VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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My god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how I am trying so hard to have a baby and I am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. YAY. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now I get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while I actually sit there and do what I did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(
my god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how i am trying so hard to have a baby and i am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. Yay. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now i get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while i actually sit there and do what i did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(

a text?!?! Omg.
Coworker sent around her 'big news' to the whole office yesterday... even though we ALL already know she's expecting and have since about June. She sent around the ultrasound photo and announced 'It's a Boy!'.... So I had to endure the congratulations on your million dollar family (she already has a girl) all day yesterday. That put me in a cranky mood for sure.

We're eloping next week and I know when I'm back at the office and they find out I'm married (we only just got engaged 2 weeks ago) I'll never hear the end of the baby talk about how I'm next...or speculation that I may already be knocked up and crap like that. Which is why I don't plan to 'announce' our marriage... just like I didn't announce our engagement. It took people 4 days to notice my ring which was fine by me. I have finally accepted that I don't like attention and won't share news that will elicit it.

If I find out that OH and I have genuine fertility issues (we're in cycle 9 now, so it won't be much longer before we seek medical advice)... if I do find out, I honestly have no qualms about telling them at work if they made remarks about being 'next' I feel like I'd be happy to throw it in their faces.... but I know I won't.

my god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how i am trying so hard to have a baby and i am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. Yay. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now i get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while i actually sit there and do what i did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(

a text?!?! Omg.


A dern text.

She had asked last night and talked to me for 3 hours about everything we are going through and I like cried on the phone to her for the love of everything purple - and she turns around send me this:

"Hey!! I have some REALLY exciting news for you!!!"

"Ohhh really?? What?!"

"I know how much you want a baby, and how badly you and DH are trying..."


"Well, I wanted to tell you last night - but I figured I would just let you have your moment... I AM PREGNANT!!! We weren't even really trying, but you know how fertile I am - I guess it just happened!"

"Are you serious?"

"YES!! How great is that?? You're going to be an aunty!!"

"Oh. Yay."

And that is it. That's all I needed to be sent into an inconsolable weepy mess. She kept talking, but I didn't want to respond.

Blah. What a b!tch. :cry:
Basically I have been tired of my MIL since BEFORE my husband and I were even married.
She didnt show up to her own sons wedding, then weeks later suggested she didnt want to be a grandmother anytime soon.
A few weeks after that statement, my BIL and his GF, who is still legally married and has a kid with her husband, tells us they are pregnant. I WANTED TO RIP EVERYONES FACE OFF!!!
I am just soooo tired of how my MIL totally supports all that, but can not support her other son being happy?!?!
I feel like I will always be angry with this woman too. She is so manipulative.
I havent told anyone but one person, who thankfully was supportive, that we are TTC and on Clomid.
I just want a precious lil baby. We get so heartbroken when my period shows up.
A girl I went to school with that I genuinely like just announced she's pregnant with baby number 2 tonight. I was excited but kind of jealous. DH and I are supposed to be waiting till July next year, possibly April. I thought I was fine with this. .. Until he turned down :sex: tonight (which was postponed 3 days in a row due to first him being too tired, me feeling too tired and now him being sick :cry:)

Not only are my friends having their children closer in age (like I secretly want) but I don't even know how long it will take DH and I the second time around since he seems to have almost no sex drive half the time. This doesn't always bug me since it's more a situational thing (long hours at work and comes home not wanting to deal with people due to the stress of job, gets allergies in the summer and spring, we have a 4 month old baby, etc.) but it's really bugging me tonight.. Especially when it's usually me that initiates things (which I don't always mind, but I mean come on!) .. I also realized we've only done the deed about 3 times in the last 4 months.. :cry: It's just been one thing after another and I know it's been legitimate stuff but it's really making me feel crappy and unattractive tonight.
my god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how i am trying so hard to have a baby and i am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. Yay. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now i get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while i actually sit there and do what i did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(

a text?!?! Omg.


A dern text.

She had asked last night and talked to me for 3 hours about everything we are going through and I like cried on the phone to her for the love of everything purple - and she turns around send me this:

"Hey!! I have some REALLY exciting news for you!!!"

"Ohhh really?? What?!"

"I know how much you want a baby, and how badly you and DH are trying..."


"Well, I wanted to tell you last night - but I figured I would just let you have your moment... I AM PREGNANT!!! We weren't even really trying, but you know how fertile I am - I guess it just happened!"

"Are you serious?"

"YES!! How great is that?? You're going to be an aunty!!"

"Oh. Yay."

And that is it. That's all I needed to be sent into an inconsolable weepy mess. She kept talking, but I didn't want to respond.

Blah. What a b!tch. :cry:

this is damn right insensitive and its clear she knew what she was doing!!! i would just AVOID AVOID AVOID :growl:
I'm in awe of the non ending stupidity and insensitivity of some people...
J_Lynn, this is one of the most vile stories I've heard, I think it was meant to hurt you, totally on purpose. Are you going to keep in contact with her? I don't think I could... She was malicious and knew exactly what she was saying to you. What a terrible person :(
i totally 100% agree. How can someone be so cruel? i hope that jlynn you do get your :bfp: soon huni then you can rub it in her face.
My god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how I am trying so hard to have a baby and I am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. YAY. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now I get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while I actually sit there and do what I did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(

^^^^^ This heffa here....:nope:I am speechless.:nope:

I feel sorry for her baby. That is not a great situation for a child.

It sounds like she doesn't have much going for her and her fertility is the only thing she can do right.
Vent of the day: I spent an arm and a leg on a clear blue easy fertility monitor and was all set on using it this morning. I get it out of the box and discover that is has no batteries. :dohh:

As much as I have paid for this damn thing the least they could have done was include some f'ing batteries.
2 vents today:

number one) Where oh where are you AF? Please stay away as I'm 5 days late, but please don't do a nasty one on me and show up on test day monday. I think I will eat the whole tub of ice cream in my freezer if that happens.

number two) not a vent but more like guilt. My best friend has been soo excited more than me about being 5 days late, I swear it's like as if she was the one that might possible be BFP lol but.. She's been diagnosed with PCOS like level expert of it since she was 14 and hasn't realized yet that this will impact her fertility major. In one sense, I want to tell her what PCOS does to fertility but on the other hand, I don't want to a bubble crusher of her dreams. She just had to be prescribed a pill to start her period because she ended up on a 70 something day long cycle. I feel soo horrible for her but then again, the fact I've been facing infertility ofr 3 years at least when she will start trying and finds out the true pains of IF, I will be able to be there for her completely as I know where she's been and coming from.
my god-sister just sent me a text and said that she knows how i am trying so hard to have a baby and i am all about babies now, that she wanted me to be the first person to know that she's 3 months pregnant.

Great. Thanks for telling me. You and your loser boyfriend who break up every 3 weeks are having another child. Yay. I'm so glad. Does this mean he will get a job now? Oh, probably not? Yeah, that sucks. Good thing you'll get food stamps!

So now i get to sit there for the next 6 months and pretend to be excited for her, while i actually sit there and do what i did just now when she told me - cry.

I hate everything right now :(

a text?!?! Omg.


A dern text.

She had asked last night and talked to me for 3 hours about everything we are going through and I like cried on the phone to her for the love of everything purple - and she turns around send me this:

"Hey!! I have some REALLY exciting news for you!!!"

"Ohhh really?? What?!"

"I know how much you want a baby, and how badly you and DH are trying..."


"Well, I wanted to tell you last night - but I figured I would just let you have your moment... I AM PREGNANT!!! We weren't even really trying, but you know how fertile I am - I guess it just happened!"

"Are you serious?"

"YES!! How great is that?? You're going to be an aunty!!"

"Oh. Yay."

And that is it. That's all I needed to be sent into an inconsolable weepy mess. She kept talking, but I didn't want to respond.

Blah. What a b!tch. :cry:

My heart just sunk to the floor just reading that. OMG how insensitive! "we weren't even really trying" wow I'm raging just reading this :growlmad: gosh some people are horrible!
I'm in awe of the non ending stupidity and insensitivity of some people...
J_Lynn, this is one of the most vile stories I've heard, I think it was meant to hurt you, totally on purpose. Are you going to keep in contact with her? I don't think I could... She was malicious and knew exactly what she was saying to you. What a terrible person :(

i totally 100% agree. How can someone be so cruel? i hope that jlynn you do get your :bfp: soon huni then you can rub it in her face.

Her number got deleted out of my phone and I deleted her on facebook also. She makes me so mad :( My real sister went off on her, she was LIVID and was like "That trashy broad had the audacity to say that to you?!?" and it was on from that point.

My sister is like my biggest advocate; she hates kids - but has already said numerous times that she will be a surrogate for me whenever I need it. She got pregnant back when she was 15, and ended up giving the baby up for adoption (absolutely the best choice) and had I not been just 18 and clearly not financially able to care for a child at that age - I would have adopted her baby. But at that time I didn't know I was cursed. :wacko:

But yeah, my "godsister" is out of my life; I agree - she clearly just did that to be hurtful :cry:
My vent for the day:

I haven't stopped bleeding since my HSG. That was on Wednesday - AF just ended 2 days before my HSG. WTF is going on? BODY, I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW.
DH,thank you for confirming why telling you only 5 days late was a bad thing. You just killed any little hope I had by telling me "you period is probably just late". I understand about being doubtful but damn, I hope it's just your lack of sleep that made you have that reaction. Now I gotta wait three hours to find out why you were so moody when I told you.
DH,thank you for confirming why telling you only 5 days late was a bad thing. You just killed any little hope I had by telling me "you period is probably just late". I understand about being doubtful but damn, I hope it's just your lack of sleep that made you have that reaction. Now I gotta wait three hours to find out why you were so moody when I told you.

My OH said this to me last month, and i was fuming! (he was right) but really annoyed me by saying it lol
lol yea, men can sure be blunt at times! I'm just very rarely ever late like this. The only times I was horrible on the CD's was when I was still a heavy drinker of energy drinks which I have not touched. That kind of reaction almost wants me to just test alone on Monday. He is napping right now so hopefully when he wakes up we can resolve whatever the heck went through his head when he said it. Men, gotta love to hate them lol
they just don't use there brains half the time! i'm sure when he wakes up he will explain. don't test yourself i know things like that make you want to but its nice to test together :) although i have to say i have wanted to test myself sometimes because of OH and his silly mouth :)
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