Vaccine Video

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Moomin_troll= sorry this is ot but I've just seen ur boys names and I LOVE them both,plus I think they go so well together.sorry but I just had to comment lol xx
LadyHutch That is just ridiculous to say.

How about when you get your child vaccinated keep them locked up away from all the other kids because certain vaccines shed and they could get another kid sick.

An unvaccinated child isn't just carrying around these illnesses. I think in general parents of kids that don't vaccinate are very aware of their child's health (not to say those that do vaccinate aren't). When you are sick, stay home, that goes for anyone.

A vaccinated child could have one of these diseases but because of the vaccine the real symptoms be masked and they could be spreading it around without ever realizing what they actually had.

So if you want to "protect" your baby from all the diseases that my unvaccinated kids are apparently carrying and spreading around you might want to put them in a bubble because those vaccines aren't 100% either. My kids are going to continue to attend public school, go to Sunday School, play at parks, play sports and everything else every other kid does...not going to keep them locked away.
Moomin_troll= sorry this is ot but I've just seen ur boys names and I LOVE them both,plus I think they go so well together.sorry but I just had to comment lol xx

hahah thanks! theres a another woman on here whos sons are called zane and corey. small world lol
You don't have to like my opinion, but it is an important and valuable one. I'm absolutely fine with anyone who wants to drag me thru this.
Moomin_troll= sorry this is ot but I've just seen ur boys names and I LOVE them both,plus I think they go so well together.sorry but I just had to comment lol xx

hahah thanks! theres a another woman on here whos sons are called zane and corey. small world lol

They were both my top names if we were having a boy but dh is boring and wanted traditional names lol.sorry let's get back to the debate,these things are never supposed to b friendly u know :rofl: xx
LadyHutch That is just ridiculous to say.

How about when you get your child vaccinated keep them locked up away from all the other kids because certain vaccines shed and they could get another kid sick.

An unvaccinated child isn't just carrying around these illnesses. I think in general parents of kids that don't vaccinate are very aware of their child's health (not to say those that do vaccinate aren't). When you are sick, stay home, that goes for anyone.

A vaccinated child could have one of these diseases but because of the vaccine the real symptoms be masked and they could be spreading it around without ever realizing what they actually had.

So if you want to "protect" your baby from all the diseases that my unvaccinated kids are apparently carrying and spreading around you might want to put them in a bubble because those vaccines aren't 100% either. My kids are going to continue to attend public school, go to Sunday School, play at parks, play sports and everything else every other kid does...not going to keep them locked away.

You've said everything I wanted to say...THANK YOU! I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking the risks of vaccinations outweigh the benefits! :thumbup:
LadyHutch That is just ridiculous to say.

1. How about when you get your child vaccinated keep them locked up away from all the other kids because certain vaccines shed and they could get another kid sick.

2. An unvaccinated child isn't just carrying around these illnesses. I think in general parents of kids that don't vaccinate are very aware of their child's health (not to say those that do vaccinate aren't). When you are sick, stay home, that goes for anyone.

3. A vaccinated child could have one of these diseases but because of the vaccine the real symptoms be masked and they could be spreading it around without ever realizing what they actually had.

4. So if you want to "protect" your baby from all the diseases that my unvaccinated kids are apparently carrying and spreading around you might want to put them in a bubble because those vaccines aren't 100% either. My kids are going to continue to attend public school, go to Sunday School, play at parks, play sports and everything else every other kid does...not going to keep them locked away.

1. ridiculous when you compare the % chance of this happening with the % chance of a baby too young/ill/whatever to be vaccinated coming into contact with one of your infected children

2. you can be a carrier and not know it

3. yes but if everyone is vaccinated this doesnt matter. its only a problem for your exposed children. protect them.

4. ridiculous. keep your kids at home or better still, provide sensible vaccines for them
Keep your kid home in a bubble if you don't want them exposed to anything. With an attitude like that, I'm sure most parents of kids with major medical problems who can't get vaccinated wouldn't want you around their kids anyway.
I can't believe anyone would think someone's health records should be public knowledge like that.

Just using you as an example, based off your siggy LadyHutch, you have bipolar? IF you had it as a child and were diagnosed, do you think that every parent in your class should know so that those uneducated could decide you might be a danger to their child and therefore they can't play with you?? Just ridiculous. You would have people not allowing their kids to play with or do school projects with kids with learning disabilities. People excluding kids from things left and right because they don't truly understand what the other kid has or the risks to their own child.

It's people that are uneducated about vaccines and kids that are unvaccinated that make statements like "I don't want them playing with my kid". If you should be "scared" of anyone it's the vaccinated kids that could have something like mumps but not even realize it because of them having the vaccine they have a very mild form of it yet they can still be passing it around to everyone else....and again that vaccine isn't 100% so they could be passing it to your child.
LadyHutch That is just ridiculous to say.

How about when you get your child vaccinated keep them locked up away from all the other kids because certain vaccines shed and they could get another kid sick.

An unvaccinated child isn't just carrying around these illnesses. I think in general parents of kids that don't vaccinate are very aware of their child's health (not to say those that do vaccinate aren't). When you are sick, stay home, that goes for anyone.

A vaccinated child could have one of these diseases but because of the vaccine the real symptoms be masked and they could be spreading it around without ever realizing what they actually had.

So if you want to "protect" your baby from all the diseases that my unvaccinated kids are apparently carrying and spreading around you might want to put them in a bubble because those vaccines aren't 100% either. My kids are going to continue to attend public school, go to Sunday School, play at parks, play sports and everything else every other kid does...not going to keep them locked away.

:thumbup:this. Also some children cannot have vaccines do to medical reasons anyway, this is why my son hasn't had the 2, 3 and 4 month vaccines because instead of dtap in the UK we have something called pediacel which contains bovine proteins, even the manufacturer says those with an allergy to bovine proteins should not have it; so I am in a quandry. But there are other kids who cannot have vaccines due to an allergy to one of the ingredients; and also there are kids who are severely immuno-compromised who cannot have vaccines, so are you going to pull your child out of school because of those kids as well? After all regardless of the reasons for them not having the vaccine; you think its a given that they will make your child unwell....
LadyHutch That is just ridiculous to say.

1. How about when you get your child vaccinated keep them locked up away from all the other kids because certain vaccines shed and they could get another kid sick.

2. An unvaccinated child isn't just carrying around these illnesses. I think in general parents of kids that don't vaccinate are very aware of their child's health (not to say those that do vaccinate aren't). When you are sick, stay home, that goes for anyone.

3. A vaccinated child could have one of these diseases but because of the vaccine the real symptoms be masked and they could be spreading it around without ever realizing what they actually had.

4. So if you want to "protect" your baby from all the diseases that my unvaccinated kids are apparently carrying and spreading around you might want to put them in a bubble because those vaccines aren't 100% either. My kids are going to continue to attend public school, go to Sunday School, play at parks, play sports and everything else every other kid does...not going to keep them locked away.

1. ridiculous when you compare the % chance of this happening with the % chance of a baby too young/ill/whatever to be vaccinated coming into contact with one of your infected children

2. you can be a carrier and not know it

3. yes but if everyone is vaccinated this doesnt matter. its only a problem for your exposed children. protect them.

4. ridiculous. keep your kids at home or better still, provide sensible vaccines for them

1. My child is infected with nothing.

2. It is more likely for a vaccinated child to be a carrier and not know it than an unvaccinated child because a vaccinated child will probably have a more mild form.

3. Even if everyone is vaccinated these diseases will still be around, vaccines aren't 100%.

4. My child has every right to an education and normal life as your child. I will NOT keep them away from any other child to please you. I won't give them something I feel could cause them harm just like I wouldn't stick them in the middle of traffic. I would never ask someone to do something to possibly benefit my child if they feel it could harm their own and I won't do it for someone else's kid.
I'm fine with people not vaccinating their children as long as they do not go out in public where they can get my baby, who is too young yet to be vaccinated, sick because they have a misguided notion that the risk of illness from a vaccine outweighs the risk of illness from disease.

The first woman who lets their sick child cough on mine or touch mine before he is able to be vaccinated, that refused to vaccinate her own, and gives my BABY mumps, measles or rubella, will be paying dearly for it via court costs, medical bills, and pain and suffering. I'll sue their asses off.

Sorry, but that is the dead honest truth.

Chances of getting sick from MMR vaccine: 1:1,267,834
Chances of getting M, M or R if unvaccinated: 1:134

Chances of M, M or R causing a devastating permanent illness: 1:41.

Take chances with your kid, but don't bring them, or anyone else who might get infected out where they can infect mine.

I'll be vaccinating as soon as possible to avoid your kid's illnesses.

EDIT: Yeah, this topic really makes me mad. People don't realize they aren't just risking their own kid, but every kid theirs comes in contact with who hasn't had the chance to be vaccinated yet.

Im sorry but your post and rudeness makes me "really mad" not even going to bother saying anymore . . . completely and utterly rude IMO!
I can't believe anyone would think someone's health records should be public knowledge like that.

Just using you as an example, based off your siggy LadyHutch, you have bipolar? IF you had it as a child and were diagnosed, do you think that every parent in your class should know so that those uneducated could decide you might be a danger to their child and therefore they can't play with you?? Just ridiculous. You would have people not allowing their kids to play with or do school projects with kids with learning disabilities. People excluding kids from things left and right because they don't truly understand what the other kid has or the risks to their own child.

It's people that are uneducated about vaccines and kids that are unvaccinated that make statements like "I don't want them playing with my kid". If you should be "scared" of anyone it's the vaccinated kids that could have something like mumps but not even realize it because of them having the vaccine they have a very mild form of it yet they can still be passing it around to everyone else....and again that vaccine isn't 100% so they could be passing it to your child.

I don't htink she ever meant anything NEAR that. She said there should be a list available of children who ARE NOT vaccinated. That's fair enough IMO. She didn't want to know medical conditions of other children, just whether or not they've been vaccinated.

Also, I think it's rude that you pinpointed her condition of being bipolar and made your argument so personal.
How is that fair? It's my child's health's between me, our dr and the school nurse. They have the same rights as anyone else and their health records should be kept private just as everyone else's should.

I wasn't trying to be rude, I was using it as an example and even said that uneducated people might think that. Not that it was actually true that a bipolar child would be a danger to other kids.
How is that fair? It's my child's health's between me, our dr and the school nurse. They have the same rights as anyone else and their health records should be kept private just as everyone else's should.

I wasn't trying to be rude, I was using it as an example and even said that uneducated people might think that. Not that it was actually true that a bipolar child would be a danger to other kids.

i completely agree with you,you cant just go around saying you should keep your child locked up like an animal because you as a parent decided not to vaccinate :growlmad:

Some things you cant vaccinate for,what do you suggest then???
I'm fine with people not vaccinating their children as long as they do not go out in public where they can get my baby, who is too young yet to be vaccinated, sick because they have a misguided notion that the risk of illness from a vaccine outweighs the risk of illness from disease.

The first woman who lets their sick child cough on mine or touch mine before he is able to be vaccinated, that refused to vaccinate her own, and gives my BABY mumps, measles or rubella, will be paying dearly for it via court costs, medical bills, and pain and suffering. I'll sue their asses off.

Sorry, but that is the dead honest truth.

Chances of getting sick from MMR vaccine: 1:1,267,834
Chances of getting M, M or R if unvaccinated: 1:134

Chances of M, M or R causing a devastating permanent illness: 1:41.

Take chances with your kid, but don't bring them, or anyone else who might get infected out where they can infect mine.

I'll be vaccinating as soon as possible to avoid your kid's illnesses.

EDIT: Yeah, this topic really makes me mad. People don't realize they aren't just risking their own kid, but every kid theirs comes in contact with who hasn't had the chance to be vaccinated yet.

Just wondering, where did you get these statistics from? Post the link if you can please :thumbup:
The difference here is that you are CHOOSING not to vaccinate and put kids at risk...i'm not. Just like being bipolar isn't a choice.

You choose to risk my kid and your own, you choose to risk being sued.
Yes, and it's your choice to put your kids in public school or not. You are choosing to put your child at risk by vaccinating, there are proven risks to vaccinating. Just as there are risks to not vaccinating. My kids aren't putting anyone else's in anymore danger than a vaccinated kid is...both can get these diseases and both can spread them. But either way it's my kids RIGHT to have their health records private.
Can i see some hard proof that you even can be sued for not vaccinating your own child please?
The difference here is that you are CHOOSING not to vaccinate and put kids at risk...i'm not. Just like being bipolar isn't a choice.

You choose to risk my kid and your own, you choose to risk being sued.

So are you just going to go around and ask every single person if their vaccinated before letting them play or touch your kid? If not, there's no way to prove who gave your kid what.

Also, when you get your kiddo vaccinated they go through something called "shedding". Many, if not all, of the vaccinations, have a LIVE form of the virus in the vaccine which means they have the measles, mumps, rubella, etc in their bodies. Look it up if you don't believe me ;) Through shedding they can give it to ANYONE. Does this give me the right to sue YOU?

Again, where did you get those statistics from? I'm curious since you didn't post a link at all for them.
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