Vegetarian Mums and Babies!

I've got the Carol Timperely book- it's great. THere's also Vegetarian Mother and Baby by Rose Elliott and a book by Jennifer Maizels which isn't exclusively veggie but has lots of veggie stuff in it - Baby and Toddler finger foods or something. I'll check in a bit.
I'm thinking of doing a mix of BLW and TW I think. Possibly spoon feed him some purees, porridge etc then give him some finger foods to finish off the meal as it looks like we're easily going to get to at least 6 months before needing to start (he not a very hungry baby!) so he should be fine with finger food. I've seen the Rose Elliott book, I might buy that too. I'm looking forward to all the new recipes that I will be able to make for him X
Thought I would come back on this thread. I am sure I posted on here before x

I would like to join this thread, will be good to read up and get tips for the future, although I am a long way off weaning, as LO is only 1 month old!

I am veggie as in my Hubs and we have been for 10 years. I would like to bring up LO as veggie, but do have opposition from my family, who think we should feed him meat when the time comes...or I least fish.

I would like to be a vegan, but as some others have said...soya milk, ugh. I do wrangle with the dairy industry and milk, but am just such a tea addict :(

I am FF - not something I thought I would be doing, and am wrangling with it as it is not veggie. We are using Hipp Organic which seems to suit LO well.

Why is it that everyone has an opinion on vegetarianism, I don't lecture people on their meat eating, yet I always get comments like 'what on earth do you eat' 'that is why you are so pale' 'get a good burger inside u' and so on and so forth. Even my midwife said I should eat a cottage pie regularly to increase my iron levels.

My HV the other day said she could tell I was veggie just by looking at me...silly women.

I have had B12 deficiency and am suffering with low iron at the moment. I am also allergic to mushrooms which is really annoying as means Quorn is all out, and also why do most veggie dishes in restaurants always contain mushrooms!!!

Welcome! When we gave a bit of formula after weaning we used SMA. It does have whey in it but we eat cheese which isn't always veggie so that's not such a huge issue to us, but it seems to be the only one that doesn't have fish oil in it. I confess I was utterly nauseated at the thought of fish oil in babies' formula. It's not like we have omega oils in our breastmilk so why on earth put it in formula?! Anyway, that's just my own personal vexation. I think the only veggie formulas are the soy ones.

You probably have your anaemia from the birth. I never in my life had anaemia until I got pregnant (I've been veggie since I was 9 and was pregnant at 29 so 20 years of no meat). I also had B12 deficiency. I highly recommend spatone as it is vegetarian, unlike most of the pills, and seems ot be far more effective with no side effects. You can get it in Boots. Since the birth of my son I had periods that were like nothing on earth, far far heavier than as a teen and than after the birth. Agonisingly uncomfortable. I suspected I was anaemic and got a test done and my iron was low so I started on the spatone again. When my bloods were done at booking in this pregnancy my iron was better than it has ever been in a test, well within the safe range.
Im back.......Well Ill be honest today is the first day I decided to go vegetarian....:blush: Been researching it for months and months, I just need to get on with it now. Really excited about a new healthier lifestyle and of course a cruetly free diet. xx
Wow, I've never seen this group before!!
Im a veggie, have been since I was 9 (im almost 25). I raised my kids veggie (ds1 is 6, and ds2 is 2)
But since my eldest started school, he has been eating meat with his school dinners. It his choice - I always said I wouldnt stop him, aslong as he knew where meat came from, what animal it was, and how it ended up on his plate.
DS2 is a fussy eater, and wouldnt eat it anyway I dont think!
OH isnt a veggie, but we dont buy meat for him really (apart from the odd pack of bacon, or peperoni pizza) as its easier to make one lot of meals, than two, just so he can have meat. He doesnt mind, and says it has made him think about it a lot more since he got with me - not just mindless eating :mrgreen: He always eats it when we go out for meals etc but it doesnt bother me in the slightest.
Im so glad to see this thread and will have a good read of it now :)
Im back.......Well Ill be honest today is the first day I decided to go vegetarian....:blush: Been researching it for months and months, I just need to get on with it now. Really excited about a new healthier lifestyle and of course a cruetly free diet. xx

awwww yay :) we went veggie two years ago. People told me i wouldn't last two weeks. Haha. It is worth it, my digestive system is definitely much better. Don't regret it one bit :)
Congrats Eternal! Welcome to the good side! lol

I wonder if we should have a little green veggie blinkie...
Im back.......Well Ill be honest today is the first day I decided to go vegetarian....:blush: Been researching it for months and months, I just need to get on with it now. Really excited about a new healthier lifestyle and of course a cruetly free diet. xx

awwww yay :) we went veggie two years ago. People told me i wouldn't last two weeks. Haha. It is worth it, my digestive system is definitely much better. Don't regret it one bit :)

Thanks hun, I know that its the meat eating that makes me so tired. After I eat a chicken curry or something. Within 15 minutes I want to go to bed, its that bad..I am also starting to feel disgusted by chicken and I have never been able to stand the sight or feel of raw meat funnily enough..:dohh:
I really don't know how to make them! :rofl: I see a sparkley broccoli florette in my head though. :D
Search online :) that's how i found my avatar hehe x

I just found these...scroll down :)
Can I join you guys?

I've been veggie since I was 16 (31 now so nearly half my life!) and DH has been veggie for about 12 years. We're planning on raising our son veggie as well until he can decide for himself whether he wishes to eat meat or not.

We've not started weaning yet (planning to hold out for 6 months at the moment) but expecting some comments from the inlaws once it happens and we're not going to let him have meat. Later on at least - I suppose you don't really give them meat immediately anyway.

Looking forward to reading about you guys and how you all handle raising a veggie child and a not-always-veggie-friendly world!
Hi, I'm veggie too, have been since I was 7 so thats 22 years. I was a vegan for 10 years too, between ages 13 - 23. Nowadays I just keep dairy to an absolute minimum (have a bit of chocolate and the odd yogurt here and there) I mainly drink rice milk or oat milk etc. My baby is 5 months old and my partner (who is also vegetarian) and I plan to raise him as a veggie. Its for moral reasons btw. I hope to get some good weaning ideas from here along with one of those green blinkies!! :)

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