Valentines Babies, 2013!

I was a little annoyed at my mil last night. DH told her I was feeling baby quite a bit and she says that it's not possible. Yes, I'm a little hormonal, but I blew up at him saying that she's not the baby's mother and *I* am and only *I* can tell if I am or am not feeling MY baby! haha With that, and she told him that she was planning on staying with us for a couple of weeks after the baby is born!! (DH will be back to work by that time, so it'd just be me and baby and mil! :( ) No offense to her, because I like her. . .but if I need any help, MY mom and sisters would be the first ones I ask! So with that and raging hormones, I marched promptly off to bed! :haha:

Oh Sierra, why do people plan thing without being asked? Maybe she thought she was offering to help...
When we had our first my inlaws came out after the birth, as did my parents. DH and I agreed no more than 5 nights. I think the inlaws then went and booked for 10 days.grrrrr I was mad! But I tried to hide it as I love my boys knowing their grandparents, I love having family. But still...

I know this is an exciting time for grandparents too but it is so hard in that first month, and I was so not wanting to share baby too much. I waned to hold him all I wanted. And stay in my pjs. And breast feed or pump willynilly.

With my second baby we got the inlaws here for when I was In hospital (scheduled c sec) to help dh with my first son. They spent the entire time decorating. I phoned DH one day from the hospital to see when he was coming in to visit me and he couldn't visit yet as he was at the DIY shop since his dad wanted the inlaws were, despite trying to be helpful, creating us more work and not minding my first son, my husband did that. AND (while I am on a roll!) on the day baby was born we asked the inlaws to wait outside for a few minutes while we introduced our first son to the baby and we wanted family quiet time. Well, it didn't happen, the in laws came right n in with them. It upset me quite a lot!

Really, it is such a hard time with family..we need to be really specific if there is something we want, but to try and do it tactfully if someone is likely to be upset ( my MIL is so sensitive it's silly, even DH steps around her on egg shells). Luckily. Have a relationship with my folks where I just say how it is and they are fine with it.

But, sure are tricky when it comes to babies and birth!

I want even mention what my fil said when I brought baby home..ok I will. He thought he was joking and being funny when he looked at me as I got out of the car and exclaimed " did they leave one in there?!". .......he must be unaware of hormones post birth.....I sobbed on the phone to my mum. Hysterically. Think she wanted to wallop him! (and she isn't a fighty type...more a knitting kind of grandma).

So Sierra, be firm! Xx
I'm stuck between the 13th and the 14th! 10 week dating scan said the 14th and 12 weeks scan said the 13th lol.
Oh god god, those first few days are hard enough let alone with unwanted visitors. I think its difficult for grandparents to understand but you need those first few days just to bond and recover (and let the hormones settle) plus babies always sleep when you have visitors but will wake when they leave and you never end up getting a rest!

Seriously ladies, its well worth having a chat with your dh's about whos allowed in and we had a bit of a secret code for when id had enough and he would make excuses for people to leave.

I waited a week before inviting people in...apart from family and im SO glad i did, you dont get those precious moments back.
I finally got up the nerve to take/post a bump pick this morning, and my DH saw me loading it onto the computer. He said, "are you posting that? You look like you're sticking your stomach out, and your thighs aren't really that big in real life are they? Want me to take a pic?"

I burst into tears, ran upstairs to change clothes, and angrily did a workout video in the other room. I'm not sure if he meant to be helpful? This is the first he's taking ANY notice of my bump, so how would he know how it looks??? Maybe I should paint my bump like a cell phone so that he'll actually pay attention to what's going on in there. Ugh :(

Hugs xx
Thanks so much for everyone's input on the grandparents thing---it's sooo hard! I'm glad I'm not alone in my thoughts. And I'm also glad helena brought up that at first you dont' want to share baby much. That's exactly how I'm feeling right now! It's like I want baby all to myself for a bit before it gets whisked away by grandparents. I do realize I will need help, but *I* want to be the one to ask for help---when I'm ready. And I want to be able to have all the alone time I want with our first child. And good-gracious---exactly the truth on breastfeeding---I don't want to have to worry about "covering up" the whole time in my own home for the first couple of weeks! Let me get used to breastfeeding in the first place, then I will worry about covering up! :)

sleeping-bubs, your scan pic is sooooo cute! I can't believe our baby's look like that right now! SO BIG!!! :) Ahhh I just want to cuddle it right now!!! :)

(haha---I can definitely tell I'm starting to be a "mommy" already! I'm having all these mommy-like thoughts and protectiveness over my baby) Soooo fun! I can't wait to be a mum!

Anyone getting headaches a lot? I've had a headache on and off for about 4 days! I can't get it to go away! :( It's only on the left side of my head, too, which I find weird.

I've also been having trouble brushing my teeth! Whenever I brush my teeth, I either gag or sometimes I actually vomit! What's up with that?!?
wamommy---I'm so sorry! I want to see your bump picture! It's amazing the things that come out of DH's mouth sometimes---for the first months, he kept telling me "wow, that thing looks huge!" and things like that.. .(not meaning to be rude, but still. . a little un-tactful!) Just recently he's been starting to say that my bump is "sexy" and he likes it and stuff like that. I think it took a while for DH's brain to compute what he was seeing! :haha:
Haha I know, the things men say! The other day, DH told me that as the weeks go by, I look more and more like the Venus of Willendorf :wacko:

Just for reference, here's what the V of W looks like:


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I've been finding the same thing, with the headaches. All that seems to help is some rest and tylenol here and there.

I have noticed the same thing with the toothbrush, like my gag reflex is way further up than it used to be.

I've been having quite a bit of round ligament pain too, odd, painful stretching feeling...and seems like the backaches have started too.

All that aside, I have truly never felt happier and more at peace with myself than I do right now. This is such a blessing!
I've been getting a lot of pains in the lower stomach area. Usually when I stand up from sitting or sneeze or cough. Luckily I was ready this morning that it is completely normal and that resting in the best thing to do as our bodies are working really hard to make room for baby to grow.

I can't wait to feel baby move, I'm sure I felt it once but not since. It will just be nice when we have that built in reminder that they are ok and still moving etc.

I've been getting headaches too, not really bad ones, just mildish achey feelings and very tired eyes.

Still not complaining though! This is the best thing ever being pregnant!!!!
I am with you on the headaches too. I find sleep to be the only thing that helps.
I had the tooth brushing thing the other week - made me vomit. Now it just seems my teeth are really sensitive!

The round ligament pains are here too when I get up. but the doc gave me some magnesium supplements which I think is meant to help with the stretching. At least the pains aren't as bad as in my first two pregnancies. But yes, an unexpected sneeze can be painful!....still, least we aren't at the stage where an unexpected sneeze leads to wet undies! (and yes, that's true and yet to come!lol).

Today I had my first wobble about getting fat. Not like me to whine to dh that I worry I am getting fat...must be our hormones making us sensitive! Desperately need to go buy maternity clothes, so many of mine just don't fit now!
By the way, I finally got a bra that fits!!! YAY!! I went up TWO cup sizes! And it feels like magic. I can't believe I was walking around so unsupported! :haha:
Have you all gained much weight yet? My doctor told me I should expect to gain about 40 pounds total...but so far I've only gained 1 pound. I've gone up a whole bra size, and have a bit of a bump, but the rest of me has gotten slightly smaller. I can still fit in all my pre-pregnancy clothes (although the pants are uncomfortably tight around the waist.)

It's weird, because before I was pregnant, if I wasn't dieting I was gaining weight. I have just NEVER been able to maintain my weight. Now I'm eating all I want and I'm not gaining anything.

Now, I'm not TOO worried, because I have ample fat reserves ;), but I worry that my babies will be small if I can't gain enough weight.
I have only gained 1 pound. My midwife says she wants me to gain 10 more pounds by 20 weeks. That's over a pound a week! I'm not sure how I'll do, but she said it should just start happening due to water weight and if I eat when I'm hungry. I've gained about 3 inches around my middle (or at least, that's the gap I have in front when I try to button my pre-pregnancy work pants). Midwife said she'd like to see me gain 20-25 pounds total for the pregnancy, which seems a bit low for me? She said I'll lose 12 pounds when I have the baby, 12 pounds about a week or so after baby (water weight), and breastfeeding should lose even more for me. If that's correct, it sounds like I'll end up skinnier than I started out as! :) ha!
I so need to go bra shopping, hating wire ones now.

Dragon - i have gained about 3 kilo so far, 6.6lbs? Think I am going to be massiiiive!!!

Breast feeding is fab for weight loss, I lost all my baby weight with my first in 3 months. It went straight from me back to baby! Doctor said the baby's weight gain in the first 3 months was amazing! :)
Good Morning, All!

Actually, it feels like a craptastic morning to me, but I'm trying to be positive. (Explanation to come in what is sure to be a lovely ranting post). I've gained 2lbs and I was told 25-30 would be considered perfect for me.

Let's start with Saturday night... Old army buddy with wife and new baby come to town and stay at mutual friend's house. We go over to visit. Go to dinner. I am tired and have had a headache since I woke up. So at 10 after forcing myself to stay for an extra hour to be "social" I leave my DH and his motorcycle with the promise that he will be following me home soon. So I hop in bed and promptly pass out until 12:30. I send a text: "Are you still visiting or do I need to come pull you out of a ditch?" He was visiting and said he would be leaving soon. At around 1 I begin to feel vaguely pukey so I texted him and asked him to come home as I feel like I'm going to throw up and my headache has turned into a migraine. "Okay, soon" is the response I get.
So about 5 minutes later I am (TMI!) puking through my nose and mouth, trying not to aspirate on vomit and crying hysterically. I text him again. No response. Finally 30 minutes later I send: "30 minutes is not soon to a pregnant woman who is puking." Finally at 2am he shows up as I am still hugging the toilet. He forget his housekey in the car so I had to quickly rush to the door and back. I think he finally got it as I continued to throw up water for another 45 minutes. We're good now, but it really ticked me off!

Fast forward (I told you this was going to be long!). Yesterday my MIL calls during nap time to tell us that one of DH's nephew's needs $100 in order to get up to the college that he received a scholarship to and could we please send it. GAH! We are not made of money and are trying to save for the baby. I love his folks, but (and he refuses to bring it up or collect) they owe us around $1200 that is only since we have been married (9/21/10). Because we both have decent jobs they believe we have unlimited cash. I told DH that we would send $25 and nephew could go bum off his 4 other aunts and uncles for the rest.

This morning we have had thunderstorms. This means DH cannot ride the motorcycle to work (we have 1 car) so I must drive him. Seeing as school just started Monday traffic is HORRIBLE! So we get to his work in plenty of time and then he realizes that he has left his keys at home. So instead of arriving to work early (ie 7:45-8) I rolled in around 8:45 and was immediately beset with stupid requests and idiotic phone calls.

Either my tolerance for stupid has completely disappeared or people are just honestly becoming more dumb by the minute. I feel like a basket case. Please tell me I'm not completely loosing my mind and all by myself...
Love the bump helena!! :)

Kellen---I'm sorry things are so frustrating right now. I would have been super upset at my DH if he did that to me and I needed him home.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who is getting bouts of nausea and vomiting still. Most of the time, I feel good, but sometimes it just hits me! :(
Kellen- I would have been super pissed, too, if I were in your shoes! And I would tie the keys to DH's shoelaces lol.

The whole week I was in NY visiting, I didn't feel sick at all. As soon as I got home, it started right back up again. What the heck? Is it all psychological? Something I'm eating/not eating? Argh! I hate feeling nauseated, and I was so happy it was going away.

I had a terrible dream last night that I decided to terminate my pregnancy, and then felt horribly guilty and totally regretted it...but it turned out that it didn't work and I was not only still pregnant, but I had triplets! I was so relieved when I woke up.
Thanks for the support everyone! I am glad that I'm not the only one who has random bouts of nausea. And I'm really not all that frustrated most of the time, but when it hit it hits hard!

And, Helena, that is an adorable bump. Tomorrow (14w) I am going to have DH take another bump picture. We did one at 8 weeks. Now we will be able to compare. We also have a midwife appt tomorrow so we'll see how much I've really gained... DH has gained 10lbs. :rofl:
Just read this article and wanted to share... In case anyone was tempted to eat fruit from McDonald's.
Ooh i shall be avoiding that - thanks for the link! Luckily mcD makes me feel sick now, since I wanted nothing more than McDs for the first 2 months!

Kellen, sorry you are having such a crap time. It's so awful when all the naff things come at once. And why do men not get in at the time they say?? I think they must be genetically programmed to be late. Otherwise, if they were super clever they would add a couple of hours to their planned return time, say they will be in at 2am when realistically they will be in at midnight, so we think they have been early and they would get extra gold stars!?

Oh no I am the only one gaining big weight here....*helena sulks off to eat more* ;)

Off camping tomorrow for 3 nights. Really looking forward to it apart from the needing to pee all night. Will take a potty!


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