Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hi everyone

Can I join (again), I think I use to be on this thread before it changed its name!!

So, after my 3rd mc I was diagnosed with a mild bicornuate uterus, another 3 miscarriages later and I find out I have septate uterus

I'm having a septal resection division via a hysteroscopy and I may need a laparoscopy, depends if it goes wrong (I.e damage something), this is early sept so we can't start ttc till around November which sucks as will be 7 months since my last mc and its not to say I will catch straight away

I'll be another year older too :(

I just don't seem to have any luck, they cock up my blood tests all the time, lose it or not enough taken, mess my D&C up so I couldn't have genetic test, dispose of my oh blood for karotyping and don't tell me, now I find out they misdiagnosed my bicorn ute, argh,

I get more test results on Friday from Dr Shehata, I'll put money on it my NK cells are high too

Sorry to rant, I Just needed to a little.

Hi hope and welcome (again!) on the thread. I m so sorry you had to go through all these losses because of people not doong what they re suppose to. Diagnosing a bu instead of a sp must be very common. I was being told i had a bu for 10 years by more than 4 different professionals only to find out i have a su at my c section!
Good news though since now you can actually do something about it!!yyyaaaayyyy!!!
Time will fly and november will be here very soon so dont worry at all! At least then you ll have your mind at rest! And having been 6 times pg i m guessing you get pg quite easily!! Good luck with everything and i really hope your results are all great!
Hi I thought I should join as I found out after my C section that I have a unicornuate uterus. I made it to 39+5 before my waters broke naturally. The only problem I had was that my daughter was in an unsuspected footling breech position and I might only have one functioning ovary. Nice to see that there are a few of us around!
Hi I thought I should join as I found out after my C section that I have a unicornuate uterus. I made it to 39+5 before my waters broke naturally. The only problem I had was that my daughter was in an unsuspected footling breech position and I might only have one functioning ovary. Nice to see that there are a few of us around!

Welcome! Great to hear another fantastically successfull story!!
Hey ladies I have either a BU or a SU the doctors can't tell because baby is right in the way. I am 18 weeks along and today I am having intense cramps that come in spurts. The last one lasted about a minuet. I am at work right now and standing as I am not alowed to sit down. I am nervous and don't know what to do.
Hi to the new ladies on UA thread!

Hope I am so sorry to hear of all of losses. :hugs: I was told I had BU and I dont I have a UU so misdiagnoses is really common. I really hope everything goes well for you in the future!

Quack!! I am fellow UU girl!! :flower: I had no complications with lo relating to my UU except ptl and delivered her by section due to her being footling at 35 weeks. So great to hear of another UU girl!!

Tiff- you poor thing why cant you sit at work? Do they know you have complications with your pregnancy? I would definitely inform them.

How is everyone else doing?
Fill me in ladies.

Afu, We are doing great. Eva is just a busy little bee. Happiest little woman in the world!
Dh is now working away Monday to Friday which is beyond shit but we're getting used to it. Its just lonely. I miss him allot and he is missing so much of Eva's "1st times" to do things.
My sister is doing great.
Dh has just surprised me that we are going to Barcelona for my birthday in October!! So that has cheered me right up.

Hope you all are doing great.

Here's my little lady :cloud9:

Some pics of the lo's and bumps would be lovely girls!

Thanks for the welcome

Well some more bad and good news, the bad news is I do have high nk cells that are quite aggressive, borderline high so possibly 40mg of steroids as opposed to 25mg

The good news is my thyroid antibodies have halved, they are on their way down:) I followed a gluten free diet hoping that would happen and it has, gluten is improving my auto immune disease

Sbl- They know they just don't care, I can't ask to be moved to a sitting possition or I loose my job. I am in such a tough spot right now deciding what the best thing to do is. I wake up at 3am stand at work from 4-12:30. Its just becoming so overwhelming because I get zero sleep at night :(.
Thats just not on Tiff. Cant you get your ob to sign you off if your really worried or at least right a letter explaining your situation to your employer?
Hey can I come and join?
I have a UU and I'm currently in my second cycle of ICSI :). The first round was cancelled due to my right ovary being to high and my left didn't respond! I had surgery yesterday for EC and they found my left ovary is also high up and it was hiding behind my uterus but did have 3 follies :). So I'm just waitin for the call to go in for transfer :). Xxx
Welcome to all new ladies!!

Tiff- please please please get your doc to sign you off. Getting too tored was what started my bleedings every single time abd even though i did get my happy ending i had to stay on strict bed rest for a very very long time. I know it s your job and you probably need it and therefore cant tell them to sod off but you cant be getting too tired especially if what you ve been feeling are contractions. Also, i dont mean to scare you but if they are indeed contractions i d ask your doc for a cl measurement just to be on the safe side. Sorry for being a downer just want you and bub to be sound and safe.

Mossip- sorry but what is EC? Glad your follies are there waiting, good luck!!

Sbl- ooooowwww such a sweetheart! I always type on my phone so i cant upload any pics but i ll definitely try to asap! Glad your sis is doing great!!! Is eva walking crab style all around? I cant believe she ll be 1 in 3 months!!

Afu- things are nice and relaxed our way, been to skopelos island for a week and off to patmos for another 2 so we re chilling. Ow needed to ask you ladies that have had your 1st pp period...was it all wacky?? I just got mine after 25 months and it lasted for 1 day. Wth??
Mossip! You came over!
Welcome :flower: Glad to hear your awaiting your all important call! Keep us informed.

Chistiana- She is trying her best to crawl but not really getting anywhere. She'll do it in her own time. She is bum shuffling though.
Glad to hear you guys are good and having some quality family time.
Ow duuhhh sorry thanks mossip! Again fxed for a bfp veeeeery very soon! Or two!

Sbl- hihi nik never crawled... Well not properly! He shuffled and hopped from place to place and then he walked! I m sure you ll miss the time when she couldnt crawl like thunder or walk very soon!
Sbl- I can get a letter stating that but they will just remove me from the possition and put me on maternity leave. Which wouldn't be too bad but I am pretty much a single mom :/.

Cristiana I have an appointment on Wednesday to measure my cl as I get one every two weeks from here on out.
Hello Ladies,

I have a bicornuate uterus and due to my daughter being breech, in my first pregnancy ended up having a c section. I am planning on attempting VBAC and was wondering if any other ladies with a Bicornuate Uterus have given birth vaginally?

Thank you!
I think you can have a vbac as long as head is down, it's only if its breech you won't be able to turn it due to bicornuate uterus
Hi sophie! I agree with hope.I had a vg with my ds then a c section with dd. i asked the doc about vbac and he said as long as head is down and i get pg at least 1 year after my section i can have a vb birth again. He also said he wouldnt try to turn the baby if breach due to the shape of the uterus! I wish tou a happy and healthy pregnancy alllll the way!
Yay!! Very happy with that and hoping for a non breech bub!! Thank u so much ladies and H&H 9mths to u also xx
My little peanut is still transverse at 32 weeks. She hasn't moved to another position ever. Just wondering if any of you ladies ever had any luck.with your lo turning. My first Dr told me with my uterus if she wasn't in position by 28 weeks she probably won't ever be in right position. This new Dr says not to worry about it until 35 weeks. It just seems like such a big difference in opinion. I just want to prepare myself if I need a c section as I had always planned on a vb.

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