Hey ladies,
I just need some....
....good thoughts maybe, positive thinking? I live in Massachusetts, and after switching my doctor numerous times, I finally found one that is all for my vbac
I'll give you a little back story.
My water broke for my first at 41 weeks 4 days, at 2:45 am. I went right into the hospital was told I was 2 cms and offered an epidural. I didn't take the epi, and fell asleep. I woke up at 11am, was checked and asked for the epidural. I was 10 cms, they wouldn't give me an epi. I pushed from 12pm until 2:30pm, and was told I needed a c section. My first child, a girl named Madison Celeste, was born on January 14th 2007, she had to be pulled out and pushed up the birth canal at the same time. She was 9 pounds 2 ounces and was facing upwards. I was told my reason for needing a c section was she was too big, she was facing up, and she had a nuchal cordx3.
My second child, a boy names Jacob Daniel, was born on may 6th 2008 by repeat c section. I was never told about vbac. He was 9 pounds 9 ounces and even though his apgar scores were 8 and 8 he was in the nursery for 7 hours due to breathing issues.
I am due January 25th 2013, and was told I can have a vbac. I had an ultrasound yesterday (32 weeks 5 days) and my baby is weighing in at 5 pounds 8 ounces and in the 92nd percentile.
I am SO scared of uterine rupture, but I am also SO scared of another c section. THREE C SECTIONS?! I don't know what to do. I want to try, but I am so scared I'll rupture and something will happen to my son, or me. I have two other children who need me here....I'm such a baby
I have another ultrasound in a month to find out how much he has grown. I just am hoping there are some ladies in here who have had a VBA2C and have good stories. Any help or advice would be nice.