VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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Dear OH: When i tell you my BB's are hurting and I'm due in 3 days, stop with the false hope. I'm already having a hard enough time accepting we're out this month, I don't need someone in denial.

Thank you for this! My OH does the same thing and it is so annoying. Atleast have a little hope and be a little happy. He says he's a "realist" he can't just lie to himself... yeah right!
why do people think it is helpful to comment on why I had my miscarriage??? like telling me I was to stressed really helps ME feel better about it all? like if I had been less stressed and done things right instead of sleeping on the floor for a couple days I would be having my baby next month. thank you, that has made me feel SO much better about the whole thing, please tell me now the reason puppies die is because I sneeze to much
Aww Kass :hugs:
That's so awful, insensitive and ignorant of those people! They don't know why you or anyone else had a miscarriage. Their not doctors or psychic! Stupid thoughtless people.
I'm so sorry sweet!
why do people think it is helpful to comment on why I had my miscarriage??? like telling me I was to stressed really helps ME feel better about it all? like if I had been less stressed and done things right instead of sleeping on the floor for a couple days I would be having my baby next month. thank you, that has made me feel SO much better about the whole thing, please tell me now the reason puppies die is because I sneeze to much

this is a classic "what did i just read? this can't be real?!" but sadly i know it is..sorry to hear :hugs: people are such jerks!
why do people think it is helpful to comment on why I had my miscarriage??? like telling me I was to stressed really helps ME feel better about it all? like if I had been less stressed and done things right instead of sleeping on the floor for a couple days I would be having my baby next month. thank you, that has made me feel SO much better about the whole thing, please tell me now the reason puppies die is because I sneeze to much

:hugs: People can be soo ridiculous sometimes!
yeah it is mostly men really who talk to my husband about their wives and if their wife miscarried they all just sit there together and compare what happened and decide it musta been something we did wrong so we can not do that thing again, they can't seem to accept that these things happen and there sometimes isn't any controlling it.

Then my husband comes home and talks to me about all the things they have thought of that we did wrong so we can not do it again. helpful

Sometimes I wish he would keep it to himself but then I feel selfish because if hes talking about it with people maybe that's his way of dealing with it and maybe he needs to talk to people about it. ya know? but geeze I wish these people would stop saying these things it hurts

Jcom-yeah I have been a little MIA because of all the bleeding getting me down. I don't know why I am bleeding in the middle of my cycle. but it stopped today so that's maybe a good sign. tried some pregnancy tests but the line is so freaking faint I think its all in my head or just a evap, it technically is earily for me to test anyways being as I should get my period on the 3rd. So I am waiting to see if my doctor appointment pulls up anything with my gyno tomorrow.
I think it's good, as you said; that your OH is getting himself out there and confiding in others about how he feels. Keeping it locked up inside is so dangerous for your mental health and well being.
But at the same time I think maybe you should tell him not to tell you the discussions they have. Because they're entitled to their opinions, wrong or not. But it's not fair on them to shove them in your face.
Hey Allergy flareup, You best be gone by the time we set out on our roadtrip on Saturday... I do not want to deal with you for 2 weeks. And that will be exactly for our TWW so.... no helpful drugs for this gal. And it better be allergies... I don't want to be actually sick!
kassiaethne: FX for you that the mid term bleeding is a good sign and nothing bad!

Dear me: even though I have the most patient cat in the world that doesn't mind it and actually enjoys it, I gotta stop holding her like a baby. I realized today that I do it as a void filler and it's not healthy. The first step is admitting you have a problem, now to correct the habit.
It hurts my feelings when pregnant women who know that I miscarried say that they wouldn't mind miscarrying because they are never attached to their baby until it is born. Or that they wished that they would miscarry because they hate being sick. I cannot stand much more.
all i can say is i'm sorry ladies you have had to deal with all this. A mc no matter what anyone says is a hurtful and sorrowful thiing to happen to anyone. I hope you ladies who have experienced such can heal eventually and get the little miracles you are hoping for. Sending you all lots of :dust: and :hugs:
So today I had to go to the doctor because I had breathing difficulties yesterday. Thought my asthma was back, but turns out have a chest infection. Got sent home with an inhaler and some antibiotics. Also have to wait until I've missed two periods for blood tests... that's only a week away.

I met up with DP after my appointment and walked with her to the station as she had to go to work. I hugged her just before she left and some guy wolf whistled. Ok... so can ignore that. Shot him a dirty look. Then some douche on a mobility scooter came wheeling over and said "give us a kiss will you?" He just got another dirty look, but I am SO sick of people's attitude towards us as a lesbian couple. Why do pervy old men think that we're obviously interested in them? Why do people think our relationship is obviously something for them to comment on?!

Doesn't help that I'm not feeling great at the moment anyway. Saw a "friend" a few weeks ago say something on Twitter about DP and I now being "married" and "isn't that hilarious?" F*cktard.

I'm irate this morning. Why are people so f*cking dumb?
this is more of an open apology than a rant:
to my family and friends - i'm sorry i've become so bitter and close-hearted towards the world that you start conversations with, "is it ok to talk about this?". i know you are being thoughtful and kind, and i appreciate it, but it also makes me so sad that topics that are common to other people are sensitive between us. i'm sorry my sister and others have to subdue her excitement over her pregnancy for my feelings. i am so thankful that you understand. it's a rock and a hard place. i swear i'm not really a robot with no feelings.
I am going to vent about my boss. I love her; we've been friends for years ... but here lately, she's starting to really piss me off.

She just barely is 30 and had a hysterectomy due to a whole laundry list of complications - she was fine with it, she HATES children ... like loathes the fact that anyone would ever want to have them and thinks its tragic her parents had to raise one. That bad. So she said her ordeal was a blessing and the greatest thing that could have ever happened to her.

That is obviously not how I feel about having children. With all my appointments and things, she is actually trying to convince me NOT to have kids and is mad when I use my vacation and sick time to go to my appointments! She says if I was smart I would just get everything taken out becuase if I asked long enough they would say they'd do it - and if I couldn't find a doctor who would, she knows her doctor would. She says I'm stupid for wanting to have a child and that once I get knocked up it will be too late and I'll want to give it up when it's 3 because I'll never be able to eat dinner without some screaming brat in my ear.

Like horrible, mean things and she just pisses me off. I can't say anything about it to her because I almost think deep down, she is opressing her feelings about what happened because she said once at one time she wanted a child, and she was in a horribly abusive relationship as a teenager - got pregnant, and he convinced her to terminate the pregnancy. So, I think she may be so rude as a cover for the hurt she feels that even though I am having problems, I still have a chance of hopefully getting pregnant. With my HSG this Wednesday, she is like livid that I'm going and is trying to get me to put it off until next month. I don't get it .... it is really hurting that we've been friends for 7 years and she is so unsupportive. IF she wasn't my boss, I wouldn't even talk to her about it - just because I don't want my pregnant friends talking to me about their pregnancies and how super they're going, so I wouldn't want to talk about my chances and things to my friends who cannot have a chance of naturally getting pregnant - it's just not nice.

I just don't know what to do and I want to scream at her!!! Should I tell her to just shut the heck up and leave her feelings in her head, or just let her get it out and respond how she wants, because I really think it is opressed emotions. I'm so confused, I want to hug her - but at the same time, punch her in the nose!
Stupid green eyed monster has got a grip on me! Since I got my faint BFP's, I joined another group of people who also got BFP's. While my lines are disappearing, theirs are getting darker, their blood work showing good things. I have to wait 11 more days for AF before I can even get blood work, and that's if AF doesn't show! I love these ladies all to death, they are very supportive and knowledgeable, and I am truly happy for them. I really am. But the fact that I'm more likely than not losing my pregnancy is really breaking my heart. I wish I didn't feel like this.
Love this thread!

Here's my vent...I absolutely hate the fact that my husband's cousin's "perfect" wife is pregnant... with twins...twin girls. Just perfect. Why not me? :dohh:
Stupid green eyed monster has got a grip on me! Since I got my faint BFP's, I joined another group of people who also got BFP's. While my lines are disappearing, theirs are getting darker, their blood work showing good things. I have to wait 11 more days for AF before I can even get blood work, and that's if AF doesn't show! I love these ladies all to death, they are very supportive and knowledgeable, and I am truly happy for them. I really am. But the fact that I'm more likely than not losing my pregnancy is really breaking my heart. I wish I didn't feel like this.

I have been/still am there. I am so sorry :(
My rant for this evening:
I just want to have sex like a normal person! Not to be terrified of the feeling of penetration, like hot stabbing pains into my vagina which brings me to tears!! I want to have sex everyday, and be able to TTC like a normal person.
But no, at just 21 I only have sex at best 3 times a month. It's not fair! Why did this have to start?! Why can't it just go away?!
I feel so abnormal and so unwomanly. :cry:
My rant for this evening:
I just want to have sex like a normal person! Not to be terrified of the feeling of penetration, like hot stabbing pains into my vagina which brings me to tears!! I want to have sex everyday, and be able to TTC like a normal person.
But no, at just 21 I only have sex at best 3 times a month. It's not fair! Why did this have to start?! Why can't it just go away?!
I feel so abnormal and so unwomanly. :cry:

:hugs: If it makes you feel any better, and I'm not sure it will, my sex life sucks too! OH is way too big for me and it hurts in ways I can not describe. Also, probably because I'm so tight, he finishes in like 60 to 90 seconds. Magical!!

Hopefully things will work themselves out in that department for you. :flower:
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