shedding and any blood left in there a little longer will clot before it is eithet passed or reabsorbed. I know i said this a few times already but stay off your feet so that you can allow your uterus to relax and avoid contractions. Has it turned brown yet?
Ggrrrrmmfffff so sorry littlemama, i m sure it s going to happen soon but it us so annoying when the witch make her ugly appearance...
Hi chistiana,
How is natalia coming along with the sleeping?
Quick and rather stupid question, when docs say left horn/right horn do they mean your left or their left?
A little confused as we were told baby was in right horn yet I found baby's heartbeat with doppler on the left.:shrug:
Hey sbl, they mean your right but by now your right horn has pushed the left one further to the side so basically your whole belly (well not WHOLE but the most of it) is the right horn! By week 30 your left horn will be a tiny bit near your pelvic bone at the far end of your left side!

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