VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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Eurgh. Sometimes I hate spending time with sister in law. Snarky bitch. Acts like she's better than very one even though she does fuck all, is 21 years old and has never had a job.
Hope you don't mind me sneaking over from the WTT board to have my own little rant...

To my mother; I know that you waited till you were 33 to have children, and that you were never really bothered on having them anyway. That does not mean that I am the same or prepared to wait pretty much another 11 years! I want my baby and if that's what I want, then that's what I'm going to goddamn well do!!
I'm sorry that you think that I'm making a big mistake. But I'm not a child anymore, I'm a married, house owning, bill paying, responsible adult! And I don't apprieciate being told what I want from life. Or being told I'm a 'bitch' or to 'get over it' for being jealous of all my pregnant cousins and friends (who aren't in good positions to have kids).

To myself: I really hate you, your worrying and irrationalness sometimes, I hate how jealous you are of other pregnant women, how nasty you can be about it. Even the fact that I've cried and been jealous over my best friend's pregnancy.

To pregnant women who've got healthy pregnancies (one in particular I have in mind) : Please stop whinging over how hard it is to cope with pregnancy. How you want to go on holiday, how that you can't eat or drink the things that you want, how awful morning sickness is, how tiring being pregnant is, how you can't smoke, how you're pissed off with your unborn baby because she/he is not here yet when you're only 32 weeks, how you've taken castor oil before your due date because you want your baby here early!
I TTC/NTNP previously, and now I'm WTT. I'm never going to whinge on facebook about how bad pregnancy is, and will relish the morning sickness and all other aches and pains. Because I know what it's like to want a baby more than anything. To feel physical pain and yearning.
To my mother; I know that you waited till you were 33 to have children, and that you were never really bothered on having them anyway. That does not mean that I am the same or prepared to wait pretty much another 11 years! I want my baby and if that's what I want, then that's what I'm going to goddamn well do!!
I'm sorry that you think that I'm making a big mistake. But I'm not a child anymore, I'm a married, house owning, bill paying, responsible adult! And I don't apprieciate being told what I want from life. Or being told I'm a 'bitch' or to 'get over it' for being jealous of all my pregnant cousins and friends (who aren't in good positions to have kids).

omg i'm having the same issue with my mom. She expects me to wait until im 28 to have my first child. I got married at 18. What kind of (normal, healthy) married couple waits TEN YEARS to start trying. I know some do for different reasons, but its not ideal. I know its hard for moms to let go, but there comes a point where it goes from normal worrying mom to completely overbearing and over stepping their boundaries. The difference between my mom and yours is that my mom didnt wait to have kids. She got pregnant in high school and then had three more by the time she was 23 (by different men). So she wants me to "live my life" first before having kids cuz she doesnt want me to "end up like her." I dont mean to sound like a bitch but its not my fault that she got knocked by a bunch of different guys and got married and divorced a million times. And my marriage is wayy more stable than any of her THREE ever were! I just wish she would stop trying to use my life as a way to relive hers. I havent even told her that im TTC but shes coming to town soon and i might drop a hint and see what she says but i really dont want to deal with the drama. :wacko:
FFS! SO SICK of MIL's dinner parties. Now she's having one the day we get back from NYC. AS IF i want to go and sit and eat shit food with her while she stresses over cooking it. That's also the day of the alternative parenting show - which i want to go to. AND we need to go and get the dogs from the kennels.

She says... "well I have been talking about it for a long time"... now.. remember that time YOU came back from holiday and we had an engagement party, and YOU didn't come because YOU were jetlagged

I really hoped we were going to be away for your stupid party
To my mother; I know that you waited till you were 33 to have children, and that you were never really bothered on having them anyway. That does not mean that I am the same or prepared to wait pretty much another 11 years! I want my baby and if that's what I want, then that's what I'm going to goddamn well do!!
I'm sorry that you think that I'm making a big mistake. But I'm not a child anymore, I'm a married, house owning, bill paying, responsible adult! And I don't apprieciate being told what I want from life. Or being told I'm a 'bitch' or to 'get over it' for being jealous of all my pregnant cousins and friends (who aren't in good positions to have kids).

omg i'm having the same issue with my mom. She expects me to wait until im 28 to have my first child. I got married at 18. What kind of (normal, healthy) married couple waits TEN YEARS to start trying. I know some do for different reasons, but its not ideal. I know its hard for moms to let go, but there comes a point where it goes from normal worrying mom to completely overbearing and over stepping their boundaries. The difference between my mom and yours is that my mom didnt wait to have kids. She got pregnant in high school and then had three more by the time she was 23 (by different men). So she wants me to "live my life" first before having kids cuz she doesnt want me to "end up like her." I dont mean to sound like a bitch but its not my fault that she got knocked by a bunch of different guys and got married and divorced a million times. And my marriage is wayy more stable than any of her THREE ever were! I just wish she would stop trying to use my life as a way to relive hers. I havent even told her that im TTC but shes coming to town soon and i might drop a hint and see what she says but i really dont want to deal with the drama. :wacko:

How old are you Alycon? It must be really frustrating with your mothers 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. I get the kinda idea that she wants you to learn from her mistakes. But it's not the same, as you said, you're doing a lot better for yourself and at the end of the day. You have to learn things for yourself, rather than from others.
My dilemma is my education really. I've got one more year on my degree, then I would like to have a baby at the end of my degree. Then after the baby has gone to school, then I'll go back and complete the masters I want to do. I could do the masters after my degree (and 2 years NHS professional position)... But that's another 4 years, and I really cannot wait that long to have children!
But she believes I should get all my education out of the way and enjoy a few years of 'couples time' (even though we've already been married 2 years now!).

I'd advise that you don't tell your mother you're TTC and just wait until you're expecting. I wish that's what I had done, it would've saved me a lot of hassle!
Am at MIL. Need to go home. She's fucking me off

*rips out hair*
First off - I read every single rant on here and it has helped me SO much to feel better about my own internal battles. Here are my rants:

Myself: Your motto has always been "everything happens for a reason", so try to live by it this time. You are 30 years old! DO NOT waste the rest of this year focusing solely on this baby-making stuff! Focus your energy on losing weight and getting healthy because that's what your future children deserve!

DH: Thanks for being supportive when I need it but PLEASE realize that telling me not to think about having a baby is like telling a nun to stop thinking about God. It just ain't gonna happen.

Best Friends: Both of you have kids. Both of you love your kids but you also both complain about them A LOT!STOP IT! BF1: I know how all 3 of your kids were accidents and that you were "fertile myrtle"....I appreciate your advice on my situation, but honestly, you don't have a CLUE what I'm going through. BF2: You do know what I'm going through and you have been very supportive and understanding...but I'm still jealous of your life and I hate myself for it! You get to be the SAHM, have two beautiful girls, loving husband, house, have a great body....and you still take meds to keep your moods up. I know we all have our issues...but you need to realize that you DO have it good and I want to be in your position!

Co-workers who are TTC: GET HEALTHY already. Out of the 3 of us TTC, I feel like I'm the only one making any efforts to get my body right. You guys are already going to the fertility doctors and I'm SO AFRAID I'm going to end up where you are at...and I know your health problems are caused by your lack of exercise and diet. You're not feeding your body any vitamins or nutrients. I feel like I'm making all these sacrifices and doing what I can to make things happen for me naturally...and you're just going to the fertility doctors to get a quick fix because you're unwilling to put in any of the work (mind you, I don't believe all people who go to the fertility doctor are wanting quick fixes, I just know that these ARE because they don't take the time to educate themselves about their own bodies).

Pregnant friends: You're too damn cute when you're pregnant and I want that SO bad! Yes I get pissed when I see your updates on Facebook, but secretly I love it because I love hearing details and feeling hopeful. But I still hate it.
How old are you Alycon? It must be really frustrating with your mothers 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. I get the kinda idea that she wants you to learn from her mistakes. But it's not the same, as you said, you're doing a lot better for yourself and at the end of the day. You have to learn things for yourself, rather than from others.
My dilemma is my education really. I've got one more year on my degree, then I would like to have a baby at the end of my degree. Then after the baby has gone to school, then I'll go back and complete the masters I want to do. I could do the masters after my degree (and 2 years NHS professional position)... But that's another 4 years, and I really cannot wait that long to have children!
But she believes I should get all my education out of the way and enjoy a few years of 'couples time' (even though we've already been married 2 years now!).

I'd advise that you don't tell your mother you're TTC and just wait until you're expecting. I wish that's what I had done, it would've saved me a lot of hassle!

I'm 19. We just got married in December, but we've been together since 2006 when i had just turned 13. So even though we've been married a short time, we already feel like its the right time for a baby. And i have PCOS (which my mother doesnt know) so i know it may take us a while to conceive anyway, and i'd rather get started early. Also, he's getting deployed next June and i'd like to conceive quickly so he can be around for most of my pregnancy even though i know he will most likely miss the birth :cry: but i'm trying not to focus on the negatives. So as you can see i have quite a few reasons for TTC and i wish she would stop pressuring me to wait. I can see from the added stress you're under that telling my mom is probably a bad idea.. so i think i'll keep it to myself for now.

oh and congrats on getting your degree soon!! I took a few community college classes online but i'm not going back to school this upcoming semester and idk when i'll go back. I just want to focus on my marriage and TTC for now.
Aww congratulations. I got married at 19 too! Although we'd been together since I was 17. DH is a little older than me, so.
Yeah, I don't advise telling her. I'm sure she'll be happy when it actually happens. My mother has always said how much she wants to be a grandmother, she's excited from that perspective. But is still convinced I'm way too young! :shrug:
She probably will be- she better be!! My sister got pregnant at 23 and although she was older, she wasnt married or even dating and for a while didnt even know who the father was!! My mom was upset at first but got over it pretty quickly and was really excited which is why i'd be so pissed of she reacted negatively to me being pregnant. Cuz if she can be happy for my sister in her situation then she damn well better be singing my praises when the time comes!! ... or else lol
I'm FUMING! just blocked/deleted someone from bragbook.

The person was actually serious about how the best thing that could happen is Snookie miscarrying or the baby being born stillborn. I have never been so disgusted over a view in my life. The person told me to calm down because they weren't telling me to have a miscarriage therefore I had no right to get personally offended by such a ludicrous comment.

This was coming from someone who has 2 LO of their own.

Yes Snookie has a bad rep., but that doesn't mean jack when it comes to motherhood. So disgusted, so so disgusted....
I love this! LOL! It's nice to get stuff off your chest.

DH's Family: Yes, I know our son would enjoy a sibling! Yes, it's about time! We've been trying for nearly 18 months!!! Now STFU and stop making this more difficult than it already is!!!

Dr.: I know I'm only 25. I know there are women in their 40s whose time is "ticking" but i don't care!!! I'm paying you just as much as they are for your services, so please don't act like my sense of urgency isn't as important! I know I have "plenty of time" but I don't want my children to be so far apart!

And finally,
Dear Brother: You insensitive piece of shit. You know our difficulties conceiving, and yet u still have the audacity to brag about knocking up your girlfriend twice in 3 months???!!! and then KILLING them?!! How f*cking dare you! And thanks for the offer, but we don't need any tips! You irresponsible jerk, put a condom on it!!!

Aww, that last one felt good! I didn't even tell DH about that one!

Thanks ladies! :dust:
Hey - Womens Clinic .... do you think, maybe, just bloody f'n MAYBE you could STOP doing NOTHING but talking about f'n PREGNANT women!?!?

There are PLENTY of us who are there to NOT have pregnant women RUBBED in our faces, the services you offer extend past handling the care of pregnant women. I know that society only seems to give a shit about those who easily reproduce - but really, maybe a little consideration. I literally walk in, and there are pictures of babies all over. Then there are all sorts of ads for baby stuff, your closed-circut TV show is all about the things you can do to have a better pregnancy.

I HATE YOU. SO MUCH. I go in, sit there, and get to think about babies and how great it would be to have one. And then I get to go back and hear some SHIT about how I AM BROKEN AND AM NOT NORMAL. Then get treated like some freak with the plague when I go in to get an ultrasound and since I'm not knocked up, the ultrasound tech really doesn't seem like she gives a shit to even be there.

IT IS HURTFUL HOW YOU ISOLATE THOSE OF US WHO ARENT KNOCKED UP. IT SUCKS. Yes, it is GREAT that you treat women who are pregnant. But you also see plenty of us who ARENT, CANT, have breast cancer, and other things - no one wants to be inundated with damn newborn stuff.

I really just almost lost it today and just started crying; it's like you're some freak walking down the halls with no bump. Everyone just eyeballing you like "why are you here?" I hate it. I just hate it.

So, at my husbands birthday party, his brothers gf drops the bomb that she is having her 4th child. (First with him) that means that between them, they will have SIX children and we are struggling to have one. To rub salt in the wound, she mumbled...'At least it will be born in November as we have two already in December' I wanted to slap her. I cant stand that she left her older children to shack up with the BIL and is now having her new family. I loathe her. As for the BIL, he is there being king of the kids. I HATE IT.

She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat and we have been trying for nearly 5 years and nobody cares. Every family gathering we feel left out and like misfits. It's a club that is exclusive and OBVIOUSLY as we don't have kids, we know nothing about them. Forget the fact that I have been a junior school teacher for a million years. I MIGHT have picked up on a few things over the years.

just read ALL the vents and i'm so happy to have found this page. i cant respond to all the ones i agree with, but it's so nice to see some of my thoughts on here already.
here is my vent: to anyone who says, "just wait til you have a baby, you wont be able to (insert event, such as eating dinner at 8p, going away for a weekend, spontaneously having sex in the afternoon, etc and whatever)" - i can't WAIT for the day when my life involves a child and look forward to a time when i have dinner at 6, bath at 7, bedtime at 8p. Because right now, i spend all my evenings online venting ;)
This is not really a vent...:nope: more like a "need to get it off my chest"


I have spent so much time dreaming of our baby's face.. His beatiful eyes, just like his daddy, wee mouth, perfect, the best of the two of us together in one perfect little package.. I even have his name in my mind..

Cancer has taken it away from us..DP, i love you so very much.. I wish that there was something I could do to fix this.. i feel so fuckin helpless..

Friends and Family - dont give me the "everything happens for a reason" line.. bullshit everything happens for a reason! :growlmad:

Time to put the Clomid away :cry: feel like i need to let this one go..
This is not really a vent...:nope: more like a "need to get it off my chest"


I have spent so much time dreaming of our baby's face.. His beatiful eyes, just like his daddy, wee mouth, perfect, the best of the two of us together in one perfect little package.. I even have his name in my mind..

Cancer has taken it away from us..DP, i love you so very much.. I wish that there was something I could do to fix this.. i feel so fuckin helpless..

Friends and Family - dont give me the "everything happens for a reason" line.. bullshit everything happens for a reason! :growlmad:

Time to put the Clomid away :cry: feel like i need to let this one go..

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles hun:hugs:
*yells down at her vagina* STOP BLEEDING I COMMAND THEE

this is the funniest vent on this thread - love!

:rofl: awesome just bloody awesome lol

to my lovely mother: you dont get it and saying it will hapeen when it happens is not making it any easier for me.
to my dh: thank you for supporting me in your own strange male way.
To my friends with all their children: Don't give me the damn pitty faces because i don't frickin need them
To my brothers infuriating gf: if you didnt want to get pg then you should have used the condom now FO and don't even try to speak to me as if you know what i'm going through. Little rat!!!
To the doctors who look bored: Oh i'm sorry are there more important patients than me you need to see to. I get it i'm just a fuc*$% number to you and you don't really care that its been 13 months OF SHEER HELL!!
To my body: please just do the damn job you were meant to do and stop fucking everything in my life up!!

Ok rant over, now looking forward to nice glass of :wine:

Cheers for the vent thread, feel alot better :thumbup:
This is not really a vent...:nope: more like a "need to get it off my chest"


I have spent so much time dreaming of our baby's face.. His beatiful eyes, just like his daddy, wee mouth, perfect, the best of the two of us together in one perfect little package.. I even have his name in my mind..

Cancer has taken it away from us..DP, i love you so very much.. I wish that there was something I could do to fix this.. i feel so fuckin helpless..

Friends and Family - dont give me the "everything happens for a reason" line.. bullshit everything happens for a reason! :growlmad:

Time to put the Clomid away :cry: feel like i need to let this one go..

So sorry to hear xxxxxxxxxxxx
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