Valentine's BfP ladies

Momof1 how exciting!!!

Emma sorry you feel icky

I was officially diagnosed with hypermesis today :( but I had my paperwork filled out so luckily I can take time off if I need ot
Hi everyone, well I've been feeling fine since Monday, appetite is coming back and don't feel sick at all. Looking back I think it may have been a bug. What I'm worried about now is that I feel no symptoms really. No bloating or tiredness, my bbs are no longer sore and don't feel as full and heavy as they have the last few weeks. Sounds stupid but I'm so worried that if I had a bug it has harmed l'il bean :-(

Only thing I experienced lastnight was really yellow cm with a touch of brown in it.

At what point should you start to feel a little bump growing? Momof1 I think I'm going to you and get a Doppler :-D probably way too early to hear anything but can't sit and wait for scan at 12 weeks. What are the best ones to get here in the uk?

By the way I still haven't had any call or contact from a midwife despite my gp supposedly referring me at 5 weeks!!
Momof1 I was looking into the benefits of purchasing one as well. What brand I'd yours?

Sasha how terrible! I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Miss I'm sure everything is just fine. I bet your body is just recovering. I have days with no symptoms too. Also I would call someone about your appointment. Hasn't it been over 4 weeks since you've heard something?

Emma I'm glad you're home and I hope you feel like yourself again soon!
Missus... I would start searching for a midwife on your own.. as soon as you find one I bet they give you an ultrasound!
Thanks ladies, I will phone my gp and ask what's going on, wouldn't know where to start looking for a midwife in this area as I'm quite rural.

In other news, I just bought a sonoline b Doppler, way more than I was looking to spend but hopefully it will be worth it :)

Hope you're feeling better today sasha?
Missus - I also have no symptoms (other than fatigue and sensitive boobies) it makes me really worried.. i dont 'feel' pregnant most of the time if that sounds funny? Like I will go through most of the day and then stop and be like 'oh thats right, I am pregnant!' It feels weird... *sigh* HOpe its not a bad sign..

I am hugely looking forward to by 10+3 week scan next Wednsday.. counting downt the days...

Would love to get a doppler but have read all differnt things - a lot of literature says that they dont pick up anything till like 15 weeks - please let me know your reviews ladies? If yours work well I will get one for sure!
Well my sonoline just arrived, tried it straight away but couldn't find anything :-(

I know it's probably too early but still feel gutted and hasn't put my mind at rest as I haven't really felt any symptoms since Monday now.

Ho hum
Missus- I would go back to the original dr (or hospital) and tell them you had a bad stomach bug that very much resembled morning sickness and you have since not had symptoms... let thwm know that you feel your stress is negatively affecting you mood and your pregnancy and that you need to put your mind at ease. While your there take the doppler and ask for the most effective method to use it. Refuse to leave, tell then it is a potential health concern that needs to be addressed. I bet you they find a way to get you seen.
Thanks sasha, it's a bank holiday here now so will have to wait until Tuesday I guess. Had no cramps or bleeding so I'm probably worrying for no reason. I honestly thought trying to get preggers was the stressful part!
Lol... with you there missus... amazing how perspective changes! If it makes you feel any better I take antinausea medicine now and that makes my main symptom no as bad. Freaks me out for a bit then I remember I'm on meds.

Okay so here is an update. I have been given a new station at work (which is horrible) a new schedual with different days off and no tips :( I have had Sunday Monday off for over a year (the schedual I fought to get with my senority) now I am given saturday sunday off AND I work 9-5. I can't get anything done before 9 or after 5 here... everything will be closed not to mention hubby only has one day off... Mondays!!!!! :( I'm so frustrated!
Hi ladies. I've been gone for ages but still been checking in on what everyone's been saying. I've had a pretty rough time since parents evenings a week ago. I've been sick everyday and feeling sick constantly. I'm now on holiday and so relieved! Glad to hear everyone's ok, sorry to those who are also suffering sickness! Sasha, how on earth are you managing to work with hyperemisis? To those who are worried about lack of symptoms, I would probably go and make a bit of a fuss at the doctors if I were you and see if you can get a scan to check all is good. With regards to 'feeling pregnant' I don't either, and that's even with being sick everyday! I still doubt it all!

It's a shame you guys aren't up in Scotland because I'm going to be on tv for the next 9 weeks. I do a bit of tv work in my home language Gaelic sometimes and last year I filmed a series which is getting aired weekly from next Monday. Probably only in Scotland I imagine though. I've been on before but never for a long series like this so I'm quite nervous about it! :-/ xx
Wow mammy the tv star!! Sorry you are feeling poorly, hope you don't have for much longer! What channel is your programme on, and for those of us who can't watch it, what's it all about?

I'm away visiting family again this weekend, but will see how things go and call my go Tuesday, need to call anyway due to lack of contact from midwife.

For the record, are mc all started by pain/bleeding or is it possible to be totally unaware?
Misusgee - sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no, miscarriages do not all start with pain/bleeding. (LADIES - DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE A ROUTINE WORRY WART)

In fact, miscarriages very often are what doctor's call a 'missed miscarrriage' which means that your body doesnt realise you have lost the baby and continues to produce hormones and therefore symptoms of pregnancy. This is what happened to me last time - we had NO miscarriage symptoms and found out 'by accident' at a routine scan. I still had sickness that very morning so I was sure I was fine. The good news for you ladies is - you have all had early scans and found heartbeats and that is very important. With my first pregnancy I was young and healthy (so was hubby) and therefore they didnt see me for a scan until 9 weeks. Perhaps if i had an earlier scan they would have determined something was wrong much earlier.
Thanks for the info bambola, I'm trying not to over think it but its hard not to feel a little bit of doubt right now.

Good news is that I've literally just had a call from my midwife and she's coming to visit me at home today so I can ask her about all of my worries!
Missus - so glad that midwife has been in touch! Bam, thanks for that info. I'm going to get a Doppler this weekend and would really love to hear something to put my mind at rest ad I'm not getting my next scan until nearly 14 weeks! A long time from 6 weeks. :(

The programme is about dog training lol. I did it when my dog was just a little puppy. I keep seeing clips and ads for it everywhere which is making me really nervous. Up in Scotland there is a dedicated Gaelic channel (I think they have a welsh one in Wales too) so it's going to be on that.

I'm going away today for the weekend to see family and my gorgeous little niece who was one the other day. See you all on Sunday or Monday folks. Wishing you all a worry free/nausea free Easter weekend. I hear Easter eggs help to cure all known symptoms of pregnancy ;) xxxx
Mammy I was just thinking about you! I am on medicine to get into work... it makes it so that I don't vomit I just feel like I will... plus I take about 2 extra days off a week... I totally wish I could see your show that sounds awesome!

Missus- so glad you get to see midwife... you shoulda asked if she carried a sensitive doppler with her!

Bam- thanks for the info! I am considered a risk only due to the cyst, if it was anywhere but my uterus I wouldn't be but in a sense its a blessing, I get peace of mind every 2-3 weeks which is mich needed with everything going on.

Have you ladiws been having insane and intwnse dreams? I can't even remember them when I wake up but I feel the intensity!
Just had my midwife appt, it was ok and just had to fill out a ton of paperwork! Annoyingly I won't see this lady again as she is going to a new job so will have a new midwife when they recruit.

She is going to book me in for my 12 week scan though so will have to wait until then.

Regarding the Doppler, she told me not to even bother this early on, as the midwives don't even try until 12 weeks and that's with their experience. Hmmmm.
Mams how cool that you'll be on tv! And let me know how that doppler works out.

Miss you are just having ill luck with the doc and midwife thing. I hope it gets better for you soon so you can put your mind at ease.

Sasha I'm so sorry you feel so poorly. You are a wondrous woman to still be going into work feeling that way! I hope you feel better soon.

Well I'm 1/4 or 25% of the way there! I'm not having a terrific day. I had to pay bills today and my cable tv bill pissed me off. It went up $20! I realized that I am paying $40 in just fees! Fees for using their equipment. Grrr its so ridiculous!
Missus that's only 2 1/2 weeks away for both the appointment and the doppler!!!! :) How exciting!!!

JBell thanks... it is rough but my hubby is so much more supportive now and since we work in the same airport I have a lot of help with the nausea etc. I was also just telling hubby that in a week we are 1/4 done! Looking forward to the milestone... the next one for you is 2nd tri in 3 weeks right?!!!

In my news.... I picked up my paperwork that helps me be off work if I'm sick and drum roll please..... made it through the whole day without puking. At one point I thought I would lose a bit but by the mercy of a higher power I kept it in!!!! :D Also have major veins in my bbs along with fresh stretch marks.... also mystery rash is gone and I think its because of the fish oil because even the acne I have been getting since the positive is diappearing! All in all a good day here.

Looking forward to more updates ladies!!!!
Hi Everyone!
Just caught up.
I'm glad to hear you have some treatment Sasha.
I'll have to see if we get your channel through Sky to see you on tv even if I can't understand itMammy.
I did a lot of research on Doppler Last time. I discovered the commercially available ones rarely work until 16 to 17 weeks. The midwife in UK only use them routinely from the 16 week appt (typically in UK you book in at 10 weeks, have scan at 12, next appt at 16 weeks, then once a month I think). I first had movement at 16 weeks though only realised what it was at 17 so it wouldn't have been worth it. And cos I had been bleeding from 14 weeks I can tell you I researched it to death, I wanted one so desperately!

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