VBAC info/support

Hi ladies!!!

So if I wanted a hba2c how long do I need to wait to get pregnant? Here is Colorado no one does vba2c at the hospitals so hb is my only option.
Baby Cassandra Ann (Cassie) born by EMCS 128am yesterday morning. Transferred in from HBAC as I failed to progress. Got to the same stage as with DS, pain became unbearable as baby was stuck :( Consultant wanted to try forceps but she couldn't drop any further. Better section experience this time though.
Congrats on the arrival of baby Cassie!
Glad to hear you had a better cs experience this time round, you gave it your best shot :hugs:
Congrats Fifi-folle! Glad you had a better experience.
Baby Cassandra Ann (Cassie) born by EMCS 128am yesterday morning. Transferred in from HBAC as I failed to progress. Got to the same stage as with DS, pain became unbearable as baby was stuck :( Consultant wanted to try forceps but she couldn't drop any further. Better section experience this time though.

Congratulations on baby Cassie! I am glad you had a better experience this time. I am sorry you didn't get your vbac :hugs:
Congratulations fifi-folle, I am glad it was a better experience this time.
thanks ladies. I'm surprisingly ok with it all. I had no pain relief til 8cm and was at home for the majority of labour. I had most of a home birth except the delivery! It appears that I just can't get babies past a certain point in my pelvis, there was nothing else I could have done, DD was in a great position but couldn't drop down far enough. Given I was in labour for 24hrs you would expect a cone head but she doesn't have that at all, suggesting she wasn't coming out vaginally!
Oh Fifi, congratulations and well done on such a good labour!! Sounds like you did all the hard work at home. My son got stuck last time so I wonder if I will be the same again.

Anyway, take care of yourself and make sure you rest as much as possible.

Loving all these birth announcements!!
Well today I had to go back to the hospital for a vbac discussion after my initial one a month or two ago. Since then I have actually had an appointment with the SOM who has agreed to my not being monitored etc however today the midwife I spoke to not only told me that the SOM was wrong but that she would be very surprised if I'm allowed to go down that route and if I did then it would be written in my notes that it was my decision and that I'm going against the medical professionals' opinion. She told me that she was sure I didn't want to risk mine or the baby's life by refusing the monitoring. She also told me I would have to have the canula and that I would have to go in to the hospital immediately when labour starts - the complete opposite of what I was last told.

I also had a growth scan to see if this baby has a large head as that was the main complication with my son and I'm gutted to find out that it has.

I feel so deflated and that I am back to square one and heading in the direction of another c section.

I saw my mw today and told her about my last appointment at the hospital and she was amazing.

She checked my notes and the other mw hasn't written anything to contradict what was previously agreed, so the hospital will still go with the original plan made between me and the SOM.

She said that neither myself nor the baby will die as a result of this and that although what the mw said is true - in the sense that it's best to be monitored and have a canula - that it is more for the very rare case that something will go wrong and just to speed things up. She said there's all sorts of signs before the scar ruptures and that the hospital will just make up for the lack of constant monitoring in other ways. She said what was previously agreed with the SOM made a lot of sense and was a good route to take.

She also suggested alternatives such as a different location for the canula which was really useful.

I didn't mention complaining as she said the other mw had some good points just that he manner was very 'gun ho' or like a 'bull in a china shop'. Anyway, I just feel relieved that I have the freedom to do what I feel it best again.

Feel so relieved!
^^ glad you got things sorted out, i hate it when you get the odd person who is so negative about every thing! Hope your feeling well xx
Hi all just joining this thread I'm having my fourth, 1st normal delivery, 2nd emcs fetal distress , 3rd emcs as labour slowed put me on drip didn't want to keep me to long on it so lead to emcs - basically on reflection intervention caused the c- section in this case. I'm so wanting a vba2c and would like to hear from other mums to be/ or who had there babes through a similar experience x
Hi ladies :flower:

I'm 21 weeks pregnant and am hoping for a VBAC.

I had an emergency section at 9 cm due to failure to progress when I had my daughter. My consultant said that my body laboured well but got stuck at the last as my daughter was in the wrong position for birth and is confident that I have a good chance at a VBAC this time around.

I would love this, mainly as I could get home to my daughter (who will be two when new baby arrives) quicker and will be able to pick her up and cuddle her. Also I'm hoping I will succeed at BF my son, as my daughter and I had problems establishing BF due to pain post c section.

To top it all I'm a horse owner and was unable to ride for 6 months post c section. I'm hoping a vaginal delivery will help me get back in the saddle quicker.

So I should be feeling positive after today right?

Problem is I'm actually feeling really fearful. I know the risk of scar rupture is very low but its still a risk and now my VBAC plans have been approved it suddenly seems more real to me :-( I know there are risks to a repeat section too but I guess as my recovery was relatively good last time they don't seem as much of a big deal to me (although rationally I know it doesn't mean I'd have it so easy again).

Is it normal to feel like this when I wanted a VBAC before it was agreed? Have any of you ladies felt like this?

Thanks for listening x
Hi lolly and stardust.

My first sounds very similar to yours stardust. I got to 10cms and pushed but he never descended due to bad positioning and his big head.

I am concerned about my scar rupturing but at the same time I so want to deliver vaginally as this is my last chance. It's very rare and there are so many signs before it goes. The figure of 1 in 200 is just it weakening, not rupturing, but they keep that quiet unless you query it with them.

The closer I get to labour, the more relaxed I feel weirdly. X
Heeellllllllloooo. :)
I have a consult/counseling for VBAC the 5th of Nov. As my doctor prescribed I will do a "trial of labour" as my 1st ended up as EMCS due to failed induction for gestational hypertension at 36w.
I was 3cm after 2 days and the doctors at the hospital wouldn't send me home. :(
I'm hoping that this time, I will be able to start labour at home and finish at the hospital with a successful VBAC in Feb. :D
Thanks for all the information and my benefits to having a VBAC considered to another c-sect. Personally, I don't like c-sect. Hated mine when I had it eventhough I wasn't in ANY pain. Recovery was long and I don't want the same this time around. Especially with taking care of a soon to be 3 year old! :)
Hi lolly and stardust.

My first sounds very similar to yours stardust. I got to 10cms and pushed but he never descended due to bad positioning and his big head.

I am concerned about my scar rupturing but at the same time I so want to deliver vaginally as this is my last chance. It's very rare and there are so many signs before it goes. The figure of 1 in 200 is just it weakening, not rupturing, but they keep that quiet unless you query it with them.

The closer I get to labour, the more relaxed I feel weirdly. X

Your experience does sound very similar to mine :flower:

I know the benefits of VBAC are many and I guess I have to focus on these rather than the small risk of scar rupture. I know the midwives will be watching for signs too but can't shake my anxiety still today.

Hopefully like you I'll relax more as things progress.

Good luck with your VBAC. Not long now Fishy xx
No not long at all. I'm trying to stay open minded to the fact that a c section is still a possibility but I long to have that feeling of pushing my son out and him being placed on my chest. Fingers crossed!
Hi everyone.
I am currently in my 25th week. I am hoping to be able to do a Vbac. I have a consultation with a specialist and an ultrasound in December to get the approval or not. Im getting quite nervous. Im not really too sure what to expect! Can any of you ladies give me some info about what they do to make the final decision?? I know the major thing is to check if your csection scar will rupture or not??
I received an Emerg csection since DS head got stuck in my pelvic bone, after pushing for over 2 Hours it just wasn't going to happen. He was a whopping 9lbs 1oz. The dr left me 3 whole days with my membranes ruptured, and in active labor. I was stalled at 3-4cm for the whole time. Finally after begging for 3 days for an epidural, they finally gave me one and sure enough, I slept for an hour and was fully dialed to 10 within that hour! After pushing for 2 hrs an obgyn had came in and asked what the heck they were doing to me since I had been left 3 days with ruptured waters and a was spiking a fever. The dr had pushed my due date 2 weeks ahead since he said my Belly was measuring 2 weeks small, even though u/s said baby was right on time. Good thing I went into labor when I did cause u could tell by looking at him, he was well over cooked. Even the nurses couldn't believe it.
I made sure and found a new dr and he doesn't see why I wouldn't be approved. If I need to be induced, will they immediately opt for a csection or will they give me the chance to do it naturally? Im just not really too sure what to expect! Sorry for the essay lol! I will be sure to ask a lot of questions at my appt, but just looking for some info from other moms Aswell.
Thanks !
Hi Liamsmummy :flower:

With me they went through my notes from when I was in labour with my daughter to see exactly why I had to have the emergency c section and based on this thought I had a good chance of a VBAC this time around.

Where abouts in the world are you? I'm in the UK and I've been told that in the hospital I'm booked in to they will offer you an induced VBAC if that's what you want but will offer you a csection instead if that's what you'd prefer.

I think the risk of scar rupture is slightly higher if you are induced but nowadays its viewed that there are still many benefits over planned c section.

I'm not sure about the US though x

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