I'll join! af is due around the 13 or 14th. I have roughly 35 day cycles. The last one was only 34. I should be ovulating around my hubby's b-day. Not sure if I will end up testing. I always spot a day or two before af is due. So if I start spotting on the 12th or 13th then I know not to test. I don't miss the stress of testing early. While it is always tempting to do so, and I have one frer sitting in my bathroom, I am hoping to wait. I didn't get my bfp until 13dpo last time so waiting a few more days isn't too big of a deal. But if no spotting by end of day 13th then I will wake up on 14th and test.
I'm going back to what i did when I got my bfp a few cycles ago. (ended in mc sadly).
1) temping - although I started late as I was sick and my sleep was way off
2) preseed - didn't use it the last few times but used it during bfp cycle.
3) BD every day, or close to - We did it 12/14 days that cycle. going to try again. Again, a bit of a late start for us as I have been sick. But I don't O until cd17-19 so we are still good to go. Most important days being all 3 days prior to O, day of O and day after O just in case. Since my O date seems to have shifted we will have to do it a bit more to be sure.
4) laying in bed afterwards with hips elevated or in sort of downward dog position (for those times we do it doggy style

5) don't tell hubby when O day or week is. Just ambush him. Thankfully he is taking vacation days that week so he won't be too stressed out. But he gets a bit of performance anxiety.
6) no alcohol
That's pretty much it. I did use opk's last time but we just can't afford them and I'm on my 6th cycle so I know when I O and the temp shift plus a progesterone test always confirms it. But for those who do want to I started testing for O on CD 8 but back then I didn't know for sure when my O date would be, and I tested until I got my positive on cd16.