Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

hi ladies! i'm finally able to give you all an update on what has been going on.

june 26 my partner & i both welcomed a baby girl, juliana rose 7lbs 11oz 20"!

i went in having a c-section. i was such a mess. i was terrified about what could happen. i was so nervous that i basically gave myself post partum stress during the surgery and all the way up to the day i came home. i could not relax in the hospital. they said all the hormones rushing through my body may have caused this. my heart rate was settled in the 120s. i had an ekg because they were worried about the common "heart-failure" symptoms some women could experience from the overload of the pumping blood through the heart. but it came back fine, just showing i was extremely anxious. i had a terrible experience with the nurses so of course that would shoot up my anxiety even more.

the surgery itself was not bad. it was quick. my doctor was awesome. my babygirl would have never been able to turn from the breech position. my doctor said my uterus was in the shape of a perfect heart and she has never seen anything like it before. they were amazed i was able to get pregnant so easily because of how severe the shape was. i made it up to 39 weeks + 4 days with a scheduled c-section. i am sure i could of gone longer, this baby was not budging! here are some photos :]

Congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful. Hope you are making a swift recovery.
Congratulations mamaxo juliana is beautiful! Sorry about the stress you went through but i m sure you ll/have forgotten it all already now you have your baby girl! Take care of yourself and your baby and do allow others to pamper you too for a while!!
Congrats! What a beautiful baby girl you have there!! My little one is transverse and I'm really hoping she turns soon as I really don't want a c-section. Maximo I feel as tho unless I'm given adequate time to prepare myself mentally for a c-section that I might have the same anxieties about it as you did. I am probably going to start up on reading stuff now just incase. I cried when they first told me.I might have to deliver that way. I know people do it every day but it's just not at all what I wanted her birth to be like.
Congrats!!! She's beautiful!! Enjoy every moment they grow too fast!!!!soon the c section pain will be gone and you won't remember it and want another one!!! I'm already planing for next summer to getpregnant :)
Hello ladies I thought I would join if that's okay. I have a bicorunate or a septate doctors can't tell because baby is right in the way. I will be 16 weeks on Friday and I am so excited. Everything has been going great so far. Had a short scan at 15 weeks 3 days baby's HB was around 137 is that good? Also I will attatch a picture of how my uterus looks. Can you ladies shed any light? Thanks. Oh one more picture I attatched was all the scans I have gotten this pregnancy. Also are they any gender guesses we can throw out lol.


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Hello tif, welcome on the thread and congrats on your pg!! I dont think you can really tell if its septate or bu now you re already pg...i was told bu several times over a good 10 years and only found i have a su at my c section! But either way it s reat you ve been doing great and since we are mostly a very lucky thread i m sure you ll continue to do fantastic!! Sorry i cant really comment on the gender...my dh saw ds was a boy straight away..he pointed out to me and for a long long time i thought his leg was his penis! I even told my friend "wow not that it s my son but woooow that s long for such a small baby!!" BUt you should find out soon right? A happy and healthy pregnancy hun, stick around and update us whenever you can!
I'm hoping to find out next week. I have an appoinment with my OB and an appoinment with my specalist for an Ultrasound to check growth. I hope they can tell me there. I guess I'm lucky in the aspect that I get an US every month with my specalist on top of the ones I get with my OB. I love this thread I have read some amazing stories. I woul love to have you ladies along for the ride :).
And we d love to follow you to your journey! Every new baby on this thread gives all the ladies with different shapes sooo much hope! We beat the evil google and all the negativity out there!!!
Hi tiff!
Welcome :flower: & congrats on your pregnancy.
As chistiana has said it extremely difficult to tell weather your have BU or SU during pregnancy. Even I was told I had a BU but when they did my section they found I had a UU. :dohh:
Are you having a gender scan soon?
Any questions you have we're all here!
I have a scan on the 24th so in six days with my specalist. I will be 16 weeks 5 days. So I was going to ask if they can tell the gender. I have my actual Anatomy scan on Aug 13th with my OBGYN so hopefully either way I will find put soon. Do you know the chances of having an incompetent cervix? They say its lkely with a Uterin abnormality. I am also very worried of something just going wrong :/.
Tif yes chances of ic do increase with a uterine anomally but i m pretty sure your doc will be checking cervical length regularly and if (God forbid) they see any shortening they can act on it. With my ds i never had any ic problems. Then with my dd i had a cerclage put in because i d had 2 d&c in a very short period but despite thatmy cervix stayed nice and long throughout! Plus if i m not mistaken none of the other ladies on this thread have had any ic problems! So dont worry and enjoy your pregnancy!
Nope no IC problems here! I will be getting a precautionary cerclage next time though as OB said risk increases with number of children as they weaken the cervix.
Dont worry hun
That is very reasuring to hear. I have an amazing OB and an amazing specalist. He will be checking my cervix every two weeks, and my baby once a month. Its amazing to have this thread with so many lovely ladies to answer any question.
Hi Christiana :hi: You ok? Your children are gorgeous btw xxx

PS - sorry to hijack thread lol x
Hey LIzzie!!! Thanks so much and ditto!! We re doing great, nat an nik and growing up fast, nik is going to nursery in september! How are you doing?
Ladies lizzie knows so much about ic so you ve got the guru in person!!!
Lol thanks Chris :)

The twins start nursery in September too. I have mixed feelings about it tbh. Looking forward to the next 'chapter' but knowing that these boys were probably my last babies, a little sad that they're growing up so fast. The first few yrs are so demanding that I find myself willing them to pass as quickly as possible, then when they do I'm desperate to go back and start again. What's all that about? :shrug:

Lovely to hear from you xxxx
Hahaaha same here! Natalia is still only 1 but i so want another baby already...she s all grown up and independent!!! So here s to both of us meeting again in one of these threads with your 5th and my 3rd!!!!
Now you're talking C, I am so hopeful of that but for us I definitely think we're done. I was 40 in March (dh even older), and tho conception is still not an issue, miscarriage definitely is :( We are so blessed to have 4 that I am ultimately ok about that, but I will always have that little bit of regret.......

Lots of love, will stop taking this thread very much off topic now ;) Thanks ladies for your patience whilst we caught up lol xxx

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