VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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Dear pregnancy,

Please stop taking so long now. 9 months is a bit excessive I think when guinea pigs can do it in about 6 weeks.

I want my baby now please. :)

I didn't even know I was pregnant at 6 weeks. That would be one hell of a surprise. :haha:
Lol I think they would know, they have triplets on average lol
One more for now b/c I forgot the other one I wanted to post lol

To my MiL-
You're such a sweet woman, but would you PLEASE get a damn grip and clean your frickin house??
I know hoarding is a mental disorder, but DAMN, at least be a clean hoarder!!! Don't let your dogs shit and piss in the house! CLEAN up their shit and piss when it happens at least! Don't just ignore it! You're not an animal hoarder thank goodness, but you still have to take care of the few that you do actually have! Take responsibility for the pets you decided to own!
Did you know that you absolutely WREAK b/c of your pets?? I know you probably can't smell it any longer since you've been living in a shithole for so long, but you STINK. I wish I could tell you but I know you'd get offended and I don't want that to happen.
I know you've TRIED cleaning up some, but then you just go out and buy more shit for your animals to piss all over. And no... I will NOT come over to help you clean. Pre-pregnancy, I could not even get near your house without gagging. And now that my gag reflex is more sensitive? There's no way in hell.
PLEASE get your living conditions better! I want your future grandchildren to be able to spend the night with you sometimes, but it is NEVER going to happen so long as you live the way you do.
One more for now b/c I forgot the other one I wanted to post lol

To my MiL-
You're such a sweet woman, but would you PLEASE get a damn grip and clean your frickin house??
I know hoarding is a mental disorder, but DAMN, at least be a clean hoarder!!! Don't let your dogs shit and piss in the house! CLEAN up their shit and piss when it happens at least! Don't just ignore it! You're not an animal hoarder thank goodness, but you still have to take care of the few that you do actually have! Take responsibility for the pets you decided to own!
Did you know that you absolutely WREAK b/c of your pets?? I know you probably can't smell it any longer since you've been living in a shithole for so long, but you STINK. I wish I could tell you but I know you'd get offended and I don't want that to happen.
I know you've TRIED cleaning up some, but then you just go out and buy more shit for your animals to piss all over. And no... I will NOT come over to help you clean. Pre-pregnancy, I could not even get near your house without gagging. And now that my gag reflex is more sensitive? There's no way in hell.
PLEASE get your living conditions better! I want your future grandchildren to be able to spend the night with you sometimes, but it is NEVER going to happen so long as you live the way you do.

i am so sorry you have a MIL like that...i can't watch the show anymore because all i want to do is go to where ever these people are and clean their house for them
One more for now b/c I forgot the other one I wanted to post lol

To my MiL-
You're such a sweet woman, but would you PLEASE get a damn grip and clean your frickin house??
I know hoarding is a mental disorder, but DAMN, at least be a clean hoarder!!! Don't let your dogs shit and piss in the house! CLEAN up their shit and piss when it happens at least! Don't just ignore it! You're not an animal hoarder thank goodness, but you still have to take care of the few that you do actually have! Take responsibility for the pets you decided to own!
Did you know that you absolutely WREAK b/c of your pets?? I know you probably can't smell it any longer since you've been living in a shithole for so long, but you STINK. I wish I could tell you but I know you'd get offended and I don't want that to happen.
I know you've TRIED cleaning up some, but then you just go out and buy more shit for your animals to piss all over. And no... I will NOT come over to help you clean. Pre-pregnancy, I could not even get near your house without gagging. And now that my gag reflex is more sensitive? There's no way in hell.
PLEASE get your living conditions better! I want your future grandchildren to be able to spend the night with you sometimes, but it is NEVER going to happen so long as you live the way you do.

i am so sorry you have a MIL like that...i can't watch the show anymore because all i want to do is go to where ever these people are and clean their house for them

Yeah it sucks. I remember when I first went in to her old house. I was shocked by how much crap there was. You could barely walk around the living room to get to the other parts of the home.
I'm by no means a neat freak AT ALL, but what she's done to her current home is just... ridiculous. It was her parents home. It was SUPER nice (even though her own mother was a hoarder, but she was a 'clean' hoarder), we all used to go over there all the time, and since her mother passed and her father moved in with his current girlfriend.... it has gone to complete hell.
She gets upset with her dad when he comes over and comments on how bad things are.
She's not blind to it all. DH has mentioned it to her before and she acknowledges her problem, but I still get a sense that she's in denial about how bad it has gotten.

Thankfully my DH hasn't inherited her bad habits, but her daughters certainly have.
TO my Partner's father-
Please get your act together, when I say I need to be somewhere at a certain time I mean it. It doesn't mean get out the laptop and make my partner talk to his sister, just so she can be a rude cow to him.

To my Partner's sister-
You are not being funny, you are just a rude cow. You're 20 years old and should know how and when to use tact.
And also in regards to your facebook status, the only reason why you're complaing about those girls is because you're jealous that they can wear short shorts and you can't because it will show off your thunder thighs. Stop eating so much junk and maybe you'd weigh less then me.

To my Partner's Mother-
Stop treating your daughter like she is a hard done by child. She is an adult and so is my partner. If you don't like what they are doing, keep your mouth shut. But if you can't do that, then teach your daughter some freaking manners.
To the rudemother at school drop off, stop comparing my bump to the girl who is due in may,yes mine is big as is hers but i have two and am not due til aug!!! I dpnt appreciate bein stared at like that.
To all the people who say, "You don't look od enough to have two children." Then give me a weird stare like I owe you an explanation with my age and how long I've been married. I'm graduated from college, I've been married for almost 6 years, I have a 2 year old and a baby on the way. I am young, 24, but I again have been off and married for almost 6 years. And no, I did not get married so young because of a pregnancy, we wanted to and waited almost 4 years to have our first...

This is nice. :)
Dear Sister,

Just back the feck off. This is MY baby, not yours. I do not appreciate you going out and 'outdoing' my partner and I on baby clothes. Do you have any idea how shit that makes me feel knowing how much you've spent on clothes, etc?!

Also do not make me feel guilty for having this baby just because you wanted to be the first.
Ah theyll not last long if mine is there. But ill have a ticket for her please.
Stop taking my emotional tantrums so seriously and learn to man up and cuddle with me dammit! Also tell me im pretty and sound like you mean it every now and again. You dont understand how close you are to living on the streets cause I cant stand your BS anymore.

To people I tell I have a one year old
SHUT UP! i realize its going it be difficult. Got that thank you. kiss my ass!

To my mom
Yes im pregnant again please piss off and stop telling me how I shouldve used birth control. Also do not take my daughter from me if she is crying and act like im not consoling her good enough for you.

TO my daughters:
Lilly Mae And Anna Rose you both are the air I breath and the reason I go on each day. I could never imagine my life without the two of you. I know Anna you are born yet but I love you with all my heart. And lilly mae you are my savior and are the most amazing daughter I could have ever asked for
oh god to so many people in my life

i know breastfeeding is going to be hard and the more you tell me i wont manage it the harder im going to try to make it look like the easiest thing in the world just to make a point

i know reusable nappies need washing thats the point so stop telling me it will be too much work and i wont be able to keep on top of the washing

home or hospital birth is my choice and it is an educated one, if you havent spent at least a week reasearching homebith and hospital birth to the point where you can write me a 2000 word essay on the subject then stop trying to influence me

i know babies are expensive but when i say im going to use £200 of the £500 i was given by my grandma when i was born to buy a new pc for my birthday(mine runs windows 2000 and cant handle anything other than ie6) stop acting like im a bad mother the other £300 is going into our baby fund and i wanted to get something nice for myself for my 21st as i know all my money after the baby is born will be spent on him. i wouldnt be buying this pc if i thought it would make it hard to afford things for the baby
Oooh, good thread! This one will go far!

To the people who will roll their eyes and 'sympathize' with me when I say I'm having my third boy- Would you like a smack in the face? MY only preference for my baby is that he is healthy, happy and ALIVE! If you sympathize with me for having 3 boys then its you that has the problem, not I.

To Bump Grabbers- Touch my belly and rest assured, I will have your arm off and roasting over an open fire for my supper before you can say 'oooh, your belly is huge' because if you don't know me, you have no right to touch me, I am not a fat buddha there for the prodding!

To my cat- Quit trying to trip me over in the kitchen, I'm with child don't ya know? :haha:
Oooh, good thread! This one will go far!

To the people who will roll their eyes and 'sympathize' with me when I say I'm having my third boy- Would you like a smack in the face? MY only preference for my baby is that he is healthy, happy and ALIVE! If you sympathize with me for having 3 boys then its you that has the problem, not I.

To Bump Grabbers- Touch my belly and rest assured, I will have your arm off and roasting over an open fire for my supper before you can say 'oooh, your belly is huge' because if you don't know me, you have no right to touch me, I am not a fat buddha there for the prodding!

To my cat- Quit trying to trip me over in the kitchen, I'm with child don't ya know? :haha:

i only have 2 boys but my husband acts like a 3rd
To my FIL,

I like that you are showing some kind of interest and it's not your fault but I'm really over the whole wives tale gender predictions. I'd just rather wait until the gender scan :)
...And to my Mum,

PLEASE don't randomly call me and ask for photos of our wedding cake that you made. Where are YOUR photos of the wedding? Mine have been packed away and I'm not tearing my house apart looking for them on your demand...on the spot, while I'm on the phone to you! Are you crazy!!!??? I'm tired, hungry and just generally feel bleh and don't need you calling to rush me around :sigh:
To my very best friend that i would never say to her face!

I know your pregnant too, i know you are having a bad pregnancy! BUT WE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE! So if something happens in my pregnancy i DO NOT need you to tell me how much worse off yours is! Let me deal with whatever is wrong and stop being a B**** all the damn time just because your freaking miserable! And stop complaining about your 3 year old! SHE IS 3 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! She isnt going to be a perfect angel just because you are pregnant and thats how you want her to be! She is still a baby herself, if you can't handle her or your husband then why the hell did you purposely get pregnant again? I know you are extremely irritable right now but that is no reason to be a total a-hole to everyone else! Your suppose to be my best friend, dont be a bitch to me cause im just as irritable and your lucky i havent went off on you! Also, dont butt into my marriage, i think i know my husband WAY better than you! So stop trying to tell me im doing something wrong!!!

To my MIL,
I know you are a health nut, im not! I dont have to eat nothing but fruits and veggies, my baby will be just fine if i have a candy bar once a week! Also, if you want to know how me or the baby are why not ask me? Why say that you never know about the pregnancy when you dont even ask? IT IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY TO TELL YOU EVERYTHING IF YOU DONT ASK!!!! Also, stop asking what imma do if we have a boy, imma raise my boy and love him! I know i want a girl, but if i have a boy im not going to love him any less! So stop acting like your so concerned about it! And stop trying to tell me what to do when the baby gets here! You only have one child, he is 28, he was a baby a LONG time ago, you dont know everything, nor did i ask for your advice! If i want it, i will ask for it!!!!!

Wow, thanks, i do feel much better!
oh god to so many people in my life

i know breastfeeding is going to be hard and the more you tell me i wont manage it the harder im going to try to make it look like the easiest thing in the world just to make a point

i know reusable nappies need washing thats the point so stop telling me it will be too much work and i wont be able to keep on top of the washing

home or hospital birth is my choice and it is an educated one, if you havent spent at least a week reasearching homebith and hospital birth to the point where you can write me a 2000 word essay on the subject then stop trying to influence me

i know babies are expensive but when i say im going to use £200 of the £500 i was given by my grandma when i was born to buy a new pc for my birthday(mine runs windows 2000 and cant handle anything other than ie6) stop acting like im a bad mother the other £300 is going into our baby fund and i wanted to get something nice for myself for my 21st as i know all my money after the baby is born will be spent on him. i wouldnt be buying this pc if i thought it would make it hard to afford things for the baby

You should politely tell the people who are saying "breastfeeding is hard work" to stop saying that. My councellor says that most women who have trouble breastfeeding go into breastfeeding thinking it'll be hard and they won't do a good job. So what people around you need to be saying is "breastfeeding will be good for you" as that is what you want.
To my FIL: I am not your freaking housekeeper! I stay home to take care of my sons and my husband, not to clean up after your fat a**. I am pregnant and I have a faster than usual metabolism, so I need to eat almost twice as much as most people even when not pregnant and you eat more than I do! You told my oldest you want to be there when he has children of his own, yet if you don't quit stuffing everything you can in your mouth, you won't be there for his elementary school graduation! I am so sick of having to wash your dirty dishes. I do appreciate you letting us move in here when my DH got out of the military and could only find a crap job that doesn't pay enough for us to get our own place yet, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me like total crap. Also, I have been having major backaches and just generally feeling crappy, so quit whining if I don't sweep the floor before I go to bed. I am pregnant and I feel like crap!

To the random woman at the park the other day: I don't give a crap about how overpopulated you think this world is, I will have as many children as I want! Yes, I know there are a ton of children who need homes that are available for adoption, but that is not an easy process and it is expensive. Why don't you go talk to one of the ghetto welfare queens about how "overpopulated" the world is and tell them to quit popping baby after baby out just to get a bigger government check? No, I do not belong to some weird "cult" who don't believe in BC, I just believe I will have as many children as the gods want me to have. Yes, I said "gods!" Oh no look out, I'm some crazy heathen now!

To my MIL and sister: Thank you for being there for me to vent to and just talk about my pregnancy with. Neither of you know how important that is for me, since anytime I bring it up or even mention anything like my jeans not fitting, I get a sarcastic response around here and my DH is hardly ever around for me to talk to since he works all night and sleeps all day. However, (sister) please quit rubbing in how much you and your husband make compared to my husband. Yes, I know you are making around $6,000 a month together and have almost no bills since you are living in an RV and are able to save up to buy your own house, but please quit rubbing it in. I am not willing to uproot my sons yet again and move up there only to have to live in a travel trailer, RV, or my car because there's not so much as a motel room to be had in that whole town because of the oil boom.

To my DH: I love you and I know you end up on the receiving end of my hormone-fueled temper outbursts way too often, especially when you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.

To my darling boys: You might be little boys and acting like brats is part of the package, but overall you are all good boys and I love you. Liam and Devlin, thank you for helping me out as much as you are able. I especially loved how you two were so good about helping me unload the dishwasher today and put away the silverware and the pots and pans. You two have no clue how much back pain you saved Mommy since I didn't have to bend over to get the dishes from the lower rack.
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