Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Ow j,I m so sorry you and little Charlotte are going through this. I m sending as many prayers and positive thoughts as possible for the surgery to be super successful and for your lo to have an easy and speedy recovery and you can finally enjoy her. Please update us whenever you can. Will be thinking of you.

Tiff, that's really nice to read! Why are you opting for c section? And can't the doc tell you if he's breach or not? Where do you feel most kicks???

Afm: well 36 weeks and lo is head down. Everyone (even the doc) thought she was breach because I kept getting two big round bumps on either side of my belly but we had a scan on Monday and apparently she has her head down bum on one side of my belly and feet on the other! Weird position!! Bad news is my placenta has already started to calcify and lo only put on 200g from week 33 to week 35 when she should be gaining way more. So this coupled with the fact she's way more quiet lately really freaks me out. So we re going in next Wednesday and if she's still not gaining enough then we re probably getting her out.

I had a csection less then two years ago and my doctor does not want to do a vbac. I feel movement everywhere so I am at a loss here. His hiccups are really low but so are his kicks, but then I get kicks up high to. So confusing.
Aaahhhh makes sense! Yes, my doc had told me you need at least 2 years in between a section and a vbac. If his hiccups are low then he's probably head down. Are you sure the low kicks are kicks and not punches? I get quite a lot of tickling down low but know it's her hands. OR I have seen pics of babies that are actually completely fold in two. So his head and feet can be down!
I'm 32 weeks and have a bicornuate uterus and baby is footling breech. My consultant at 28 weeks told me that by my 33 week growth scan and clinic appointment she ideally wants her head down due to limited space. So far there is NO indication she is planning to move and I am in so much pain with her hard head under my ribs. I can literally place my fingers all the way around her head.

I'm just popping in to see if anyone else is experiencing the same as me? How likely is it she will still turn????

I really don't want a C section, it terrifies me
Hi Lucy! Well all I can say is my daughter was head down at 34 weeks (I had a septate uterus), doc was sure she had no space to turn again... 35 weeks she had flipped to a footling breech! I remember hiw uncomfortable that was! Can't say if she would have turned again cause she came via emcs at 35+2 but from my experience there's definitely time for your baby to turn!
So a late update, things have been crazy but good! Surgery went well and after a 2 week stay at tee hospital we came home! She still coughs a bit when she eTs but it's becomig less and less which is great! She's gaining and has another follow up appointment this week.

Always reading everyones updates even if I can't chime in!! Love u ladies!!
That's fantastic news j! I ve been following you on fb and little Charlotte is looking great! I m so happy this is over for you n your family. I know she still needs to heal and recover but of sounds like things are progressing really good, so well done Charlotte and well done mummy!
Wow, christiana your going to be having your little one soon. Time has flown by

Mini update on me, just wishing the weeks away so i can at least reach v day, im 22w2d now x
Argh such an upsetting scan and clinic appointment. Everything looks fine growth wise except she's still breech with a hyperextended head (star gazing). We waited a long time to be seen by a Dr who while discussing things with me said the most likely course of action would be an ECV!

She hadn't even finished the sentence when I said absolutely not :nope: double checked the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidance when I got home to make sure I was right and they say that an ECV should not be performed if the womb is an abnormal shape.

She went away to check with the consultant leading the clinic and came back to say it was riskier but they would still do it WTF

I'm so upset that they even recommended it :shrug:

This was then followed by info on vaginal breech delivery - I questioned her hyperextended head and she went 'Oh yes, well, that is dangerous too if you CHOSE vaginal delivery'

I'm in so much pain from babes position and SPD but she didn't seem bothered. Didn't seem bothered about my bloody show last Tuesday and the fact I'm still losing plug.

All I got was 'come back for a scan in 3 weeks and if you CHOOSE a c section it will be 39/40 weeks'

I'm literally horrified.
Wow Lucy I am so sorry you are going through all of this frustration with your doctor. Sometimes they do not understand the worry we feel with things that are risky. Even if 99% of them go smoothly we still worry that we will be that 1%.

Well ladies my little man is still breech at 35+4 I was almost positive he had turned. I have been having contractions lately a lot, as well as nausia and loose stool. I am wondering how likely is it that I will go into early labor with him being breech?
Lucy I m so sorry your doc is being so unsupportive . I too was told absolutely no turning the baby with my uterus and that is with the septum removed. I would have it...you decide what is best for you and the baby. There is still plenty of time for your little one to turn btw..dd was head down at 34w and complete footling at 35. This little one was breach at 32w and has been head down since 33. I m not sure about bloody show but losing your plug doesn't necessarily mean an impending labor..I lost part of mine when I had the stitch in and then I lost all of it last Friday when I took the stitch out but nothing's happening.

Tiff, it sounds like things are progressing. That's how things happened for me and nat...weird contractions that used to happen at night but then suddenly went crazy on me along with lose stool. I really hope you can keep your boy cooking a little bit more but he s totally safe now! I had nat af 35+2 and she only stayed in the ncu for monitoring for 3 days, just as a precaution. Have you been drinking a lot of water?

Hope, you re very very close to v day hun! It's less than 2 weeks away! I will be praying your lil bub stays in there for many more weeks to go!

Afm: well as I said stitch removal day same and went. Last Friday I made my bag, kissed the kids, prepared everything and went to the hospital sure I was going to have maya there and then. Well apparently she has a different plan. My cervix is full if scar tissue from the stitches and not dilating. My doc is desperately trying to scare me out of a vbac and lo has decide to go completely quiet the past couple of days. I m actually rather worried but I m going in tomorrow to check her growth so we shall see what happens. Latest date he ll let me try before taking her out is the 13th of June.
I have been drinking water and trying to rest as much as possible with two toddlers. I know he will be okay at this point but my husband does not cone home till the 21st :/.
Hey ladies! Well here's my update...sorry it's a week late...!
Well last Sunday at 2am I started having mild contractions. I got checked at 9am but was sent home and told not to come back unless they became 5 minutes apart. At 6:30pm they were still 10mins apart but so intense I was constantly on my knees. My doc told me to go in because of the previous section. Got there at 7pm and was 4cm dilated. Doc broke my waters and everything happened in fast forward from then on. By 9:10 I had a perfect 10cm dilation and after a few good pushes our rainbow arrived at 9:30pm! I got my vbac and no epidural and it couldn't have felt better! Maya was born 2540g and we re absolutely and utterly in love with her! We re home since Wednesday and I can say she's such a good baby! She's constantly bfing and when she s not she looks at her siblings in awe!!! :)
C- congrats!!!! So happy everything went well!! Must post a picture!
Thanks girls! I m over the moon! Here's a pic or two of my sweet munchkin!


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Sorry couldn't put them all in 1 post :flower:


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After my last stressful appointment 3 weeks ago where the Dr I saw in clinic tried to give me information on an ECV despite me saying it was dangerous insisting they would still do it and leaving me pretty scared, I had a much better clinic appointment yesterday with another Dr.

Baby is still very much breech and I went in headstrong to refuse an ECV but as soon as I said I wouldn't be having one the Dr looked shocked and said they wouldn't do it anyway as it's dangerous! Seems I had a dud OB last appointment for sure.

I was quite emotional during the appointment as I'm in quite a lot of pain due to babies position and I did make a point of saying the Dr I saw last time didn't even record that in my notes when I told her.

Basically I was all ready to see the same Dr again and demand to see another one but instead got a lovely Dr who spoke to me and after deciding a section would be best went away and booked it all in for me for the 13th July.

Disappointed about having a section obviously - and I know theres still a teeny tiny chance she'll spontaneously turn - but relieved I seemed to be talking to a Dr who actually knew what she was doing

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