Sorry I've not been great at updating of late. So very busy!!!
How are you all?
Hi to the new ladies!!!
Everything is good here. We're just back from a long weekend in Barcelona. It was lovely to get away for some couple time but I missed my little puddins so much.
Drank lots of


and suffering for it now as I've picked up a dreaded airplane cold!!
I dont know if there is such a thing but I always seem to get a cold after I've been flying.
Eva is doing great, crawling, pulling up and starting to get very very clever!!!
Only a a few weeks to her 1st birthday!

I can't believe the time has gone so quickly!!
Lots of planning a preparation for that and xmas!!
My own bday is in 2 weeks so I'm looking forward to that too.
Hope everyone is doing good.
Update me!!
J- Omg how big is Brooklyn getting!!!
Chistiana- How are Nik and Nat settling since you went back to work?
How are you finding being back?