Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Moon- welcome the thread hun and congratulations on your pg! I know hiw disheartening seeing any kind of blood is but as you might have gathered from my original post it is not necessarily bad. I had two bleeds with a bad ending but at my last pg i bled heavily for a loooong time but now i m holding my 4 month old dd! Just keep off your feet as much as possible and hope for the best! I ll be praying for you, keep us updated!

J- you will not believe the number of times i called my dic and even dragged myself to l&d sure i was leaking af. Of course it was never anything. And to embarass myself more...usually it was urine leaking..the joys of pregnancy! To stop getting paranoid i bought some litmus paper which helped me know it wasnt af! Anyway dont worry about it hun it is perfectly normal..if your discharge turns greenish or smells badly then it might be an idea to test for infections but even these are easily treated with safe for the pregnancy antibiotics.
C- thank you!! I had a feeling it was just pee but always a little nervous lol,...DFinally feeling pregnant..laughed and sneezed yesterday and actually peed a little lol BOY was that just wonderful!

Hopefully finally seeing my specialist tomorrow..will writ eyou guys then!!!!
Hey ladies so my doc put me on complete bed rest and wants ultrasounds every two weeks and that's all she said we can do now but wait and hope he has enough room to get tote end safely . How bout u guys? Anything new?
oowwww bed rest sucks hun but you really do forget all about it when the baby is here! i was on complete bed rest for a good almost 5 months but if you asked me now i d do it all over again (i actually wish someone would put me on bed rest for a while now...i hardly ever get to sit down and relax lately!). How far along are you hun? and what are his main concerns? I know bed rest can be very boring so if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me...i ll reply during my veeery verry long sleepless nights with natalia!
I'm 15 weeks today so still a long way to go. We're u literally always in bed or did u get up and do stuff? I'm ging crazy and can't picture the rest of the 5 months like this
I was literally always in bed until around week 32 when i started getting up in the house a little bit more but not really out. It sounds unbearable but it s really not, time goes by fast
Hi everybody!

How is everyone doing??

I've had my 3d scan and its for sure a little girl!

Chistiana quick question when did your bubs start running out of room?
I am terrified of going into preterm labor.

Sonographer at scan told me baby is growing just fine and I have nothing to worry about. I have another scan at 28 weeks.

Hope everyone is doing good.

ps avatar is 3d scan.

Sbl wooowwww your little girl looks amazing at your avatar....congratulations again!!And you re so close to 28 weeks, well done girl! With my son, he run out of room to grow at week 37 and he was born at 38+4. Natalia started running out of room a bit earlier...i think around 32 weeks and was born at 35+2. I really wouldnt worry about it hun...i mean you would know if and when it was getting too crowded...both my daughter and my son stopped gaining too much weight around the time they were getting too crowded in there...if your doc says she s growing just fine then i m sure he knows what he s talking about. and to be quite honest i think the most difficult month for us bu ladies is the 5th one, once you re in the third trimester the risk for severe ptl drop...i ve even heard of bu ladies going to 40 weeks!
Thanks hun that has eased my mind a little. :flower:

How are you? And of course the adorable Nic and Nat?

Yeah the 3D scans are amazing I must say.

I have another hopefully at 31 weeks.
We re all good hun, thanks for asking! Nat is over colic at last and she s mostly a happy smily baby now and she s usually good during the day. Our nights unfortunately are not that good! We co sleep and i think she s bfing aaaallll night long! Nik is still very caring and loving so we re very happy about that! In twi weeks i m taking the kids and flying to cuprus for a short vacation and i m really dreading the flight alone with the two of them!!
Glad to hear everyone is doing good, I'm as always on my couch ( which I think I broke from my fat ass) lol and watching lots of tv. Excited to see my LO tuesday at my bi weekly ultrasounds so just wondering when did u guys first start to feel ur baby move in u? I have such bad gas from ulcerative colitis that if it was the baby I wouldn't know lol.
Glad to hear all is well chistiana and that nats colic has eased!

Enjoy your vacation hun. I know it will be stressful on the flight but I'm sure they will be as good as gold.

J_1983 I felt lo move around 18 weeks for sure, I have an anterior placenta which may have masked earlier movements though.

You'll be feeling you lo in no time!
J i totally know what you mean about that coutch...i think my bed has a slight hole at my side but it s totally worth it! I felt nikolas move around week 18-19 and i felt natalia move around week 14. It was just like gas bubbled but it was only one or two so not the whole rumbling gas think and i happen to feel it and hear it on my doppler so that s how i knew! You ll be feeling your lo very soon hun and the feeling is just unbelievable!!
Oh we'll I hope I feel my little guy soon! Btw weird thing happened tome today, never had morning sickness but woke up slightly nauseous lately and this morning. Was eating an apple and it all came back up! Is this normal at 16 weeks? I read online it can happen ( morning sickness later on in pregnancy) but. Still freaked me out.
Ow i had the same thing, i think it is called second trimester morning sickness! I never experienced any early on but then i felt quite quizy later on. I think it might be the extra pressure on all those organs being pushed aside plus if you re taking progesterone it relaxes the oesofagus valve sort of causing reflux. Dont worry at all!
I'm not on progesterone but have always had indigestion and acid reflux and have colitis so anything weird or new worries me but figure if there's a symptoms that makes me uncomfortable or is annoying its bound to head my way with my luck hahahaha.

So how is everyone else feeling? Also curious how often u guys see your doctors? I'm now going every 2 weeks for my cervix to be measured. Just curious.....
So I went for my check up yesterday and little ones doing great ! However my cervix is shortening so in 2 weeksitwillgetmeasurent again ifitsstillshortill need a cerclage. Any of you had or have one?? Hope everyone's doing well!
Hey j, i had a cerclage at 17 weeks. Never made it to stitch removal though. How long was your cervix?
I know our measurements are different here but a normal cervical length is 40milimeters and mine is 26. My doctor told me that if its between 25- 20 I will need it so hoping I don't, next ultra sound is on the 17 th. feeling very anxious and restless lately. I guess bcecause the weather here is still somewhat nice I feel like I'm missing out on those nice fall weather walks. Also doesn't help that a few of my good friends don't understand how serious this all is and wont give me the time of day :(.

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