Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Oups pressed send...nat is having terrible colic due to her being premature and basically she s crying non stop through the day and night...she s driving me crazy aaaarrrrggggg
Thanks hun, I was talking to my gp and she seemed to think that baby could have pushed the septum out of the way and that baby was now in both sides. :shrug:
I dunno if she knows what she is talking about though to be honest.

I have a scan 3 weeks from today with my ob, do you think i should make an app for private scan next week to check my cervix? does 3 weeks sound too long to you?

Oh you poor thing, its hard getting no sleep. But I'm sure its worth every bit of it as you have your beautiful baby girl.

Can she take anything for colic?

She might be right hun, it depends on how deep the septum is...if it doesnt go too far down then your bub could have pushed the septum away indeed which is great! Yyaayyyy!!
Re the cervix check..the truth is i am a worry wart so i would get checked earlier than 3 weeks...on the other hand at 14 weeks there is not much weight on your cervix so you ll probably not see anything...a ic begins to shorten usually later on due to the babys weight so i guess even waiting for 17 weeks is ok. Sorry i cant give you a yes or no answer, i am such a worrier, sometimes unnecessarily! Why dont you discuss it with your ob and get his opinion?
I tried infacolic with nat but it made her worse...talked to my doc yesterday and he said ti cut out all dairy, beef, green veg blah blah blah...he barely left anything for me to eat but if it stops the crying i good with it!already craving some chocolate though!
Are you finding out the gender?
Unfortunately its not a case of me ringing up my ob for a chat it doesnt work that way here.
Its public you dont go to his office you go to the "regional clinic" and you prob wont even see your actually ob just one of his "team".
I have an app with my gp for monday I will discuss it with her then and see what she thinks.
Ah hun that sound difficult. I take it you are Breastfeeding? Hopefully she will settle down soon.

How are you??
Oh and yes we are going to find out!
Ow bummer about the way things work there...if you talk to your gp about your 'worries' could he refer you for an earlier scan? Bu does carry a higher risk for ic but i d think it wouldnt be an issue this early. The only thing is IF your cervix does shorten a stitch is best put in before 20 weeks.
Yes nat is bfing..i really want to bf for at least 7-8 months so hopefully she settles down soon!
When do they usually tell you the gender? The gave us an 80% girl at 12weeks and sure they were right!!!
With waiting lists and other complications I highly doubt I would get in any sooner than 3 weeks. I think if she says to go ahead and have private scan thats what we will do.

I am going away this weekend so I am going to try and not stress and enjoy myself.

They will tell us the gender at the scan in 3 weeks but I reckon its a boy.

I really hope nat settles for you huni. How is Nikolas with his baby sister?

Dont think about it hun, really, just enjoy your weekend away, just go with whtever your doc says and stop worrying! How come you think it s a boy?? We have 4 boys in the family so we thought it was going to be a boy again...now she s a princess!!
Nik is really loving and caring with nat, i think he does have some stress in him since her arrival (cause he s strarted stuttering) but he s never expressed any gealousy or violence towards her.
Hi hun,
How is everything?

So I called up my dr's office this morning only to find my dr has gone on holidays for a week.

I dunno what to do now!!

My scan is 2 weeks away and I am worrying like hell now. My Dh tells me to stop worrying.

So I have found out through talking to other girls from Ireland that they dont usually check cervical length unless you've had a previous 2nd tri loss.

I am all over the place worrying.

Hey hun, ow dear i think it was my fault and i got you all worried...STOP! It s true, unless you ve had a second trimester loss or a d&c very close to the time of your pg they dont usually check. I have to remind you that with my son my doc never checked my cervix and he went full term. It was only after two d&c s, one being only 1 month prior to me finding out i was pg again thay he decided to do an elective cerclage. And again, at 15 weeks it is highly unlikely that your cervix has shortened, the baby s weight is very little to cause any changes to your cervix, so waiting another 2 weeks is no big deal really. Just ask your ob to check as a precaution in two weeks...if it s noy standard procedure then you can claim you want it checked due to having a bu. please please please stop worrying and driving yourself crazy, ic in most cases becomes an issues after week 20 when the baby s weight increases substantially.
Hi I have recently been diagnosed with a bu after a mmc. I carried my son to full term and he pushed it out of the way so it was never seen on the scan

Cautiously pregnant again and hoping this little bean sticks.
Hey jane, so sorry of your loss but also congratulations on your new pg!. Bu is difficult to diagnose, especially during pg... Have they told you roughly where the baby has implanted? I wish you a happy n healthy 9 months hun, i m always here if you want to talk or if i can help in any way!
hey christina hows things? im having a blah month my due date would have been next sat 28th july :( a due or af on 30th so hoping it doesnt come but just seeing what happens we didnt really bd around O time only twice so not holding myhances to high as i ovulate anywhere between cd 14 and cd 18 ad we only bd on cd13 and 14 but ever know might just be lucky enough, hubby has been tested for semen analysis and had a ultrasound on his testies as he ofte gets pain in them and seeing if this affecting our chances, the guy who did the ultrasound said everything looked normal doc seems to think ight be an infection of the prostate so hopefully some antibiotics will clear it up, we find out the results tomorrow, i also booked myself in to get a check over as its been 6 months and nothing which i know is not very long compared to some but just wanna make sure everything is clear fx'd it is, kinda feeling like it will ever happen i know it will but am getting so dishearted everytime it doesnt and most of my frieds are pregnant or have just give birth makes me so envious dont get me worng i am so happy for them just kinda wish it was me :/ i am roughly about 5 dpo if i go on the average of 14 days whch has been the case lately so hoping next week will bring good news x
Ow hun, i know exactly what you mean, after my mc i was envious of every single pg lady i saw but i guess it s only natural. Sometimes bfp happens right when we dont expect it so who knows, maybe this will be your month. Being so close to your due date must be hard hun, i really hope at least you get your bfp right after. And also that yours and dhs results come back all clear. Have you researched at all into fertility supplements?
Hey jane, so sorry of your loss but also congratulations on your new pg!. Bu is difficult to diagnose, especially during pg... Have they told you roughly where the baby has implanted? I wish you a happy n healthy 9 months hun, i m always here if you want to talk or if i can help in any way!

Hi Chistiana, thank you :) I have an early scan on the 1st August when I should be almost 7 weeks. They will know then where the baby implanted, I am hoping it's in a big comfy padded bit! I have been taking baby aspirin which is supposed to help make it all fluffy. The doctor has said to keep taking it as for such a small cheap drug it can do amazing things.

My biggest fear is no heartbeat again and I have to wait for a m/c to happen again.

The b/u the doctors seem to have dismissed and said it has no bearing on a miscarriage but searches on the internet seem to suggest otherwise.

Guess I will just have to wait and see :(
Many docs seem to think that bu is never responsible for 1st trimester losses but i think (i m no expert obviously but what i ve read makes perfect sense) it does as certain parts of a bu receive less blood flow. In both my mcs baby had implanted very high up and the placenta started developing towards the mid part. With both my ds and dd they implanted high up but placenta grew towards the outter part. Anyway i really hope your bub has indeed implanted somewhere nice and fluffy!!! I also took baby aspirin with my daughter, as it improves blood flow! Did you have any bleeding before your mmc? You HAVE TO believe this time it all will be ok, that s the only thing you can do for bubs... That and plenty of rest!
Hi, from what I have read it does seem BU causes the MC if in the wrong place, that's what worries me.

I bled at 10 weeks with my mmc but only light old brown blood and they thought it was fine, they arranged a scan and the baby hadn't developed past 5 weeks. They gave me 2 weeks to see if the mc would happen naturally which it did.

I am trying to be positive and getting rest but can't seem to be optimistic. The 1st August cant come quick enough but preparing myself for the worst :(
Not looking good for me, had some brown blood this morning and got cramps :(

Just waiting for the inevitable, really don't think its meant to be for me :cry:
Ow hun i really really hope it turns out ok... Again, i dont want to raise false hopes but as the title says i bled bright red blood, sometimes with clots, from week 12+4 to week 17 (it turned brown after roughly 2 weeks)... I was so sure it was a mc all over again but it turned out ok and the blood came from the non pregnant side. It could be anything so please stay in bed, only get up for toilet and try to push the thought of another mc out of your mind. I know it is difficult and you have to prepare for the worse but it is not over yet, i ll hold out my hopes for you.
Thanks Chistiana,

I just know in my heart its a mc, all my pregnancy symptoms have gone and I did a test and the line was really faint. All the other tests have been very positive.

I will ring the hospital in the morning and bring the scan forward if I can. Hopefully they will at least be able to see whats happening.

Just so fed up, this will be my 3rd mc (another 2 years ago) and I just can't see it ever happening for me.

I am so so sorry hun, i really am...it s the fact that you say you know it that makes me believe this might trully be a mc...with my 2nd mc i just knew it even before the blood began. I will still keep my fxed for you though and hope for a miracle. Dont wait for a scan just go there and say you ve had bad cramps and old blood they should scan you right there and then. Update us if you can and want, and if indeed this turns out to be a mc dont lose hope...it will happen...after my 2nd mc my doc told me it s up to luck as it depends to where it implants..it might be another 10mcs or your next one might be your sticky one...so maybe next one will be your miracle as mine was. Ow and i would check again this is a bu and not a septate uterus...for 9 years i was told it was a bu (with one exeptions) i had one vaginal birth, two mcs and two d&c and they only found out it is a septate uterus after my c section. Had i known earlier it could have saved me a lot of pain and heartache.x

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