**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

Thanks for all the support ladies. We think we will be putting down our poor kitty any day now. We're hoping for a fresh start and fresh hope in May.

I do have some small good news to share. A couple of months ago I applied for an online Masters degree. It is a great international program in Medical law and ethics. We are living away right now while my husband finishes his medical training and I am working part time. When we go back home I would really like to get into health law policy and research so it is a great fit for me. I found out a couple of days ago that I got in! We'll still keep TTC as planned. It is completely online and only 1 year so I think it will be manageable.

Congrats on being so close to being done for the summer tverb84! Anyone else have some good news to share? I'll take pretty much anything right now.
Spoke to gp today who said to wait until biopsy results are back. I've got to call next Friday to see if they are back. Treating myself to manicure today to make myself feel better!
Hey ladies, I usually pop in and read, but I don't post often!

Karoo - I'm so sorry about your loss and your poor kitty. Seems like bad things happen all at once. Same can go for good things, though! So getting accepted into that program is a start!

Sarah - I have a friend with that disease. It's definitely a life changer, but thankfully nowadays there are a lot of gluten free options out there.

Keely - That's great about your DS potty training! It definitely is best to let them have more control over the situation. They always say that it'll take longer if you try to force it when they're not ready. I don't force anything on my 2.5 year old. Sometimes we go diaper free and it just ends up with him making a mess, but I turn it into a learning experience. He sees what happens then I tell him where it actually goes. He'll sit on the toilet, but doesn't do anything. At least he isn't afraid of it I guess!

Tara - I hope you enjoy your summer off! I need to really consider going back here soon. Ugh! At least getting some online courses done and out of the way. I really do want to get my BSN here soon.

So I talked a little about how we were house hunting here. I don't know how much. Well we did find one and we're going to be closing on the 5th! It has most of what I wanted. It's a corner lot so not much of a "backyard" but it does have yard and I'll just have to fence it in with something more appealing. Probably put a white picket fence around the larger side of the yard and either turn it into privacy in the back or just wrap around with the picket. Not sure yet. It'll be a pretty penny to put in, but I want to feel relaxed when my children are outside playing.

T, my baby man, is doing awesome. Rolling both ways, sitting up from a reclined position, and very vocal! He's in 6-9 month clothes already. O is doing well also. He's starting to talk a lot more. He's somewhere between a 2 year old and a 2.5 year old. He's 2 yrs and 7.5 months. I want to get him evaluated to make sure it's just a delay and nothing else but since we're moving it's being put off since it's different people that do it over there.
We lost our beautiful little cat today. The vet came to our house to do it. I'm still not sure it was the right decision, but she was starting to suffer. She was so scared when they arrived. I had to hold her and calm her down. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. And to do it fresh from a miscarriage. I don't even know how to feel. My emotions are all over the place.

I also had a follow up today from my D&C. The OB pressed on my belly three times, asked about bleeding and said goodbye call me if you get pregnant again. I'm not even sure why he had me come in for that.
karoolia - I'm so sorry about your cat. I wouldn't know what to feel in your situation either. Congratulations on getting in for your Master's course though, that's great that it's all online and only for a year. I really hope that May brings you a ray of hope. :hugs:

Before reading the following I want to assure you ladies that I will try my best to keep up with the thread and update it as necessary. I truly am happy for all of you and look forward to following your journeys! :D

Well ladies I think DH and I have decided that we're pretty much done having babies. I'm not sure how to feel about it to be entirely honest. I just feel like right now I want another for the wrong reasons and that our family really does feel complete with 2, it doesn't feel like anyone is missing. I don't get jealous when I see ultrasound pictures or pregnancy announcements. I don't feel broody the way I did after DS, just pangs of broodiness that go as quickly as the come. We're not making any permanent decisions like vasectomy for several more years because we have lots of time to change our minds and we're open to the possibility of having another baby or two 5-10 years down the road and we know that if (knock on wood) something happened to one or both of our children we'd want to have more but for now we're done.

I'm still keeping my date because we could change our minds but for now I'm treating our family as complete.
It's your month ladies! Best of luck TTC/NTNP and lots of baby dust! :dust: :flower: :happydance:

*May 2017*

aublake - Baby #1

sarah34 - Baby #2

Peonyrose - Baby #1

Alleke - Baby #1, swaying :pink:

KailaB24 - Baby #1

aublake - Baby #1, NTNP, TTC in May 2017

wantingbubba7 - Baby #2, NTNP, TTC (IVF) in June 2017

aidensxmomma (Terah) - Baby #5 (Baby #2 with OH)
Thanks so much Kalon

It sounds like you are in a really good place. You sound very at peace with your decision, but open to what the future will bring. I'm glad you're sticking around though you are a wealth of information and inspiration!
I am enjoying my summer so far even though it doesn't really feel like it weather wise.

Karoolia I'm sorry about your cat. :hugs:
Thanks Kalon... im so excited to get into see my fertility specialist.
My husband and i really tried to conceive naturally this month... will know in a few days but not.holding my breath.
Appt booked for the 7th June to see my dr. 5 weeks today woohooo
wantingbubba7 - Good luck hun, lots of baby dust! :dust:
I know you're not holding your breath but I have a friend that did IVF with her first born (baby group from my DD) and she's currently around halfway pregnant with her surprise NTNP baby so you never know. :D

karoolia - I really am at peace with it, it just feels right for us in the moment but never say never haha. We're undecided and for a long time I wasn't okay with that but now I am and I'm happy about it because now I can just enjoy watching my kids grow up without worrying about if our family is complete or not because I no longer care if it's complete or not. Whatever is meant to happen will. <3
Also I'm touched that you value my advice/experiences! I strive to do my best to help new moms have an easier time than I did. :D

Tara - I'm glad that you're enjoying your summer! I can't wait for DH to get off work for the summer, I think his last day is the 12th. :happydance:
Thanks Kalon... its those stories that give me a small amount of hope xx
How are you ladies doing?

I am 19 days out from my D&C and my pregnancy tests have finally gotten very light, still a line though (grumble). I did convince DH to ntnp again this month. I figure if my body isn't ready it won't happen. We still won't be actively trying until June though or whenever my next cycle starts. I still don't trust any tests or signs right now with my body still being confused after the miscarriage so I figure there isn't much point in charting.

I'm feeling a bit better about life. Still very sad about everything we have gone through recently, but coping better. DH thinks I should see a counselor so that I have someone neutral to talk to. I don't really want to as I have had bad experiences in the past trying to talk to someone, but it might be a good idea. I'm thinking I might make an appointment and see what happens.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this already, but we also are planning to get a kitten. We can never replace the kitty we lost, but our house feels so empty right now. The kitten was born April 26th so can't leave it's mother until July 4th, but I am very excited to have a new little kitten to love. I feel like there are always animals out there that need a loving home and if I can provide that I want to.

Good luck wanting! You are so close to TTC #2! I hope it all goes smoothly for you!
How are you ladies doing?

I am 19 days out from my D&C and my pregnancy tests have finally gotten very light, still a line though (grumble). I did convince DH to ntnp again this month. I figure if my body isn't ready it won't happen. We still won't be actively trying until June though or whenever my next cycle starts. I still don't trust any tests or signs right now with my body still being confused after the miscarriage so I figure there isn't much point in charting.

I'm feeling a bit better about life. Still very sad about everything we have gone through recently, but coping better. DH thinks I should see a counselor so that I have someone neutral to talk to. I don't really want to as I have had bad experiences in the past trying to talk to someone, but it might be a good idea. I'm thinking I might make an appointment and see what happens.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this already, but we also are planning to get a kitten. We can never replace the kitty we lost, but our house feels so empty right now. The kitten was born April 26th so can't leave it's mother until July 4th, but I am very excited to have a new little kitten to love. I feel like there are always animals out there that need a loving home and if I can provide that I want to.

Good luck wanting! You are so close to TTC #2! I hope it all goes smoothly for you!

Glad you are feeling a little better, I do not have experiences of miscarriages but I am sure you will have good and bad days and it may be useful for you to speak to someone, you won't be losing anything by getting an appointment and seeing how it goes.

We are still hoping to start ttc soon however I am still waiting for my biopsies to come back to confirm if I have celiac or not. I had a blood test to check b12, folate, iron and thyroid levels and all ok thankfully so I'm hoping once I get results and get ok from docs we can ttc soon.

That's great that you are getting a kitten, we have a 6 year old cat that we have had since he was 10 weeks old. He is my fur baby. Animals are so loving and I find can really cheer you up when you are feeling a little down xx
Hey All,

Kalon sounds like you reached a decision that suits you! Thanks for staying around to keep things updated!

Karoolia- I hope you're doing ok. What a hard few months for you. I'm all for therapy and hopefully you'll find someone who suits you and you have a better experience this time.

Just wanted to update for me. Had my scan yesterday and I am 8weeks5- all looked great and strong heartbeat. My due date got moved one day to the 15th of December :)
Hi ladies . Thought id pop in and let you know i got my natural BFP this month xx so excited!!

Due 22 January 2018
Hi!!! we are WTT for my third pregnancy/second living child. it will be his first biological child! we will remove my iud in september 2017 and wait until a full cycle has passed to begin trying in october. hoping to get pregnant within four months of that to work it around my school schedule. (i'm in nursing school, RN)

i need buddies!!! im so excited i could dieeeeeee
Hi amotherslove! Sounds like you have an exciting fall coming up!

How far along are you in nursing school? I'm going back to school in the fall myself, but it is all online so probably a lot more flexible than your schedule! I know nursing school can be very demanding. Very worth it though. My husband is a doctor and he says the hospitals would fall apart if it weren't for the nurses.

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