VENT THREAD! Things you wish you could say but can't

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sometimes I think I cant get preggo cause other people are over exercising their fertility rights
like there is a baby store and they are all sold out
My new dog just tore apart my freaking house. I only left her alone for 30 minutes! UGH.
Well, I thought I would O by now, but no such luck. Trying to keep my head up, but having a really down day. Had all he leading-up-to-O symptoms, and then nothing happened. OPK's aren't getting any darker. :cry: Looks like I may have to go back in for another round of Provera. I still can't believe that taking a supplement did this. I only took the FertilAid from February until May. It's been 2.5 months since I quit it and still no O.

Next Wednesday marks 6 months since the last time I ovulated. I am so angry at the people who make FertilAid I could scream. They know this is happening to women who use their supplement, but they put absolutely NO warning on their pills. In fact, they even make a point to tell you that if you see cycle problems that you should keep taking the product as the cycle disruptions are just your body sorting itself out. What a bunch of BS!

I've gotten all the testing done my midwife can do, and she still has absolutely no idea what the pills did to me. All hormone levels are normal, I just don't ovulate. I haven't ovulated even once since taking FertilAid, and the only periods I have had are Provera-induced ones.

It's a good thing that the FetilAid people don't live near me, because the amount of rage I am currently feeling might cause them serious damage. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Has your Doc considered putting you on Metformin or Clomid?
I wish I could sue!! The problem is to sue you actually have to have proof that the product is what did it. Since midwife says everything is "normal", there is no way to "prove" that their product caused it. She says it's obvious that it's the FertilAid that did it and there is no doubt in her mind, but there is absolutey nothing "proof-wise" that she could supply to a court. ffs- I am so angry!

Omg.... I took that stuff for a month, then switched to Vitex because it was cheaper. That's so crazy that it did.that to you!!!!!!!!!! That's horrible!!!!!
babymabey- At first they were saying Clomid might be a good choice, but now they are saying that since I originally was more or less regular (at least regular enough) before, they don't want to possibly mess my body up further by introducing another drug into my system. I think that if I haven't gotten O back within a couple of Provera-induced cycles they may start me on Clomid, but for now, it's more of a wait-and-see type situation. Since I've already reacted badly to one thing, they want my system to have a chance to normalize before trying anything else. I'm just having a hard time being patient at this point.
J_Lynn- Apparently it's not even that uncommon! *smh* You see all the good reviews on their website, but if you dig a little deeper, look at the Amazon 1 and 2-star reviews, etc, all of a sudden you realize how many women this has happened to. I am very glad it didn't mess up your cycles! It does seem to help lots and lots of women, but if I had know the risk I was taking by trying it, I don't think it's something I would have gone for. With reviews like these, there should be some kind of warning:
oh my goodness! Every woman that it has messed up their cycle should do a class action law suit against them all together!!!!!! I feel so bad for those women and the ones in this thread that it has affected. My major sympathies, you must feel violated :(
i am getting pretty fed up with the lady posting every 10 min onto her profile on fb that she just wishes baby to come ect.. honey your only 39 weeks its not even your due date (she has been complaining since she was 35 weeks pregnant!)
oh my goodness! Every woman that it has messed up their cycle should do a class action law suit against them all together!!!!!! I feel so bad for those women and the ones in this thread that it has affected. My major sympathies, you must feel violated :(

:hugs: Thanks tami. I really appreciate that. If there was a way to scientifically "prove" that the FertilAid is what did it, I would be suing them right now. Sadly, because my midwife and OB can't actually figure out what the FertilAid did me to cause this, they can't give me any medical support in suing. :wacko: And since I had no problems before taking the FertilAid, I never went in for any pre-FertilAid testing, so I have no past hormone panels to compare my current levels to. (Just because results are currently within the "normal range" doesn't mean they are normal for me, but there's no telling what my levels used to be like.)

This seems to be the same case for the many women I've talked to about this who also stopped O'ing. All tests come back normal, but our bodies refuse to O- and no doctor can explain it! If we could figure out how to successfully sue them, we definitely would! I will keep looking into it, but at this point it seems like they may be able to keep peddling their atrocious product.
i am getting pretty fed up with the lady posting every 10 min onto her profile on fb that she just wishes baby to come ect.. honey your only 39 weeks its not even your due date (she has been complaining since she was 35 weeks pregnant!)

My step sister in law did this for 3 months! It's all she talked about, and she finally whined around until she got her way at 39 weeks.:growlmad:
i am getting pretty fed up with the lady posting every 10 min onto her profile on fb that she just wishes baby to come ect.. honey your only 39 weeks its not even your due date (she has been complaining since she was 35 weeks pregnant!)

My step sister in law did this for 3 months! It's all she talked about, and she finally whined around until she got her way at 39 weeks.:growlmad:

I seriously don't get why some people just can't figure it out: A baby should not be born until it is ready to be born- ie. when labor starts naturally, unless there is a real medical emergency (and I don't mean baby is getting "too big", I mean like car accident or severe growth restriction). If someone goes and get themself induced simply because they "don't want to be pregnant any more", they're putting their own wants ahead of their child's needs. What a crappy way to start the role of being a mother. As a childbirth educator, this crap pisses me off so friggin much!!! Baby is still in there for a reason! (Thank god we don't lay eggs, because if you try to open one up instead of letting the chick hatch NATURALLY and in its own time, the chick dies.)
i am getting pretty fed up with the lady posting every 10 min onto her profile on fb that she just wishes baby to come ect.. honey your only 39 weeks its not even your due date (she has been complaining since she was 35 weeks pregnant!)

My step sister in law did this for 3 months! It's all she talked about, and she finally whined around until she got her way at 39 weeks.:growlmad:

I seriously don't get why some people just can't figure it out: A baby should not be born until it is ready to be born- ie. when labor starts naturally, unless there is a real medical emergency (and I don't mean baby is getting "too big", I mean like car accident or severe growth restriction). If someone goes and get themself induced simply because they "don't want to be pregnant any more", they're putting their own wants ahead of their child's needs. What a crappy way to start the role of being a mother. As a childbirth educator, this crap pisses me off so friggin much!!! Baby is still in there for a reason! (Thank god we don't lay eggs, because if you try to open one up instead of letting the chick hatch NATURALLY and in its own time, the chick dies.)

Exactly! When I was pregnant with my oldest one, they did have to induce me at 38 weeks because I had pre-eclampsia, and one day I got the worst headache, so when I finally decided to call my doctor, she told me to get to the er immediately. My blood pressure was through the roof, and me and baby were both in danger at that point. I can say inducing is actually a lot more painful than going into labor naturally, and my son was born with a few problems because he was early. His liver wasn't developed all the way, and he had jaundice. Even at 38 weeks, there's a chance something could be wrong, so it is best to keep them in there until 40 weeks.

With my SIL, it was a matter of her being uncomfortable. At first, she ate up the attention she got from being pregnant, but then after the excitement died down, she began to moan and complain about wanting "that thing out of her." And when I shared with her that I was having trouble conceiving, she said, "I wish I did!" :growlmad:

But as I said, she did end up getting her way a week early. Now, she's complaining about how hard it is....I really want to choke her.
I think that would drive me batty. At least w/my induction-crazy clients I don't have to deal with the post-birth complaining. And that bit about wishing for conception troubles! Oooo... Knowing me, I would have said something pretty snarky at that point. Bravo to you for putting up with her with grace!
With my SIL, it was a matter of her being uncomfortable. At first, she ate up the attention she got from being pregnant, but then after the excitement died down, she began to moan and complain about wanting "that thing out of her." And when I shared with her that I was having trouble conceiving, she said, "I wish I did!" :growlmad:
But as I said, she did end up getting her way a week early. Now, she's complaining about how hard it is....I really want to choke her.

Then she should get her damn tubes tied then and shut up. Geez!
i am getting pretty fed up with the lady posting every 10 min onto her profile on fb that she just wishes baby to come ect.. honey your only 39 weeks its not even your due date (she has been complaining since she was 35 weeks pregnant!)

My step sister in law did this for 3 months! It's all she talked about, and she finally whined around until she got her way at 39 weeks.:growlmad:

I seriously don't get why some people just can't figure it out: A baby should not be born until it is ready to be born- ie. when labor starts naturally, unless there is a real medical emergency (and I don't mean baby is getting "too big", I mean like car accident or severe growth restriction). If someone goes and get themself induced simply because they "don't want to be pregnant any more", they're putting their own wants ahead of their child's needs. What a crappy way to start the role of being a mother. As a childbirth educator, this crap pisses me off so friggin much!!! Baby is still in there for a reason! (Thank god we don't lay eggs, because if you try to open one up instead of letting the chick hatch NATURALLY and in its own time, the chick dies.)

Exactly! When I was pregnant with my oldest one, they did have to induce me at 38 weeks because I had pre-eclampsia, and one day I got the worst headache, so when I finally decided to call my doctor, she told me to get to the er immediately. My blood pressure was through the roof, and me and baby were both in danger at that point. I can say inducing is actually a lot more painful than going into labor naturally, and my son was born with a few problems because he was early. His liver wasn't developed all the way, and he had jaundice. Even at 38 weeks, there's a chance something could be wrong, so it is best to keep them in there until 40 weeks.

With my SIL, it was a matter of her being uncomfortable. At first, she ate up the attention she got from being pregnant, but then after the excitement died down, she began to moan and complain about wanting "that thing out of her." And when I shared with her that I was having trouble conceiving, she said, "I wish I did!" :growlmad:

But as I said, she did end up getting her way a week early. Now, she's complaining about how hard it is....I really want to choke her.

It drives me insane, too, ladies! The nurse that I followed when doing clinicals told a lady this, and I've always remembered it:

"Pregnancy is like cooking a meal in a crock-pot, not a microwave oven!"

Made me smile. :)
I hope you don't mind me joining you in your ranting ladies!

I also post on another TTC website and someone's post over there has really got me cross today. I don't know why someone would claim that they had experienced/were experiencing chemical pregnancies, when they appear to be saying these things just to seek attention. On the one hand I feel awful doubting her if it's true, but you know when things just don't add up? It makes me angry on behalf of the ladies who do genuinely have experience of chemical pregnancies/miscarriages.

Hmm. Very strange behaviour! The mind boggles!
I rant is nothing major. I'm just wishing O would get here already. Last week I thought it was coming so we DTD...but then CM disappeared and temps confirmed it didn't arrive. Now this week CM is showing up again and I've DTD with hubby last night and the night before. I just hope that O shows up today or tomorrow. Taking Soy for 1 cycle really messed me up it takes a good 30+ days for me to O. UGH!!
I rant is nothing major. I'm just wishing O would get here already. Last week I thought it was coming so we DTD...but then CM disappeared and temps confirmed it didn't arrive. Now this week CM is showing up again and I've DTD with hubby last night and the night before. I just hope that O shows up today or tomorrow. Taking Soy for 1 cycle really messed me up it takes a good 30+ days for me to O. UGH!!

Hello there fellow Utahn :wave:. This happened to me last month, I ended up actually ovulating during the second round of CM. All I can say is I am happy that there are the ovulation tests:happydance: because I hate guessing when I ovulate, and I am not good with temp charting.:blush:
I hope you don't mind me joining you in your ranting ladies!

I also post on another TTC website and someone's post over there has really got me cross today. I don't know why someone would claim that they had experienced/were experiencing chemical pregnancies, when they appear to be saying these things just to seek attention. On the one hand I feel awful doubting her if it's true, but you know when things just don't add up? It makes me angry on behalf of the ladies who do genuinely have experience of chemical pregnancies/miscarriages.

Hmm. Very strange behaviour! The mind boggles!

Hmmm.. you're not talking about me are you? I've had nothing but trouble with this last cycle. I think I o'd early, then I had weird spotting, and I had several positive tests, but then a negative doctor's test, and I was sent home to freak out until I miss another AF. (Due tomorrow.) The other night I took a digi to ease my mind, and accidentally set it down in a puddle of water on my sink, and when I went to check it, there was water just dripping off of it, and it said, "not pregnant." And so I took a regular test strip, which had a faint line, but when I posted it, everyone kept saying I probably had a chemical and that's what the spotting was...:growlmad: (Since they're all doctors...)

So for the time being, until I find out what in the world is going on, I have been bouncing back and forth from ttc to pregnancy forums, searching for someone that may have had this before and what on earth it is.

I certainly don't mean to offend any of you, and I'm not trying to rub my positives in your faces. I'm confused, and not sure they're accurate, or if I really have had a chemical, or what!!:wacko:
So DH and I have been TTC for the last few months and had no success. I've changed my lifestyle - aka stopped drinking and been avoiding parties where everyone is drinking. My BIL and SIL are coming to town for the weekend with their DS who they conceived "on the first try, Of Course!" (bleh!) and I'm freaking out because I don't want them to pick up on my lack of drinking and realize that we are trying. I don't know how long our TTC is going to last and I just don't want them in on it. I also don't want to seem jealous of their baby. Any tips or tricks? All advice is welcome. BTW- I never really liked my BIL or SIL. They have a weird vibe about them and can occasionally be jerks.
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