Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Justkeeptrying-i thought so too about progesterone but my left side seems to be utterly stupid and just goes on as normal!i jope you het your didelphys diagnosis thursday and you re back on the train soon!i think it is a didelphys just because you have two cervixes!keep up updates and good luck hun i ll be thinking of you!

Tink-hey hey hey! So happy to hear from you!! Can i ask did you bleed for long with your son?and were you put on bed rest? I am soooo sooo happy for you and that this pg is progressing so well!thank you for the encouraging note it really really helps!

Ches-hey hun! I think (but not 100% maybe justkeeptryin can say for sure) that with didelphys you dont have septums or bad parts so baby can implant and grow anywhere with no problem...it s just that is has less space. As for the cervix they can keep checking the length every couple of weeks so if they see it shortening they can put in a cerclage. I think it is because of the pressure the baby puts on the cervix!hope i helped! Good luck with your scan and keep us updated!
I have a bicornuate uterus and had bleeding from week 14 until 18. A thorough ultrasound at 14 weeks determined I had a very large (the size of a lemon) blood clot--they weren't sure if it was even bigger possibly extending into the left horn (babe is in the right horn).

I was put on modified bed rest...take it easy, no lifting, etc...my OB was very realistic about the risks...especially given how big my clot was.

At my last ultrasound (last week) the clot had almost completely resolved!! YAY!!! The little man is very active and I feel him all the time (which I LOVE).

My pregnancy is being followed very closely by a highrisk OB (ultrasounds and cervix checks every two weeks). Make sure you get all the care you need...it really helped me stay positive...I know how hard it is when you feel like you have no control over the situation.

I am now 22 weeks 3 days and things are looking up :) Try and stay positive. Sending good vibes your way!
Hey tinyfeet thank you so much for your post i am so happy when i read nice encouraging stories it really lifts my spirits!!so the blood clot was in the baby's side but didnt affect it right? And did they say what caused the clot to form? I am waiting for this stupid haematoma to be reabsorbed (as i am not bleeding as of monday not even brown but the doc said the left side was full of it) so that i can relax a little bit and hopefully have the cerclage put in.
It must be so amazing to be able to feel your lo (boy?) i cant wait!!yaaaayyyy for such a food progress and good news and i wish you have to wait another good 17-18 weeks to meet your lo! Keep us updated on how it goes we all love hearing good news we can grab onto!!
Hi, I am just home from my hysteroscopy. Its been confirmed that I do have uterus didelphys - two seperate normal sized wombs. I feel so glad to finally have got to the bottom of this and start ttc again. My right cervix leads to a normal sized womb with normal endometrial lining. My left cervix is apparently a bit underdeveloped but again leads to a normal sized womb but the lining isnt as rich as the right side. But both sides are completely capable of holding a pregnancy. I definetely dont have a uterus septum which Im so relieved about. So my next course of action is to try again and when a positive pregnancy test I will be taking a low dose aspirin, heparin blood thinning injections and also progesterone to support the pregnancy. It really does seem clear now that my blood clotting problem has been the cause of the miscarriages and not my womb. Ive read such good outcomes about didelphys so not going to concern myself too much.

Lorraine- YAYAYYAYAYSYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAY for such a good diagnosis!!!yay yay and again yay! it seems logical to assume that your blood clotting problem caused you miscarriage..even if your womb wasnt normal sized it wouldnt cause a mc so early on! so now you know the cause and the treatment i am 100% sure everything will run perfectly smooth next time! Plus you wont have to worry about were baba implants cause that was my biggest worry all along! congrats again hun, i am so happy for you! jump on that train (and dh) and we ll soon be chatting away on baby names!!!
Thanks! I really am relieved and will enjoy the Christmas holidays better now and can focus on the future and Im positive that next year will be better. Ive added your friends request, its really good to chat to people that understand, encouragement to go through it together x
hey thanks...i m pretty positive we ll cross pg notes in the near future!!!
The clot was beside the baby (and was bigger than him at one point) --my doctor is not certain what caused it...my placenta looks fine and he assumes it was bleeding that occurred very early on in my pregnancy.

Here's to an uneventful pregnancy for all of us!! :)
I m raising my glass (of water...eeeeek i ll go off water once we all get our happy ending!!) to that!cheers!
i have just been diagnosed with a bicournate uterus and have been told to have a d&c because they cant find a heartbeat or a fetal pole i refused because i believe it is just two early as my hcg levels are at 20000 but ultrasound said i was only about 5-6 weeks and when between first and second scan the sac had grown and yolk sac was seen on second scan, which many doctors say its to early to seefetal pole and heartbeat at 5-6 weeks but i have been spotting for two weeks now and they cant tell me what its from just keep saying take it easy i am booked in for a new blood test and ultrasound this week hoping to see bub and heartbeat :)
Hey littlemama. I m sorry you re going through this but i will have to agree with your decision...it is too early to hear hb...i ve never heard hb before week 7 and i ve been pg 4 times (only 3 times heard hb, the one time i didnt they couldnt even find yolk sac at 6 weeks). A few days off your ov dates or the implantation date can make a HUGE difference at this stage so if i were you i d wait. At the end of the day it is only 1 week, if youcan find a hb then you can rethink it. I m here for you if you need support and for now all i ll say is congrats on your bfp!
Ow and ps:although i am way ahead i bled and spotted for 2 weeks (12-14) and baba is just fine. With bu bleeding or spotting can come from the non pregnant side as it doesnt understand the pg and tries to shed its lining.i spotted on w7 with my son and he s now jumping around (19month old!)
I didn't even know that you could do that with a BU gosh the gyno I saw told me nothing just said this is what you have your pregnancy isn't viable and you need a d&c and was rude and had absolutely no compassion what so ever like really you just told me that my baby is gone and your trying to push me for a d&c and have me out the door! I went back to my own doc and had him refer me for a ultrasound and hcg test as even he was a bit skeptical as to whether I had lost bub so I guess I find out on Thursday 29th dec fingers crossed I see a little jellybean and beautiful little heart beating
Good luck to all you wonderful mummies to be xx
And baby dust to all you lovely ladies trying to become a mummy! Xx
I really hope you see bub swimming around on thursday and you prove those docs wrong. For the non pregnant side to shed its linining is quite common with bu but some docs are really ignorant. The first doc i went before i was even ph told me i d never be able to have children and even if i conceived which would be extremely difficult i would lose the baby. Well it s never taken me more than 3 months to get pg and my son proves he was wrong. And i say sod them...if you feel inside you bub is there listen to noone, and keep repeating to yourself it s all gonna be ok!please keep us updated. I have another scan on the 28th to see how the haematoma on the left side is and to see whether we can put in a cerclage!
thankyou so much you have given me more information than any doctor has i am still spotting everyday it never enough for a pad only when i wipe it will be 3 weeks of it on thursday its starting to drive me nuts :/ and it took me 2 months to fall me and fiance tried one month and then thought we should probally wait till after we get married ( we get married in jan 2012) and then we didnt try the next month and next thing i know i have alittle jelly bean on the way :D i am just worried something is wrong with bubby and i will lose him/her..
You wont...i dont want to give you false hopes but a)i have bleeding and spotting for 18 days now and baba is just fine, b) there is a perfect explanatiob for your spottinf and c) if you werr miscarrying you d think it would have happened by now you wouldnt be just lightly spotting. Have you done another hpt?
It is a wonderful surprise and present for your marriage, congrats, i m sure it will be an absolutely amaZing day!!!
no i didnt even think to do another hpt i had my levels done two weeks ago through blood and it was 20000 but wasnt sure if my levels would have dropped enough if i have miscarried to get a neg hpt oh gosh so confused be glad when thursday is here and i find out for sure
thankyou so much for giving me some hope tho it truly means alot to me x
Wow that is high hcg!!which is great!!thursday will be here soon and i ll be thinking n keeping my fxed fir you and bubs!tomorrow us my appointment so i ll update then!keep your faith hun,your bub is swimming around!!
hey not sure what time it is over there but wondered if you had been to your app??
hopefully got good news xx
Hey,it s 930 here and my appointment is at 5 so no,not yet...but thanks for asking!!!:flower: how are you today hun?
I'm doing ok had a funeral to go to so that dampened that day and trying to be positive for tomorrow morning for my scan but nasty little thoughts keep creeping in :/

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