I would like to join this thread, will be good to read up and get tips for the future, although I am a long way off weaning, as LO is only 1 month old!
I am veggie as in my Hubs and we have been for 10 years. I would like to bring up LO as veggie, but do have opposition from my family, who think we should feed him meat when the time comes...or I get...at least fish.
I would like to be a vegan, but as some others have said...soya milk, ugh. I do wrangle with the dairy industry and milk, but am just such a tea addict
I am FF - not something I thought I would be doing, and am wrangling with it as it is not veggie. We are using Hipp Organic which seems to suit LO well.
Why is it that everyone has an opinion on vegetarianism, I don't lecture people on their meat eating, yet I always get comments like 'what on earth do you eat' 'that is why you are so pale' 'get a good burger inside u' and so on and so forth. Even my midwife said I should eat a cottage pie regularly to increase my iron levels.
My HV the other day said she could tell I was veggie just by looking at me...silly women.
I have had B12 deficiency and am suffering with low iron at the moment. I am also allergic to mushrooms which is really annoying as means Quorn is all out, and also why do most veggie dishes in restaurants always contain mushrooms!!!