Very inexperienced with tarot, but happy to do free readings if anyone wants one!

Just for fun, can I ask if I am having a boy or a girl? lol

Dear Jeninpa,

I did a one card gender reading for you, and I got the six of wands. To be honest, its hard to interpret this card in the context of gender, but I would lean towards boy. There is a picture of a man on the card, and its card that is all about public recognition and achievement, and I don't know, to me it says "boy", but its blurry!
Poco i just wanted to say that we tried to sue the doctor's because they totally ignored me and there were a lot of issues that i complained about when i was pregnant with my daughter that if they just did a test maybe would have saved her and we also were trying to go after the hospital because they just forgot to do the autopsy on her even thou we signed for it....making our case against the doctors impossible to take to court. So i feel this whole situation was unfair and unjust. This is probably the reason for the justice card. Sorry i kinda rambled just figured you would like to know how accurate you are but thanks again.

Hi Myangelavery, I really got goosebumps when I read this, thank you for sharing. I really hope you fall pregnant soon, and that you find your faith renewed. :flower:
Hi hun,i would love a reading,was just wondering if the cards show any future babies,thank you

Hello Mamadonna,

I saw in you signature you had a loss recently, I'm so sorry :cry:

I've drawn three cards for you:

First, I drew the Chariot, this card is associated with the astrological sign cancer, and I think in indicates that family and home are very important to you. This card tells us that victory and success are possible by using your confidence and determination. It indicates there will be bumps in the road, you will face opposition, but you can drive through it with willpower.

Second I drew the King of Wands, this King is pure firey energy. People gravitate to him, he gets things done, and if he faces a situation that does not match what he wants he transforms it. Read in tandem with the last card, I think this represents you, and I get the feeling you are a strong person who can make things happen. In the context of ttc, I think this could mean that you can get pregnant and have another child, but you will have to try and rely on all your inner resources to bring it into being.

Third, I drew the Ace of Coins/Pentacles. I read something about this card that describes it this way: Demand and Enjoy life's pleasures. Its a card that indicates success and fruition, manifestation and prosperity. A great card! I hope it means success for you on the ttc front.

Hope you like your reading, sorry it took me so long to get it done!
I would love a reading if you are still doing them?

my question is.... Will I be pregnant any time in the near future? :)

Hope this is ok and that you are well :)


Hello TTCwitPCOS - I love your profile picture :)

Thanks for your well wishes, I'm doing alright, I hope you are too!!

I've done your reading just now, and I ended up drawing four cards. I only meant to draw three but that last one snuck in, so I kept it :)

I designated the last card I picked up as your significator, the card which tells about your situation in a general way. I got the Death card, which might sound negative, but its not really! Its a card that indicates transformation and regeneration. I think you are maybe going through a "growing" phase personally. You are experiencing change, letting go of some things and starting of new things. Its good!

Then to start your reading, I got the Wheel of Fortune card. It represents cycles, and might be saying that you are at a turning point in your life. It also indicates good luck, good karma coming your way. Its a great card in a pregnancy reading, which can be read as success.

Second I drew the Five of Wands, the picture on the front of this card is five guys swinging their swords around at each other. It represents chaos and competition, a real battle. I think in the context of ttc, it represents your personal struggle and conflicts with infertility.

Thirdly, I drew The Moon. To me, this card represents your inner fears and anxieties around ttc. The Moon often tells us about our "shadow" side, the things we feel below the surface that we don't necessarily deal with out in the open. Maybe you should spend some time thinking alone about your feelings with ttc and really let all your fear/sadness come to the light and really feel it.

Overall, I think this is a positive reading and it means you will get pregnant, hopefully soon! Having many of the major arcana cards means that things are happening! FX for you!!

I just made my own deck of tarot cards yesterday. If anyone wants a reading, I'll do it. Just ask a question :flower:

can i have any info on this baby please:hugs: thankyou so much

Dear Flutterbaby,

Sorry its taken so long for me to get your reading done, I hope you like it!

To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable drawing cards to describe the characteristics of an unborn baby. It just makes me a little nervous! Even so, I did one card, and thankfully it was a great one!

I got the Queen of Wands for you. She is firey! She is independant and powerful. Some words that describe this Queen are: warm, determined and vibrant. I do feel that you will have a girl. Congrats on your pregnancy, I hope you weren't disappointed at all with my reading :hugs:
W ould love one ...will I get pregnant soon? Been ttc for 8 months...thank you so very much..

Dear Mommyof7kids,

You have a very impressive username, do you really have 7 kids? What a lucky (and busy) lady you must be :flower:

I did a four card reading for you, here it is:

First, I drew the fool reversed. This card can mean discretion and patience are needed. It can indicate hastiness, or recklessness. Do you have some reservations about ttc? Could there be other things in your life that are maybe that you should consider?

Second I drew the High Priestess, which in this context I think represents you. She represents wisdom, serenity and knowledge. She is a pillar, the picture of her is her sitting on a throne with half light and half darkness behind her. I think you are the anchor of your family.

Third I drew the 5 of coins, it can represent a certain amount of insecurity/perhaps financial concerns. Maybe if you read this card, in conjunction with the first card, maybe its meaning to say that now isn't the best time for getting pregnant. I think it means maybe that temporarily, the conditions aren't best, but that doesn't mean they won't improve!

I drew a fourth card finally, and it is the Eight of Wands reversed. This card indicates frustration and delays. I think that this card just shows your journey with trying to conceive this baby. Hang in there though, I hope it will all come together for you soon!!

:hugs: and :dust:
Hi Poco, I have got few questions in my mind -

1. Will I stick to the current career I have?
2. Will OH and I have a good future ahead?
3. Will I ever be able to conceive? If yes, can you tell how many children will I have?
4. Will my parents or OH's parents be around us when we have our children?

I know you have a lot of requests and for that, I completely understand if you get back late. Thanks much!

Dear Shudknow,

Oh wow, thats a lot of questions!! But, I'm happy to oblige. In the interest of time (and to have some pity on my fingers :)), I am going to pick one card for each question. After that, if you want to know more about whatever card I have drawn, or more about the situation, go ahead and PM me and I will get back to you that way :flower:

I'm just going to do it in order:

1: For the first question about your career, I drew the Tower reversed. This card can represent fear of change, or avoidance. Is your current career really the right one for you? Or would you rather be doing something else, or maybe are you better suited to another line of work? If so, I think this card would be encouraging you to take a leap!

2. Regarding your future with your OH, I drew the Knight of Swords reversed. This card indicates impatience, impulsivity and huge bursts of energy! How long have you and your OH been together? I feel like maybe you two are in a very passionate, energetic time together. I think maybe this card is telling you just to keep in mind that relationships are built slowly, and instead of burning out, you should harness your enthusiasm and use it to grow together, with patience.

3. For the question of children, I drew the Three of Swords reversed. This card indicates releasing old pain, forgiveness and moving forward. It is an optimistic card. Maybe you have recently gone through a difficult time? I think for pregnancy this is a positive card, because its about beginnings. I think it indicates emotional growth.

4. For the last question regarding grandparents involvement, I drew the 3 of Pentacles reversed. This card indicates a lack of teamwork/cooperation. I think it could mean that your parents will be around, but maybe not as helpful as you would like them to be. I see some tension. But, when you see this card, its a chance to break free and be more independent.

I hope you like your reading! Let me know if you have questions!
Just for fun, can I ask if I am having a boy or a girl? lol

Dear Jeninpa,

I did a one card gender reading for you, and I got the six of wands. To be honest, its hard to interpret this card in the context of gender, but I would lean towards boy. There is a picture of a man on the card, and its card that is all about public recognition and achievement, and I don't know, to me it says "boy", but its blurry!

Hmm, maybe it is not about gender then & about my husband,lol. He has recently started a new job & his boss is so happy already about how well he is doing (recognition) that he will be making more than originally promised & being named foreman of his crew (achievement). Thanks though for trying :)

I just made my own deck of tarot cards yesterday. If anyone wants a reading, I'll do it. Just ask a question :flower:

can i have any info on this baby please:hugs: thankyou so much

Dear Flutterbaby,

Sorry its taken so long for me to get your reading done, I hope you like it!

To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable drawing cards to describe the characteristics of an unborn baby. It just makes me a little nervous! Even so, I did one card, and thankfully it was a great one!

I got the Queen of Wands for you. She is firey! She is independant and powerful. Some words that describe this Queen are: warm, determined and vibrant. I do feel that you will have a girl. Congrats on your pregnancy, I hope you weren't disappointed at all with my reading :hugs:

thanks so much for taking the time to do this for me im happy with your reading and altho it could take years to know a personality i will update with gender as soon as i know anything:hugs:
I would love a reading!! :D

.. Will we wait until I go back to work in 2013 to get pregnant with the second baby (and will it be a girl?) .. Or will I get pregnant before 2012 ends? (Or let's say before April 2013) :haha:

Dear BlondeShorty,

As I said to the others, sorry for the delay in my response! Hope you will like the reading :flower:

For the question of when you will get pregnant I drew three cards. I hope they make sense.

First was the card of Temperance, which means good management, balance, mature decisions. I think this card represents the option of waiting to have a baby until the time is right. I get the impression that this is the plan!

Second I drew the Knight of Cups, he represents exciting changes, new offers and opportunities.

Third I drew the Tower card, which can often indicated an unplanned pregnancy. I think this means there is a good chance you will get pregnant before the "scheduled" time :)

For the gender, I drew twice, first a 4 of cups reversed, and second a 2 of coins reversed, so I think it means you aren't going get the gender you were hoping for. But, bear in mind that you have to take these things with a grain of salt! Especially gender predictions, its hard to get a clear reading for that with tarot.

Best of luck to you!!

:hugs::hugs: Thank you so so much for the reading!!! I'm almost scared to ask if I'll ever have a girl (if you wanted to try a one card draw I wouldn't complain but don't want to be greedy ...:blush:) but the rest of this is so scarily accurate that I'm now curious!

Yes we are planning on waiting until the time is right for our second baby.. (after I've been at work long enough to get my full mat leave) and actuaIlly DH and I just talked today about the subject of going back to school. .. I wanted to go but he wants to as well. Since his education would benefit both of us more, I backed off of my idea even though he said if I was set on it he'd give up on his plans. ..He also looked into the idea way before me so I know my sudden interest probably seemed weird to him. :haha: We were also discussing how to make daycare work for 2 children, etc. today too. The other day we were talking over budgets and restructuring as we know when we have more children we'll have to watch our finances closer than we now do. .. So we're tightening up our budget now to prepare for that.

The exciting new changes and opportunities.. I don't want to say too much as I'm scared I'll jinx it but I think I sort of know what this relates to and hope it plays out. *fingers crossed*

And an "oops" so to speak ahead of time is totally fine with me too. :haha:

Funny thing is that I'm not surprised with what you got for the gender part either. I've always wanted a boy and a girl but have a gut feeling I'll have 2 boys.. that's why I'm slightly curious now if I'll ever have a girl.. I am planning on 3 children or 4 if I ever become a SAHM (ideally twins next but they don't run in my family so that's just wishful and insane thinking on my part! :rofl:) after all and I figure the third one may (or may not) end up being a girl. Happy and healthy is really the most important thing to me anyway. .. Just like the idea of having one of each gender.

Just wanted to share how accurate that was!

Thanks for your reply, I'm glad to get somethings right!! I hope you wil get a happy surprise :)

I have done a one card gender reading for you:

I got the hanged man... I think this is an answer that is not an answer! I think it has not yet been decided what you will have, so there is always hope!! :) I hope you will get a little girl xx

Thank you soo much!! :hugs: This makes sense to me believe it or not.. I sort of have an idea of why you're getting your answers. .. I think it's partially due to me feeling that I won't ever have a girl and will have 2 boys (like my gut has told me for years) and then not have a 3rd child, while I also think that if I have 3 children that the third will be a girl for sure.. (I still think my next baby could be a girl and then I might be disappointed that my gut feeling of two boys first is wrong :rofl:)

I think as a result (and because DH isn't sold on the idea of 3 babies but has told me that we can maybe explore that option depending on finances later on.. thank god he doesn't know I could easily have 4 if he agreed to it!! :haha:)
I feel like I've just resigned myself to the fact that I won't have a girl.. at least subconsciously which is why I think about it quite a bit. I mean I really just want healthy children but would still.. love a girl. If it's not meant to be.. oh well :shrug:
So I'm thinking this may be the cards trying to tell me to stop obessing over it as if I do, this may mean I basically self fulfill my prophecy of not ever having one but if I stop worrying about it and just relax and take it easy, I may be pleasantly surprised! Not sure. But thank you, this has helped me stop fixating on it which is something I'm bad for when I get a thought in my head. :haha:

Once again, thank you. I find your readings seem to strike a chord with me each time you do them. You are really very good at this. :D
I would love a reading!! :D

.. Will we wait until I go back to work in 2013 to get pregnant with the second baby (and will it be a girl?) .. Or will I get pregnant before 2012 ends? (Or let's say before April 2013) :haha:

Dear BlondeShorty,

As I said to the others, sorry for the delay in my response! Hope you will like the reading :flower:

For the question of when you will get pregnant I drew three cards. I hope they make sense.

First was the card of Temperance, which means good management, balance, mature decisions. I think this card represents the option of waiting to have a baby until the time is right. I get the impression that this is the plan!

Second I drew the Knight of Cups, he represents exciting changes, new offers and opportunities.

Third I drew the Tower card, which can often indicated an unplanned pregnancy. I think this means there is a good chance you will get pregnant before the "scheduled" time :)

For the gender, I drew twice, first a 4 of cups reversed, and second a 2 of coins reversed, so I think it means you aren't going get the gender you were hoping for. But, bear in mind that you have to take these things with a grain of salt! Especially gender predictions, its hard to get a clear reading for that with tarot.

Best of luck to you!!

:hugs::hugs: Thank you so so much for the reading!!! I'm almost scared to ask if I'll ever have a girl (if you wanted to try a one card draw I wouldn't complain but don't want to be greedy ...:blush:) but the rest of this is so scarily accurate that I'm now curious!

Yes we are planning on waiting until the time is right for our second baby.. (after I've been at work long enough to get my full mat leave) and actuaIlly DH and I just talked today about the subject of going back to school. .. I wanted to go but he wants to as well. Since his education would benefit both of us more, I backed off of my idea even though he said if I was set on it he'd give up on his plans. ..He also looked into the idea way before me so I know my sudden interest probably seemed weird to him. :haha: We were also discussing how to make daycare work for 2 children, etc. today too. The other day we were talking over budgets and restructuring as we know when we have more children we'll have to watch our finances closer than we now do. .. So we're tightening up our budget now to prepare for that.

The exciting new changes and opportunities.. I don't want to say too much as I'm scared I'll jinx it but I think I sort of know what this relates to and hope it plays out. *fingers crossed*

And an "oops" so to speak ahead of time is totally fine with me too. :haha:

Funny thing is that I'm not surprised with what you got for the gender part either. I've always wanted a boy and a girl but have a gut feeling I'll have 2 boys.. that's why I'm slightly curious now if I'll ever have a girl.. I am planning on 3 children or 4 if I ever become a SAHM (ideally twins next but they don't run in my family so that's just wishful and insane thinking on my part! :rofl:) after all and I figure the third one may (or may not) end up being a girl. Happy and healthy is really the most important thing to me anyway. .. Just like the idea of having one of each gender.

Just wanted to share how accurate that was!

Thanks for your reply, I'm glad to get somethings right!! I hope you wil get a happy surprise :)

I have done a one card gender reading for you:

I got the hanged man... I think this is an answer that is not an answer! I think it has not yet been decided what you will have, so there is always hope!! :) I hope you will get a little girl xx

Thank you soo much!! :hugs: This makes sense to me believe it or not.. I sort of have an idea of why you're getting your answers. .. I think it's partially due to me feeling that I won't ever have a girl and will have 2 boys (like my gut has told me for years) and then not have a 3rd child, while I also think that if I have 3 children that the third will be a girl for sure.. (I still think my next baby could be a girl and then I might be disappointed that my gut feeling of two boys first is wrong :rofl:)

I think as a result (and because DH isn't sold on the idea of 3 babies but has told me that we can maybe explore that option depending on finances later on.. thank god he doesn't know I could easily have 4 if he agreed to it!! :haha:)
I feel like I've just resigned myself to the fact that I won't have a girl.. at least subconsciously which is why I think about it quite a bit. I mean I really just want healthy children but would still.. love a girl. If it's not meant to be.. oh well :shrug:
So I'm thinking this may be the cards trying to tell me to stop obessing over it as if I do, this may mean I basically self fulfill my prophecy of not ever having one but if I stop worrying about it and just relax and take it easy, I may be pleasantly surprised! Not sure. But thank you, this has helped me stop fixating on it which is something I'm bad for when I get a thought in my head. :haha:

Once again, thank you. I find your readings seem to strike a chord with me each time you do them. You are really very good at this. :D

Thanks, that is so very nice to hear! I think, considering you had the tower card in the last reading, if there is to be a third child/girl it will come as a total surprise. The hanged man kind of says we should spend time thinking and reflecting, and basically just waiting patiently, so maybe that is all you can do. I hope everything turns out how you want, and I'm sure you've already got your hands full with two boys also!! :flower:

I feel like I should also share with you the plight of my Aunt. She has six boys! She had five naturally and then they wanted to adopt, ideally a girl, then she ended up adopting a little boy that she just fell in love with. She always wanted a girl too, but in the end, it just didn't happen and soon she will have daughter-in-laws and most likely grand daughters and she seems pretty thrilled about that. So, I don't know if you find that story comforting at all, but I just wanted to share! xx
If you have the time :) I am 19 weeks pregnant, anything at all you can tell me re this pregnancy would be appreciated (or do you need specific questions)? Xx
Hi poco i would love a reading, never had one before.
My question is will i have a daughter in my life or all boys when will my next pregnancy be? Thank you
Just wanted to say thanks for my reading hun,lets hope things get better in the future!
I would love a reading!! :D

.. Will we wait until I go back to work in 2013 to get pregnant with the second baby (and will it be a girl?) .. Or will I get pregnant before 2012 ends? (Or let's say before April 2013) :haha:

Dear BlondeShorty,

As I said to the others, sorry for the delay in my response! Hope you will like the reading :flower:

For the question of when you will get pregnant I drew three cards. I hope they make sense.

First was the card of Temperance, which means good management, balance, mature decisions. I think this card represents the option of waiting to have a baby until the time is right. I get the impression that this is the plan!

Second I drew the Knight of Cups, he represents exciting changes, new offers and opportunities.

Third I drew the Tower card, which can often indicated an unplanned pregnancy. I think this means there is a good chance you will get pregnant before the "scheduled" time :)

For the gender, I drew twice, first a 4 of cups reversed, and second a 2 of coins reversed, so I think it means you aren't going get the gender you were hoping for. But, bear in mind that you have to take these things with a grain of salt! Especially gender predictions, its hard to get a clear reading for that with tarot.

Best of luck to you!!

:hugs::hugs: Thank you so so much for the reading!!! I'm almost scared to ask if I'll ever have a girl (if you wanted to try a one card draw I wouldn't complain but don't want to be greedy ...:blush:) but the rest of this is so scarily accurate that I'm now curious!

Yes we are planning on waiting until the time is right for our second baby.. (after I've been at work long enough to get my full mat leave) and actuaIlly DH and I just talked today about the subject of going back to school. .. I wanted to go but he wants to as well. Since his education would benefit both of us more, I backed off of my idea even though he said if I was set on it he'd give up on his plans. ..He also looked into the idea way before me so I know my sudden interest probably seemed weird to him. :haha: We were also discussing how to make daycare work for 2 children, etc. today too. The other day we were talking over budgets and restructuring as we know when we have more children we'll have to watch our finances closer than we now do. .. So we're tightening up our budget now to prepare for that.

The exciting new changes and opportunities.. I don't want to say too much as I'm scared I'll jinx it but I think I sort of know what this relates to and hope it plays out. *fingers crossed*

And an "oops" so to speak ahead of time is totally fine with me too. :haha:

Funny thing is that I'm not surprised with what you got for the gender part either. I've always wanted a boy and a girl but have a gut feeling I'll have 2 boys.. that's why I'm slightly curious now if I'll ever have a girl.. I am planning on 3 children or 4 if I ever become a SAHM (ideally twins next but they don't run in my family so that's just wishful and insane thinking on my part! :rofl:) after all and I figure the third one may (or may not) end up being a girl. Happy and healthy is really the most important thing to me anyway. .. Just like the idea of having one of each gender.

Just wanted to share how accurate that was!

Thanks for your reply, I'm glad to get somethings right!! I hope you wil get a happy surprise :)

I have done a one card gender reading for you:

I got the hanged man... I think this is an answer that is not an answer! I think it has not yet been decided what you will have, so there is always hope!! :) I hope you will get a little girl xx

Thank you soo much!! :hugs: This makes sense to me believe it or not.. I sort of have an idea of why you're getting your answers. .. I think it's partially due to me feeling that I won't ever have a girl and will have 2 boys (like my gut has told me for years) and then not have a 3rd child, while I also think that if I have 3 children that the third will be a girl for sure.. (I still think my next baby could be a girl and then I might be disappointed that my gut feeling of two boys first is wrong :rofl:)

I think as a result (and because DH isn't sold on the idea of 3 babies but has told me that we can maybe explore that option depending on finances later on.. thank god he doesn't know I could easily have 4 if he agreed to it!! :haha:)
I feel like I've just resigned myself to the fact that I won't have a girl.. at least subconsciously which is why I think about it quite a bit. I mean I really just want healthy children but would still.. love a girl. If it's not meant to be.. oh well :shrug:
So I'm thinking this may be the cards trying to tell me to stop obessing over it as if I do, this may mean I basically self fulfill my prophecy of not ever having one but if I stop worrying about it and just relax and take it easy, I may be pleasantly surprised! Not sure. But thank you, this has helped me stop fixating on it which is something I'm bad for when I get a thought in my head. :haha:

Once again, thank you. I find your readings seem to strike a chord with me each time you do them. You are really very good at this. :D

Thanks, that is so very nice to hear! I think, considering you had the tower card in the last reading, if there is to be a third child/girl it will come as a total surprise. The hanged man kind of says we should spend time thinking and reflecting, and basically just waiting patiently, so maybe that is all you can do. I hope everything turns out how you want, and I'm sure you've already got your hands full with two boys also!! :flower:

I feel like I should also share with you the plight of my Aunt. She has six boys! She had five naturally and then they wanted to adopt, ideally a girl, then she ended up adopting a little boy that she just fell in love with. She always wanted a girl too, but in the end, it just didn't happen and soon she will have daughter-in-laws and most likely grand daughters and she seems pretty thrilled about that. So, I don't know if you find that story comforting at all, but I just wanted to share! xx

Thank you very much :D. .. I don't have my 2nd child yet just to clarify but am convinced that it will be a boy and he will happen before the time we plan on waiting to try for, or at least I hope so. It may only be 11 months away now but it still seems like forever to me :rofl:

The story of your Aunt is really sweet! I know if I only have boys that I could have female granddaughters to look forward to and that's a neat thought. I know I've also thought to myself that if I don't have a girl, and if we only have 2 children, then that my DS might become closer to a brother than he would a sister.. etc. etc. And actually found myself while pregnant last time wondering if I'd even want to have a girl vs. a boy.. so I'm even up in the air over what I want sometimes :haha:

I really am happy with whatever happens despite dreaming of one of each..
It's the unknown that bothers me. I don't like not knowing what will happen. I would love to know how many children I'm going to have ahead of time, etc. etc. but that's just the mystery of life and I have to learn to relax and accept things as they happen.

.. I'm actually also wondering if some of the cards drawn in relation to gender are because I want to try 'swaying' for gender and if I have a surprise baby I can't do that, and may feel like I lost out on an opportunity to try that. :haha: don't know.. just speculating there. We'll see what the future brings :D (for all I know I could end up pregnant with more than one baby though highly unlikely.. it would be cool :haha:)

As for your first reading with the Knight of Cups card.. I think that one has come into play already. :happydance: I don't want to talk about it too much as I think there are still a few more changes coming up but I'm pretty excited!! If one of the things I'm hoping happens then great. If not, well a lot of other positive cool things did occur so oh well.

The rest of it like I said makes a lot of sense too.
.. Sorry about the huge ramble there but I wanted to say thank you and once again let you know how accurate your readings have been and how much this has helped me relax. .. And how parts of your reading are now starting to come true :flower:
Hi PocoHR,

I would love a reading too if you are still doing them please?

I would just like to know if you see anything for mine and or OH's career after this baby is born?

Many thanks.

Thank you.

Dear Glitterfly,

Sorry for the delay in your reading, but here it goes!

First, I drew a significator for you, and I got the Star card. It represents hopes and dreams. I get the impression you and your husband have ambition, and enough inspiration to keep you going!

Then I drew three cards regarding your/your husbands careers:

First I drew the Knight of Swords, this card indicates good communication, action, drive and ambition. I feel either you/your husband or maybe both of you are quite ambitious and unstoppable when you set your mind on a goal! I think this card just paints a picture of your inner drives/desires.

Second I drew the King of Coins/Pentacles reversed, which could indicate an over-serious nature, too much control being exerted over a person/situation. It might mean, in the context of future careers, that you will both need to be careful to maintain your light-heartedness, and to remember that we can't control everything.

Thirdly I drew the 7 of Coins/Pentacles, the picture on the front of this card shows a man taking a rest from harvesting an abundant crop. It represents the idea that patience and preseverance bring rewards. Read with the other cards, I feel that if you approach your career situation with patience and also a balanced sense of joy, you will reap great rewards!

Congrats on your pregnancy, hope you like the reading and that it makes sense.

Hi poco,

Thank you, that makes a lot of sense.sadly we were both made redundant last week and I have been considering a complete career change. Your 2nd card is interesting too as we have had a discussion in the last week over OH feeling that I am trying to control everything so we've decided to take some time off looking immediately, and enjoying our first xmas as a family, especially as OH is safe until December. So yes, I would say you've hit the nail on the
Head, thank you! Also thank you for the congratulations on ou pregnancy, she's our little miracle an is loved to bits already. Hope that you are well. :)

Thank you again . :)
Hello I just wanted to know if you see a pregnancy in my future and if so will it be multiples?

Thank you
Would love to know if you see me having children in the future. Thanks x
Hi PocoHR i would like a free read with no lucking if you have time. Iconcieve for over 3 years. I would like to know when I will conceive.
Hi hun I would love a reading if your still doing them n you have time.

I would like to know if this baby is going to be born healthy n also if you can sense the sex please?

Thankyou :flower: xx

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