VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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BFN. Why is the would so unfair? Very tempted to go straight for IVF, I hate my body.

I hate that it doesn't do the job it's meant to do.

Thank god I have a wonderful OH.

Can't believe some of the people you are posing about in here. I think twats is the only way to describe them and a very fitting title.

I cannot go on Facebook any more due to all the kids/preg/babies.


I hope everything works out for you 4magpies! :hugs:
Some people have zero empathy, and are so self centered...
AF is due today or tomorrow, and I've been craving bacon since yesterday afternoon. I get to work this morning, go to the cafeteria with my tastebuds set for bacon and they were OUT of bacon.

I had made peace with the fact that I would not be getting a baby this cycle, and now apparently the universe has decided that I can't have bacon either.

Why do even the simplest things in my life go wrong???
vent of the day: 4 days since AF was supposed to show up. Still getting fekin horrible mixed signals..slept 11 hours but woke up more tired then when I went to bed, all I can think about is kraft dinner mac n cheese but the extra calcium edition but I also get AF cramps on and off. DH wants us to wait until 7 days past due to test aka until Monday. I'm not gonna do the same as last time and set myself up for a disappointment, gonna spend the weekend expecting AF even though in the back of my mind I'm screaming "please after 3 years and 2 months, please let this be it".

On top of it, bumped into our friend who is 35 weeks along, I wanted to crawl in a hole and die because of seeing how huge her belly was. Woe is me.... lol
ps: to the girl on my bragbook complaining how just because you haven't conceived a 3rd child and that you fear it's never happen because you haven't conceived in 3 months because hey, your first got conceived on first month of TTC, then the second one got conceived when the first baby was practically fresh out of the womb..shut up!! Your body is sending you a signal to i dunno SLOW DOWN! Don't you dare complain about how you're not getting pregnant on a snap of a finger and throwing a huge drama fit over it. We were already trying when you conceived your you go two, we're still on our first to try.
Well three of us at work 1.5 years ago were all joking who'd get preggers first, they're younger than myself by 5 & 2 years. The one 5 years younger had her baby in Feb, the 2 years younger is having his next week and I'm scheduled for IVF next month (maybe, if there's a 'spot'). I've had a chemical and I'm worried about more m/c's due to old eggs. If we did IVF and I m/c I'm going to be beside myself in agony. I want twins now or triplets, I want a family of my own. At 36, everyone else has families with 2-4 kids.
My husband spends loads of time taking care of his brother's kids & visiting. I feel terribly jealous of the attention he gives them. I know he'll be a great dad and I want his focus to our family (but I haven't been able to give him one). Feel like crying I'm so frustrated...time is passing me by without this dream coming true (to have 4 laughing, crying, giggling, loving, unique, wanting, beautiful kids). Imagine a Sunday dinner with 4 kids? I'm SO sad today.
this isn't a vent, it's an update on the bragbook situation..surprisingly, her DH set her straight publicly on the status! he said "Honey stop complaining and be greatful already! Some people spend all of their lives trying to conceive and never manage to, meanwhile we got two in the house with us. We're lucky, stop acting so spoiled because for once something is not being served to you at the snap of your finger"
Wellsk, I've seen that page and just like i told my friends i recommend, don't take it so personal. It's just a facebook page, the idiot wants that sort of rage attention...he feeds off of it, just ignore it. The internet is filled with such worse things, that facebook is probably just ran by so immature kid who doesn't know misscarriage or stillborn if it bit him in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I get raged when people joke about rape but it doesn't prevent people from doign's sick, twisted and those people should be shot but in the's only a facebook page, and the page has not actually killed babies.

Not saying your opinion isn't valued, you have every right to be pissed. I'm just giving the same advice as i gave to my friends over that page.

But lol i totally agree though some peopels stupidity to this day still catches me off guard sometimes
Very true Tami, I just don't understand the mind of the individuals who think it's okay to spout such nonsense!
a to the men Wellsk, DH and I had a discussion about that very topic last night and we both agree the internet has been letting things go way too far, no one has a sense of moral anymore due to the "freedom" of being able to post anything. And it never fails with the same idiotic excuse when you ask them to please be considerate is "it's the internet, grow some or get out" like excuse me? :dohh:
a to the men Wellsk, DH and I had a discussion about that very topic last night and we both agree the internet has been letting things go way too far, no one has a sense of moral anymore due to the "freedom" of being able to post anything. And it never fails with the same idiotic excuse when you ask them to please be considerate is "it's the internet, grow some or get out" like excuse me? :dohh:

I agree with this so much, I think if you wouldnt say it in RL dont say it on the internet but SO many people dont think the same.

I mean I have never heard someone say a babyloss joke or rape joke in RL.
some people are cowards in real life hun, the internet is their cloak because if anyone did find out who and what they said they would be up on the wall of shame.
It's pathetic!!
I agree with this so much, I think if you wouldnt say it in RL dont say it on the internet but SO many people dont think the same.

I mean I have never heard someone say a babyloss joke or rape joke in RL.

this..this, and all of this!
vent: getting called jealous by a mombie because I expressed my views on how people on bragbook don't need to know about every piss,poop and burn your kid makes...classic!
vent: getting called jealous by a mombie because I expressed my views on how people on bragbook don't need to know about every piss,poop and burn your kid makes...classic!

Well, you aren't really. I hate people who over post about their kids too. I think it is a little insensitive and self centered to think people are that interested in your offspring.
i think the saying it's ok if it's your own is very true. Sometimes when i'm in a store and i hear a kd screeching at the top of its lungs i'm like for petes sake you little :devil: please stop!!! lol
Thank god for somewhere to rant, I have no one to rant to, as no one in my family or my DH's family knows that we are TTC.

My mother won't shut the heck up about me having a kid. EVERYDAY she brings it up. I have told her many times that she needs to back off, but she just laughs and continues to tell me what to do to conceive. My DH and I have 2 dogs, I was telling my mother how they like to sleep between us, she replied with "How do you expect to have a baby one day if you have to worry about crushing the dogs while trying to have sex?" WTH? :shock:

On Monday I had a miscarriage:cry:, a blighted ovum, and I want to tell my mother about it so that maybe she will shut the heck up about me having a kid, but I know that she will turn it around and make it about her (like she did last time), then she will tell the world about it (like she did last time). The last miscarriage was over a year ago, it was unplanned, and I didn't even know I was pregnant until I miscarried. I called to talk to her about it and asked her not to tell anyone because it was no one else's business, not even 5 minutes later my sister called wanting to know if I needed someone to talk to. Then I found out my mother called my grandma crying because she just couldn't handle finding out she lost a grandchild and really needed someone to talk to. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:
oh babymabey - so sorry to hear about that! we're here for you!
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