VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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to my MIL i wish you bothered more with our children but fact is you see them maybe twice a yr (on their birthday's if they are lucky not to have an excuse)
then a few weeks before im due you start to text 'nanny cant wait till her new grandchild is here'... then expect to be the first to come visit :wacko:
its starting to have an effect on DS1 he told me he doesnt like you the other day.... SORT IT OUT!

that is all :)
To SPD- F*ck off. you're ruining my pregnancy.

^^ This! Lol


To SIL: Don't pretend to be my friend when I phone (rarely) and then completely F*ckin blank me face to face. How rude are you?! She's 3.5 weeks behind us in this pregnancy so you'd think it *might* be nice to chat once in a while?

To DH: Yes I am pregnant AND looking after a toddler all day. Yes it would be nice if you would just help me with things rather than bit*h about what I HAVEN'T done!! :growlmad:

To friend: So what if you were bigger than me at my stage? So what if you *think* you were sicker than me? Is this a competition? I think not. If you honestly think vomming once a day is worse than Hyperemesis and being hospitalised for fluids then fine. Think that. I don't give a flying.......

To HG: Please don't come ack in third tri as I've heard is often the case. I'm really enjoying not vomming and being able to eat now. Plus, I hate needles!
To SPD- F*ck off. you're ruining my pregnancy.

^^ This! Lol


To SIL: Don't pretend to be my friend when I phone (rarely) and then completely F*ckin blank me face to face. How rude are you?! She's 3.5 weeks behind us in this pregnancy so you'd think it *might* be nice to chat once in a while?

To DH: Yes I am pregnant AND looking after a toddler all day. Yes it would be nice if you would just help me with things rather than bit*h about what I HAVEN'T done!! :growlmad:

To friend: So what if you were bigger than me at my stage? So what if you *think* you were sicker than me? Is this a competition? I think not. If you honestly think vomming once a day is worse than Hyperemesis and being hospitalised for fluids then fine. Think that. I don't give a flying.......

To HG: Please don't come ack in third tri as I've heard is often the case. I'm really enjoying not vomming and being able to eat now. Plus, I hate needles!

Hey :)

Just wondering.....

What does SPD & HG mean? :thumbup:
To SPD- F*ck off. you're ruining my pregnancy.

^^ This! Lol


To SIL: Don't pretend to be my friend when I phone (rarely) and then completely F*ckin blank me face to face. How rude are you?! She's 3.5 weeks behind us in this pregnancy so you'd think it *might* be nice to chat once in a while?

To DH: Yes I am pregnant AND looking after a toddler all day. Yes it would be nice if you would just help me with things rather than bit*h about what I HAVEN'T done!! :growlmad:

To friend: So what if you were bigger than me at my stage? So what if you *think* you were sicker than me? Is this a competition? I think not. If you honestly think vomming once a day is worse than Hyperemesis and being hospitalised for fluids then fine. Think that. I don't give a flying.......

To HG: Please don't come ack in third tri as I've heard is often the case. I'm really enjoying not vomming and being able to eat now. Plus, I hate needles!

Hey :)

Just wondering.....

What does SPD & HG mean? :thumbup:


HG = Hyperemesis Gravidarum
SPD = Symphis Pubis Disorder
Let's see.... Where do I start???

To my mom: stop making me do things for you whenever I am at your house. I am not your servant and I'm pregnant. I know Im not sporting a big bump yet but it's still harder for me to do everything.

To my mother in law: why do you keep telling me you have all these plans to buy my baby things... Ugly things... If you buy them, my baby will only wear it when they see you, if that. And please quit smoking... I'm not gonna let you hold this baby at all if you smell like an ash tray. It drives me crazy!!! Oh and don't think I didn't notice that the first thing you said to my husband when he told you we were pregnant with your first grandchild is "are you okay with it?". If he wasn't okay with it he wouldn't be telling you we were pregnant and who do you think got me pregnant... It wasn't divine intervention!!

To my sister: I know your pregnant to but the fact is, this is my first baby and you never call and check in on me or ask how I am. I supported you through your first (unplanned) and was hoping you could do the same.

Friends: why do I seem to be the one that always calls and texts... Why don't you ever check in on me. If you were pregnant I would be checking in and offering to throw you a baby shower... I understand you have lives to but a quick text takes two seconds and means alot.

Crazy sil: you have some serious problems including that you are still living off your moms income. You moved to Oregon for school and haven't been there in a year! Your mom pays for your whole life down there an you continue to bitch at her and ask for more. I understand you have some medical problems but this is ridiculous. Quit drinking, take your meds, get a job and respect your mom. Oh and dont ever think you will be around my child unsupervised of at all.

Ah that feels alot better thank you
Oh and one more:

Dear friend: I'm so happy for you that you found a great guy, you deserve him. But with that said, you are not engaged and said to me just yesterday that you don't want to have kids for years and yet today you said you had decided that you two were going to settle in the town you just moved to because "the schools are better". No offense but I doubt you have even checked in to the schools. And you don't have kids, your not pregnant and don't want them for a few years..... And your not even engaged yet!!!! I'm not saying you have to be to get pregnant but that's what you have told me you want. I understand that you are seeing me and a few of your friends take bog life steps, but don't skip the things you have always wanted just to be like your friends. Just cuz you found the right guy doesn't mean you need to rush.
To my mum: Please just tell me you don't want to help, instead of offering to help clean then doing a poor effort of it because your clothes will get messy. Cleaning the house is messy work. If you don't want to help, that's cool.
to my MIL: quit telling me to name my child(if it's a girl) Amelia, it is a nice name but i already know what i want the name to be if it's a girl/boy so quit trying to get me to do everything you want me to.
To my mom-plz act like I've been married for almost 3yrs now & that it's ok that we're having ur 1st grandchild!!!! Who cares if u think timing is right or not!! If everyone waited 4 that perfect life moment 2 have a child then there would be far less ppl in the world crazy lady!

To my mil-1st of all the sex of my baby is unknown so would u plz stop calling my baby a girl!!!!!!! You will not be the 1 & only person involved with my baby shower, stop making all of these crazy a** plans! Guess what if the 1% chance u gave me of having a boy does happen my son will NOT be a 4th!!!!! Stop calling me every damn day discussing my birth plans, parenting, etc.... It does nothing but piss me off!!!!!

To my sil-I'm glad ur pregnant but this is ur 3rd child! Lets act like this is my 1st because it is!!! I don't want to compare everything with you! I know you've experienced all that life has to offer when it comes 2 pregnancy & parenting but let me have my own damn experiences PLZ!!!
Sorry to intrude ladies but this thread is amazing and im sorry for all your irritations ... maybe its time for everyone to invest in dartboards :haha:

i had to say one little thing (tmi)

Dear Bowels

Please let me poo!!!!!!! :blush:

Dear bed-Please quit being so comfortable. I just do not want to get out of you in the mornings.

Dear sciatic-Quit hurting so bad! If I accidentally roll over onto my back during the night, I don't want to be in excruciating pain on one side or the other.

Dear stomach muscles-Stop cramping up on me! I know you are not use to being stretched out this much this quick, but it's not my fault. I am just gaining weight quicker than I did with the boys. Once again, not my fault. I really do not appreciate having to walk across the backyard doubled over in pain.
Dear bed-Please quit being so comfortable. I just do not want to get out of you in the mornings.

Dear sciatic-Quit hurting so bad! If I accidentally roll over onto my back during the night, I don't want to be in excruciating pain on one side or the other.

Dear stomach muscles-Stop cramping up on me! I know you are not use to being stretched out this much this quick, but it's not my fault. I am just gaining weight quicker than I did with the boys. Once again, not my fault. I really do not appreciate having to walk across the backyard doubled over in pain.

if you can try sleeping on the couch to help with getting rest, i know i will be starting around 5 months if not sooner i'm only 13 weeks and already having problems sleeping in the bed.
To a so called friend: PLEASE stop being so adamant that my baby is a girl and referring to my child as "she" and "her". we do not know the gender yet so knock it off!!! Also pls stop comparing my pregnancy to urs. we are NOTHING alike in no way shape or form. I paid almost 10 grand to get pregnant while you were unplanned by an ex bf.

to my SIL: please stop saying ur brother married me only because I can cook. IM pretty sure after 5 years of being together he sees something else in me besides my skill in the kitchen. I dont care if its a joke or not its not funny.
To my mom-
Please stop telling us we need to get rid of our dogs!! No, their fur isn't going to kill the baby if they eat some of it. NO the dogs aren't going to spread some imaginary disease to the baby.
Stop making up crap just b/c YOU don't like dogs!!

Also, please stop acting like my house is filthy. No I'm not a neat freak like you are, but I'm not a complete slob either!! Yes, there is fur and stains on the carpet. That's what happens when you have pets and that's what vacuums are for. I know you don't believe me but *gasp* I do know how to clean so no, I don't need you to come clean my house for me.
Thanks for the offer, but I know as soon as you start, you'll start bitching about how dirty you think it is.

To my inlaws-
STOP telling me that I should homeschool my future kids. Yes, there are a lot of teachers in the family, but that doesn't mean I want my child to be homeschooled.
Nothing against it or people that choose to do it, but I just can not see it for my own children in the future.
Hell.... our first child isn't even born yet!! Stop breathing down my damn neck about it!

To my DH's grandfather-
STOP asking my DH to buy your damn useless piece of land!! We do not have the money and there's no reason why we should buy it other than to put money in to your pocket!!
We never plan on moving out to it, AND we are having a BABY... ya know.. those crying, sleeping, screaming things that suck up all of your money?? Yeah... one of those. We don't want to buy your land! And even if we did have the money for it, NO we still don't want it!
I'm sorry that you feel like I waisted your expensive T bone by not eating it. But unlike you I don't like seeing blood on my plate when I'm trying to eat and secondly ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR GRANDCHILD! While there is a likelihood of you cooking it "medium" did kill off all the nasty bugs, I don't particularly want to chance it.

It was foul, the blood had gone all over the plate and was under all the vegetables and mash potato. I almost spewed.
I'm sorry that you feel like I waisted your expensive T bone by not eating it. But unlike you I don't like seeing blood on my plate when I'm trying to eat and secondly ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR GRANDCHILD! While there is a likelihood of you cooking it "medium" did kill off all the nasty bugs, I don't particularly want to chance it.

It was foul, the blood had gone all over the plate and was under all the vegetables and mash potato. I almost spewed.

does he not know it HAS to be WELL DONE.
to lots of people!!!!!!!!!!

stop telling me how huge i am! im carrying two babies what the "f" do you expect???

and stop going on about how hard my life is going to be.

and more to the mil-thankyou so much for all yr support and involvement in our lives and yr interest in my son and ur unborn granddaughters, you are one in a million and i dont know how id do it without you. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all the people at work: STOP asking for the gender of my child! When I know, maybe I will tell you! Otherwise be quiet! Also, stop being so nosy in my life! Mind your own business.

My hips and back: stop hurting please. I like to be without pain once in awhile.
To my fiancé: I know things are hard for you at the moment and not finding a job is getting
You down. But GET A BLOODY GRIP!!!! Stop wallowing in self pity and pull yourself together for the sake of our unborn child!!! Laying in bed sulking is helping no one! Grrrr!
I'm sorry that you feel like I waisted your expensive T bone by not eating it. But unlike you I don't like seeing blood on my plate when I'm trying to eat and secondly ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR GRANDCHILD! While there is a likelihood of you cooking it "medium" did kill off all the nasty bugs, I don't particularly want to chance it.

It was foul, the blood had gone all over the plate and was under all the vegetables and mash potato. I almost spewed.

does he not know it HAS to be WELL DONE.

Thank you, I got into a fight with my partner as I was certain I needed my meat to be cooked to well done, but my partner says it just has to be thoroughly cooked and thus the heat would kill everything and that a bit of blood wouldn't hurt me or our baby. I understand that meat needs to sit before being cut into to allow the meat to absorb the juices again but I hadn't cut into the meat and it was leaking juices which says to me HEALTH HAZARD. Plus I have eaten steak before (many many times), when my step dad cooks it it leaks brown juices which says to me it's cooked. Brown steak = cooked | red meat = raw.

:hugs: thank you so much for agreeing with me Gamblesrh
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