HI ladies,
Im pregnant with my second baby and iam due 1st of december, so today iam 31 weeks and 2days pregnant.
Lastweek i found out my baby was breech as he was for couple weeks cause i noticed like a big ball on top of my belly and it was hard.
I was really devasted cause i really really like literally dying for a Vbac!!!
There was a midwife there and she told me not to worry it can flip any moments and we will start worrying when its 34 weeks.
I have started doing what the spinningbabies.com were telling on their website.
I gave myself 3 days, so i started properly doing the exercise on couche or at my bed on friday and at saturday (day 2) doing the same thing and was jumping on the ball aswell. Saturday that day the baby was moving alot at the evening and especially when iwas laying in my bed to sleep.
The next morning on Sunday ( day 3) the top of my belly wasn't hard anymore and it was more like soft ballish. I was shocked and hoping if the baby has turned.
Im desperate to know , iv text my midwive who i only saw once for peace of mind..but that lady hasnt called me and i feel like she wont.
I dont know who to turn and dont know what to do..who i should contact and who is professional who can give me peace of mind