VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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to my work collegue: Who just came up to me out of no where and asked me when I'm having a baby. Then when I tried to brush it off saying maybe sometime in the future turned round to me and said 'Whats your problem, don't you like babies? Don't you want children'!!!!! I laughed it off but what I really wanted to say was YES I LOVE BABIES, I WANT CHILDREN MORE THAN ANYTHING, I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR A YEAR AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AND THEN ON FRIDAY I GOT TOLD I HAVE PCOS SO I DONT KNOW HOW LONG ITS GOING TO TAKE ME, SO IN FUTURE I SUGGEST YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!

....and breath again
Ha!! My spotting now has clots... took fmu test strip test this morning with faint line taking forever to show. So I was sitting here bummed out. I had a digi left that I was going to use in the morning, and I thought, "Screw it." So I went in and took it.....


Ha! At least now I know I'm not crazy... I trust the digital. Now to get to the doctor about this worrisome bleeding....

Congratulations :), I've heard of lots of people who have bleeding in early pregnancy I'm sure it will be fine, best to get checked out though XX
Thank you! I feel a billion times better just knowing I'm not flipping crazy!
I'm now almost one week into my two week wait and all of a sudden I've become very depressed. It's too early to test, but in my heart I know I'm not going to get a BFP this cycle and maybe never.

I just want to go home, crawl into bed and cry. I am so tired of this...
I'm now almost one week into my two week wait and all of a sudden I've become very depressed. It's too early to test, but in my heart I know I'm not going to get a BFP this cycle and maybe never.

I just want to go home, crawl into bed and cry. I am so tired of this...

Don't lose hope! I am not one that gets pregnant easily, so I know how frustrating it is. The worst thing in the world is waiting, and sometimes you do just know it's not going to happen during a certain cycle. And there's nothing wrong with crawling in bed and crying every now and then. God knows I've done it a few times!
to my work collegue: Who just came up to me out of no where and asked me when I'm having a baby. Then when I tried to brush it off saying maybe sometime in the future turned round to me and said 'Whats your problem, don't you like babies? Don't you want children'!!!!! I laughed it off but what I really wanted to say was YES I LOVE BABIES, I WANT CHILDREN MORE THAN ANYTHING, I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR A YEAR AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AND THEN ON FRIDAY I GOT TOLD I HAVE PCOS SO I DONT KNOW HOW LONG ITS GOING TO TAKE ME, SO IN FUTURE I SUGGEST YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!

....and breath again

wow i'm...i'm flabergasted. insensitive b***h she is! I hate the "so when are you gonna make one of these?" or "so when's baby gonna happen, you guys have already been together 3 years now" don't you think i know that?! Worst is it's always the ones who never wanted to be parents that are now or practically just shared a soap and got pregnant that make those remarks ugh.
to my mother: if i want to have a baby with my husband then i will!! Bottom line, end of story! We have the right to do whatever we want and to have some privacy while doing it. We support ourselves and dont ask you for a damn thing, so i dont see how you think you have any say in our decision making. In fact you're the one asking US for money every five minutes- and we give it to you, no problem! But even still we stay out of your business. So have some decency and do the same. Cuz i'd be wrong if i cursed you out and told you to leave me the hell alone! Ohh.. i'd be SO WRONG THEN! And you'd play the victim (as you often do) and go around and tell EVERYBODY what i did and then i'd be the bad guy, from coast to coast. And STOP answering questions for me and telling all of our family and friends that we're waiting five years to have a child. Cuz theres two major problems with that!! 1. i'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself so i dont need (or want) you to speak for me and 2. I'M ALREADY TTC!! But you wouldnt know that because i havent told you or really anybody for that matter because i'd like to keep that private between me and him. Seriously just stop telling everybody that five year lie to try to save your own image. Stop caring so much what other people think! I know theres gossip about me getting married so young and if i were to get pregnant right away the gossip would get worse. but guess what.. I DONT CARE! AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!! its my life, my body, my marriage, my family! And you need to respect that! omg you drive me so crazy sometimes, i'm DREADING your visit in two weeks! DREADING IT!! and i'm not dealing with your bullshit when you get here so you better not try to start anything with me cuz it will not end well. The only thing that will even make you tolerable to me is knowing that this will be the last time i see you before i move to Germany. I cant wait to get on that plane and know that when i land, there will be AN ENTIRE OCEAN BETWEEN US and a time difference that i can use as an excuse to ignore your calls :haha: :happydance:

Now if only i could grow some balls and actually tell her that.. :blush:
I just want to scream out loud that my reproductive system sucks. Stupid uterus, stupid hormones, stupid sticky CM, stupid ovaries not releasing eggs when you're supposed to... UGH!
It was too easy wasn't it? After everything, finally thinking I am no longer crazy. Now an hour later, I am back to thinking I am! How in the hell do I have 6 BFP's and get shot down so quickly by a probably cheap test from the doctor??? WTH??
It was too easy wasn't it? After everything, finally thinking I am no longer crazy. Now an hour later, I am back to thinking I am! How in the hell do I have 6 BFP's and get shot down so quickly by a probably cheap test from the doctor??? WTH??

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for what you're going through. I saw your post on another thread about your doctors visit, and i cant believe your doctor dismissed you like that! Theres no worse feeling than being turned away by the person you thought would be the most help to you. And yes they use the cheapest tests on the planet! :growlmad: i'm pretty sure they use the tiny rectangle tests that come with the dropper. Anyway, i hope things get better for you. Fingers crossed you get a sticky BFP soon!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: :dust:
It was too easy wasn't it? After everything, finally thinking I am no longer crazy. Now an hour later, I am back to thinking I am! How in the hell do I have 6 BFP's and get shot down so quickly by a probably cheap test from the doctor??? WTH??

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for what you're going through. I saw your post on another thread about your doctors visit, and i cant believe your doctor dismissed you like that! Theres no worse feeling than being turned away by the person you thought would be the most help to you. And yes they use the cheapest tests on the planet! :growlmad: i'm pretty sure they use the tiny rectangle tests that come with the dropper. Anyway, i hope things get better for you. Fingers crossed you get a sticky BFP soon!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: :dust:

It wasn't a triangle, but it was one of those cassette type things that they use a dropper with. I know because when I disputed her reading, she held it out and said, "See?" I asked about a blood test, but she said there's no reason to do one because basically I haven't even missed a period yet. I swear if this turns out to really be pregnant, I'm taking my results in and shoving them in her face!!!!!!
Thank goodness for this thread!! So i already HATE going on facebook because of all the pregnant girls and new moms that are constantly posting statuses and pictures about their babies and it makes so me jealous i could explode!!!! But today when i logged in i was greeted with a wall post notification. A friend from highshool posted something to me on my wall, so i clicked to go to my page.

Her post read: "So now that you're married when are we going to see little Alyson's running around? lol"

I WAS FURIOUS AND MORTIFIED!!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

But i tried to keep my cool. I wanted to delete it but i didnt want to seem rude or give off the impression that i was angry or over sensistive. And besides, this girl is really nice and im sure that if she knew what i was going through she wouldnt have done this.

So I replied saying that i was just so stressed out with getting ready for the move that i hadnt even had time to think about that sort of thing.

Heres what i wanted to say: "Well if you must know, every moment of my life is consumed with thoughts about having a baby! I spend all day researching and on forums talking about how much i want a child. However, i'm so damn unlucky that i have PCOS, and getting pregnant will be hard for me, and staying pregnant will be even harder. I have the wonderful option of taking harmful medications that MIGHT work, or trying natural supplements that MIGHT work, seeing as there is NO CURE for my illness. Also you might like to know that i DIE a little inside everytime i see a pregnant woman, whether its on facebook or in person and i hate myself for being so jealous but i cant help it. The fact that i may not be able to give my husband a child, while little 15 year old sluts seem to be able to conceive by just SEXTING turns me into a stark raving mad lunatic!! I just dont understand!! And for another fun fact: I get so depressed and mad at my self everytime i delusionally symptom spot and take a pregnancy test just to get a BFN and be dissapointed! In fact, i cried myself to sleep last night for that very reason. Some days i really wonder how much more of this i can take, and im not even actively trying to conceive yet. And when we do start ttc it will have to be this big secret just between me and my husband because neither of our families is supportive of us having a child right now and dont seem to understand why we would have the audacity to tell them that we can make our own decisions! Just more drama to add to my life.. So in conclusion, i'm miserable, childless, miserable about being childless and possibly being doomed to a life of struggle and infertility, and sometimes i truly think that if i cant have a child that it makes me a useless human being and that i'm not worthy of being called a woman or a wife or even being alive for that matter. So thanks for asking me this insensitive question on facebook for the world to see and digging the knife in even deeper. If i kill myself tonight, you should know its because of you. But dont worry, since we're cool, i'll give you a shout out in my suicide note. Any more questions???" BITCH!!

Well i'm glad i got that off my chest :)

I teared up reading this because it's exactly how I think every damn time someone asks that ... but at the same time I laughed because I know how you feel and it would be great to see someones reaction if that is the answer they finally get .... *hugs* I am right there with you girl.

SAME HERE! This is exactly how I've been feeling the past few cycles as well. It's SO good to know you're not the only one thinking the same things out there!
It was too easy wasn't it? After everything, finally thinking I am no longer crazy. Now an hour later, I am back to thinking I am! How in the hell do I have 6 BFP's and get shot down so quickly by a probably cheap test from the doctor??? WTH??

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for what you're going through. I saw your post on another thread about your doctors visit, and i cant believe your doctor dismissed you like that! Theres no worse feeling than being turned away by the person you thought would be the most help to you. And yes they use the cheapest tests on the planet! :growlmad: i'm pretty sure they use the tiny rectangle tests that come with the dropper. Anyway, i hope things get better for you. Fingers crossed you get a sticky BFP soon!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: :dust:

It wasn't a triangle, but it was one of those cassette type things that they use a dropper with. I know because when I disputed her reading, she held it out and said, "See?" I asked about a blood test, but she said there's no reason to do one because basically I haven't even missed a period yet. I swear if this turns out to really be pregnant, I'm taking my results in and shoving them in her face!!!!!!

Wow. Unbelievable. I swear some people become OB/GYNs just to torture women.

I would go back with one of my BFPs in a couple of days just to have the satisfaction of proving her wrong. Then I would find a another doctor! I wouldn't trust her.
If i get my stupid period one more time i'm going to freak out!
SAME HERE! This is exactly how I've been feeling the past few cycles as well. It's SO good to know you're not the only one thinking the same things out there!

Yes!! Some people are so insensitive or just plain ignorant!! I swear sometimes i HATE everyone- including myself! :haha: i'm so glad for BnB otherwise i'd be driving myself even more crazy over TTC!
It was too easy wasn't it? After everything, finally thinking I am no longer crazy. Now an hour later, I am back to thinking I am! How in the hell do I have 6 BFP's and get shot down so quickly by a probably cheap test from the doctor??? WTH??

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry for what you're going through. I saw your post on another thread about your doctors visit, and i cant believe your doctor dismissed you like that! Theres no worse feeling than being turned away by the person you thought would be the most help to you. And yes they use the cheapest tests on the planet! :growlmad: i'm pretty sure they use the tiny rectangle tests that come with the dropper. Anyway, i hope things get better for you. Fingers crossed you get a sticky BFP soon!! :hugs::hugs::hugs: :dust:

It wasn't a triangle, but it was one of those cassette type things that they use a dropper with. I know because when I disputed her reading, she held it out and said, "See?" I asked about a blood test, but she said there's no reason to do one because basically I haven't even missed a period yet. I swear if this turns out to really be pregnant, I'm taking my results in and shoving them in her face!!!!!!

Wow. Unbelievable. I swear some people become OB/GYNs just to torture women.

I would go back with one of my BFPs in a couple of days just to have the satisfaction of proving her wrong. Then I would find a another doctor! I wouldn't trust her.

Yeah someone on another post said to wait til I get a nice dark line then take it and wipe the end I peed on in her hair! haha :haha:

I'm gonna wait til I miss AF then I am indeed gonna find another doctor.
We went to visit with our friends' new baby. They said if we start now our kids would be less than a year apart... we are on cycle 9 of ttc. They got a bfp in under 3 months. They did blow one of the first times I hun out with them and now they have a unfair.
*yells down at her vagina* STOP BLEEDING I COMMAND THEE
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