VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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just had my first "why don't inferitles just adopt, it's a win win situation" discussion.. my head imploded, but surprisingly i had people who backed me up on it. People dealing with infertility are calling out those who don't see what it is for what it is more and more.

Wanted to punch that same woman because earlier in the discussion we were talking about overshare on bragbook and she said "there are a lot of people on my list trying to lose I shouldn't talk about yummy food? Not trying to be insensitive, but just saying, man...that's a crap way to live." like really? you're gonna compare weight loss which involves just putting down the fork and running vs infertility, oh did you forget to mention you got LO's of your own? piss off. She got ripped apart for that one by a few of us (not here on B&B btw)
I really REALLY hate it when people plonk themselves down on the sofa next to you in Starbucks without asking if anyone is sitting there. Then look all offended when you say "oh... Sorry someone is sitting there"...

Especially when there's About 800 other seats to choose from!
I really REALLY hate it when people plonk themselves down on the sofa next to you in Starbucks without asking if anyone is sitting there. Then look all offended when you say "oh... Sorry someone is sitting there"...

Especially when there's About 800 other seats to choose from!

How rude! I'd be like 'err, what do you think you're doing? Get up!'. In my local Starbucks the sofas are next to the window. And if you even hint at moving from the chairs. There's someone already putting their bags down trying to push you out of the way!!

My rant for today is the woman I was whinging about the other day. She's overdue by a couple of days now. And she has bitched and moaned since 32 weeks about how she's trying to get baby out! Well today, she's in A&E/ER and she's complaining on Facebook how there are children in there playing in the play area. Saying that their parents are lazy because there's nothing wrong with their child. And how it's a waste of resources!
What a bitch!
It's like, I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were a medical genius, with x ray eyes who can see the problem with other peoples children.
And so in a few weeks, when they've got a poorly newborn or something, how would they feel if someone was complaining that they were wasting the doctors time?!
Sore BB's right on time..grrrr sometimes I wish my symptoms were not so prominent and stand out 6 days before AF because it makes the 2nd week of TWW so fecking long! Plus, DH doesn't understand why I'm so moody. I'm so tired of the 2nd week of TWW, why can't I just be pregnant already? :cry: so fed up of my cousins being on the 2nd BFP's, my SIL who is on welfare even has a baby. So fed up of it being everyone else but me!!!!!!!!
My vent was obviously disallowed:wacko::wacko:.... I spent a while writing it last night, posted then was told it would be reviewed before being posted... It hasn't appeared so far...Was it really that bad?! A few swear words but that's it!
I thought we were allowed to say what we want on this thread?!!
My vent was obviously disallowed:wacko::wacko:.... I spent a while writing it last night, posted then was told it would be reviewed before being posted... It hasn't appeared so far...Was it really that bad?! A few swear words but that's it!
I thought we were allowed to say what we want on this thread?!!

That's why i always replace one letter from swear words such as fecking, or b**ch to make sure it doesn't get alarmed for it.
todays vent: why do stores put tampons and baby items in the same aisle? hey, while i try not to cry as i go buy tampons (again), why don't you put bibs and bottles and pacifiers in my face? perfect floor planning, morons.
Oh, yay. Another FB pregnancy announcement. This time from I guy I went to HS with. This man dropped out of school so that he could spend more time becoming a "backyard wrestler" and drinking. His best friend at the time got high and stabbed a girl once. Complicated reasons keep him on my friend's list.

QUOTE: "well everyone im gonna be a daddy again, yay me but its time for me to get ma balls snipped lmao". Responses include: "dude nice congrats u never gona get all them kids out the house y u young lmao" and "WELL U R NOT ALONE MY SON SAID NO MORE FO HIM EITHER AFTER 3 THAT WE KNOW OF HERE...LOL" as well as "F*ck that", "Holy sh*t", and "Congratz brutha!"

Why do people like this get child after child yet my husband and I are having to deal with doctors, lab work, and medications just to hopefully have one???? Makes me sick.
To my cousin: I am happy you have become a surrogate mother today for a very deserving couple who cannot concieve on their own. It is admirable but please stop posting step by step updates. You know we have been trying 4+ years. The fact that your so fertile you can carry other peoples babies is not something that I want to be reminded of constantly.
im so ridiculously tired of hearing about people accidently getting pregnant and that the FOB doesnt want anything to do with them and that they dont want the baby its called stfu and stop having sex gee wiz!
Oh, yay. Another FB pregnancy announcement. This time from I guy I went to HS with. This man dropped out of school so that he could spend more time becoming a "backyard wrestler" and drinking. His best friend at the time got high and stabbed a girl once. Complicated reasons keep him on my friend's list.

QUOTE: "well everyone im gonna be a daddy again, yay me but its time for me to get ma balls snipped lmao". Responses include: "dude nice congrats u never gona get all them kids out the house y u young lmao" and "WELL U R NOT ALONE MY SON SAID NO MORE FO HIM EITHER AFTER 3 THAT WE KNOW OF HERE...LOL" as well as "F*ck that", "Holy sh*t", and "Congratz brutha!"

Why do people like this get child after child yet my husband and I are having to deal with doctors, lab work, and medications just to hopefully have one???? Makes me sick.

Some people are idiots. I have never understood why people think of children as inconveniences or burdens. We are ttc#4, and conceiving has never been easy for us. At the time, I just wasn't trying as hard because I was younger. Now that we're trying for number 4, people are always saying, "Oh no!" when I think I might get a BFP, or "Shew!" when I get a BFN. I want to smack these people!

It's a baby, a child, a LIFE... it's not life threatening cancer! I know most people only want 2.5 children, and want to wait til they're 40 to have them, but I started young, and I want a big family! Sorry... that turned into my own rant...

But I do understand. It seems like people who are horrible parents and people who don't even want children have the easiest time having them!! :hugs:
Dear parent at bus stop. When I hear you say to your child "you better f***ing behave or you're going to get f***ed. I'm sick of you". Before lighting up a cigarette and promptly smoking all over three gorgeous boys... It makes me sad I can't have children at the moment.

F*ck you
Hey Transport for London. If a train doesn't exist, dont list it on your website. That way I don't come out early and sit around in the station for 20 minutes like a doofus, for no good reason! This is why the transport system won't cope with the games, because transport for London couldn't organise their way out of a paper bag.

Also, work. When I do overtime, please pay me for it. Bad enough that I've had to wait over a month for it anyway, but you've now not paid me it and I can't book my broadway tickets. So, thank you so much for not doing a favour for me after I've done one for you. SIX overtime shifts I did last month at a total of 72 hours out of my life and no pay. *not impressed* if I don't get tickets for the shows I want I will be SO ANNOYED! I didn't work 72 hours of overtime for the good of my health
Dear Mother of a child I watch occasionally,

please do not tell me I am "lucky" not to have children, and how grateful I should be to know I can sleep in. Please. 6am is not sleeping in, number one. Number two, I don't believe it's "lucky" that I have fertility issues.
How insensitive.
This is not really a vent...:nope: more like a "need to get it off my chest"


I have spent so much time dreaming of our baby's face.. His beatiful eyes, just like his daddy, wee mouth, perfect, the best of the two of us together in one perfect little package.. I even have his name in my mind..

Cancer has taken it away from us..DP, i love you so very much.. I wish that there was something I could do to fix this.. i feel so fuckin helpless..

Friends and Family - dont give me the "everything happens for a reason" line.. bullshit everything happens for a reason! :growlmad:

Time to put the Clomid away :cry: feel like i need to let this one go..[/QUOTE

I'm so sorry to hear hun, sending you :hugs:
Really looking like another chemical. I am so sick of trying. I'm sick of cm, I'm sick of poas, and I'm sick of AF. Why can't I just decide I want a baby, bd, and end up with one after 9 months? Why won't it "take?"
Really looking like another chemical. I am so sick of trying. I'm sick of cm, I'm sick of poas, and I'm sick of AF. Why can't I just decide I want a baby, bd, and end up with one after 9 months? Why won't it "take?"

I'm really sorry jcombs :hugs:
Really looking like another chemical. I am so sick of trying. I'm sick of cm, I'm sick of poas, and I'm sick of AF. Why can't I just decide I want a baby, bd, and end up with one after 9 months? Why won't it "take?"

i'm so so sorry to hear that hun. I cant imagine what your going through :hugs:

Please don't want to kill me for saying this but the saying, 'the things we work the hardest for are the most rewarding'! keeps me going sometimes. i'm 13 cycles in and still hoping for that first :bfp: but know what its like to keep trying and nothing. I'm still going to keep trying for as long as it takes. I hope that you get your :bfp: wish hun and soon the the little bean sticks.
Really looking like another chemical. I am so sick of trying. I'm sick of cm, I'm sick of poas, and I'm sick of AF. Why can't I just decide I want a baby, bd, and end up with one after 9 months? Why won't it "take?"

So sorry jcombs35. :hugs::hugs:
Really looking like another chemical. I am so sick of trying. I'm sick of cm, I'm sick of poas, and I'm sick of AF. Why can't I just decide I want a baby, bd, and end up with one after 9 months? Why won't it "take?"

i'm so so sorry to hear that hun. I cant imagine what your going through :hugs:

Please don't want to kill me for saying this but the saying, 'the things we work the hardest for are the most rewarding'! keeps me going sometimes. i'm 13 cycles in and still hoping for that first :bfp: but know what its like to keep trying and nothing. I'm still going to keep trying for as long as it takes. I hope that you get your :bfp: wish hun and soon the the little bean sticks.

Of course I don't want to kill you for saying it. There's not really anything any one can say to make this any easier, unless it's, "Hey. I know for sure that you didn't just have a chemical." And have it be true.

I just don't get it. As many others point out, why is it druggies and teenagers seem to have no problem having child after child and have to depend on welfare to take care of them?

(I'm not saying all teenagers are horrible parents or all teenagers live off welfare. I had my first one at 19. I'm just saying it usually isn't an ideal time to get pregnant.)

And yet here I sit, have been married for 10 years and have worked hard to make a loving home for my family, and I have to try so so hard to make a pregnancy stick? Yes I do have three, but they didn't come easily. And whether you're trying for number 1 or trying for number 10, if you want to get pregnant and can't, it's horrible.
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