Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

I even said to Dh on the Friday that we'd be parents by the end of the weekend. I had her at 11.25pm on the Sunday.
Does anyone know if Fallopian can swing over? I heard that they can but not sure? I'm missing my right tube but my right ovary is the best one. We are gonna try naturally until the ivf but if it's my right side I'm not sure if we stand a chance?
Sorry if it's a stupid question. It just popped into my head :haha: xxx
Mossip i m so sorry...i really hope you get some answers soon. I really have no clue about swaping the fallopians, sorry. As sbl said most of us have gone through loss(es) but we made it in the end so chin up. We re always here!

Tif- nat used to kick the hell out of my cervix. I was in agony. I ve said this before but here...nat was feet down until week 26 or 27 i dont remember then went head down and then turned again feet down at 35 weeks right before labor. So yes plenty of time to turn!!
Mossip so sorry for your loss <3

Tiff my lo was transverse until 36 weeks I believe. I didn't think she was evergoing to turn bbut I was wrong! I also thought she was going to come early but I went 6 days overdue!

Here's a feel good happy beginning ( I hate saying ending because really its just begun).
]I had my beautiful daughter Ari Michelle on October 4th at 11:10 am after 45 min of pushing but 41 hours of labor! I labored at home until friday morning at 7. By the time I got to the hospital I was 5 cm and an hour later I was 9cm.I wanted to have an all natural birth and I was successful in that. It was verydifficult and at the end I wanted to give up. I was beyond exhausted having not slept at all in two days. The nurses and midwives kept telling me what a great delivery i had but my oh my was that pain excruciating! I'm so in love with my little girl. the pain nights, and sore nipples are all worth it.
I really had overall an excellent pregnancy with no real complications. Hopefully you ladies get your healthy babies, rainbow babies, and happily ever afters :)
Hi ladies. Just a quick update from me. I had my second ultrasound today at 6w6d and everything was perfect. I am measuring right on schedule and we saw the hb, 125 bpm. It was an amazing feeling!

I hope everyone here is doing well with your pregnancies and little ones.

Mossip, my RE told me that even if a working ovary is not connected to a tube, the egg can still be released and be 'swept up' (her words) by the other tube and can still result in pregnancy. She said the odds are lower than normal but that she has seen in happen before.
CONGRATULATIONS lightbright!!! Well done hun, wow that was a long labor but you did it!!! Enjoy your beautiful daughter!!

Kla- great to hear everythings going great!!
Litebright - Congratulations on your little girl :)
Delighted everything went so smoothly for you.

kla- Glad to hear all is going well. :flower:
Mossip i m so sorry...i really hope you get some answers soon. I really have no clue about swaping the fallopians, sorry. As sbl said most of us have gone through loss(es) but we made it in the end so chin up. We re always here!

Tif- nat used to kick the hell out of my cervix. I was in agony. I ve said this before but here...nat was feet down until week 26 or 27 i dont remember then went head down and then turned again feet down at 35 weeks right before labor. So yes plenty of time to turn!!

He just seems so unbelivably comfy in there haha. He doesn't kick my cervix much more my hips than anything. I just wish we could see what these babies are going to do so we can plan it better lol. I'm in the third Tri now so now its a lets wait and see what baby Zaiden does.
Hi ladies. I am 7.5 weeks and started having brown spotting and cramping today. I saw the hb a week ago and everything looked great. But this the first time I've seen blood since I've been pregnant so naturally I am really worried. It's not a ton and isn't very heavy but it's been there constantly for the past 5 hours.

I have a scan tomorrow to check everything out but could really use some replies in the meantime. Anyone else had this??? Is it normal???
Kla the title of this thread originally was bicornuate uterus and bleeding at 13 weeks! I started bleeding bright red full flow at 13 weeks with my daughter and continued (sometimes spotting sometimes red sometimes brown) until week 17! It s quite normal especiallu with bu (i dont remember do you have bu or uu?) as the other side of the uterus doesnt know you re pregnant and tries to shed. I really hope its nothing worrying and your doc puts your mind at ease. In the meantime stay in bed and only get up for toilet break if you can.
Hi. I am back from the doctor and all is fine. The spotting is unexplained but is old blood. They said the blood flow to the whole area esp cervix is much higher than normal and some often clots and breaks off later. Baby is measuring right on for 7w5d and hb is up to 160bpm. I got nausea medication today too since I've been so sick. Fingers crossed all continues to go well.
Yaaaayyyy kla that is great news!! I was positive it would be!
Litebright- congrats!!!!! so happy to hear another great success story!

Kla- happy to hear to everything is alright, I had a bleed at the same time with my pre4gnancy but turned out it was a twin I lost on the other side. I know I was put on progesterone to prevent any b;leeding and build up the uterine lining to prevent any formn of bleeding and was put on baby aspirin later on to keep good blood flow...maybe something to mention to your doc.

C-how r the kids..and hows work
I have to go back to work in march :( but hoping to get preg again next summer so then ill be on preventative leave and be off again which is fine by me lol
Hahahaha j that s a plan!!!! Kids are fine always snifly witht his kind of weather and nursery but fine! And work is a challenge but i like working with kids it makes me feel i m one of them!!! Hows bubs? When will she be one?
Hey ladies! I forgot about this thread until I just came across it again :) I was diagnosed with a unicornuate uterus in June 2011 after I had 2 IVF cycles, one with a mmc. I had to get a fibroid removed after the mmc and low and behold at the lap surgery dr discovered I have a left UU.. I have 2 ovaries, 2 kidneys, and dr says my uterus "looks like a normal uterus" otherwise, in relation to size. He removed the right functional horn and Fallopian tube. I am now almost 17 weeks pregnant after experiencing another mc and a few more IVF cycles. I would love to hear about some who had babies and how their pregnancies went. I am due for my anatomy scan next week and will start having routine cervical length measurements. My dr said I did not need a cerclage although I am worried I should have pushed the issue more as my RE said I may need one. I have been having uterine tightening on/off since week 12 and some uterine hardening but I think its to early for BH. It just makes me worry due to the risk of preterm labor. I am already delivering by c-section between 36/37 weeks b/c of the UU and surgeries. I am on progesterone tablets twice daily to reduce the risk but will ask about the progesterone shots at my appt.
Hi mobaby! Great to have you back! Wow i read your story and i must admit you ve been through so much! But you seem like you have the right attitude there! We have many uu success stories in thus thread! I have a su so not sure i can help as much but i wanted to welcome you and tell you that even though i have a severe septum according to my doc i have 2 perfectly healthy babies! I did have to have a cerclage with dd, stayed on strict bedrest from week 13 to the end and had her at 35 weeks but i feel it was just meant to be like this as i had a perfect full term pg with my ds! Ow and that i also had bh veeery early on so i really dont think you should worry! You re being closely monitored so relax as much as you can and enjoy your pg! We re here fir ant question and would love to hear your updates!
Thanks Christina!! Yes been through a lot but none of the will matter when I meet this little baby in March!! :)
Alright ladies on Friday I had not felt bubs for 24 hours, being 30 weeks I got worried and went to Winnie Palmer, they hooked me up to the monitor Zaiden was just fine but apparently I was having contractions (that I did not feel) they gave me medacine and they stopped. Now though I have been having contractions here and there throughout the day. No leaking or spotting. Do you all think he will stay in there. I do have a bicrnuate uterus so I am worried he is trying to make an early entrance.

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