VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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It's just annoying to see the diehard Christians use your weakness such as opening up about IF as a way to sneak in recruitment for the church. I got no problem with religion, if anything I'm related to Brother Andre who is a saint at the Vadican but not every moment of weakness should be used as a way to pull people in. Again, the comment was only dirrected at the diehard christians not religious people in general :hugs:

Well, as Christians, we are supposed to spread the gospel. Some people however take this to mean they should judge people or make them feel inferior, which is very wrong.

I couldn't have described it better myself! :hugs:
vent for today: :)
to my current bras: please hold out a little longer. i dont want to buy new ones, because i'm *positive* any day now i'm going to have sore boobs and they are going to grow and i'm going to need maternity/nursing bras. it's going to happen. so i'm not spending $$ on new ones. PS. dear bra makers, why the hell do you make your garments so expensive? i hate you.
Dear DHs ex-wife (and I use that term loosely, because you're the biggest skank I've ever heard of): Stop meddling in our life. I know you're bitter that he divorced you - but it's been 6 years. And you're remarried now. Get over it. I know that you were together for 15 years, but you clearly had to know that your little game would end eventually when at 15 years old you were already cheating on him. It's just sad it took him till he was 29 to find out about it. You're disgusting, and no one in this house likes you. Well, your kids do - but I really don't know how thats possible since you refuse to spend any money on anything but your horses and the only reason they even eat when they're with you is because of their nana.
I hate you, and if you got hit by a bus tomorrow - I would throw a party. Trust me, that's the truth - I already have the invitations and guest list planned out. This whole town is invited ... because we all hate you. You're a thief, a liar, a wh*re, and a horrible person on every other level.

Oh, by the way - your husband is sleeping with your best friend - which is poetic justice, if I do say so myself. Everyone knows it but you - which makes it all that much more funny.

And thanks for telling the girls that when we have a kid, daddy wont love them anymore and the best thing that could happen to me is to lose the baby. You had two miscarriages yourself, and only had children because your mom told you the only way to secure your place in life is to make sure you marry him and have his kid so if you don't get his families money when his grandma dies you'll at least be guaranteed child support (haha .. that little plan backfired, didn't it? You didn't plan on him gettng majority custody because youre a failure at life) - so even you being the most cold-hearted, bitter, hateful person the planet has to be hurt a little bit when you lost your babies. Even though you hate children and never wanted them in the first place, that had to hurt ... so why woudl you EVER wish that on someone? You make me sick.


PS - Please stop telling the girls that you're going to be taking them on world-wide trips and luxury vacations because you're going to be making $10k a month with World Ventures. You've been doing that crap for 7 months, have yet to make any money and having them come back to us every-other week talking about how they're going to spend their summers in exotic locations is driving me nuts because we all know that you can't even hold a full time job (which is why your house has been 1-step away from foreclosure since you bought it 5 years ago) and stay focused on anything but horses for long enough to succeed in anything - especially 'get rich quick' schemes.

That was really long, but seriously - I feel like I just dropped 100lbs off my shoulders. I have been needing to vent about her for the last year, and this is just .... wonderful.
hi again,
so the Christian vent really touched a nerve with me, and i thought about posting or not, but in the end, it is a "vent thread", so here it is:
i was raised very Christian. After marriage and finding out my (now ex) husband was sterile (zero sperm), i was told by my pastor: 1) i could still have children in my life, you know, like being a teacher. 2) his wife had cancer, and he didnt leave her after her diagnosis, so i shouldnt leave my ex. 3) his wife had a miscarriage, so he understands. And 4) it was God's will. I cannot tell you in words how these words made me feel: devastated, humiliated, and empty do not begin it. i truly believe in alternative forms of family (via sperm donor or adoption for example). My ex had made the decision that "if he could not have biological children, we didnt need children at all in our life". THAT is why i left him. My pastors wife was TREATED for her cancer, while my husband would not consider treatment for his disorder. And she had a m/c, and then 2 healthy children - we could have NONE. At 12 years old i knew i wanted to be a mom, maybe even before that. I still want to hold a child, raise a child, hear a child call me mommy - and for me personally, the biology doenst matter. So while Ex being sterile may have been God's will, no one can ever tell me that denying me motherhood was His will. So yea, i left the hubby, and i left that church. I'm sorry it was long, but it's SO GOOD to finally say these words "outloud", because i will never able to say them to who they should go to. *sigh* (feels better)
hi again,
so the Christian vent really touched a nerve with me, and i thought about posting or not, but in the end, it is a "vent thread", so here it is:
i was raised very Christian. After marriage and finding out my (now ex) husband was sterile (zero sperm), i was told by my pastor: 1) i could still have children in my life, you know, like being a teacher. 2) his wife had cancer, and he didnt leave her after her diagnosis, so i shouldnt leave my ex. 3) his wife had a miscarriage, so he understands. And 4) it was God's will. I cannot tell you in words how these words made me feel: devastated, humiliated, and empty do not begin it. i truly believe in alternative forms of family (via sperm donor or adoption for example). My ex had made the decision that "if he could not have biological children, we didnt need children at all in our life". THAT is why i left him. My pastors wife was TREATED for her cancer, while my husband would not consider treatment for his disorder. And she had a m/c, and then 2 healthy children - we could have NONE. At 12 years old i knew i wanted to be a mom, maybe even before that. I still want to hold a child, raise a child, hear a child call me mommy - and for me personally, the biology doenst matter. So while Ex being sterile may have been God's will, no one can ever tell me that denying me motherhood was His will. So yea, i left the hubby, and i left that church. I'm sorry it was long, but it's SO GOOD to finally say these words "outloud", because i will never able to say them to who they should go to. *sigh* (feels better)

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm glad you got yourself out of that. You DO deserve to have children!
vent: Whoever inforced the concept that women are forced to wear undergarments, i hate you. my BB's hurt so much and are sore to the touch with AF due in 4 days. If I could I would burn all of my bras.
:hugs: I can sympathise. It's really painful just before AF. Have you tried wearing sports bras? I tend to find them less harsh on the boobies! :haha:
my cousin had her sixth child today. he is gorgeous. Her kids have six different dads. She has this one for a bigger council house. She does nothing but drink, smoke and have sex.

I don't drink... I don't smoke... i work hard for a living... and I'm in a committed relationship.

Where's the fairness?!
To my cousin. STOP posting things like everything is a big riddle, like you've got so much going on in your life that you just can't say much about. Some of us really have serious things going on that we would love to share with everyone, but just can't. Really, you're a medical assistant student, and thinking of getting a job at a hospital? Yes, whatever you do, don't say it on facebook. Send everyone messages.... What? You are interested in a guy? Wouldn't want everyone to know that, even though they don't know him. Send us a message!

This just really bothers me. I've even mentioned it to her. She leaves these vague posts that more often than not worry most of us, and then she sends a message saying what is really going on, and it's like, "Why couldn't you just post that?" I have things I want to say so badly. If it weren't for some of the wonderful ladies on this site, I would be completely alone. Yet, I long to share my problems with my family and friends, but I just can't. :trouble:
to my best friend: i know it's 1 more week until your period, and if you are pregnant after 1 month of NPNT, i will still be SO happy for you, but life is so unfair. i'm dreading her phone call....
hey hw if you get that call, im here hun. and you are entitled to a massive vent!!! :hugs:
to a manager at my work (in my group and i have to work with him, but dont report to him): you are a douchebag who cannot do your job. you plan studies that I have to run with no regard to how it effects (affects? i always get that wrong) my life. i do NOT want to be in Texas over Labor Day. i do NOT want to be in Texas while i'm ovulating. i do NOT want to be told 1 week before the study begins that i have to travel. it's called "planning" - everyone else has to do it, why dont you try it? it's called "consideration" - how about you ask ME what works for my schedule? i'm not a bitch, i will compromise, but at least check with me. i hate your passive-aggressive-ness and your pissy attitude when i call you out on it. Ask your wife for your balls back. Or at least get your act together and include me in the decision making. I feel a little bad, but mostly not: you're going to get a bad review this year. Just giving you a heads up.
sorry this wasnt too baby related, but since we're all counting days and checking the calendar, i felt i could rant about traveling for work and how, when asked what time works best, it's hard to say, "i hope i'm ovulating this day, so the week after would be better"
Dear OH come home!!!! He is away working all summer and I can't literally feel my biological clock ticking
Dear husbands friend and wife I'm so happy that you guys told us before most of ur other friends that u guys were expecting but to rub it in our faces that you guys are so fertile that u were just trying for a few weeks then bam isn't very nice I've struggled with infertility for over 5 years and yes I'm happy for u but please be respectful to the fact tht I want what u have and id give everything I could up for it...
to a manager at my work (in my group and i have to work with him, but dont report to him): you are a douchebag who cannot do your job. you plan studies that I have to run with no regard to how it effects (affects? i always get that wrong) my life. i do NOT want to be in Texas over Labor Day. i do NOT want to be in Texas while i'm ovulating. i do NOT want to be told 1 week before the study begins that i have to travel. it's called "planning" - everyone else has to do it, why dont you try it? it's called "consideration" - how about you ask ME what works for my schedule? i'm not a bitch, i will compromise, but at least check with me. i hate your passive-aggressive-ness and your pissy attitude when i call you out on it. Ask your wife for your balls back. Or at least get your act together and include me in the decision making. I feel a little bad, but mostly not: you're going to get a bad review this year. Just giving you a heads up.
sorry this wasnt too baby related, but since we're all counting days and checking the calendar, i felt i could rant about traveling for work and how, when asked what time works best, it's hard to say, "i hope i'm ovulating this day, so the week after would be better"

I just posted a rant that had nothing to do with babies. Sometimes our hormones make other things get on our nerves too!!
Dear OH: When i tell you my BB's are hurting and I'm due in 3 days, stop with the false hope. I'm already having a hard enough time accepting we're out this month, I don't need someone in denial.
to my best friend: i know it's 1 more week until your period, and if you are pregnant after 1 month of NPNT, i will still be SO happy for you, but life is so unfair. i'm dreading her phone call....

if there is indeed a BFP, we're all here for you to listen. rant away as much as you like. We've all been there,sadly my friends make sure its in a public place so they know i cant react :growlmad:..... :hugs:
We aren't going back to TTC until December, but OH please stop assuming we can plan for sure when we are going to get pregnant and that there won't be any problems with it. You are driving me nuts!

Mom, OH's mom and dad - I don't care if you think it is too soon. I'll be almost 26 and DF will be 27! Do you think we have forever to have children? I know you waited until you were 35 mom, but I'm not you and I had my first at 21 already! OH's parents - you had yours at 19 and 22, so you should have some sense of understanding. :growlmad: Also, I don't care that you guys waiting 14 years to get married, we're not and I don't care that it makes you uncomfortable that DF and I won't be living together before marriage. Deal with it.

:icecream: That felt good.
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