VBAC info/support

:hi: Shell! How exciting.. not long. I know what you mean.. I'm now getting very nervous but sort of excited at the same time. I'm just hoping I will go naturally and not need to be induced. x
Yep, I was due on Monday. I have been told by my mw that I will be offered a sweep at 41 weeks and an induction at 42 but I have a consultants appointment tomorrow where this could change.
Yep, I was due on Monday. I have been told by my mw that I will be offered a sweep at 41 weeks and an induction at 42 but I have a consultants appointment tomorrow where this could change.

Ah... I have agreed with consultant that I'll have a sweep on my due date, then another three days later.. If they don't work then I'll have a section. I'm happy with that as I don't want induction.
Have you had any signs labour is coming? You doing anything to help things along?! xx
I've been getting lots of BHs some of which are uncomfortable but other than that no.

They did an internal today and found my cervix to be high, posterior and closed. He said he managed to open it a bit so it might do something. Otherwise I have been asked to book another sweep on Monday and then an induction on the 1st December.

I've been bouncing on a ball every evening, dtd, umm... walking and wiggling.. think that's about it. Weirdly the BHs seem to always come when I'm driving.
good luck ladies hope your babies get a wriggle on will be stalking for updates.
Im seeing a consultant on Tuesday do you know if they check babies position etc or if its like the 24 week appointment and just chatting about options again? x
Heidi, my 2nd consultant appointment was just going over what was discussed first time round. I think though that she said she would normally check my blood pressure etc but as I had just had it done the day before by the MW that she wouldn't bother so I guess maybe they will do the usual checks? Sorry that's probably not much help!
my mw Didnt really know either. Im booked in the next day with her just incase they dont do any checks etc. x
Thanks Heidi.
At my 24wk consultant appt it was basic checks & confirming options.... they also took blood xx
F&C how old is your LO?
I get BHs occasionally, last pregnancy I got LOADS and all the time... weird!

I'm on the EPO & considering DTD.... although my back & SPD may not allow!! haha xx
thanks shell i Didnt have any of that at my 24 week appointment it was a bit pointless really because they also lost my notes from my previous labour. x
I had that too! All a bit pointless, although Ive only seen a MW four times this pegnancy too.... they are leaving me well alone haha! x
Heidi, I can't believe they lost your previous notes!!

I haven't seen my MW that many times as she's always booked up but I have seen the Dr instead on occasions. Seeing different people messed up my fundal height measurements though as they both measure so differently. It looked like the baby hadn't grown so I had to have a growth scan.

Shell, I think about dtd more than I do it! Sometimes I think, yep it has to be done to help get this baby out but when it comes down to it I just don't have the flexibility or strength! I've done it twice recently and neither did anything unless it managed to soften my cervix.

My son was 2 in September so there will be a 2 year and 2/3 month gap between the two boys which I think is pretty good.
F&C ive had the same thing with FH. One MW said i was 1 week ahead and my usual one has always said im 1 week behind!? But i think baby has been b2b a couple of time which can effect the measurements.

Shell cant believe you've only been seen 4 times, have you been seeing a MW more often now your near the end? xx
Shell do you have a journal? F&C im going to stalk your journal if you dont mind :D feel free to visit me x
Awh no don't have a journal!

Saw midwife last week- she gave me an appt for 41 weeks! Said that she just doesn't need to see me... Thing is consultant is doing a sweep on my due date, then another three days later if necessary... Then another section if that doesnt work-
So I won't actually be going to that appointment!!

F&C that's a nice gap.. Mine will only be 18months... Gah!
What have I done!
Any signs over the w/e? Come on baby! xx
Nope, no sign of the baby. My waters went with my son at 40+6 which is technically what I am today so I'm feeling a little disheartened. Having said that, by my dates I'm only 40+3 so still have time x
Aw well you have a few more days to relax then baby will be here!!
Fingers crossed for you!
I have had no signs at all either.... I bet you have your baby before the weekend! xx
I hope so as would really like to go naturally. Just had a 2nd sweep and it was much more successful. I'm now at 2cm dilated and nice and soft. The MW said it's looking promising so fingers crossed. x

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