VBAC info/support

Just dont let one scan determine the outcome of the process.

If it turns out youre growing a biggun and no mistake you can plan for that.
I am only 4 weeks pregnant so it is probably a little early to be thinking about the birth but I want to keep track of this thread. :thumbup:

I really want a VBAC but can not pretend that I am not scared by the idea. I know the research in the area and am pro natural birthing (I wanted a home-birth with my son) but I have reached the point that it is hard to imagine for me. I had 2 MC's and this first was a MMC that resulted in a D&C and then from the second trimester with my son I had a high risk pregnancy and had to have a planned c-section so now it is hard to picture a non-medicalised pregnancy and birth.

I have also found out that the NHS like you to be under consultant led care and motored through the labour and that they like to put the needle in your hand (I am scared of them) in case you need a drip. I was really hoping for a midwife led birth and at my hospital the midwife unit is next to the consultant one. Is a normal midwife led birth fully out of the question?
Hi OmiOmen, sorry you have had such a tough experience so far but congratulations on your new pregnancy!

I know a lot of the other ladies are more informed than me but I guess a lot comes down to the reason you were high risk with your son?

I was also told I need to have a canula and be consultant lead but this is just standard procedure that is not actually necessary for a lot of ladies. I queried it and got to meet with the supervisor of midwives who agreed that I don't actually need the canula and also the monitoring. It's now in my notes and my husband is aware of my wishes.

She also asked if I had considered a home birth which is obviously not consultant lead so there are other options out there. I bet a birthing centre would still be an option.

What I would say though is that my pregnancy is low risk. It's just the labour that they are calling me high risk for due to my previous c section. I would really recommend having a good chat with your midwife and reading up on it all before making your mind up. Remember you don't HAVE to do anything. :hugs: xx
Thank you that was really helpful. It is nice to know that if the pregnancy is low risk it does not have to be the same as last time just from the c-section.

I had pregnancy induced hypertension which became a nasty case of pre-eclampsia, my son was breach, I had strep-B and there was some concerns about the placenta quality (due to the hypertension). Although I had a couple of reasons to be high-risk I am not any more likely to get them this time as someone pregnant with their first so although it is too early to know if I will be low-risk there is no reason to automatically presume I will be high risk again either.

I am thinking that unless I really need a cannula I will refuse it if they want to do it 'just in case'. I know it sounds silly but they scare me more than pain does.
It sounds promising then that this pregnancy could well be low risk! Great news.

I don't see why they put the canula in as routine as it takes no time at all to insert if needed. I just told the midwife that I felt it would get in the way and she had no problem at all in agreeing that I didn't need it. They are pretty horrid things aren't they? I don't remember it being painful at all last time but I was in the full throws of labour so I'm not surprised. Not sure it would be the same if I was only in the early stages.
I have no idea why but I just hate the things. But I agree is takes such little time to do I can not see why they would do it 'just in case'. :shrug:
I have been following this thread and think its fab :thumbup:

Just a quick thought.... If I'm booked in for a c-section (due to last one being a emcs I have the choice) and I go into labour naturally before said date, will I be left to labour/give birth naturally if I want to do u think?
I think it's totally your call either way. Have you had a vbac appointment with a midwife to discuss your options?
HI ladies,
Im pregnant with my second baby and iam due 1st of december, so today iam 31 weeks and 2days pregnant.
Lastweek i found out my baby was breech as he was for couple weeks cause i noticed like a big ball on top of my belly and it was hard.
I was really devasted cause i really really like literally dying for a Vbac!!!
There was a midwife there and she told me not to worry it can flip any moments and we will start worrying when its 34 weeks.

I have started doing what the spinningbabies.com were telling on their website.
I gave myself 3 days, so i started properly doing the exercise on couche or at my bed on friday and at saturday (day 2) doing the same thing and was jumping on the ball aswell. Saturday that day the baby was moving alot at the evening and especially when iwas laying in my bed to sleep.

The next morning on Sunday ( day 3) the top of my belly wasn't hard anymore and it was more like soft ballish. I was shocked and hoping if the baby has turned.

Im desperate to know , iv text my midwive who i only saw once for peace of mind..but that lady hasnt called me and i feel like she wont.
I dont know who to turn and dont know what to do..who i should contact and who is professional who can give me peace of mind
Hi Samia, sorry I am not sure who else other than your MW to speak to but it sounds very positive. I also think you're still very early to worry about a breach position so FX a vbac is still very much a possibility.

Well today I had to go back to the hospital for a vbac discussion after my initial one a month or two ago. Since then I have actually had an appointment with the SOM who has agreed to my not being monitored etc however today the midwife I spoke to not only told me that the SOM was wrong but that she would be very surprised if I'm allowed to go down that route and if I did then it would be written in my notes that it was my decision and that I'm going against the medical professionals' opinion. She told me that she was sure I didn't want to risk mine or the baby's life by refusing the monitoring. She also told me I would have to have the canula and that I would have to go in to the hospital immediately when labour starts - the complete opposite of what I was last told.

I also had a growth scan to see if this baby has a large head as that was the main complication with my son and I'm gutted to find out that it has.

I feel so deflated and that I am back to square one and heading in the direction of another c section.
Sorry you've had this experience, I would get back in touch with the SOM and if you don't have any joy there get in touch with the LSAMO. I hate the way some "professionals" try to use emotional blackmail to get you to do it their way. You are an educated, informed patient who has made a decision after giving it thought. It's not like you're just being awkward. This is one of the main reasons I am aiming for HBAC - I have a great CMW who fully supports my decisions. I do not trust the hospital staff in the same way. My CMW was talking to the LSAMO here about me (just keeping her in the loop about any high risk home births) and she was surprised not to have heard from me, usually women have to fight here to get a straightforward home birth never mind a HBAC! I'm so lucky with my CMW (who is also a SOM).

Just need to go into labour now!!!!
Thanks Fifi. I think I should speak to the SOM again, she really understood where I was coming from and respected my thoughts which she thought were very valid. This mw was very old school and wasn't prepared to budge - I burst in to tears in the meeting with her!!
Oh and the SOM even suggested a HBAC to me. This MW would have had a heart attack at the thought!
Well it's one way to reduce the risk of interventions, but it does bring with it additional risks. It depends what you are more comfortable with (and how far you are from the hospital!)
I decided not to as we're quite far from the hospital but I agree that it's a good way to improve the chances of a vbac.
Samia22, with the breach position you should get referred to a consultant to talk through your options and they should offer to attempt to turn your baby for you a (ECV). I am not sure if they will automatically rule this out due to previous c-section or not. My son was breach and they explained that normally they would attempt this if the mother was happy to however it was not possible to me due to other issues from a high risk pregnancy.
Can any of the experienced Mums reassure me? I am 40 weeks and my internal c-section scar has been stinging the past couple of days. I've also been having some intense BHs/contractions for a few days (and my bloody show yesterday), just wondering if this is normal pain or something I should mention to my midwife? I'm trying to avoid the consultant as much as possible (i.e. haven't seen her since 20 weeks and don't plan to have my post dates appt til 42wks).
Thanks x

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